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fp_contract pragma

Determines whether floating-point contraction takes place. A floating-point contraction is an instruction such as Fused-Multiply-Add (FMA) that combines two separate floating point operations into a single instruction. Use of these instructions can affect floating-point precision, because instead of rounding after each operation, the processor may round only once after both operations.


#pragma fp_contract ( { on | off } )


When you use the default compiler options, fp_contract is off, which tells the compiler to preserve individual floating-point instructions. Set fp_contract to on to use floating-point contraction instructions where possible. This behavior is new in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0. In previous compiler versions, fp_contract defaulted to on.

When you use the default compiler options, fp_contract is on. This setting tells the compiler to use floating-point contraction instructions where possible. Set fp_contract to off to preserve individual floating-point instructions. In Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 and later, fp_contract defaults to off.

For more information on floating-point behavior, see /fp (Specify floating-point behavior).

Other floating-point pragma directives include:


The /fp:fast compiler option enables contractions by default, but the #pragma fp_contract (off) directive in this example turns them off. The code generated from this sample won't use a fused-multiply-add instruction even when it's available on the target processor. If you comment out #pragma fp_contract (off), the generated code may use a fused-multiply-add instruction if it's available.

// pragma_directive_fp_contract.cpp
// On x86 and x64 compile with: /O2 /fp:fast /arch:AVX2

#include <stdio.h>

// remove the following line to enable FP contractions
#pragma fp_contract (off)

int main() {
   double z, b, t;

   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      b = i * 5.5;
      t = i * 56.025;

      z = t * i + b;
      printf("out = %.15e\n", z);
out = 0.000000000000000e+00
out = 6.152500000000000e+01
out = 2.351000000000000e+02
out = 5.207249999999999e+02
out = 9.184000000000000e+02
out = 1.428125000000000e+03
out = 2.049900000000000e+03
out = 2.783725000000000e+03
out = 3.629600000000000e+03
out = 4.587525000000000e+03

See also

Pragma directives and the __pragma and _Pragma keywords