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How to use the BlobFuse2 secure get command to display the value of a parameter from an encrypted BlobFuse2 configuration file

Use the blobfuse2 secure get command to display the value of a specified parameter from an encrypted BlobFuse2 configuration file.


blobfuse2 secure get --[flag-name]=[flag-value]

Flags (options)

Flags that apply to blobfuse2 secure get are inherited from the grandparent command, blobfuse2, or apply only to the blobfuse2 secure subcommands.

Flags inherited from the BlobFuse2 command

The following flags are inherited from grandparent command blobfuse2:

Flag Short version Value type Default value Description
disable-version-check boolean false Enables or disables automatic version checking of the BlobFuse2 binaries
help -h n/a Help info for the blobfuse2 command and subcommands

Flags inherited from the BlobFuse2 secure command

The following flags are inherited from parent command blobfuse2 secure:

Flag Value type Default value Description
config-file string ./config.yaml The path configuration file
output-file string Path and name for the output file
passphrase string The Key to be used for encryption or decryption
Can also be specified by environment variable BLOBFUSE2_SECURE_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE.
The key must be 16 (AES-128), 24 (AES-192), or 32 (AES-256) bytes in length.

Flags that apply only to the BlobFuse2 secure get command

The following flags apply only to command blobfuse2 secure get command:

Flag Short
key string Configuration key (parameter) to be searched in an encrypted config file



The following examples assume you have already created a configuration file in the current directory.

Get the value of parameter logging.log_level from an encrypted BlobFuse2 configuration file using a passphrase:

blobfuse2 secure get --config-file=./config.yaml --passphrase=PASSPHRASE --key=logging.log_level

See also