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HttpWebClientProtocol.UserAgent Property


Gets or sets the value for the user agent header that is sent with each request.

 property System::String ^ UserAgent { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string UserAgent { get; set; }
public string UserAgent { get; set; }
member this.UserAgent : string with get, set
member this.UserAgent : string with get, set
Public Property UserAgent As String

Property Value

The value of the HTTP protocol user agent header. The default is "MS Web Services Client Protocol number ", where number is the version of the common language runtime (for example, 1.0.3705.0).



// MyMath is a proxy class.
test::MyMath^ objMyMath = gcnew test::MyMath;

// Get the default user agent.
Console::WriteLine( "Default user agent is: {0}", objMyMath->UserAgent );
objMyMath->UserAgent = "My Agent";
Console::WriteLine( "Modified user agent is: {0}", objMyMath->UserAgent );
// MyMath is a proxy class.
MyMath objMyMath = new MyMath();

// Get the default user agent.
Console.WriteLine("Default user agent is: " + objMyMath.UserAgent);
objMyMath.UserAgent = "My Agent";
Console.WriteLine("Modified user agent is: " + objMyMath.UserAgent);
' MyMath is a proxy class.
Dim objMyMath As MyMath = new MyMath()

' Get the default user agent.
Console.WriteLine("Default user agent is: " & objMyMath.UserAgent)
objMyMath.UserAgent = "My Agent"
Console.WriteLine("Modified user agent is: " & objMyMath.UserAgent)


The user agent string allows a Web server to identify the client.

Applies to

See also