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notifyEvent (JavaScript API Reference) for Dynamics 365 Channel Integration Framework 2.0

Displays a notification that can be used to inform the agent about incoming conversations.


Microsoft.CIFramework.notifyEvent(input, correlationId, cancellationToken).then(successCallback, errorCallback);


Name Type Required Description
input JSON object Yes String
correlationId GUID No Used to group all related API calls together for diagnostic telemetry.
cancellationToken String No Is the unique string that's used by the cancelEvent method to cancel notifications about incoming conversations.
successCallback Function No A function to call when the request is successful. On successful callback, the response object will have the information about whether the customer accepted or rejected the conversation.
errorCallback Function No A function to call when the request fails.

Callback function details

The following objects are passed into the successCallback and errorCallback functions.

successCallback function

Sample JSON object:

	"value": {"actionName" : "Accept",
     "responseReason" : "Accept"}


actionName responseReason Description
Accept Accept When user accepts the notification
Accept AutoAccept The notification is accepted by default via a notification template
Reject DeclinedByAgent When user rejects the notification
Reject NotificationQueueLimitExceeded The notification is rejected if the limit exceeds ten notifications in the queue
Reject NotificationQueueTimeLimitExceeded When a notification in the queue exceeds the configured timeout period
Timeout DisplayTimeout When user doesn't respond to the notification within the timeout period

errorCallback function

Sample JSON object:

	"message" : "<error details>",
	"msdyn_name" : "NotifyEvent"


message Description
NotificationTemplateNotFoundError When the specified template name is not found
RejectAfterClientError An unknown exception occurred (occurs when the Platform API call fails or some input parameter is missing)


var canceltoken = "cancellationtoken"+ Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000 + 100000).toString();


var input = {
                templateName: "msdyn_chat_incoming_unauthenticated",
                // unique name of the configured template
                templateParameters: {
// unique random token, to identify the notification during cancelEvent call
                cancellationToken: canceltoken
                function success(result) {
                                // Perform operations
                function (error) {
                                // Handle error conditions