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OpenMP C and C++ Application Program Interface

Discusses the OpenMP C and C++ API, as documented in the version 2.0 specification from the OpenMP Architecture Review Board.

Version 2.0 March 2002

Copyright 1997-2002 OpenMP Architecture Review Board.

Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted, provided the OpenMP Architecture Review Board copyright notice and the title of this document appear. Notice is given that copying is by permission of OpenMP Architecture Review Board.


  1. Introduction

  2. Directives

  3. Run-time library functions

  4. Environment variables


A. Examples

B. Stubs for run-time library functions

C. OpenMP C and C++ grammar

D. The schedule clause

E. Implementation-defined behaviors in OpenMP C/C++

F. New features and clarifications in version 2.0

See also
