9. apr., 15h - 10. apr., 12h
Kodinite prihodnost z UI in povežite se s kolegi in strokovnjaki za Java na spletnem mestu JDConf 2025.
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Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
Passwordless authentication methods like a passkey (FIDO2) let users sign in securely without a password. Users can bootstrap passwordless methods in one of two ways:
A Temporary Access Pass (TAP) is a time-limited passcode that can be configured for single use or multiple sign-ins. Users can sign in with a TAP to onboard other passwordless authentication methods. A TAP also makes recovery easier when a user loses or forgets a strong authentication method.
This article shows you how to enable and use a TAP using the Microsoft Entra admin center. You can also perform these actions using REST APIs.
A TAP policy defines settings, such as the lifetime of passes created in the tenant, or the users and groups who can use a TAP to sign-in.
Before users can sign-in with a TAP, you need to enable this method in the Authentication methods policy and choose which users and groups can sign in by using a TAP.
Although you can create a TAP for any user, only users included in the policy can sign-in with it. You need the Authentication Policy Administrator role to update the TAP Authentication methods policy.
To configure TAP in the Authentication methods policy:
Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least an Authentication Policy Administrator.
Browse to Protection > Authentication methods > Policies.
From the list of available authentication methods, select Temporary Access Pass.
Select Enable and then select users to include or exclude from the policy.
(Optional) Select Configure to modify the default Temporary Access Pass settings, such as setting maximum lifetime, or length, and select Update.
Select Save to apply the policy.
The default value and the range of allowed values are described in the following table.
Setting | Default values | Allowed values | Comments |
Minimum lifetime | 1 hour | 10 – 43,200 Minutes (30 days) | Minimum number of minutes that the TAP is valid. |
Maximum lifetime | 8 hours | 10 – 43,200 Minutes (30 days) | Maximum number of minutes that the TAP is valid. |
Default lifetime | 1 hour | 10 – 43,200 Minutes (30 days) | Individual passes within the minimum and maximum lifetime configured by the policy can override default value. |
One-time use | False | True/False | When the policy is set to false, passes in the tenant can be used either once or more than once during its validity (maximum lifetime). By enforcing one-time use in the TAP policy, all passes created in the tenant are one-time use. |
Length | 8 | 8-48 characters | Defines the length of the passcode. |
After you enable a TAP policy, you can create a TAP policy for users in Microsoft Entra ID. The following roles can perform various actions related to a TAP.
Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least an Authentication Administrator.
Browse to Identity > Users.
Select the user you would like to create a TAP for.
Select Authentication methods and select Add authentication method.
Select Temporary Access Pass.
Define a custom activation time or duration and select Add.
Once added, the details of the TAP are shown.
Make a note of the actual TAP value, because you provide this value to the user. You can't view this value after you select Ok.
Select OK when you're done.
The following commands show how to create and get a TAP using PowerShell.
# Create a Temporary Access Pass for a user
$properties = @{}
$properties.isUsableOnce = $True
$properties.startDateTime = '2022-05-23 06:00:00'
$propertiesJSON = $properties | ConvertTo-Json
New-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod -UserId -BodyParameter $propertiesJSON
Id CreatedDateTime IsUsable IsUsableOnce LifetimeInMinutes MethodUsabilityReason StartDateTime TemporaryAccessPass
-- --------------- -------- ------------ ----------------- --------------------- ------------- -------------------
00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee 5/22/2022 11:19:17 PM False True 60 NotYetValid 23/05/2022 6:00:00 AM TAPRocks!
# Get a user's Temporary Access Pass
Get-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod -UserId
Id CreatedDateTime IsUsable IsUsableOnce LifetimeInMinutes MethodUsabilityReason StartDateTime TemporaryAccessPass
-- --------------- -------- ------------ ----------------- --------------------- ------------- -------------------
00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee 5/22/2022 11:19:17 PM False True 60 NotYetValid 23/05/2022 6:00:00 AM
For more information, see New-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod and Get-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod.
The most common use for a TAP is for a user to register authentication details during the first sign-in or device setup, without the need to complete extra security prompts. Authentication methods are registered at Users can also update existing authentication methods here.
Open a web browser to
Enter the UPN of the account you created the TAP for, such as
If the user is included in the TAP policy, they see a screen to enter their TAP.
Enter the TAP that was displayed in the Microsoft Entra admin center.
For federated domains, a TAP is preferred over federation. A user with a TAP completes the authentication in Microsoft Entra ID and isn't redirected to the federated Identity Provider (IdP).
The user is now signed in and can update or register a method such as FIDO2 security key. Users who update their authentication methods due to losing their credentials or device should make sure they remove the old authentication methods. Users can also continue to sign-in by using their password; a TAP doesn’t replace a user’s password.
Users managing their security information at see an entry for the Temporary Access Pass. If a user doesn't have any other registered methods, they get a banner at the top of the screen that says to add a new sign-in method. Users can also see the TAP expiration time, and delete the TAP if it's no longer needed.
Users with a TAP can navigate the setup process on Windows 10 and 11 to perform device join operations and configure Windows Hello for Business. TAP usage for setting up Windows Hello for Business varies based on the devices joined state.
For joined devices to Microsoft Entra ID:
For hybrid-joined devices, users must first authenticate with another method such as a password, smartcard or FIDO2 key, before using TAP to set up Windows Hello for Business.
Users can also use their TAP to register Microsoft Authenticator with their account. By adding a work or school account and signing in with a TAP users can register both passkeys and passwordless phone sign-in directly from the Authenticator app.
For more information, see Add your work or school account to the Microsoft Authenticator app.
You can add a TAP as a sign-in method to an internal guest, but not other types of guests. An internal guest has user object UserType set to Guest. They have authentication methods registered in Microsoft Entra ID. For more information about internal guests and other guest accounts, see B2B guest user properties.
If you try to add a TAP to an external guest account in the Microsoft Entra admin center or in Microsoft Graph, you'll receive an error stating Temporary Access Pass cannot be added to an external guest user.
External guest users can sign-in to a resource tenant with a TAP issued by their home tenant if the TAP meets the home tenant authentication requirements and Cross Tenant Access policies have been configured to trust MFA from the users home tenant, see Manage cross-tenant access settings for B2B collaboration.
An expired or deleted TAP can’t be used for interactive or non-interactive authentication.
Users need to reauthenticate with different authentication methods after the TAP is expired or deleted.
The token lifetime (session token, refresh token, access token, and so on) obtained by using a TAP sign-in is limited to the TAP lifetime. When a TAP expires, it leads to the expiration of the associated token.
Under the Authentication methods for a user, the Detail column shows when the TAP expired. You can delete an expired TAP using the following steps:
You can also use PowerShell:
# Remove a user's Temporary Access Pass
Remove-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod -UserId -TemporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethodId 00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee
For more information, see Remove-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod.
For more information about NIST standards for onboarding and recovery, see NIST Special Publication 800-63A.
Keep these limitations in mind:
9. apr., 15h - 10. apr., 12h
Kodinite prihodnost z UI in povežite se s kolegi in strokovnjaki za Java na spletnem mestu JDConf 2025.
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