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Add a derived stream destination to an eventstream

This article shows you how to add a derived stream destination to an eventstream in Microsoft Fabric event streams.

You can create a derived stream after doing operations like filtering and aggregating an eventstream. The derived stream is then ready for further consumption or analysis through the Real-Time hub. For more information about derived streams, see Create default and derived Fabric event streams.


  • Access to a workspace in the Fabric capacity license mode (or) the Trial license mode with Contributor or higher permissions.

Add a derived stream as a destination

To route event data to a derived stream destination, follow these steps to add the Stream destination.

  1. In Edit mode for your eventstream, use one of the following ways to create a new stream:

    • Hover over the operator and select the + symbol, then select Stream as the destination.

      Screenshot of adding the new stream by selecting the + symbol on the operator.

    • Or, select Destination from the ribbon and select Stream. Then drag the new derived stream to connect it to the operator node.

      Screenshot of adding the new stream by selecting Stream and connecting the new stream to the operator.

  2. On the Derived Stream screen, give the stream a name, specify the data format, and select Save.

    Screenshot of the Derived Stream screen with Save highlighted.

  3. After you create the derived stream, it appears in your eventstream on the canvas in Edit mode. You can continue processing your data by adding operations and destinations after the derived stream. To implement your changes, select Publish.

    Screenshot of the derived stream in Edit mode, with Publish highlighted.

After you complete these steps, the derived stream appears on the canvas in Live view, and you can view the Details, Data preview and Data insights in the lower pane.

Screenshot of the eventstream in Live view with the Details pane.

You can also access this stream in Real-Time hub.

Screenshot of the derived eventstream listed in Real-Time hub.

To learn how to add other destinations to an eventstream, see the following articles: