
Deli z drugimi prek

Review client app protection logs

Learn about the settings you can review in the app protection logs. Access logs by enabling Intune Diagnostics on a mobile client.

The process to enable and collect logs varies by platform:

The following tables list the App protection policy setting name and supported values that are recorded in the log. In addition, each setting identifies the policy setting found within Microsoft Intune admin center. For detailed information on each setting, see iOS/iPadOS app protection policy settings and Android app protection policy settings in Microsoft Intune.

iOS/iPadOS App protection policy settings

Name Value details Setting in Microsoft Intune App Protection Policy
AccessRecheckOfflineTimeout x minutes Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Offline grace period with action Block access (minutes)
AccessRecheckOnlineTimeout x minutes Section: Access requirements
Setting: Recheck the Access requirements after (minutes of inactivity)
AllowedIOSModelsElseBlock x characters Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Device model(s) with action Allow specified (Block non-specific)
AllowedIOSModelsElseWipe x characters Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Device model(s) with action Allow specified (Wipe non-specific)
AppActionIfUnableToAuthenticateUser 0 = Block access
1 = Wipe data required
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Disabled account
AppPinDisabled 0 = Require
1 = Not required
Section: Access requirements
Setting: App PIN when device PIN is set
AppSharingFromLevel 0 = None
1 = Policy Managed apps
2 = All apps
Section: Data protection
Setting: Receive data from other apps
AppSharingToLevel 0 = None
1 = Policy managed apps
2 = All app
Section: Data protection
Setting: Send org data to other apps
AuthenticationEnabled 0 = Not required
1 = Require
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Work or school account credentials for access
ClipboardCharacterExceptionLength x characters Section: Data protection
Setting: Cut and copy character limit for any app
ClipboardEncryptionEnabled 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
No administrative control for this setting.
ClipboardSharingLevel 0 = Blocked
1 = Policy managed apps
2 = Policy managed apps with paste in
3 = Any app
Section: Data protection
Setting: Restrict cut, copy, and paste between other apps
ContactSyncDisabled 0 = Allow
1 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Sync app with native contacts app
DataBackupDisabled 0 = Allow
1 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Prevent backups
DeviceComplianceEnabled 0 = False
1 = True
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Jailbroken/rooted devices
DeviceComplianceFailureAction 0 = Block access
1 = Wipe data
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Jailbroken/rooted devices
DialerRestrictionLevel 0 = None, do not transfer this data between apps
1 = A specific dialer app
3 = Any dialer app
Section: Data protection
Setting: Transfer telecommunication data to
DictationBlocked 0 = Allow
1 = Block
No administrative control for this setting.
DisableShareSense N/A N/A: Not actively used by the Intune service.
EnableOpenInFilter 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Section: Data protection
Setting: Send Org data to other apps > Policy managed apps with Open-In/Share filtering
FaceIDEnabled 0 = Block
1 = Allow
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Face ID instead of PIN for access (iOS 11+/iPadOS)
FileEncryptionLevel 0 = When device is locked
1 = When device is locked and there are open files
2 = After device restart
3 = Use device settings
Section: Data protection
Setting: Encrypt org data
FileSharingSaveAsDisabled 0 = Allow
1 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Save copies of org data
IntuneIdentityUPN UPN of the Intune MAM user N/A
ManagedBrowserRequired 0 = False
1 = True
Section: Data protection
Setting: Restrict web content transfer with other apps
ManagedLocations A value that represents the number of managed storage locations to which the app can save data.
1 = OneDrive
2 = SharePoint
3 = OneDrive & SharePoint
4 = Box
5 = OneDrive & Box
6 = SharePoint & Box
7 = OneDrive, SharePoint & Box
32 = Local Storage
33 = Local Storage & OneDrive
34 = Local Storage & SharePoint
35 = Local Storage, OneDrive & SharePoint
36 = Local Storage & Box
37 = Local Storage, OneDrive & Box
38 = Local Storage, SharePoint & Box
39 = Local Storage, OneDrive, SharePoint & Box
128 = Photo Library
129 = Photo Library & OneDrive
130 = Photo Library & SharePoint
131 = Photo Library, OneDrive & SharePoint
132 = Photo Library & Box
133 = Photo Library, OneDrive & Box
134 = Photo Library, SharePoint & Box
135 = Photo Library, OneDrive, SharePoint & Box
160 = Photo Library, Local Storage
161 = Photo Library, Local Storage & OneDrive
162 = Photo Library, Local Storage & SharePoint
163 = Photo Library, Local Storage, OneDrive & SharePoint
164 = Photo Library, Local Storage & Box
165 = Photo Library, Local Storage, OneDrive & Box
166 = Photo Library, Local Storage, SharePoint & Box
167 = Photo Library, Local Storage, OneDrive, SharePoint & Box
Section: Data protection
Setting: Allow user to save copies to selected services
ManagedUniversalLinks A list of universal links that allow data to be open in the corresponding managed apps Section: Data protection
Setting: Select managed universal links
MaxPinRetryExceededAction 0 = Reset PIN
1 = Wipe data
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max PIN attempts
MaxOsVersion "0.0" = no maximum OS version
anything else = maximum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max OS version with action Block access
MaxOsVersionWarning "0.0" = no maximum OS version
anything else = maximum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max OS version with action Warn
MaxOsVersionWipe "0.0" = no maximum OS version
anything else = maximum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max OS version with action Wipe data
MinAppVersion "0.0" = no minimum app version
anything else = minimum app version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min app version with action Block access
MinAppVersionWarning "0.0" = no minimum app version.
anything else = minimum app version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min app version with action Warn
MinAppVersionWipe "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min app version with action Wipe data
MinOsVersion "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min OS version with action Block access
MinOsVersionWarning "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min OS version with action Warn
MinOsVersionWipe "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min OS version with action Wipe data
MinSDKVersion "0.0" = no minimum SDK version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min SDK version with action Block access
MinSDKVersionWipe "0.0" = no minimum SDK version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min SDK version with action Block access
MinimumRequiredDeviceThreatProtectionLevel 0 = Not configured
1 = Secured
2 = Low
3 = Medium
4 = High
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max allowed device threat level
MobileThreatDefenseRemediationAction 0 = Block access
1 = Wipe data
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Max allowed device threat level action)
NonBioPassTimeOutRequired 0 = Not required
1 = Require
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Override Touch ID with PIN after timeout
NonBioPassTimeOut x minutes Section: Access requirements
Setting: Override Touch ID with PIN after timeout > Timeout (minutes of inactivity)
NotificationRestriction 0 = Allow
1 = Block Org Data
2 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Org data notifications
OpenDataFromManagedLocations A value that represents the number of managed storage locations to which the app can save data.
1 = OneDrive
2 = SharePoint
3 = OneDrive & SharePoint
4 = Camera
5 = OneDrive & Camera
6 = SharePoint & Camera
7 = OneDrive, SharePoint & Camera
8 = Local Storage
9 = Local Storage & OneDrive
10 = Local Storage & SharePoint
11 = Local Storage, OneDrive & SharePoint
12 = Local Storage & Camera
13 = Local Storage, OneDrive & Camera
14 = Local Storage, SharePoint & Camera
15 = Local Storage, OneDrive, SharePoint & Camera
16 = Photo Library
17 = Photo Library & OneDrive
18 = Photo Library & SharePoint
19 = Photo Library, OneDrive & SharePoint
20 = Photo Library & Camera
21 = Photo Library, OneDrive & Camera
22 = Photo Library, SharePoint & Camera
23 = Photo Library, OneDrive, SharePoint & Camera
24 = Photo Library & Local Storage
25 = Photo Library, Local Storage & OneDrive
26 = Photo Library, Local Storage & SharePoint
27 = Photo Library, Local Storage, OneDrive & SharePoint
28 = Photo Library, Local Storage & Camera
29 = Photo Library, Local Storage, OneDrive & Camera
30 = Photo Library, Local Storage, SharePoint & Camera
31 = Photo Library, Local Storage, OneDrive, SharePoint & Camera
Section: Data protection
Setting: Allow users to open data from selected services
OpenDataIntoOrgDocumentsBlocked 0 = Allow
1 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Open data into Org documents
OfflineWipeInterval x days Note: No administrative control for this setting.
PINCharacterType 0 = Passcode
1 = Numeric
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Pin type
PINEnabled 0 = Not required
1 = Require
Section: Access requirements
Setting: PIN for access
PINExpiryDays x characters Section: Access requirements
Setting: PIN reset after number of days > Number of days
PINMinLength x characters Section: Access requirements
Setting: Select minimum PIN length
PINNumRetry x attempts Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max PIN attempts
PrintingBlocked 0 = Allow
1 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Printing org data
ProtectAllIncomingUnknownSourceData N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.
ProtectManagedOpenInData 0 = False
1 = True
Section: Data protection
Setting: Send org data to other apps is set to Policy Managed apps with Open-In/Share filtering when true. Note that this can also be set to 1 when Policy Managed Apps with OS sharing is enabled.
ProtocolExclusions A list of app URL protocol schemes that allow data to be open in the corresponding unmanaged apps data Section: Data protection
Setting: Select apps to exempt
RequireFileEncryption N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.
SimplePINAllowed 0 = Block
1 = Allow
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Simple PIN
SpecificDialerProtocol URL protocol scheme for the specific dialer that is used for phone calls from managed apps Section: Data protection
Setting: Dialer App URL Scheme
ThirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked 0 = Allow
1 = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Third party keyboards
TouchIDEnabled 0 = Block
1 = Allow
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Touch ID instead of PIN for access (iOS 8+/iPadOS)
UniversalLinkExclusions A list of universal links that allow data to be open in the corresponding unmanaged apps Section: Data protection
Setting: Select universal links to exempt
UnmanagedBrowserProtocol URL protocol scheme for the unmanaged browser that is used to view managed web links Section: Data protection
Setting: Restrict web content transfer with other apps

Android App protection policy settings

Name Value details Setting in Microsoft Intune App Protection Policy
AccessRecheckOfflineTimeout​ x minutes Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Offline grace period with action Block access (minutes)
AccessRecheckOnlineTimeout​ x minutes Section: Access requirements
Setting: Recheck the Access requirements after (minutes of inactivity)
AllowedAndroidManufacturersElseBlock Empty if not set​, otherwise list of allowed manufacturers Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Device manufacturers with action Allow specified (Block non-specified)
AllowedAndroidManufacturersElseWipe Empty if not set​, otherwise list of allowed manufacturers Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Device manufacturers with action Allow specified (Wipe non-specified)
AllowedAndroidModelsElseBlock Empty if not set​, otherwise list of allowed models No administrative control for this setting.
AllowedAndroidModelsElseWipe Empty if not set​, otherwise list of allowed models No administrative control for this setting.
AndroidSafetyNetDeviceAttestationEnforcement NOT_REQUIRED = not set
BASIC_INTEGRITY = Basic Integrity
BASIC_INTEGRITY_AND_DEVICE_CERTIFICATION = Basic Integrity and certified devices
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Play integrity verdict
AndroidSafetyNetDeviceAttestationFailedAction BLOCK = Block access
WARN = Warn
WIPE_DATA = Wipe Data
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Play integrity verdict
AndroidSafetyNetVerifyAppsEnforcementType NOT_REQUIRED = not set
REQUIRE_ENABLED = configured
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Require threat scan on apps
AndroidSafetyNetVerifyAppsFailedAction BLOCK = Block access
WARN = Warn
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Require threat scan on apps
AppActionIfUnableToAuthenticateUser NONE = not set
BLOCK = Block access
WIPE_DATA = Wipe apps
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Disabled account
AppPinDisabled true = Require
false = Not required
Section: Access requirements
Setting: App PIN when device PIN is set
ApprovedKeyboards List of approved keyboard bundle IDs required Section: Data protection
Setting: Select keyboards to approve
AppSharingFromLevel BLOCKED = None
MANAGED = Policy Managed apps
Section: Data protection
Setting: Receive data from other apps
AppSharingToLevel BLOCKED = None
MANAGED = Policy Managed apps
Section: Data protection
Setting: Send org data to other apps
AuthenticationEnabled false = Not required
true = Require
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Work or school account credentials for access
BiometricIdEnabled 0 = Block
1 = Allow
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Biometrics instead of PIN for access
BlockAfterCompanyPortalUpdateDeferralInDays x days Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max Company Portal version age (days)
BlockClockSttausWithGracePeriod N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.
BlockScreenCapture false = Allow
true = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Screen capture and Google Assistant
ClipboardCharacterExceptionLength x characters Section: Data protection
Setting: Cut and copy character limit for any app
ClipboardSharingLevel BLOCKED = Blocked
MANAGED = Policy managed apps
MANAGED_PASTE_IN = Policy managed apps with paste in
Section: Data protection
Setting: Restrict cut, copy, and paste between other apps
ConditionalEncryptionEnabled false = Require
true = Not required
Section: Data protection
Setting: Encrypt org data on enrolled devices
ConnectToVPNOnLaunch N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.
ContactSyncDisabled false = Allow
true = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Sync app with native contacts app
DataBackupDisabled false = Allow
true = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Prevent backups
DeviceComplianceEnabled false = False
true = True
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Jailbroken/rooted devices
DeviceComplianceFailureAction BLOCK = Block access
WIPE_DATA = Wipe data
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Jailbroken/rooted devices
DialerRestrictionLevel 0 = None, do not transfer this data between apps
1 = A specific dialer app
2 = Any policy-managed dialer app
3 = Any dialer app
Section: Data protection
Setting: Transfer telecommunication data to
DictationBlocked false = Allow
true = Block
No administrative control for this setting.
FileEncryptionKeyLength 128
No administrative control for this setting.
FileSharingSaveAsDisabled false = Allow
true = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Save copies of org data
IntuneMAMPolicyVersion version number N/A
isManaged true
KeyboardsRestricted true = Required
false = Not required
Section: Data protection
Setting: Approved keyboards
ManagedBrowserRequired true = Microsoft Edge or Unmanaged browser
false = Any app
Section: Data protection
Setting: Restrict web content transfer with other apps.
ManagedLocations A value that represents the number of managed storage locations to which the app can save data, separated by a semi-colon.
Section: Data protection
Setting: Allow user to save copies to selected services
MaxPinRetryExceededAction RESET_PIN = Reset PIN
WIPE_DATA = Wipe data
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max PIN attempts
MaxOsVersion "0.0" = no maximum OS version
anything else = maximum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max OS version with action Block access
MaxOsVersionWarning "0.0" = no maximum OS version
anything else = maximum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max OS version with action Warn
MaxOsVersionWipe "0.0" = no maximum OS version
anything else = maximum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max OS version with action Wipe data
MinAppVersion "0.0" = no minimum app version
anything else = minimum app version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min app version with action Block access
MinAppVersionWarning "0.0" = no minimum app version.
anything else = minimum app version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min app version with action Warn
MinAppVersionWipe "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min app version with action Wipe data
MinOsVersion "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min OS version with action Block access
MinOsVersionWarning "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min OS version with action Warn
MinOsVersionWipe "0.0" = no minimum OS version
anything else = minimum OS version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min OS version with action Wipe data
MinPatchVersion "0000-00-00" = no minimum Patch version
anything else = minimum Patch version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min Patch version with action Block access
MinPatchVersionWarning "0000-00-00" = no minimum Patch version
anything else = minimum Patch version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min Patch version with action Warn
MinPatchVersionWipe "0000-00-00" = no minimum Patch version
anything else = minimum Patch version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min Patch version with action Wipe data
MinimumRequiredCompanyPortalVersion "0.0" = no minimum Company Portal version
anything else = minimum Company Portal version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min Company Portal version with action Block access
MinimumRequiredDeviceThreatProtectionLevel NOT_SET = not defined in the policy
SECURED = Secured
LOW = Low
MEDIUM = Medium
HIGH = High
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max allowed device threat level
MinimumWarningCompanyPortalVersion "0.0" = no minimum Company Portal version
anything else = minimum Company Portal version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min Company Portal version with action Warn
MinimumWipeCompanyPortalVersion "0.0" = no minimum Company Portal version
anything else = minimum Company Portal version
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Min Company Portal version with action Wipe data
MobileThreatDefenseRemediationAction BLOCK = Block Access
WIPE_DATA = Wipe data
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max allowed device threat level
NonBioPassRequiredOnLaunch N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.
NonBioPassTimeOut x minutes Section: Access requirements
Setting: Override fingerprint with PIN after timeout > Timeout (minutes of inactivity)
NonBioPassTimeOutRequired false = Not required
true = Require
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Override fingerprint with PIN after timeout
NotificationRestriction UNRESTRICTED = Allow
BLOCK_ORG_DATA = Block Org Data
BLOCK = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Org data notifications
OpenDataFromManagedLocations A value that represents the number of managed storage locations to which the app can save data, separated by a semi-colon.
Section: Data protection
Setting: Allow users to open data from selected services
OpenDataIntoOrgDocumentsBlocked false = Allow
true = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Open data into Org documents
PINCharacterType PASSCODE = Passcode
NUMERIC = Numeric
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Pin type
PINEnabled false = Not required
true = Require
Section: Access requirements
Setting: PIN for access
PINExpiryDays x characters Section: Access requirements
Setting: PIN reset after number of days > Number of days
PINMinLength x characters Section: Access requirements
Setting: Select minimum PIN length
PINNumRetry x attempts Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Max PIN attempts
PackageExclusions Empty if no bundle IDs are configured, otherwise bundle IDs separated by a semi-colon Section: Data protection
Setting: Select apps to exempt
PinHistoryLength x PIN values to maintain Section: Access requirements
Setting: Select number of previous PIN values to maintain
PolicyCount number N/A
PrintingBlocked false = Allow
true = Block
Section: Data protection
Setting: Printing org data
RequireDeviceLock true = Required
false = Not required
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Require device lock
RequireDeviceLockEnforcementType BLOCK = Block access
WIPE_DATA = Wipe required
Section: Conditional launch
Setting: Require device lock
RequireFileEncryption false = Not required
true = Require
Section: Data protection
Setting: Encrypt org data
SimplePINAllowed false = Block
true = Allow
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Simple PIN
SpecificDialerDisplayName Dialer app name Section: Data protection
Setting: Dialer app name
SpecificDialerPackageID Dialer app bundle ID Section: Data protection
Setting: Dialer App Package ID
TouchIDEnabled false = Block
true = Allow
Section: Access requirements
Setting: Fingerprint instead of PIN for access (Android 9.0+)
UnmanagedBrowserDisplayName Unmanaged web browser display name Section: Data protection
Setting: Unmanaged Browser name
UnmanagedBrowserPackageID Unmanaged web browser package ID Section: Data protection
Setting: Unmanaged Browser ID
UserStatusPollInterval N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.
UserStatusTimeoutInSeconds N/A Note: Not actively used by the Intune service.

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