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Migrate from Orleans 3.x to 7.0

Orleans 7.0 introduces several beneficial changes, including improvements to hosting, custom serialization, immutability, and grain abstractions.


Existing applications using reminders, streams, or grain persistence cannot be easily migrated to Orleans 7.0 due to changes in how Orleans identifies grains and streams. We plan to incrementally offer a migration path for these applications.

Applications running previous versions of Orleans cannot be smoothly upgraded via a rolling upgrade to Orleans 7.0. Therefore, a different upgrade strategy must be used, such as deploying a new cluster and decommissioning the previous cluster. Orleans 7.0 changes the wire protocol in an incompatible fashion, meaning that clusters cannot contain a mix of Orleans 7.0 hosts and hosts running previous versions of Orleans.

We have avoided such breaking changes for many years, even across major releases, so why now? There are two major reasons: identities and serialization. Regarding identities, Grain and stream identities are now comprised of strings, allowing grains to encode generic type information properly and allowing streams to map more easily to the application domain. Grain types were previously identified using a complex data structure that could not represent generic grains, leading to corner cases. Streams were identified by a string namespace and a Guid key, which was difficult for developers to map to their application domain, however efficient. Serialization is now version-tolerant, meaning that you can modify your types in certain compatible ways, following a set of rules, and be confident that you can upgrade your application without serialization errors. This was especially problematic when application types persisted in streams or grain storage. The following sections detail the major changes and discuss them in more detail.

Packaging changes

If you're upgrading a project to Orleans 7.0, you'll need to perform the following actions:


All of the Orleans samples have been upgraded to Orleans 7.0 and can be used as a reference for what changes were made. For more information, see Orleans issue #8035 that itemizes the changes made to each sample.

Orleans global using directives

All Orleans projects either directly or indirectly reference the Microsoft.Orleans.Sdk NuGet package. When an Orleans project has configured to enable implicit usings (for example <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings>), the Orleans and Orleans.Hosting namespaces are both implicitly used. This means that your app code doesn't need these directives.

For more information, see ImplicitUsings and dotnet/orleans/src/Orleans.Sdk/build/Microsoft.Orleans.Sdk.targets.


The ClientBuilder type has been replaced with a UseOrleansClient extension method on IHostBuilder. The IHostBuilder type comes from the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting NuGet package. This means that you can add an Orleans client to an existing host without having to create a separate dependency injection container. The client connects to the cluster during startup. Once IHost.StartAsync has completed, the client will be connected automatically. Services added to the IHostBuilder are started in the order of registration, so call UseOrleansClient before calling ConfigureWebHostDefaults will ensure Orleans is started before ASP.NET Core starts for example, allowing you to access the client from your ASP.NET Core application immediately.

If you wish to emulate the previous ClientBuilder behavior, you can create a separate HostBuilder and configure it with an Orleans client. IHostBuilder can have either an Orleans client or an Orleans silo configured. All silos register an instance of IGrainFactory and IClusterClient which the application can use, so configuring a client separately is unnecessary and unsupported.

OnActivateAsync and OnDeactivateAsync signature change

Orleans allows grains to execute code during activation and deactivation. This can be used to perform tasks such as reading state from storage or log lifecycle messages. In Orleans 7.0, the signature of these lifecycle methods changed:

  • OnActivateAsync() now accepts a CancellationToken parameter. When the CancellationToken is canceled, the activation process should be abandoned.
  • OnDeactivateAsync() now accepts a DeactivationReason parameter and a CancellationToken parameter. The DeactivationReason indicates why the activation is being deactivated. Developers are expected to use this information for logging and diagnostics purposes. When the CancellationToken is canceled, the deactivation process should be completed promptly. Note that since any host can fail at any time, it is not recommended to rely on OnDeactivateAsync to perform important actions such as persisting critical state.

Consider the following example of a grain overriding these new methods:

public sealed class PingGrain : Grain, IPingGrain
    private readonly ILogger<PingGrain> _logger;

    public PingGrain(ILogger<PingGrain> logger) =>
        _logger = logger;

    public override Task OnActivateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public override Task OnDeactivateAsync(DeactivationReason reason, CancellationToken token)
        _logger.LogInformation("OnDeactivateAsync({Reason})", reason);
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public ValueTask Ping() => ValueTask.CompletedTask;

POCO Grains and IGrainBase

Grains in Orleans no longer need to inherit from the Grain base class or any other class. This functionality is referred to as POCO grains. To access extension methods such as any of the following:

Your grain must either implement IGrainBase or inherit from Grain. Here is an example of implementing IGrainBase on a grain class:

public sealed class PingGrain : IGrainBase, IPingGrain
    public PingGrain(IGrainContext context) => GrainContext = context;

    public IGrainContext GrainContext { get; }

    public ValueTask Ping() => ValueTask.CompletedTask;

IGrainBase also defines OnActivateAsync and OnDeactivateAsync with default implementations, allowing your grain to participate in its lifecycle if desired:

public sealed class PingGrain : IGrainBase, IPingGrain
    private readonly ILogger<PingGrain> _logger;

    public PingGrain(IGrainContext context, ILogger<PingGrain> logger)
        _logger = logger;
        GrainContext = context;

    public IGrainContext GrainContext { get; }

    public Task OnActivateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task OnDeactivateAsync(DeactivationReason reason, CancellationToken token)
        _logger.LogInformation("OnDeactivateAsync({Reason})", reason);
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public ValueTask Ping() => ValueTask.CompletedTask;


The most burdensome change in Orleans 7.0 is the introduction of the version-tolerant serializer. This change was made because applications tend to evolve and this led to a significant pitfall for developers, since the previous serializer couldn't tolerate adding properties to existing types. On the other hand, the serializer was flexible, allowing developers to represent most .NET types without modification, including features such as generics, polymorphism, and reference tracking. A replacement was long overdue, but users still need the high-fidelity representation of their types. Therefore, a replacement serializer was introduced in Orleans 7.0 which supports the high-fidelity representation of .NET types while also allowing types to evolve. The new serializer is much more efficient than the previous serializer, resulting in up to 170% higher end-to-end throughput.

For more information, see the following articles as it relates to Orleans 7.0:

Grain identities

Grains each have a unique identity which is comprised of the grain's type and its key. Previous versions of Orleans used a compound type for GrainIds to support grain keys of either:

This involves some complexity when it comes to dealing with grain keys. Grain identities consist of two components: a type and a key. The type component previously consisted of a numeric type code, a category, and 3 bytes of generic type information.

Grain identities now take the form type/key where both type and key are strings. The most commonly used grain key interface is the IGrainWithStringKey. This greatly simplifies how grain identity works and improves support for generic grain types.

Grain interfaces are also now represented using a human-readable name, rather than a combination of a hash code and a string representation of any generic type parameters.

The new system is more customizable and these customizations can be driven by attributes.

  • GrainTypeAttribute(String) on a grain class specifies the Type portion of its grain id.
  • DefaultGrainTypeAttribute(String) on a grain interface specifies the Type of the grain which IGrainFactory should resolve by default when getting a grain reference. For example, when calling IGrainFactory.GetGrain<IMyGrain>("my-key"), the grain factory will return a reference to the grain "my-type/my-key" if IMyGrain has the aforementioned attribute specified.
  • GrainInterfaceTypeAttribute(String) allows overriding the interface name. Specifying a name explicitly using this mechanism allows renaming of the interface type without breaking compatibility with existing grain references. Note that your interface should also have the AliasAttribute in this case, since its identity may be serialized. For more information on specifying a type alias, see the section on serialization.

As mentioned above, overriding the default grain class and interface names for your types allows you to rename the underlying types without breaking compatibility with existing deployments.

Stream identities

When Orleans streams were first released, streams could only be identified using a Guid. This was efficient in terms of memory allocation, but it was difficult for users to create meaningful stream identities, often requiring some encoding or indirection to determine the appropriate stream identity for a given purpose.

In Orleans 7.0, streams are now identified using strings. The Orleans.Runtime.StreamId struct contains three properties: a StreamId.Namespace, a StreamId.Key, and a StreamId.FullKey. These property values are encoded UTF-8 strings. For example, StreamId.Create(String, String).

Replacement of SimpleMessageStreams with BroadcastChannel

SimpleMessageStreams (also called SMS) was removed in 7.0. SMS had the same interface as Orleans.Providers.Streams.PersistentStreams, but its behavior was very different, since it relied on direct grain-to-grain calls. To avoid confusion, SMS was removed, and a new replacement called Orleans.BroadcastChannel was introduced.

BroadcastChannel only supports implicit subscriptions and can be a direct replacement in this case. If you need explicit subscriptions or need to use the PersistentStream interface (for example you were using SMS in tests while using EventHub in production), then MemoryStream is the best candidate for you.

BroadcastChannel will have the same behaviors as SMS, while MemoryStream will behave like other stream providers. Consider the following Broadcast Channel usage example:

// Configuration
    options => options.FireAndForgetDelivery = false);

// Publishing
var grainKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
var channelId = ChannelId.Create("some-namespace", grainKey);
var stream = provider.GetChannelWriter<int>(channelId);

await stream.Publish(1);
await stream.Publish(2);
await stream.Publish(3);

// Simple implicit subscriber example
public sealed class SimpleSubscriberGrain : Grain, ISubscriberGrain, IOnBroadcastChannelSubscribed
    // Called when a subscription is added to the grain
    public Task OnSubscribed(IBroadcastChannelSubscription streamSubscription)
          item => OnPublished(streamSubscription.ChannelId, item),
          ex => OnError(streamSubscription.ChannelId, ex));

        return Task.CompletedTask;

        // Called when an item is published to the channel
        static Task OnPublished(ChannelId id, int item)
            // Do something
            return Task.CompletedTask;

        // Called when an error occurs
        static Task OnError(ChannelId id, Exception ex)
            // Do something
            return Task.CompletedTask;

Migration to MemoryStream will be easier, since only the configuration needs to change. Consider the following MemoryStream configuration:

    _ =>
        // Number of pulling agent to start.
        // DO NOT CHANGE this value once deployed, if you do rolling deployment
        _.ConfigurePartitioning(partitionCount: 8);


The telemetry system has been updated in Orleans 7.0 and the previous system has been removed in favor of standardized .NET APIs such as .NET Metrics for metrics and ActivitySource for tracing.

As a part of this, the existing Microsoft.Orleans.TelemetryConsumers.* packages have been removed. We are considering introducing a new set of packages to streamline the process of integrating the metrics emitted by Orleans into your monitoring solution of choice. As always, feedback and contributions are welcome.

The dotnet-counters tool features performance monitoring for ad-hoc health monitoring and first-level performance investigation. For Orleans counters, the dotnet-counters tool can be used to monitor them:

dotnet counters monitor -n MyApp --counters Microsoft.Orleans

Similarly, OpenTelemetry metrics can add the Microsoft.Orleans meters, as shown in the following code:

    .WithMetrics(metrics => metrics

To enable distributed tracing, you configure OpenTelemetry as shown in the following code:

    .WithTracing(tracing =>
            .AddService(serviceName: "ExampleService", serviceVersion: "1.0"));


        tracing.AddZipkinExporter(options =>
            options.Endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans");

In the preceding code, OpenTelemetry is configured to monitor:

  • Microsoft.Orleans.Runtime
  • Microsoft.Orleans.Application

To propagate activity, call AddActivityPropagation:

builder.Host.UseOrleans((_, clientBuilder) =>

Refactor features from core package into separate packages

In Orleans 7.0, we have made an effort to factor extensions into separate packages which don't rely on Orleans.Core. Namely, Orleans.Streaming, Orleans.Reminders, and Orleans.Transactions have been separated from the core. This means that these packages are entirely pay for what you use and no code in the core of Orleans is dedicated to these features. This slims down the core API surface and assembly size, simplifies the core, and improves performance. Regarding performance, Transactions in Orleans previously required some code which was executed for every method to coordinate potential transactions. That has since been moved to per-method.

This is a compilation-breaking change. You may have existing code that interacts with reminders or streams by calling into methods which were previously defined on the Grain base class but are now extension methods. Such calls which do not specify this (for example GetReminders) will need to be updated to include this (for example this.GetReminders()) because extension methods must be qualified. There will be a compilation error if you do not update those calls and the required code change may not be obvious if you do not know what has changed.

Transaction client

Orleans 7.0 introduces a new abstraction for coordinating transactions, Orleans.ITransactionClient. Previously, transactions could only be coordinated by grains. With ITransactionClient, which is available via dependency injection, clients can also coordinate transactions without needing an intermediary grain. The following example withdraws credits from one account and deposits them into another within a single transaction. This code can be called from within a grain or from an external client which has retrieved the ITransactionClient from the dependency injection container.

await transactionClient.RunTransaction(
  () => Task.WhenAll(from.Withdraw(100), to.Deposit(100)));

For transactions coordinated by the client, the client must add the required services during configuration time:


The BankAccount sample demonstrates the usage of ITransactionClient. For more information, see Orleans transactions.

Call chain reentrancy

Grains are single-threaded and process requests one by one from beginning to completion by default. In other words, grains are not reentrant by default. Adding the ReentrantAttribute to a grain class allows for multiple requests be processed concurrently, in an interleaving fashion, while still being single-threaded. This can be useful for grains that hold no internal state or perform a lot of asynchronous operations, such as issuing HTTP calls or writing to a database. Extra care needs to be taken when requests can interleave: it's possible that the state of a grain is observed before an await statement has changed by the time the asynchronous operation completes and the method resumes execution.

For example, the following grain represents a counter. It has been marked Reentrant, allowing multiple calls to interleave. The Increment() method should increment the internal counter and return the observed value. However, since the Increment() method body observes the grain's state before an await point and updates it afterwards, it is possible that multiple interleaving executions of Increment() can result in a _value less than the total number of Increment() calls received. This is an error introduced by improper use of reentrancy.

Removing the ReentrantAttribute is enough to fix the problem.

public sealed class CounterGrain : Grain, ICounterGrain
    int _value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Increments the grain's value and returns the previous value.
    /// </summary>
    public Task<int> Increment()
        // Do not copy this code, it contains an error.
        var currentVal = _value;
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1_000));
        _value = currentVal + 1;
        return currentValue;

To prevent such errors, grains are non-reentrant by default. The downside to this is reduced throughput for grains that perform asynchronous operations in their implementation, since other requests cannot be processed while the grain is waiting for an asynchronous operation to complete. To alleviate this, Orleans offers several options to allow reentrancy in certain cases:

  • For an entire class: placing the ReentrantAttribute on the grain allows any request to the grain to interleave with any other request.
  • For a subset of methods: placing the AlwaysInterleaveAttribute on the grain interface method allows requests to that method to interleave with any other request and for requests to that method to be interleaved by any other request.
  • For a subset of methods: placing the ReadOnlyAttribute on the grain interface method allows requests to that method to interleave with any other ReadOnly request and for requests to that method to be interleaved by any other ReadOnly request. In this sense, it is a more restricted form of AlwaysInterleave.
  • For any request within a call chain: RequestContext.AllowCallChainReentrancy() and <xref:Orleans.Runtime.RequestContext.SuppressCallChainReentrancy?displayProperty=nameWithType allows opting in and out of allowing downstream requests to reenter back into the grain. The calls both return a value that must be disposed of while exiting the request. Therefore, the proper usage is as follows:
public Task<int> OuterCall(IMyGrain other)
    // Allow call-chain reentrancy for this grain, for the duration of the method.
    using var _ = RequestContext.AllowCallChainReentrancy();
    await other.CallMeBack(this.AsReference<IMyGrain>());

public Task CallMeBack(IMyGrain grain)
    // Because OuterCall allowed reentrancy back into that grain, this method 
    // will be able to call grain.InnerCall() without deadlocking.
    await grain.InnerCall();

public Task InnerCall() => Task.CompletedTask;

Call-chain reentrancy must be opted-in per-grain, per-call-chain. For example, consider two grains, grain A & grain B. If grain A enables call chain reentrancy before calling grain B, grain B can call back into grain A in that call. However, grain A cannot call back into grain B if grain B has not also enabled call chain reentrancy. It is per-grain, per-call-chain.

Grains can also suppress call chain reentrancy information from flowing down a call chain using using var _ = RequestContext.SuppressCallChainReentrancy(). This prevents subsequent calls from reentry.

ADO.NET migration scripts

To ensure forward compatibility with Orleans clustering, persistence, and reminders that rely on ADO.NET, you'll need the appropriate SQL migration script:

Select the files for the database used and apply them in order.