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Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.SharePoint.Web.Services.ObjectModel Namespace


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.


  Class Description
Public class AddressMapper Map DataModel address to ViewModel address.
Public class CheckoutMapper Map checkout objects between View Model and Data Model.
Public class CustomerController Customer Controller class.
Public class CustomerMapper Customer Mapper class.
Public class DemoController Demo controller.
Public class LoyaltyController The controller for the customer loyalty card information.
Public class LoyaltyMapper Map DataModel address to ViewModel address.
Public class OrderMapper Map DataModel orders to ViewModel orders.
Public class PricingMapper Performs mappings between the Pricing view model and Commerce Runtime Sdk entities.
Public class ServiceHelper Exception helper class.
Public class ShoppingCartController The controller for the Shopping Cart.
Public class ShoppingCartMapper Performs mappings between the Shopping Cart view model and Commerce Runtime Sdk entities.
Public class StoreLocationMapper Helper class for mapping StoreProductAvailability related objects.
Public class StoreProductAvailabilityMapper Helper class for mapping StoreProductAvailability related objects.
Public class WishListController The controller for the Wish List.
Public class WishListMapper Performs mappings between the wish list view model and Commerce Runtime Sdk entities.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ServiceExecutionHandler Handler for service execution.