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TextBoxBase.Lines Property


Gets or sets the lines of text in a text box control.

 property cli::array <System::String ^> ^ Lines { cli::array <System::String ^> ^ get(); void set(cli::array <System::String ^> ^ value); };
public string[] Lines { get; set; }
member this.Lines : string[] with get, set
Public Property Lines As String()

Property Value


An array of strings that contains the text in a text box control.


The following code example uses TextBox, a derived class, to extract all strings of text from a multiline text box control and displays them using the Debug.WriteLine method. This example requires that a TextBox control has been created, named textBox1, and that it has been filled with lines of text.

   void ViewMyTextBoxContents()
      #if defined(DEBUG)
      // Create a string array and store the contents of the Lines property.
      array<String^>^ tempArray = gcnew array<String^>( textBox1->Lines->Length );
      tempArray = textBox1->Lines;
      // Loop through the array and send the contents of the array to debug window.
      for ( int counter = 0; counter < tempArray->Length; counter++ )
         System::Diagnostics::Debug::WriteLine( tempArray[ counter ] );
public void ViewMyTextBoxContents()
    // Create a string array and store the contents of the Lines property.
    string[] tempArray = textBox1.Lines;
    // Loop through the array and send the contents of the array to debug window.
    for(int counter=0; counter < tempArray.Length;counter++)
Public Sub ViewMyTextBoxContents()
    Dim counter as Integer
    'Create a string array and store the contents of the Lines property.
    Dim tempArray() as String
    tempArray = textBox1.Lines
    'Loop through the array and send the contents of the array to debug window.
    For counter = 0 to tempArray.GetUpperBound(0)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( tempArray(counter) )
 End Sub


Each element in the array becomes a line of text in the text box control. If the Multiline property of the text box control is set to true and a newline character appears in the text, the text following the newline character is added to a new element in the array and displayed on a separate line.


By default, the collection of lines is a read-only copy of the lines in the TextBox. To get a writable collection of lines, use code similar to the following: textBox1.Lines = new string[] { "abcd" };

Applies to

See also