
Deli z drugimi prek

X++ and C# comparison

This article compares X++ and C# syntax and programming.

X++, C# Comparison: Hello World

This section compares the simplest X++ program to its counterpart in C#.

X++ to C# Comparisons

The following sections describe some basic similarities and differences between X++ and C#.


The following X++ features are the same for C#:

  • Single line (//) and multi-line (/* */) comments.
  • == (equal) operator for determining whether two values are equal.
  • != (not equal to) operator for determining whether two values aren't equivalent.
  • + (plus sign) operator for string concatenation.


The following table lists X++ features that are different in C#.

Feature X++ C# Comments
if and else conditional statements The if statement accepts any type of expression that it can automatically convert to a Boolean. Common examples include an int for which 0 means false, or an object for which null means false. The if statement requires a Boolean expression. The syntax structure regarding curly braces and parentheses is exactly the same between X++ and C#.
Literal string A literal string can be delimited using either of the following methods:
  • A pair of double quotation mark (") characters.
  • A pair of single quotation mark (') characters.
A literal string must be delimited by a pair of double quotation mark (") characters. For X++, the double quotation mark characters are usually used to delimit strings. However, it's convenient delimit a string with single quotation mark characters when your string must contain a double quotation mark character.
char type There isn't a char or a character type in X++. You can declare a str of length one, but it's still a string:
str 1 myString = "a";
There's a char in C#. You can't pass a char as the parameter to a method that inputs a string parameter, although you can first explicitly convert the char to a string. For more information about X++ data types, see Primitive Data Types.
Output of messages X++ delivers messages to the user in the Infolog window. Common methods include:
  • The print statement:
  • static methods on the Global class:
    • Global::info
    • Global::warning
    • Global::error
For a command line program, messages can be delivered to the console. Common methods include:
  • Console.Out.WriteLine
  • Console.Error.WriteLine

X++ and C# Samples

This section contains two simple code samples. One sample is written in X++, and the other is in C#. Both samples achieve the same result. The following X++ features are demonstrated:

  • // single line comment
  • /\* \*/ multi-line comment
  • if statement
  • == operator
  • != operator
  • + operator to concatenate strings
  • Global::info for message output, with and without the Global:: prefix
  • Global::error for message output
  • The use of single and double quotation characters (' and ") as string delimiters.


The best practice is to use double quotation marks for any string that might be displayed to the user.

X++ Sample

This X++ code sample is in the form of a job. There's a node titled Jobs in the Application Object Tree (AOT). This sample can be added under the Jobs node, and then the job can be run.

static void JobRs001a_HelloWorld(Args _args)
    if (1 == 1) 
        // These two info() calls are identical to the X++ compiler.
        // The second form is the one typically used in X++.
        Global::info("Hello World, 1.");
        info('Hello World, 2.');
    if (1 != 1)
        error("This message will not appear.");
        // These two methods are also from the Global class.
        // The + operator concatenates two strings.
        warning("This is like info, but is for warnings, 3.");
        error("This is like info, but is for errors, 4.");

Here's the output from the Infolog window: Message (09:49:48) Hello World, 1. Hello World, 2. This is like info, but is for warnings, 3. This is like info, but is for errors, 4.

C# Sample

The following C# program is a rewrite of the previous X++ program.

using System;
class Pgm_CSharp
    static void Main( string[] args )
        new Pgm_CSharp().Rs001a_CSharp_HelloWorld();
    void Rs001a_CSharp_HelloWorld()
        if (1 == 1) 
            Console .Out .WriteLine("Hello World, Explicit .Out , 1.");
            Console .WriteLine("Hello World, Implicit default to .Out , 2.");
        if (1 != 1)
            Console .Error .WriteLine("This message will not appear.");
            Console .Error .WriteLine(".Error is like .Out, but can be for warnings, 3.");
            Console .Error .WriteLine(".Error is like .Out, but is for errors, 4.");

Here's the actual output to the C# console:

Hello World, Explicit .Out, 1. 
Hello World, Implicit default to .Out, 2. 
.Error is like .Out, but can be for warnings, 3. 
.Error is like .Out, but is for errors, 4.

X++, C# Comparison: Loops

This section compares the loop features between X++ and C#.


The following features are the same in X++ and C#:

  • Declarations for variables of the int primitive data type. Declarations for other primitive types are almost the same, but the types might have different names.
  • while statement for loops.
  • break statement to exit a loop.
  • continue statement to jump up to the top of a loop.
  • <= (less than or equal) comparison operator.


The following table lists X++ features that are different in C#.

Features X++ C# Comments
The for statement. The for statement is available for loops. The C# for statement is slightly different from for in X++. In C# you can declare the counter integer in the for statement. But in X++ the counter must be declared outside the for statement.
++ increment operator. An ++ increment operator is available in X++. But an int variable that is decorated with ++ can only be used as a statement, not as an expression. For example, the following lines of X++ code would not compile:
int age=42;
print age++;
However, the following lines of X++ code would compile:
int age=42;
age++; print age;
The C# ++ operator is more flexible than in X++. The following lines of code are the same in both languages:
  • ++ myInteger;
  • myInteger++;
But the following lines of code have a different effect from each other, and are valid only in C#:
  • yourInt = ++myInt;
  • yourInt = myInt++;
modulo operator. In X++ the modulo operator is mod. In C# the modulo operator is %. The symbols for the modulo operator are different, but their behavior is the same in both languages.
Temporarily suspend a console program that has already begun. The pause statement. In C#, a command line program can be paused by the following line of code:
In X++ you continue by clicking an OK button on a modal dialog box. In C# you continue by pressing any keyboard on the keyboard.
Display a message. In X++, the print statement displays a message in the Print window. In C# a message can be displayed on the console by the following line of code:
The X++ print function is used only when you test. An X++ program that uses print almost always uses the pause statement somewhere later in the code. For production X++ code, use the Global::info Method instead of print. The strfmt function is often used together with info. There isn't a reason to use pause after info.
Make a sound. The beep function makes a sound that you can hear. In C# a sound that you can hear is issued by the following line of code:
The statements each produce a short tone.

The X++ code samples for loops use the print function to display results. In X++ you can use the print statement can display any primitive data type without having to call functions that convert it to a string first. This makes print useful in quick test situations. Generally the Global::info method is used more often than print. The info method can only display strings. Therefore the strfmt function is often used together with info. A limitation of print is that you can't copy the contents of the Print window to the clipboard (such as with Ctrl+C). Global::info writes to the Infolog window which does support copy to the clipboard.

Example 1: The while Loop

The while keyword supports looping in both X++ and C#.

X++ Sample of while

static void JobRs002a_LoopsWhile(Args _args)
    int nLoops = 1;
    while (nLoops <= 88)
        print nLoops;
        // The X++ modulo operator is mod.
        if ((nLoops mod 4) == 0)
        ++ nLoops;
    beep(); // Function.
    pause; // X++ keyword.

The output in the X++ Print window is as follows:


C# Sample of while

using System;
public class Pgm_CSharp
    static void Main( string[] args )
        new Pgm_CSharp().WhileLoops();

    void WhileLoops()
        int nLoops = 1;
        while (nLoops <= 88)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("(Press any key to resume.)");
            // Paused until user presses a key.
            if ((nLoops % 4) == 0) {
            ++ nLoops;

The console output from the C# program is as follows:

(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)

Example 2: The for Loop

The for keyword supports looping in both X++ and C#.

X++ Sample of for

In X++ the counter variable can't be declared as part of the for statement.

static void JobRs002a_LoopsWhileFor(Args _args)
    int ii; // The counter.
    for (ii=1; ii < 5; ii++)
        print ii;
        // You must click the OK button to proceed beyond a pause statement.
        // ii is always less than 99.
        if (ii < 99)
        print "This message never appears.";

The output in the X++ Print window is as follows:


C# Sample of for

using System;
public class Pgm_CSharp
    static void Main( string[] args )
        new Pgm_CSharp().ForLoops();
    void ForLoops()
        int nLoops = 1, ii;
        for (ii = 1; ii < 5; ii++)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("(Press any key to resume.)");
            if (ii < 99)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("This message never appears.");
        Console.Out.WriteLine("(Press any key to resume.)");

The console output from the C# program is as follows:

(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)
(Press any key to resume.)

X++, C# Comparison: Switch

In both X++ and C#, the switch statement involves the keywords case, break, and default. The following table lists the differences in the switch statement between X++ and C#.

Feature X++ C# Comments
break; at the end of each case block In X++, when any case block matches the expression value on the switch clause, all other case and default blocks are executed until a break; statement is reached. No break; statement is ever required in an X++ switch statement, but break; statements are important in almost all practical situations. In C#, a break; statement is always needed after the statements in a case or default block. If a case clause has no statements between itself and the next case clause, a break; statement is not required between the two case clauses. We recommend against omitting the break; statement after any case block, because it can confuse the next programmer who edits the code.
break; at the end of the default block In X++ there isn't an effect of adding a break; statement at the end of the default block. In C# the compiler requires a break; statement at the end of the default block. For more information, see Switch Statements.
Only constant values on a case block In X++ you can specify either a literal value or a variable on a case block. For example, you can write case myInteger:. In C# you must specify exactly one literal value on each case block, and no variables are allowed. No comments.
Multiple values on one case block In X++ you can specify multiple values on each case block. The values must be separated by a comma. For example, you can write case 4,5,myInteger:. In C# you must specify exactly one value on each case block. In X++ it's better to write multiple values on one case block than to omit the break; statement at the end of one or more case blocks.

Code Examples for switch

The following sections show comparable switch statements in X++ and C#.

X++ switch Example

The X++ switch example shows the following:

  • case iTemp: and case (93-90): to show that case expressions aren't limited to constants, as they are in C#.
  • //break; to show that break; statements aren't required in X++, although they are almost always desirable.
  • case 2, (93-90), 5: to show that multiple expressions can be listed on one case clause in X++.
static void GXppSwitchJob21(Args _args)  // X++ job in AOT &gt; Jobs.
    int iEnum = 3;
    int iTemp = 6;
    switch (iEnum)
        case 1:
        case iTemp:  // 6
            info(strFmt("iEnum is one of these values: 1,6: %1", iEnum));
        case 2, (93-90), str2Int("5"):  // Equivalent to three 'case' clauses stacked, valid in X++.
            //case 2:
            //case (93-90):  // Value after each 'case' can be a constant, variable, or expression; in X++.
            //case str2Int("5"):
            info(strFmt("iEnum is one of these values: 2,3,5: %1", iEnum));
            //break;  // Not required in X++, but usually wanted.
        case 4:
            info(strFmt("iEnum is one of these values: 4: %1", iEnum));
            info(strFmt("iEnum is an unforeseen value: %1", iEnum));
            // None of these 'break' occurrences in this example are required for X++ compiler.

/*** Copied from the Infolog:
Message (02:32:08 pm)
iEnum is one of these values: 2,3,5: 3
iEnum is one of these values: 4: 3

C# switch Example

The C# switch example shows the following:

  • case 1: has a comment explaining that only constant expressions can be given on a case clause.
  • break; statements occur after the last statement in each case block that has statements, as is required by C#.
using System;
namespace CSharpSwitch2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)  // C#
            int iEnum = 3;
            switch (iEnum)
                case 1:  // Value after each 'case' must be a constant.
                case 6:
                    Console.WriteLine("iEnum is one of these values: 1,6: " + iEnum.ToString());
                //case 2,3,5:  // In C# this syntax is invalid, and multiple 'case' clauses are needed.
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 5:
                    Console.WriteLine("iEnum is one of these values: 2,3,5: " + iEnum.ToString());
                case 4:
                    Console.WriteLine("iEnum is one of these values: 4: " + iEnum.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("iEnum is an unforeseen value: " + iEnum.ToString());
                // All 'break' occurrences in this example are required for C# compiler.
/*** Output copied from the console:
>> CSharpSwitch2.exe
iEnum is one of these values: 2,3,5: 3

X++, C# Comparison: String Case and Delimiters

This section compares the treatment of strings with mixed casing in X++ and C#. It also explains the string delimiters that are available in X++.


The following X++ features are the same as in C#:

  • The backslash (\) is the escape operator for string delimiters.
  • The at sign (@) nullifies the escape effect of the backslash when the at sign is written immediately before the open quotation mark of a string.
  • The plus sign (+) is the string concatenation operator.


X++ features that are different in C# are listed in the following table.

Feature X++ C# Comments
== comparison operator Insensitive: the == operator is insensitive to differences in string casing. In C#, the == operator is sensitive to differences in string casing. In X++ you can use the strCmp Function for case sensitive comparisons between strings.
String delimiters In X++ you can use either the single (') or double (") quotation mark as the string delimiter.

Note: Usually the best practice is to use double quotation marks for strings that might be displayed to the user. However, it's convenient to delimit a string with single quotation marks when a double quotation mark is one of the characters in the string.

In C# you must use the double quotation mark as the string delimiter. This refers to the type System.String. In X++ and C# you have the option of embedding a delimiter in a literal string and escaping it with .
In X++ you also have the alternative of embedding single quotation marks in a string that is delimited by double quotation marks (or the reverse), without having to use the escape.
Character delimiters X++ has a string data type (str), but no character type. In C# you must use the single quotation mark as the character delimiter. This refers to the type System.Char. In the .NET Framework, a System.String of length one is a different data type than a System.Char character.

Example 1: Case Sensitivity of the == Operator

The == and != operators are case insensitive in X++, but are case sensitive in C#, as is illustrated by the following example.

X++ C# Comments
"HELLO" == "hello"
True in X++.
"HELLO" == "hello"
False in C#.
Different case comparisons between X++ and C#.

Example 2: The + String Concatenation Operator

The + and += operators are used to concatenate strings in both X++ and C#, as is shown by the examples in the following table.

X++ C# Comments
myString1 = "Hello" + " world";
Result is equality:
myString1 == "Hello world"
(Same as for X++.) In both X++ and C#, the behavior of the + operator depends on the data type of its operands. The operator concatenates strings, or adds numbers.
mystring2 = "Hello";
myString2 += " world";
Result is equality: myString2 == "Hello world"
(Same as for X++.) In both X++ and C#, the following statements are equivalent:
a = a + b;
a += b;

Example 3: Embedding and Escaping String Delimiters

Either single or double quotation marks can be used to delimit strings in X++. The escape character (\) can be used to embed delimiters in a string. These are illustrated in the following table.

X++ C# Comments
myString1 = "They said \"yes\".";
They said "yes".
(Same as for X++.) The escape character enables you to embed string delimiters inside strings.
myString2 = 'They said "yes".';
They said "yes".
C# syntax doesn't allow for single quotation marks to delimit strings. For strings that may be seen by the user, it's considered a best practice to use the escape character instead of the single quotation marks as shown in the example.
myString3 = "They said 'yes'.";
They said 'yes'.
(Same as for X++.) In X++, the single quotation marks aren't treated as delimiters unless the string starts with a single quotation mark delimiter. In C# the single quotation mark has no special meaning for strings, and it can't be used to delimit strings. In C# the single quotation mark is the required delimiter for literals of type System.Char. X++ has no character data type.
str myString4 = 'C';
Here the single quotation is a string delimiter.
char myChar4 = 'C';
Here the single quotation mark is a System.Char delimiter, not a System.String delimiter.
X++ has no data type that corresponds to System.Char in the .NET Framework. An X++ string that is limited to a length of one is still a string, not a character data type.

Example 4: Single Escape Character

Examples that illustrate the single escape character in either the input or the output are shown in the following table.

X++ C# Comments
myString1 = "Red\ shoe";
Red shoe
A literal string in C# can't contain the two character sequence of escape followed by a space, such as "\ ". A compiler error occurs. When the X++ compiler encounters the two character sequence of "\ ", it discards the single escape character.
myString2 = "Red\\ shoe";
Red\ shoe
(Same as for X++.) In a pair of escape characters, the first negates the special meaning of the second.

Comparison: Array Syntax

There are similarities and differences in the features and syntax for arrays in X++ versus C#.


Overall there's much similarity in the syntax and treatment of arrays in X++ and C#. However there are many differences.


The following table lists areas in the [] syntax for arrays that are different for X++ and C#.

Category X++ C# Comments
Declaration An array is declared with square brackets appended to the variable name. An array is declared with square brackets appended to the data type. int myInts[]; // X++

Note: An X++ array can't be a parameter in a method.

int[] myInts; // C#

Declaration The array syntax supports only primitive data types, such as int and str. The syntax doesn't support classes or tables. The array syntax supports primitive data types and classes. In X++ you can use the Array Array for an array of objects.
Declaration X++ is limited to single dimension arrays (myStrings[8]). C# adds support for multi-dimensional arrays (myStrings[8,3]) and for jagged arrays (myStrings[8][3]). In X++ you can't have an array of arrays. However, there's advanced syntax for limiting the amount of active memory that a large array can consume, which looks like the multi-dimensional syntax in C#: int intArray[1024,16];. For more information, see Best Practice Performance Optimizations: Swapping Arrays to Disk.
Declaration In X++ an array is a special construct but it's not an object. In C# all arrays are objects regardless of syntax variations. X++ does have an Array class, but its underlying mechanism differs from arrays created by using the [] syntax. In C# all arrays use the same underlying mechanism, regardless of whether [] syntax of the System.Array class is used in your code.
Length In X++ the length of a static sized array is determined in the declaration syntax. In C# the size of an array is determined when the array object is constructed. When you use the [] declaration syntax in X++, no more preparation is needed before you assign values to the array.
In C# you must declare and then construct the array before assigning to it.
Length An X++ array can have a dynamic length that can be increased even after population has begun. This applies only when the array is declared without a number inside the []. Performance might be slowed if the length of the dynamic array is increased many times. In C# the length of an array can't be changed after the length is set. In the following fragment of X++ code, only the myInts array is dynamic and can increase in size.
int myInts[];
int myBools[5];
myInts[2] = 12;
myInts[3] = 13;
myBools[6] = 26; //Error
Length You can get the length of some arrays by using the dimOf function. C# arrays are objects that have a Length property. No comments.
Indexing Array indexing is 1 based. Array indexing is 0 based. mtIntArray[0] would cause an error in X++.
Constant In X++ a constant value is best achieved by using the #define precompiler directive. In C# you can decorate your variable declaration with the keyword const, to achieve a constant value. X++ has no const keyword. C# can't assign values to variables that are created by its #define precompiler directive.

X++ and C# Samples

The following code samples show how arrays of primitive data types are handled. The first sample is in X++, and the second sample is in C#. Both samples achieve the same results.

X++ Sample

static void JobRs005a_ArraySimple(Args _args)
    // Static length.
    str sSports[#macroArrayLength];
    // Dynamic length, changeable during run time.
    int years[];
    int xx;
    Global::warning("-------- SPORTS --------");
    sSports[#macroArrayLength] = "Baseball";
    for (xx=1; xx <= #macroArrayLength; xx++)
        info(int2str(xx) + " , [" + sSports[xx] + "]");
    warning("-------- YEARS --------");
    years[ 4] = 2008;
    years[10] = 1930;
    for (xx=1; xx <= 10; xx++)
        info(int2str(xx) + " , " + int2str(years[xx]));

The output to the Infolog is as follows:

Message (14:16:08)
-------- SPORTS --------
1 , []
2 , []
3 , [Baseball]
-------- YEARS --------
1 , 0
2 , 0
3 , 0
4 , 2008
5 , 0
6 , 0
7 , 0
8 , 0
9 , 0
10 , 1930

C# Sample

using System;
public class Pgm_CSharp
    static public void Main( string[] args )
        new Pgm_CSharp().ArraySimple();
    private void ArraySimple()
        const int const_iMacroArrayLength = 3;
        // In C# the length is set at construction during run.
        string[] sSports;
        int[] years;
        int xx;
        Console.WriteLine("-------- SPORTS --------");
        sSports = new string[const_iMacroArrayLength];
        sSports[const_iMacroArrayLength - 1] = "Baseball";
        for (xx=0; xx < const_iMacroArrayLength; xx++)
            Console.WriteLine(xx.ToString() + " , [" + sSports[xx] + "]");
        Console.WriteLine("-------- YEARS --------");
        // In C# you must construct the array before assigning to it.
        years = new int[10];
        years[ 4] = 2008;
        years[10 - 1] = 1930;
        for (xx=0; xx < 10; xx++)
            Console.WriteLine(xx.ToString() + " , [" + years[xx].ToString() + "]");
} // EOClass

The output from the C# program to the command line console is as follows:

-------- SPORTS --------
0 , []
1 , []
2 , [Baseball]
-------- YEARS --------
0 , [0]
1 , [0]
2 , [0]
3 , [0]
4 , [2008]
5 , [0]
6 , [0]
7 , [0]
8 , [0]
9 , [1930]

Additional array-like X++ features

The container is a special data type that is available in X++. It can be considered as similar to an array, or similar to a List collection.

Comparison: Collections

In a finance and operations application, you can use the X++ List collection class. The .NET Framework that is used in C# has a similar class named System.Collections.Generic.List.

Comparing the Use of the List Classes

The following table compares methods on the X++ List class to the methods on System.Collections.Generic.List from the .NET Framework and C#.

Feature X++ C# Comments
Declaration of collection List myList; List<string> myList; The X++ declaration doesn't include the type of elements to be stored.
Declaration of iterator ListIterator iter
ListEnumerator enumer;
IEnumerator<string> iter; In X++ the ListIterator object has methods that can insert and delete items from the List. The X++ ListEnumerator can't modify the contents of the List. In X++ the ListEnumerator object is always created on the same tier as the List. This is not always true for ListIterator.
Obtaining an iterator new ListIterator (myList)
myList.GetEnumerator() In both X++ and C#, the List object has a getter method for an associated enumerator.
Constructor new List(Types::String) new List<string>() Information about the type of objects to be stored inside the List classes is given to the constructor in both X++ and C#.
Updating data Enumerator – the enumerator becomes invalid if any items in the List are added or removed.
Iterator – the iterator has methods that insert and delete items from the List. The iterator remains valid.
Enumerator – the enumerator becomes invalid if any items in the List are added or removed. Enumerators become invalid after items are added or deleted from the List, in both X++ and C#.
Updating data In X++ the List class has methods for adding items at the start or end of the list. In C# the List class has methods for adding members at any position in the list. It also has methods for removing items from any position. In X++ items can be removed from the List only by an iterator.

Example 1: Declaration of a List

The following code examples are in X++ and C# that declare List collections.

// X++
List listStrings ,list2 ,listMerged;
ListIterator literator;
// C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
List<string> listStrings ,list2 ,listMerged; IEnumerator<string> literator;

Example 2: Construction of a List

In both languages, the type of items that the collection stores must be specified at the time of construction. For class types, X++ can get no more specific than whether the type is a class (Types::Class). The following code examples are in X++ and C#.

// X++
listStrings = new List( Types::String );
// C#
listStrings = new List<string>;

Example 3: Add Items to a List

In both X++ and C#, the collection provides a method for appending an item to the end of the collection, and for inserting an item the start. In C# the collection provides a method for inserting at any point in the collection based on an index value. In X++ a collection iterator can insert an item at its current position. The following code examples are in X++ and C#.

// X++
listStrings.addEnd ("StringBB."); 
listStrings.addStart ("StringAA.");
// Iterator performs a midpoint insert at current position. 
listIterator.insert ("dog");
// C#
listStrings.Add ("StringBB."); 
listStrings.Insert (0 ,"StringAA.");
// Index 7 determines the insertion point.
listStrings.Insert (7 ,"dog");

Example 4: Iterate Through a List

Both X++ and C# have iterator classes that you can use to step through the items in a collection as shown in the following examples.

// X++
literator = new ListIterator (listStrings); 
// Now the iterator points at the first item.

// The more method answers whether 
// the iterator currently points 
// at an item. 
while (literator.more()) 
    info(any2str (literator.value())); 
// C#
literator = listStrings .GetEnumerator(); 
// Now enumerator points before the first item, not at the first item.

// The MoveNext method both advances the item pointer, and 
// answers whether the pointer is pointing at an item. 
while (literator.MoveNext()) 
    Console.WriteLine (literator.Current); 

Example 4b: foreach in C#

In C# the foreach keyword is often used to simplify the task of iterating through a list. The following code example behaves the same as the previous C# example.

foreach (string currentString in listStrings)

Example 5: Delete the Second Item

The following code examples delete the second item from the collection. In X++ this requires an iterator. In C# the collection itself provides the method for removing an item.

// X++
// C#

Example 6: Combine Two Collections

The following code examples combine the contents of two collections into one.

// X++
listStrings = List::merge(listStrings ,listStr3);
// Or use the .appendList method:
listStrings.appendList (listStr3);
// C#
listStrings.InsertRange(listStrings.Count ,listStr3);

Comparison: Collections of keys with values

In a finance and operations application, you can use the Map collection class. The Map collection holds pairs of values, the key value plus a data value. This resembles the .NET Framework class named System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.


The following list describes similarities between X++ and C# regarding their collections that store key-value pairs:

  • Both prevent duplicate keys.
  • Both use an enumerator (or iterator) to loop through the items.
  • Both key-value collection objects are constructed with designations of the types that are stored as key and value.
  • Both can store class objects, and aren't limited to storing primitives like int.


The following table describes differences between X++ and C# regarding their collections classes that store key-value pairs:

Feature X++ C# Comments
Duplicate keys In X++ the Map class prevents duplicate keys by implicitly treating your call to its insert method as an operation to update only the value associated with the key. In C# the Dictionary class throws an exception when you try to add a duplicate key. Duplicate keys are prevented in both languages, although by different techniques.
Delete items In X++ the delete method on an iterator object is used to remove an unwanted key-value pair from a Map. In C# the Dictionary class has a remove method. In both languages, an enumerator is made invalid if the collection item count is modified during the life of the enumerator.

Example 1: Declaration of a Key-Value Collection

In both languages, the type of items that the key-value collection stores must be specified. In X++ the type is specified at time of construction. In C# the type is specified at both the time of declaration and the time of construction. The following code examples are in X++ and C#.

// X++
Map mapKeyValue;
MapEnumerator enumer;
MapIterator mapIter;
// C#
Dictionary<int,string> dictKeyValue;
IEnumerator<SysCollGen.KeyValuePair<int,string>> enumer;
KeyValuePair<int,string> kvpCurrentKeyValuePair;

Example 2: Construction of the Collection

In both languages, the type of items that the key-value collection stores specified during construction. For class types, X++ can get no more specific than whether the type is a class (Types::Class). The following code examples are in X++ and C#.

// X++
mapKeyValue = new Map(Types::Integer, Types::String);
// C#
dictKeyValue = new Dictionary<int,string>();

Example 3: Add an Item to the Collection

There's almost no difference in how an item is added to a key-value collection in X++ and C# as shown in the following code examples.

// X++
mapKeyValue.insert(xx ,int2str(xx) + “_Value”);
// C#
dictKeyValue.Add(xx ,xx.ToString() + “_Value”);

Example 4: Iterate Through a Key-Value Collection

Enumerators are used to loop through the key-value collections in both X++ and C# as shown in the following code examples.

// X++ 
enumer = mapKeyValue.getEnumerator();
while (enumer.moveNext())
    iCurrentKey = enumer.currentKey();
    sCurrentValue = enumer.currentValue();
    // Display key and value here.
// C#
enumer = dictKeyValue.GetEnumerator();
while (enumer.MoveNext())
    kvpCurrentKeyValuePair = enumer.Current;
    // Display .Key and .Value properties=
    // of kvpCurrentKeyValuePair here.

Example 5: Update the Value Associated with a Key

The syntax is very different between the two languages for an update of the value associated to a given key. The ollowing code examples are for the key 102.

// X++
    102 ,
    ”.insert(), Re-inserted” + ” key 102 with a different value.”);
// C#
dictKeyValue[102] = 
    “The semi-hidden .item property in C#, Updated the value for key 102.”;

Example 6: Delete One Item

The syntax is very different between the two languages to delete one key-value pair from a collection, while iterating through the collection members. Code examples for the key 102 are shown below.

// X++
mapIter = new MapIterator(mapKeyValue);
while (mapIter.more())
    iCurrentKey = mapIter.key();
    if (104 == iCurrentKey)
        // mapKeyValue.remove would invalidate the iterator.
// C#

Comparison: Exceptions

There are some similarities but many differences when we compare exception related behavior between X++ and C#. The try, catch, and throw keywords behave the same in X++ and C#. But the types of exceptions thrown and caught are different for the two languages.


Similarities between X++ and C# regarding their exception features include the following examples:

  • Both languages have the same try keyword.
  • Both have the same catch keyword.
  • Both enable for a catch statement that doesn't specify any particular exception. Such a catch statement catches all exceptions that reach it.
  • Both have the same throw keyword.


Exception-related differences between X++ and C# are described in the following table.

Feature X++ C# Comments
retry Jumps to the first instruction in the associated try block. For more information, see Exception Handling with try and catch Keywords. The functionality of the retry keyword can be mimicked in C# code, but there isn't a corresponding keyword. Only X++ has a retry keyword. C# has no counterpart. For more information, see X++, C# Comparison: Automated Retry After an Exception.
finally The finally keyword is supported to follow the try and catch keywords. The finally keyword marks a block of code that follows the try and catch blocks. The finally will be executed regardless of whether any exception is thrown or caught. The semantics are identical to the semantics in C#.
Specific exceptions In X++ an exception is an element of the Exception enum, such as Error, Deadlock, or CodeAccessSecurity. No exception can contain another. In C# an exception is an instance of the System.Exception base class, or any class that inherits from it. An exception can be contained in the InnerException property of the thrown exception. In X++ each thrown exception is a value of the Exception enum. For more information, see Exception Enumeration.
Exception message In X++ the message that is created when an exception is raised is available only in the Infolog, and the message is not directly tied to the exception. In C# the message is the Message member of the System.Exception object. In X++ the Global::error method is the mechanism that display exception messages in the Infolog. For more information, see Exception Handling with try and catch Keywords.
Exception conditions In X++ an error occurs when you call an instance method on an object variable that has not yet had anything assigned to it. However, no exception is raised along with this error. Therefore no catch block can gain control even if the unassigned variable is misused in a try block. In the following code example, the error caused by the code box4.toString(); doesn't cause control to transfer to any catch block: DialogBox box4; try { box4.toString(); info("toString did not error, but expected an error."); } catch (Exception::Error) // No Exception value catches this. { info("Invalid use of box4 gave control to catch, unexpected."); } In C# a System.NullReferenceException is raised when an uninitialized variable is treated as an object reference. There might be several other differences in the conditions that raise exceptions.
SQL transactions In X++ when an SQL exception occurs in a ttsBegin - ttsCommit transaction, no catch statement inside the transaction block can process the exception. In C# a catch block inside an SQL transaction can catch the exception.


The following X++ features are demonstrated:

  • try keyword.
  • catch keyword.
  • The behavior after an Exception::Error exception occurs.

X++ Example

// X++
static void JobRs008a_Exceptions(Args _args)
    str sStrings[4];
    int iIndex = 77;
        info("On purpose, this uses an invalid index for this array: " + sStrings[iIndex]);
        warning("This message doesn't appear in the Infolog," + " it's unreached code.");
    // Next is a catch for some of the values of
    // the X++ Exception enumeration.
    catch (Exception::CodeAccessSecurity)
        info("In catch block for -- Exception::CodeAccessSecurity");
    catch (Exception::Error)
        info("In catch block for -- Exception::Error");
    catch (Exception::Warning)
        info("In catch block for -- Exception::Warning");
        info("This last 'catch' is of an unspecified exception.");
    //    //Global::Warning("'finally' is not an X++ keyword, although it's in C#.");
    info("End of program.");

Here's the output from the Infolog window:

Message (18:07:24)
Error executing code: Array index 77 is out of bounds.
Stack trace
(C)\Jobs\JobRs008a_Exceptions - line 8
In catch block for -- Exception::Error
End of program.

C# Sample

The following C# program is a rewrite of the previous X++ program.

// C#
using System;
public class Pgm_CSharp
    static void Main( string[] args )
        new Pgm_CSharp().Rs008a_CSharp_Exceptions();
    void Rs008a_CSharp_Exceptions()
        //str sStrings[4];
        string[] sStrings = new string[4];
            Console.WriteLine("On purpose, this uses an invalid index for this array: " + sStrings[77]);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("This message doesn't appear in the Infolog, it's unreached code.");
        catch (NullReferenceException exc)
            Console.WriteLine("(e1) In catch block for -- " + exc.GetType().ToString() );
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException exc)
            Console.WriteLine("(e2) In catch block for -- " + exc.GetType().ToString() );
        // In C#, System.Exception is the base of all
        // .NET Framework exception classes.
        // No as yet uncaught exception can get beyond
        // this next catch.
        catch (Exception exc)
            Console.WriteLine("This last 'catch' is of the abstract base type Exception: "
                + exc.GetType().ToString());
        // The preceding catch of System.Exception makes this catch of
        // an unspecified exception redundant and unnecessary.
        //    Console.WriteLine("This last 'catch' is"
        //        + " of an unspecified exception.");
            Console.WriteLine("'finally' is not an X++ keyword, although it's in C#.");
        Console.WriteLine("End of program.");
} // EOClass

Here's the output to the C# console:

(e2) In catch block for -- System.IndexOutOfRangeException
'finally' is not an X++ keyword, although it's in C#.
End of program.

Comparison: Automated Retry After an Exception

Sometimes you can write code in a catch block that fixes the cause of an exception that occurs during run time. X++ provides a retry keyword that can be used only inside a catch block. The retry keyword enables a program to jump back to the start of the try block after the problem has been corrected by code in the catch block. C# doesn't have a retry keyword. However, C# code can be written to provide equivalent behavior.

Code Samples for Retry

The following X++ sample program causes an Exception::Error to be raised. This occurs when it first tries to read an element from the sStrings array by using an invalid index value. When the exception is caught, corrective action is taken during run time inside the catch block. The retry statement then jumps back to the first statement in the try block. This second iteration works without encountering any exception.

static void JobRs008b_ExceptionsAndRetry(Args _args)
    str sStrings[4];
    str sTemp;
    int iIndex = 0;

    sStrings[1] = "First array element.";
        print("At top of try block: " + int2str(iIndex));
        sTemp = sStrings[iIndex];
        print( "The array element is: " + sTemp );
    catch (Exception::Error)
        print("In catch of -- Exception::Error (will retry)." + " Entering catch.");
        print("In catch of -- Exception::Error (will retry)." + " Leaving catch.");
        // Here is the retry statement.
    print("End of X++ retry program.");


Here's the output to the Print window:

At top of try block: 0
In catch of -- Exception::Error (will retry). Entering catch.
In catch of -- Exception::Error (will retry). Leaving catch.
At top of try block: 1
The array element is: First array element.
End of X++ retry program.

C# Sample

The following C# sample is not a line-by-line translation from the previous X++ sample. Instead the C# program has a different structure so that it mimics the behavior of the retry keyword that the X++ program relies on. The try and catch blocks are in a called method. The variables that are used in the try block are stored in the caller method. The caller method passes the variables as parameters that are decorated with the ref keyword, so that their values can be corrected inside the catch block of the called method. The called method captures all exceptions, and returns a boolean to communicate back to the caller whether a second call is required.

// C#
using System;
public class Pgm_CSharp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Pgm_CSharp() .Rs008b_CSharp_ExceptionsAndRetry();
    void Rs008b_CSharp_ExceptionsAndRetry() // Caller
        int iIndex = -1
            , iNumRetriesAllowed = 3;
        bool bReturnCode = true; // Means call the callee method.
        for (int xx=0; xx <= iNumRetriesAllowed; xx++)
            if (bReturnCode)
                bReturnCode = this.Rs008b_CSharp_ExceptionsAndRetry_Callee(ref iIndex);
        Console.WriteLine("End of C# caller method.");
    private bool Rs008b_CSharp_ExceptionsAndRetry_Callee(ref int iIndex)
        bool bReturnCode = true; // Means call this method again.
        string[] sStrings = new string[4];
        string sTemp;
        sStrings[0] = "First array element.";
            Console.WriteLine("At top of try block: " + iIndex.ToString());
            sTemp = sStrings[iIndex];
            Console.WriteLine( "The array element is: " + sTemp );
            bReturnCode = false; // Means do not call this method again.
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("In catch of -- Exception. Entering catch.");
            ++iIndex; // The 'ref' parameter in C#.
            Console.WriteLine("In catch of -- Exception. Leaving catch.");
            // In C# we let the caller method do the work
            // that the retry keyword does in X++.
        Console.WriteLine("End of C# callee method.");
        return bReturnCode;


Here's the output to the console:

At top of try block: -1
In catch of -- Exception. Entering catch.
In catch of -- Exception. Leaving catch.
End of C# callee method.
At top of try block: 0
The array element is: First array element.
End of C# callee method.
End of C# caller method.

Comparison: Operators

This section compares the operators between X++ and C#.

Assignment Operators

The following table displays the differences between the assignment operators in X++ and C#.

X++ and C# Differences
= In X++ this operator causes an implicit conversion whenever a loss of precision might occur, such for an assignment from an int64 to an int. But in C# the assignment causes a compile error.
+= and -= The only difference is that in C# these operators are also used in delegate manipulation.
++ and -- These are the increment and decrement operators in both languages. The following line is identical in both languages:
But in X++ these two operators are for statements, not for expressions. Therefore the following lines generate compile errors in X++:
myStr = int2str(++myInteger);
myIntA = myIntBB++;

Arithmetic Operators

The following table lists the arithmetic operators.

X++ and C# Differences
* As the multiplication operator, there are no differences.

Note: The asterisk is also used in the SQL statements that are part of the X++ language. In these SQL statements the asterisk can also be one of the following:

  • A wildcard indicating that all the columns should be returned.
  • A wildcard for characters in a string that is used on a like clause.
/ The division operator is the same in X++ and C#.
MOD For modulo operations, the only difference is that the % symbol is used in C#.
+ The addition operator is the same in X++ and C#. The plus sign is also used for string concatenation. This operator adds numbers and concatenates strings in both languages.
- The subtraction operator is the same in X++ and C#.

Bitwise Operators

The following table compares the bitwise operators between X++ and C#.

X++ and C# Differences
<< The left shift operator is the same in X++ and C#.
>> The right shift operator is the same in X++ and C#.
~ The bitwise NOT operator is the same in X++ and C#.
& The binary AND operator is the same in X++ and C#.
^ The binary XOR operator is the same in X++ and C#.

Relational Operators

The following relational operators are the same in X++ and C#:

  • ==
  • <=
  • <=
  • >
  • <
  • !=
  • &&
  • ||
  • !
  • ? :

Comparison: Events

There are some differences in how X++ and C# implement the event design pattern. For more information, see Event Terminology and Keywords.

Comparison of Events between X++ and C#

There are differences in the way delegates are used for events in X++ versus C#.

Concept X++ C# Comments
delegate In X++, a delegate can be declared only as a member on a class. A delegate can't be a member on a table. All delegates are instance members of their class, not static members. No access modifier can be used on a delegate declaration, because all delegates are protected members. Therefore, the event can be raised only by code within the same class where the delegate is a member. However, the one exception to the private nature of a delegate is that code outside their class can operate on the delegates by using the += and -= operators. In C#, each delegate is a type, just as every class is a type. A delegate is declared independently of any class. Without the event keyword, you can have a delegate as a parameter type on a method, just as you can have a class as a parameter type. You can construct an instance of a delegate to pass in for the parameter value. In X++, each class is a type, but no delegate is a type. You can't construct an instance of a delegate. No delegate can be a parameter for a method. But you can create a class that has a delegate member, and you can pass instances of the class as parameter values. For more information, see X++ Keywords.
event In X++ code, an event is one of the following:
  • An explicit call to a delegate.
  • The start or end of a method.
There isn't a event keyword in X++.
In C#, the event keyword is used to declare a delegate type as a member of a class. The effect of the event keyword is to make the delegate protected, yet still accessible for the += and -= operators. You can subscribe event handler methods to an event by using the += operator. A delegate can be useful without the event keyword, as a technique for passing a function pointer as a parameter into a method. The automatic events that occur before the start of a method, and after the end of a method, can be subscribed to only by using the AOT.
+= and -= operators In X++, you use the += operator to subscribe methods to a delegate. The -= operator unsubscribes a method from a delegate. In C#, you use the += operator to subscribe methods to an event, or to a delegate that is not used with the event keyword. The delegate contains a reference to all the objects that have methods subscribed to the delegate. Those objects aren't eligible for garbage collection while delegate holds those references.
eventHandler In X++, the eventHandler keyword is required when you use either the += or -= operator to subscribe or unsubscribe a method from a delegate. System.EventHandler is a delegate type in the .NET Framework. This term is used differently in X++ than it's in C# or the .NET Framework. For more information, see X++ Keywords.

X++ Example

The important things to notice are the following in the X++ example:

  • The XppClass has a delegate member that is named myDelegate.


    The AOT contains a node for the delegate. The node is located at AOT > Classes > XppClass > myDelegate. Several event handler nodes can be located under the myDelegate node. Event handlers that are represented by nodes in the AOT can't be removed by the -= operator during run time.

  • The {} braces at the end of the delegate declaration are required, but they can't have any code in them.

  • The XppClass has two methods whose parameter signatures are compatible with the delegate. One method is static.

  • The two compatible methods are added to the delegate with the += operator and the eventHandler keyword. These statements do not call the event handler methods, the statements only add the methods to the delegate.

  • The event is raised by one call to the delegate.

  • The parameter value that passed in to the delegate is received by each event handler method.

  • The short X++ job at the top of the example starts the test.

// X++
// Simple job to start the delegate event test.
static void DelegateEventTestJob()
    XppClass::runTheTest("The information from the X++ job.");
// The X++ class that contains the delegate and the event handlers.
class XppClass
    delegate void myDelegate(str _information)
    public void myEventSubscriberMethod2(str _information)
        info("X++, hello from instance event handler 2: " + _information);
    static public void myEventSubscriberMethod3(str _information)
        info("X++, hello from static event handler 3: " + _information);
    static public void runTheTest(str _stringFromJob)
        XppClass myXppClass = new XppClass();
        // Subscribe two event handler methods to the delegate.
        myXppClass.myDelegate += eventHandler(myXppClass.myEventSubscriberMethod2);
        myXppClass.myDelegate += eventHandler(XppClass::myEventSubscriberMethod3);
        // Raise the event by calling the delegate one time,
        // which calls all the subscribed event handler methods.

The output from the previous X++ job is as follows:

X++, hello from static event handler 
3: The information from the X++ job. X++, hello from instance event handler 
2: The information from the X++ job.

C# Sample

This section contains a C# code sample for the event design pattern of the previous X++ sample.

// C#
using System;
// Define the delegate type named MyDelegate.
public delegate void MyDelegate(string _information);
public class CsClass
    protected event MyDelegate MyEvent;
    static public void Main()
        CsClass myCsClass = new CsClass();
        // Subscribe two event handler methods to the delegate.
        myCsClass.MyEvent += new MyDelegate(myCsClass.MyEventSubscriberMethod2);
        myCsClass.MyEvent += new MyDelegate(CsClass.MyEventSubscriberMethod3);
        // Raise the event by calling the event one time, which
        // then calls all the subscribed event handler methods.
        myCsClass.MyEvent("The information from the C# Main.");
    public void MyEventSubscriberMethod2(string _information)
        Console.WriteLine("C#, hello from instance event handler 2: " + _information);
    static public void MyEventSubscriberMethod3(string _information)
        Console.WriteLine("C#, hello from static event handler 3: " + _information);

The output from the previous C# sample is as follows:

CsClass.exe C#, hello from instance event handler 
2: The information from the C\# Main. C\#, hello from static event handler 
3: The information from the C\# Main.

Events and the AOT

There are other event systems that apply only to items in the AOT. For more information, see Event Handler Nodes in the AOT.

Comparison: Precompiler Directives

X++ and C# share some keywords for their precompiler directive syntax, but the meanings aren't always the same.


The X++ and C# compilers recognize many of the same keywords. In most cases, the keywords mean the same for both language compilers.


A fundamental difference between the precompiler directives in X++ versus C# is the #define keyword that both language precompilers recognize. Unlike C#, in X++ the #define directive requires a dot in its syntax. In X++, parentheses can be used to give the defined symbol a value. These differences are shown in the following examples:

  • In X++: #define.InitialYear(2003)
  • In C#: #define InitialYear

A minor difference is that in C# there can be spaces and tab characters between the # character and the directive keyword, such as # define Testing.

Identical Keywords

The following table lists precompiler directives that are similar in X++ and C#.

Keyword X++ C# Comments
#define In X++, a precompiler variable name can be defined, and a value can be given to that variable. In C#, a precompiler variable name can be defined, but no value can be given to that variable. Also, any #define in C# must occur at the top of the file, and can't occur after any code such as a using statement or a class declaration. The C# compiler can input a command line parameter of /define to define a precompiler variable name without defining the variable in any C# code file. The X++ compiler has no counterpart to /define.
#if In X++, #if can determine whether a precompiler variable exists, and whether the variable has a given value. In C#, #if can only determine whether a precompiler variable exists. It can't test for any value because no value can be assigned.
#endif In X++, #endif marks the end of an #if block. It also ends an #ifnot block. In C#, #endif marks the end of an #if block, regardless of whether the block includes a #else.

Different Keywords with the Same Processing Result

The following table lists precompiler directives that are named differently in X++ and C#, but that give the same results when processed.

X++ C# Comments
#ifnot #if #else There isn't an #else directive in X++, but the #ifnot provides similar functionality. In X++, #ifnot can determine whether a precompiler variable exists, and whether the variable doesn't have a specific given value. In C#, #if can determine whether a precompiler variable exists when the ‘!’ symbol is prefixed to the variable name.
//BP Deviation documented #pragma warning These X++ and C# entries aren't equivalent, but there's a partial similarity. Both suppress compiler warning messages.
#macrolib .HPP file in C++ There's a partial similarity between the X++ directive #macrolib versus an .HPP file in C++. Both can contain several #define statements.

Precompiler Directives Exclusive to X++

The following table lists X++ precompiler directives that have no direct counterpart in C#.

X++ Comments
#linenumber The #linenumber directive is for obtaining the line number, so that it can be output to the Infolog.
The C# directive #line is different because its purpose is for setting the line number.
#defdec #definc
#globaldefine In X++, there's a small difference between #globaldefine versus #define. The difference is that #globaldefine never overwrites a current nonnull value that was assigned to a precompiler variable by #define.
C# has nothing similar to this difference, because in C#, a precompiler variable name can't be given a value.
#localmacro #macro In X++, #localmacro enables you to assign a multiline value to a precompiler variable. #macro is a synonym, but #localmacro is recommended.
In C#, the #define directive has part of this functionality, but it can't assign a value to a precompiler variable.
#globalmacro In X++, #globalmacro is almost the same as the preferred #localmacro.

Comparison: Object Oriented Programming

The object oriented programming (OOP) principles of X++ differ from C#.

Conceptual Comparisons

The following table compares the implementation of OOP principles between X++ and C#.

Feature X++ C# Comments
Casting The X++ language has the keywords is and as, which are used to make downcasts safe and explicit. Tip: X++ doesn't require the use of the as keyword when you downcast a base class variable to a derived class variable. However, we recommend that all downcast statements use the as keyword. An object can be cast either up or down the inheritance path. Downcasts require the as keyword. For more information about the X++ keywords is and as, see Expression Operators: Is and As for Inheritance.
Local functions A method can contain a declaration and code body for zero or more local functions. Only that method can have calls to the local function. C# 3.0 supports lambda expressions, which have some similarity to anonymous functions and local functions. Lambda expressions are often used with delegates.
Method overloading Method overloading is not supported. A method name can occur only one time per class. Method overloading is supported. A method name can occur multiple times in one class, with different parameter signatures in each case. X++ does support optional parameters on methods. Optional parameters can partially mimic method overloading. For more information, see the row for optional parameters in this table.
Method overriding Method overriding is supported. A derived class can have a method by the same name as in the base class, as long as the parameter signature is the same in both cases. The only exception is that the overriding method can add a default value to a parameter. Method overriding is supported. The virtual keyword must be applied to a method before the method can be overridden in a derived class. The concept of overriding a method includes the method name, its parameter signature, and its return type. The concept of method overriding doesn't apply if the base method and the overriding method differ in any of these aspects.
Optional parameters A parameter declaration can be followed by a default value assignment. The method caller has the option of passing a value for that parameter, or ignoring the parameter to accept the default value. This feature mimics method overloading because two calls to the same method name can pass different numbers of parameters. Each parameter that has a default value must follow the last parameter that doesn't have a default value. Optional parameters are supported by the params keyword. Even without the params keyword, from the point of view of the caller, method overloading can provide partially similar functionality. For more information, see Parameters and Scoping and Using Optional Parameters.
Single inheritance You can derive your X++ class from another X++ class by using the extends keyword in the classDeclaration node of your class, in the AOT. No class implicitly derives directly from another class. If you want your class to directly derive from the Object class, you must use the extends keyword. You can specify only one class on the extends keyword.

Caution: When you modify an X++ base class that other classes derive from, you must recompile that base class using the Compile forward. This option ensures that the derived classes are also recompiled. To ensure the derived classes are also recompiled, right-click the base class node, and then click Add-Ins > Compile forward. The alternative of clicking Build > Compile (or pressing the F7 key) is sometimes insufficient for a base class change.

A class can implement zero to many interfaces.

An X++ table implicitly inherits from the Common table, and from the xRecord class.
C# uses the extends keyword to derive from another class. All .NET Framework classes implicitly derive from the System.Object class, unless they explicitly derive from another class.

Keyword Comparisons

The following table lists the OOP-related keywords in X++ and C#.

Keyword X++ C# Comments
abstract No difference.
class The modifiers public and private are ignored on class declarations. There isn't a concept of a namespace grouping of classes. There are no dots (.) in any class names. The modifiers public and private can be used to modify class declarations. C# also has the keyword internal, which relates to how classes are grouped together in assembly files. There isn't concept of a protected class, only protected members of a class.
extends A class declaration can inherit from another class by using the extends keyword. A colon (:) is used where the keywords extends and implements are used in X++.
final A final method can't be overridden in a derived class. A final class can't be extended. The keyword sealed on a class means the same thing that final means on an X++ class.
implements A class declaration can implement an interface by using the implements keyword.
interface An interface can specify methods that the class must implement. An interface can specify methods that the class must implement.
new The new keyword is used to allocate a new instance of a class. Then the constructor is automatically called. Each class has exactly one constructor, and the constructor is named new. You can decide what parameters the constructor should input. The new keyword is used to create a new instance of a class. Then the constructor is automatically called. Constructor methods themselves aren't named new, they have the same name as the class.

Note: The new keyword can also be used on a method, to modify the way in which the method overrides the same method in the base class.

Both X++ and C# assume a default constructor for classes that have no constructor explicitly written in their code.
null No difference.
private and protected The private and protected keywords can be used to modify the declaration of a class member. The private and protected keywords can be used to modify the declaration of a class member.
public A method that is not modified with public, protected, or private has the default access level of public. A method that is not modified with public, protected, or private has the default access level of private.
static A method can be static, but a field can't. Both methods and fields can be static.
super The super keyword is used in a derived class to access the same method on its base class. void method2()
// Call method2 method
// on the base class.
The base keyword is used in a derived class to access various methods in its base class.
void method2()
// Call methods on
// the base class.
In C#, there's special syntax for using base to call the base constructor.
this For a call from one instance method to another on the same object, a qualifier for the called method is required. The keyword this is available as a qualifier for the current object. For a call from one instance method to another on the same object, a qualifier for the called method is not required. However, the this keyword is available as a qualifier for the current object. In practice, the keyword this can be helpful by displaying IntelliSense information.
finalize The Object class contains the finalize method. The finalize method is not final, and it can be overridden. The finalize method appears to resemble the System.Object.Finalize method in C#, but in X++ the finalize method has no special meaning of any kind. An object is automatically removed from memory when the last reference to the object stops referencing the object. For example, this can happen when the last reference goes out of scope or is assigned another object to reference. The methods Finalize and Dispose are common on some types of classes. The garbage collector calls the Finalize and Dispose methods when it destroys and object. In C#, the System.GC.Collect method in the .NET Framework can be called to start the garbage collector. There isn't a similar function in X++ because X++ uses a deterministic garbage collector.
main Classes that are invoked from a menu have their main method called by the system. Classes that are invoked from a command line console have their Main method called by the system.

Comparison: Classes

When you use C# in the .NET Framework, classes are grouped into namespaces. Each namespace focuses on a functional area such as file operations or reflection. However, when you use the classes in X++, there are no visible groupings like a namespace.

Comparison: Classes about Reflection

In X++ the TreeNode class provides access to the Application Object Tree (AOT). The TreeNode class is the center of reflection functionality in X++. The TreeNode class and its methods can be compared to the System.Reflection namespace in the .NET Framework that C# uses.

The following table lists several classes that are available to you when you write C# code. These are .NET Framework classes. For this table, all C# classes are in the System.Reflection namespace unless otherwise specified. Each row shows the corresponding class, or class member, that is available to you when your write X++ code.

X++ C# Comments
TreeNode System .Assembly Assembly is the first class to use when a C# program must gather reflection information. Static methods on the X++ class TreeNode are the starting point for reflection in X++.
TreeNode System .Type Instance methods on TreeNode correspond to instance methods on System.Type.
TreeNode .AOTgetSource MethodInfo The AOTgetSource method returns several pieces of information together in one string. This includes the X++ source code in the method. In contrast, MethodInfo has a separate member for each piece of information.
TreeNode .AOTfirstChild TreeNode .AOTnextSibling TreeNode .AOTiterator AOTiterator MethodInfo[] (an array) In C#, the GetMethods method on System.Type returns an array of MethodInfo objects. You can loop through the array by the common technique of incrementing an indexer. In contrast, the X++ model is to navigate the tree control of the AOT. The TreeNode methods of AOTfirstChild and AOTnextSibling accomplish the navigation. As an equivalent alternative, the X++ AOTiterator class is designed to navigate the tree control of the AOT. A class node is the parent over several method nodes. The AOTiterator steps through child nodes, returning each as another TreeNode instance. Additional resources the TreeNode methods that are named AOTparent and AOTprevious.
TreeNode .AOTgetProperty TreeNode .AOTgetProperties TreeNode .AOTname PropertyInfo In X++, the AOTgetProperties method returns a long string that contains name-value pairs for all the properties of the TreeNode. The AOTname method returns a string that contains only the value for the name property.
TreeNode .AOTsave TreeNode .AOTinsert System .Reflection .Emit (namespace of classes) The AOTsave method applies changes from a TreeNode object in your X++ code to the AOT, and the changes are persisted. For a large code sample, see TreeNode.AOTsave Method.

Comparison: Classes about File IO

There are several classes that perform file input and output (IO) operations. In the .NET Framework that is used in C#, the counterparts to these classes reside in the System.IO namespace.

The following table lists several .NET Framework classes for C# that are in the System.IO namespace. Each row in the table shows the X++ class or method that best corresponds to the .NET Framework class.

X++ C# Comments
BinaryIo FileStream BinaryReader BinaryWriter X++ classes such as BinaryIo that extend from the abstract class Io serve as a stream, and they also serve as a reader and writer for that stream. In C#, the stream is a separate class from the class that has more specific read and write methods.
TextBuffer MemoryStream These classes contain an in-memory buffer, and some of the methods treat the buffer as if it were a file on the hard disk.
WINAPI::createDirectory WINAPI::folderExists WINAPI::removeDirectory Directory DirectoryInfo Path X++ can use static methods in the WINAPI class for many basic operating system functions that involve directories.
WINAPI::getDriveType DriveInfo DriveType These classes and methods are used to obtain drive related information.
WINAPI::copyFile WINAPI::createFile WINAPI::deleteFile WINAPI::fileExists File FileAttributes FileInfo X++ can use static methods in the WINAPI class for many basic operating system functions that involve files.
CommaIo Comma7Io (No corresponding class.) These X++ classes can generate files that Microsoft Excel can import. In X++ an EPPlus library reference is available for additional interaction with Excel.
AsciiIo TextIo FileStream TextReader TextWriter These classes use different code pages.
Io Stream StreamReader StreamWriter FileStream These are often used as base classes that other classes extend.
CodeAccessPermission FileIoPermission System.Security .CodeAccessPermission The namespace System.Security.Permissions includes the following classes:
  • CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
  • FileIOPermissionAttribute
  • FileIOPermission
  • FileIOPermissionAccess
The concepts and methods of assert, demand, and revertAssert apply to both languages. However, the deny and revertDeny methods that are available in C# aren't available in X++.

X++, ANSI SQL Comparison: SQL Select

In X++, the SQL select statement syntax differs from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specification.

Single Table Select

The following table lists differences between the select statements of X++ SQL and ANSI SQL.

Feature X++ SQL ANSI SQL Comments
Table name on the from clause. The from clause lists a record buffer instance that is declared from a table, such as from the CustTable table. The from clause lists a table name, not the name of a buffer. The record buffer has all the methods that the xRecordclass has in X++.
Syntax sequence of the order by versus where clauses. The order by clause must appear before the where clause. The order by clause must appear after the from or join clause. The group by clause must follow the same syntax positioning rules that the order by follows. The order by clause must appear after the where clause. The where clause must appear after the from or join clause. In both X++ and ANSI SQL, the from and join clauses must appear before the order by and where clauses.
Condition negation. The exclamation mark ('!') is used for negation. The not keyword is used for negation. X++ doesn't support the syntax !like. Instead, you must apply the ! operator to a clause.
Wildcard characters for the like operator. 0 to many – Asterisk ('*')
Exactly 1 – Question mark ('?')
0 to many – Percent sign ('%')
Exactly 1 – Underbar ('_')
Logical operators in the where clause. And – &&
Or – ||
And – and
Or – or

Code Example

The following code example illustrates features in the previous table.

static void OByWhere452Job(Args _args)
    // Declare the table buffer variable.
    CustTable tCustTable;
    SELECT * from tCustTable
        order by tCustTable.AccountNum desc
        where (!(tCustTable.Name like '*i*i*') &amp;&amp; tCustTable.Name like 'T?e *')
        info(tCustTable.AccountNum + " , " + tCustTable.Name);
/*** InfoLog output
Message (04:02:29 pm)
4010 , The Lamp Shop
4008 , The Warehouse
4001 , The Bulb

X++ SQL Keywords

The following X++ SQL keywords are among those that are't part of ANSI SQL:

  • crosscompany
  • firstonly100
  • forceliterals
  • forcenestedloop
  • forceplaceholders
  • forceselectorder
  • validtimestate

Join Clause

The following table lists differences about the join keyword of X++ SQL and ANSI SQL.

Feature X++ SQL ANSI SQL Comments
Columns list. The columns in the columns list must all come from the table listed in the from clause, and not from any table in a join clause. Columns in the list can't be qualified by their table name. The columns in the columns list can come from any table in the from or join clauses. It helps others to maintain your code when you qualify the columns in the list with their table name. For more information, see Select Statements on Fields.
Join clause syntax. The join clause follows the where clause. The join clause follows a table in the from clause. In the X++ code example, the join criteria is an equality of SalesPoolId values.
Inner keyword. The default join mode is inner join. There isn't an inner keyword. The default join mode is inner join. The inner keyword is available to make the code explicit. The outer keyword exists in both X++ SQL and ANSI SQL.
Left and right keywords. The left and right keywords aren't available. All joins are left. The left and right keywords are available to modify the join keyword. No comments.
Equality operator. The double equal sign operator ('==') is used to test for the equality of two values. The single equal sign operator ('=') is used to test for the equality of two values. No comments.

Code Example

The following code example illustrates the join syntax in X++ SQL.

static void OByWhere453Job(Args _args)
    // Declare table buffer variables.
    CustTable tCustTable;
    SalesPool tSalesPool;
            // Not allowed to qualify by table buffer.
            // These fields must be from the table
            // in the from clause.
        from tCustTable
            order by tCustTable.AccountNum desc
            where (tCustTable.Name like 'The *')
        join tSalesPool
            where tCustTable.SalesPoolId == tSalesPool.SalesPoolId
        info(tCustTable.AccountNum + " , " + tCustTable.Name);

Aggregate Fields

The following table lists some differences in how aggregate fields in the select column list are referenced between X++ SQL and ANSI SQL. Aggregate fields are those that are derived by functions such as sum or avg.

Feature X++ SQL ANSI SQL Comments
Aggregate field name alias. The aggregate value is in the field that was aggregated. You can use the as keyword to tag an aggregate field with a name alias. The alias can be referenced in subsequent code. For more information, see Aggregate Functions: Differences Between X++ and SQL

Code Example

In the following code example, the call to the info method illustrates the way to reference aggregate fields (see tPurchLine.QtyOrdered).

static void Null673Job(Args _args)
    PurchLine tPurchLine;
        // This aggregate field cannot be assigned an alias name.
        from tPurchLine
            // QtyOrdered is used to reference the sum.
            "QtyOrdered:  " + num2str(tPurchLine.QtyOrdered, 
            3,  // Minimum number of output characters.
            2,  // Required number of decimal places in the output.
            1,  // '.'  Separator to mark the start of the decimal places.
            2   // ','  The thousands separator.
Message (12:23:08 pm)
QtyOrdered:  261,550.00

Other Differences

The following table lists other differences of the select statement between the X++ SQL and ANSI SQL.

Feature X++ SQL ANSI SQL Comments
The having keyword. There isn't a having keyword. The having keyword enables you to specify filter criteria for rows that are generated by the group by clause. No comments.
Null results. In a while select statement, if the where clause filters out all rows, no special count row is returned to report that. In a select, if the where clause filters out all rows, a special count row is returned. The count value is 0. No comments.
Cursors for navigating returned rows. The while select statement provides cursor functionality. The alternative is to use the next keyword. You can declare a cursor for looping through the rows that are returned from a select statement.
From clause. The from keyword is optional when no columns are listed and only one table is referenced. The following two syntax options are equivalent:
select \* from tCustTable;
select tCustTable;
A select statement can't read from a table unless the from clause is used. In X++ SQL, the simple select statement fills the table buffer variable with the first row that was returned. This is illustrated by the following code fragment:
select \* from tCustTable;