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high_resolution_clock struct

Represents a high_resolution clock with the smallest possible tick period. Specifically, the period is a nanosecond, or ratio<1, 1000000000>

In Microsoft's implementation, high_resolution_clock is a synonym for steady_clock.


using high_resolution_clock = steady_clock;


Convenience type aliases

Name Description
high_resolution_clock::duration In Microsoft's implementation, it's a synonym for nanoseconds, which is defined as duration<long long, nano>. It represents a duration of time measured in billionths of a second.
high_resolution_clock::period In Microsoft's implementation, it's a synonym for nano, which is defined as std::ratio<1i64, 1000000000i64> . It represents the time in seconds (one billionth of a second) between each tick in the duration.
high_resolution_clock::rep A synonym for long long, which is the type used in the Microsoft implementation to represent the number of clock ticks in a high_resolution_clock::duration.
high_resolution_clock::time_point A synonym for time_point<steady_clock>. Used to represent a time_point for this clock.


Name Description
now Returns the current high_resolution_clock time.


Name Description
is_steady Holds true. A high_resolution_clock is steady. That means you can use this clock to take the time before an event, the time after an event, and reliably subtract them to get the duration of the event because the clock won't be adjusted during that time.

See also

file_clock class
gps_clock class
local_t struct
steady_clock struct
system_clock struct
tai_clock class
utc_clock class
Header Files Reference