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Intune Data Warehouse Collections

The following Intune Data Warehouse collections provides the properties, descriptions, and examples for v1.0 collections of the Data Warehouse API entities.


The appRevision entity lists all the versions of apps.

Property Description Example
appKey Unique identifier of the App. 123
applicationId Unique identifier of the App - similar to AppKey, but this key is a natural. b66bc706-ffff-7437-0340-032819502773
revision The version as mentioned by admin during uploading of the binary. 2
title Title of the app. Excel
publisher Publisher of the app. Microsoft
uploadState Upload state of the app. 1
appTypeKey Reference to AppType described in the following section. 1
vppProgramTypeKey Reference to VppProgramType described below. 30876
creationTime The time when this revision was created. 11/23/2016 0:00
modifiedTime Last time anything related to this revision was changed. 11/23/2016 0:00
size Size of the binary in bytes. 120,392,000
startDateInclusiveUTC Date and time in UTC when this App revision was created in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 0:00
endDateExclusiveUTC Date and time in UTC when this app revision became obsolete. 11/23/2016 0:00
isCurrent Indicates whether this App version is current or not in the data warehouse. True/False
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when this app version was last modified in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 0:00


The appType entity lists the installation source of an app.


Win32 apps are not included in the Intune Data Warehouse.

Property Description
appTypeID ID for the type
appTypeKey Surrogate key for the key
appTypeName App type


AppTypeID Name Description
0 Android store app An Android store app.
1 Android LOB app An Android line-of-business app.
2 Managed Android store app (MAM) An Android store app that has management enabled.
3 iOS store app An iOS store app.
4 iOS LOB app An iOS line-of-business app.
5 Managed iOS store app (MAM) An iOSstore app that is management enabled.
6 Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise The Microsoft 365 Apps for Windows 10.
7 Web app A web app.
8 Windows Phone 8.1 store app A Windows phone 8.1 store app.
9 Windows store app A Windows store app.
10 Windows LOB apps A Windows AppX line-of-business app.
11 Windows Mobile MSI An MSI line-of-business app.
12 Windows Phone LOB app A Windows phone line-of-business app.


The following table summarizes the assignment status of compliance policies to devices. It lists the count of devices found in each compliance state.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date key when the summary was created for the compliance policy. 20161204
unknown Number of devices that are offline or failed to communicate with Intune or Microsoft Entra ID for other reasons. 5
notApplicable Number of devices where device compliance policies targeted by the admin are not applicable. 201
compliant Number of devices that successfully applied one or more device compliance policies targeted by the admin. 4083
inGracePeriod Number of devices that are not compliant but that are in the grace-period defined by the admin. 57
nonCompliant Number of devices that failed to apply one or more device compliance policies targeted by the admin or where the user hasn't complied with the policies targeted by the admin. 43
error Number of devices that failed to communicate with Intune or Microsoft Entra ID, and returned an error message. 3


The following table summarizes the assignment status of compliance policies to devices on a per policy and a per policy type basis. It lists the count of devices found in each compliance state for each assigned compliance policy.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date key when the summary was created for the compliance policy. 20161219
policyKey Key for the compliance policy for which the summary was created. 10178
policyPlatformKey Key for the platform type of the compliance policy for which the summary was created. 5
unknown Number of devices that are offline or failed to communicate with Intune or Microsoft Entra ID for other reasons. 13
notApplicable Number of devices where device compliance policies targeted by the admin are not applicable. 3
compliant Number of devices that successfully applied one or more device compliance policies targeted by the admin. 45
inGracePeriod Number of devices that are not compliant but that are in the grace-period defined by the admin. 3
nonCompliant Number of devices that failed to apply one or more device compliance policies targeted by the admin or where the user hasn't complied with the policies targeted by the admin. 7
error Number of devices that failed to communicate with Intune or Microsoft Entra ID, and returned an error message. 3


Property Description
complianceStatus Compliance status of devices with mdmStatusKey
complianceStateKey Compliance key to match device and compliance status
complianceStateID The ID to match this compliance state


complianceStatus Description
Unknown Unknown.
Compliant Compliant.
Noncompliant Device is non-compliant and is blocked from corporate resources.
Conflict Conflict with other rules.
Error Error.
ConfigManager Managed by Config Manager.
InGracePeriod Device is non-compliant but still has access to corporate resources


The date entity represents dates that are referenced across multiple data warehouse entities.

Property Description Example
dateKey Unique identifier for this date in the data warehouse. 20160703
fullDate This date represented in full Date/Time format. 7/3/2016 0:00
dayOfWeek Day of week 1
dayOfMonth Day of month 3
dayOfYear Day of year 185
weekOfYear Week of year 28
monthOfYear Month of the year 7
calendarQuarter Calendar quarter 3
calendarYear Calendar year 2016
dateKey Unique identifier for this date in the data warehouse. 20160703
fullDate This date represented in full Date/Time format. 7/3/2016 0:00
dayOfWeek Day of week 1
dayOfMonth Day of month 3
dayOfYear Day of year 185
weekOfYear Week of year 28
monthOfYear Month of the year 7
calendarQuarter Calendar quarter 3
calendarYear Calendar year 2016


Property Description Example
deviceCategoryID Unique identifier for the device category. fb415ba2-7c08-41f6-a5e5-685b50da2c4c
deviceCategoryKey Unique identifier of the device category in the data warehouse - surrogate key 1
deviceCategoryName Display name for the device category. Smartphones


The DeviceConfigurationProfileDeviceActivity entity lists the number of devices in the succeeded, pending, failed, or error state per day. The number reflects the Device configuration profiles assigned to the entity. For example, if a device is in the succeeded state for all its assigned policies, it increments the succeeded counter up one for that day. If a device has two profiles assigned to it, one in the succeeded state and another in an error state, the entity increments the Succeeded counter and place the device in the error state. The entity lists how many devices are in which state on a given day over the last 30 days.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date Key when the Device Configuration Profile check-in was recorded in the data warehouse. 20160703
pending Number of unique Devices in pending state. 123
succeeded Number of unique Devices in success state. 12
error Number of unique Devices in error state. 10
failed Number of unique Devices in failed state. 2


The DeviceConfigurationProfileUserActivity entity lists the number of users in the succeeded, pending, failed, or error state per day. The number reflects the Device configuration profiles assigned to the entity. For example, if a user is in the succeeded state for all their assigned policies, it moves up the succeeded counter by one for that day. If a user has two profiles assigned to them, one in the succeeded state and the other is in an error state, the user in the error state is counted. The DeviceConfigurationProfileUserActivity entity lists how many users are in which state on a given day over the last 30 days.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date Key when the Device Configuration Profile check-in was recorded in the data warehouse. 20160703
pending Number of unique Users in pending state. 123
succeeded Number of unique Users in success state. 12
error Number of unique Users in error state. 10
failed Number of unique Users in failed state. 2


Property Description
dateKey Reference to date table indicating the day.
deviceKey Unique identifier of the device in the data warehouse - surrogate key. This is a reference to the Device table that contains the Intune device ID.
deviceName Name of the device on platforms that allow naming a device. On other platforms, Intune creates a name from other properties. This attribute cannot be available for all devices.
deviceRegistrationStateKey Key of the device registration state attribute for this device.
ownerTypeKey Key of the owner type attribute for this device: corporate, personal, or unknown.
managementStateKey Key of the management state associated with this device, indicating latest state of a remote action or if it was jailbroken/rooted.
azureADRegistered Whether the device is Microsoft Entra registered.
complianceStateKey A key to ComplianceState.
oSVersion OS version.
jailBroken Whether the device is jail broken or rooted.
deviceCategoryKey Key of device category attribute for this device.
physicalMemoryInBytes The physical memory in bytes.
totalStorageSpaceInBytes Total storage capacity in bytes.


The DeviceRegistrationState entity represents the registration type referenced by other data warehouse collections.

Property Description
deviceRegistrationStateID Unique identifier for registration state
deviceRegistrationStateKey Unique identifier of the registration state in the data warehouse - surrogate key
deviceRegistrationStateName Registration state
notRegistered Not registered
registered Registered
revoked State means the IT administrator has blocked the client, and the client can be unblocked. A device can also be in the Revoked state after it is wiped or retired.
keyConflict Key conflict
approvalPending Approval pending
certificateReset Reset certificate
notRegisteredPendingEnrollment Not registered pending enrollment
unknown Unknown state


The device entity lists all enrolled devices under management and their corresponding properties.

Property Description
deviceKey Unique identifier of the device in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
deviceId Unique identifier of the device.
deviceName Name of the device on platforms that allow naming a device. On other platforms, Intune creates a name from other properties. This attribute cannot be available for all devices.
deviceTypeKey Key of the device type attribute for this device.
deviceRegistrationState Key of the client registration state attribute for this device.
ownerTypeKey Key of the owner type attribute for this device: corporate, personal, or unknown.
enrolledDateTime Date and time that this device was enrolled.
ethernetMacAddress The unique network identifier of this device.
lastSyncDateTime Last known device check-in with Intune.
managementAgentKey Key of the management agent associated with this device.
managementStateKey Key of the management state associated with this device, indicating latest state of a remote action or if it was jailbroken/rooted.
azureADDeviceId The Azure deviceID for this device.
azureADRegistered Whether the device is Microsoft Entra registered.
deviceCategoryKey Key of the category associated with this device.
deviceEnrollmentType Key of the enrollment type associated with this device, indicating method of enrollment.
complianceStateKey Key of the Compliance state associated with this device.
office365Version The version of Microsoft 365 that is installed on the device.
oSVersion Operating system version of the device.
easDeviceId Exchange ActiveSync ID of the device.
serialNumber SerialNumber
userId Unique Identifier for the user associated with the device.
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when this device was last modified in the data warehouse.
manufacturer Manufacturer of the device
model Model of the device
operatingSystem Operating system of the device. Windows, iOS/iPadOS, etc.
isDeleted Binary to show whether the device is deleted or not.
androidSecurityPatchLevel Android security patch level
isSupervised Device supervised status
freeStorageSpaceInBytes Free Storage in bytes.
encryptionState Encryption state on the device.
subscriberCarrier Subscriber carrier of the device
phoneNumber Phone number of the device
cellularTechnology Cellular technology of the device.
wiFiMacAddress Wi-Fi MAC.
windowsOsEdition Windows Operating System edition.


For more information about Windows SKU enum values, see Device properties.


The deviceType entity represents the device type referenced by other data warehouse entities. The device type typically describes either the device model, manufacturer, or a combination of both.

Property Description
deviceTypeID Unique identifier of the device type
deviceTypeKey Unique identifier of the device type in the data warehouse - surrogate key
deviceTypeName Device type


deviceTypeID Name Description
-1 Not Available The device type is unavailable.
0 Desktop Windows Desktop device
1 Windows Windows device
2 WinMO6 Windows Mobile 6.0 device
3 Nokia Nokia device
4 WindowsPhone Windows Phone device
5 Mac Mac device
6 WinCE Windows CE device
7 WinEmbedded Windows Embedded device
8 IPhone iPhone device
9 IPad iPad device
10 IPod iPod device
11 Android Android device-managed using Device Administrator
12 ISocConsumer iSoc Consumer device
13 Unix Unix Device
14 MacMDM OS X device managed with the built-in MDM agent
15 HoloLens HoloLens device
16 SurfaceHub Surface Hub device
17 AndroidForWork Android device-managed using Android Profile Owner
18 AndroidEnterprise Android enterprise device.
100 Blackberry Blackberry Device
101 Palm Palm device
255 Unknown Unknown device type


The deviceEnrollmentType entity indicates how a device was enrolled. The enrollment type captures the method of enrollment. Examples list the different enrollment types and what they mean.

Property Description
deviceEnrollmentTypeID Unique identifier of the enrollment type.
deviceEnrollmentTypeKey Unique identifier of the enrollment type in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
deviceEnrollmentTypeName Enrollment type name.


enrollmentTypeID Name Description
0 Unknown Enrollment type was not collected
1 UserEnrollment User driven enrollment through BYOD channel.
2 DeviceEnrollmentManager User enrollment with a device enrollment manager account.
3 AppleBulkWithUser Apple bulk enrollment with user challenge. (DEP, Apple Configurator)
4 AppleBulkWithoutUser Apple bulk enrollment without user challenge. (DEP, Apple Configurator, Mobile Config)
5 WindowsAzureADJoin Windows 10 Microsoft Entra join.
6 WindowsBulkUserless Windows 10 Bulk enrollment through ICD with certificate.
7 WindowsAutoEnrollment Windows 10 automatic enrollment. (Add work account)
8 WindowsBulkAzureDomainJoin Windows 10 bulk Microsoft Entra join.
9 WindowsCoManagement Windows 10 co-management triggered by Autopilot or Group Policy.
10 WindowsAzureADJoinsUsingDeviceAuth Windows 10 Microsoft Entra join using Device Auth.


The EnrollmentActivity entity indicates the activity of a device enrollment.

Property Description
dateKey Key of the date when this enrollment activity was recorded.
deviceEnrollmentTypeKey Key of the type of the enrollment.
deviceTypeKey Key of the type of device.
enrollmentEventStatusKey Key of the status indicating the success or failure of the enrollment.
enrollmentFailureCategoryKey Key of the enrollment failure category (if the enrollment failed).
enrollmentFailureReasonKey Key of the enrollment failure reason (if the enrollment failed).
osVersion The operating system version of the device.
count Total count of enrollment activities matching the classifications above.


The EnrollmentEventStatus entity indicates the result of a device enrollment.

Property Description
enrollmentEventStatusKey Unique identifier of the enrollment status in the data warehouse (surrogate key)
enrollmentEventStatusName The name of the enrollment status. See examples below.


enrollmentEventStatusName Description
Success A successful device enrollment
Failed A failed device enrollment
Not Available The enrollment status is unavailable.


The EnrollmentFailureCategory entity indicates why a device enrollment failed.

Property Description
enrollmentFailureCategoryKey Unique identifier of the enrollment failure category in the data warehouse (surrogate key)
enrollmentFailureCategoryName The name of the enrollment failure category. See examples below.


enrollmentFailureCategoryName Description
Not Applicable The enrollment failure category is not applicable.
Not Available The enrollment failure category is not available.
Unknown Unknown error.
Authentication Authentication failed.
Authorization Call was authenticated, but not authorized to enroll.
AccountValidation Failed to validate the account for enrollment. (Account blocked, enrollment not enabled)
UserValidation User could not be validated. (User does not exist, missing license)
DeviceNotSupported Device is not supported for mobile device management.
InMaintenance Account is in maintenance.
BadRequest Client sent a request that is not understood/supported by the service.
FeatureNotSupported Feature(s) used by this enrollment are not supported for this account.
EnrollmentRestrictionsEnforced Enrollment restrictions configured by admin blocked this enrollment.
ClientDisconnected Client timed out or enrollment was aborted by end user.
UserAbandonment Enrollment was abandoned by end user. (End user started onboarding but failed to complete it in timely manner)


The EnrollmentFailureReason entity indicates a more detailed reason for a device enrollment failure within a given failure category.

Property Description
enrollmentFailureReasonKey Unique identifier of the enrollment failure reason in the data warehouse (surrogate key)
enrollmentFailureReasonName The name of the enrollment failure reason. See examples below.


enrollmentFailureReasonName Description
Not Applicable The enrollment failure reason is not applicable.
Not Available The enrollment failure reason is not available.
Unknown Unknown Error.
UserNotLicensed The user was not found in Intune or does not have a valid license.
UserUnknown User is not known to Intune.
BulkAlreadyEnrolledDevice Only one user can enroll a device. This device was previously enrolled by another user.
EnrollmentOnboardingIssue Intune mobile device management (MDM) authority is not configured yet.
AppleChallengeIssue The iOS management profile installation was delayed or failed.
AppleOnboardingIssue An Apple MDM push certificate is required to enroll into Intune.
DeviceCap The user attempted to enroll more devices than maximum allowed.
AuthenticationRequirementNotMet Intune enrollment service failed to authorize this request.
UnsupportedDeviceType This device does not meet minimum requirements for Intune enrollment.
EnrollmentCriteriaNotMet This device failed to enroll due to a configured enrollment restriction rule.
BulkDeviceNotPreregistered This device's international mobile equipment identifier (IMEI) or serial number wasn't found. Without this identifier, devices are recognized as personal-owned devices which are currently blocked.
FeatureNotSupported The user was attempting to access a feature that is not yet released for all customers or is not compatible with your Intune configuration.
UserAbandonment Enrollment was abandoned by end user. (End user started onboarding but failed to complete it in timely manner)
APNSCertificateExpired Apple devices cannot be managed with an expired Apple MDM push certificate.


The intuneManagementExtension lists the intuneManagementExtension health on each Windows 10 device per day. The data is retained for the last 60 days.

Property Description Example
dateKey Unique identifier of the Date. 123
tenantKey Unique identifier of the Tenant. 456
deviceKey Unique identifier of the Device. 789
extensionVersionKey Unique identifier of the IntuneManagementExtension version. 1
extensionStateKey Unique identifier of health state. 2


The IntuneManagementExtensionHealthState lists all possible health states of the IntuneManagementExtension.

Property Description Example
extensionStateKey Unique identifier of health state. 2
extensionState Health state of a IntuneManagementExtension. Healthy


The IntuneManagementExtensionVersion entity lists all the versions used by IntuneManagementExtension.

Property Description Example
extensionVersionKey Unique identifier of the IntuneManagementExtension version. 1
extensionVersion The 4 digit version number.


The MamApplication entity lists Line-of-Business (LOB) apps that are managed through Mobile Application Management (MAM) without enrollment in your enterprise.

Property Description Example
mamApplicationKey Unique identifier of the MAM application. 432
mamApplicationName Name of the MAM application. MAM Application Example Name
mamApplicationId Application ID of the MAM application. 123
isDeleted Indicates whether this MAM app record has been updated.
True- MAM app has a new record with updated fields in this table.
False- the latest record for this MAM app.
startDateInclusiveUTC Date and time in UTC when this MAM app was created in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
deletedDateUTC Date and time in UTC when IsDeleted changed to True. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when this MAM app was last modified in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM


The MamApplicationInstance entity lists managed Mobile Application Management (MAM) apps as singular instances per user per device. All users and devices listed with in the entity are protected, as in, they have at least one MAM Policy assigned to them.

Property Description Example
applicationInstanceKey Unique identifier of the MAM app instance in the data warehouse - surrogate key. 123
userId User ID of the user who has this MAM app installed. b66bc706-ffff-7437-0340-032819502773
applicationInstanceId Unique identifier of the MAM app instance - similar to ApplicationInstanceKey, but the identifier is a natural key. b66bc706-ffff-7437-0340-032819502773
mamApplicationId Application ID of the Mam Application for which this Mam Application Instance was created. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
applicationVersion Application version of this MAM app. 2
createdDate Date when this record of the MAM app instance was created. Value can be null. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
platform Platform of the device on which this MAM app is installed. 2
platformVersion Platform version of the device on which this MAM app is installed. 2.2
sdkVersion The MAM SDK version that this MAM app was wrapped with. 3.2
mamDeviceId Device ID of the device with which MAM Application Instance is associated with. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
mamDeviceType Device type of the device with which MAM Application Instance is associated with. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
mamDeviceName Device name of the device with which MAM Application Instance is associated with. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
isDeleted Indicates whether this MAM app instance record has been updated.
True- this MAM app instance has a new record with updated fields in this table.
False - the latest record for this MAM app instance.
startDateInclusiveUtc Date and time in UTC when this MAM app instance was created in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
deletedDateUtc Date and time in UTC when IsDeleted changed to True. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUtc Date and time in UTC when this MAM app instance was last modified in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM


The MamCheckin entity represents data gathered when a Mobile Application Management (MAM) app instance has checked in with the Intune Service.


When an app instance checks in multiple times a day, the data warehouse stores it as single check-in.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date Key when the MAM app check-in was recorded in the data warehouse. 20160703
applicationInstanceKey Key of the app instance associated with this MAM app check-in. 123
userKey Key of the user associated with this MAM app check-in. 4323
mamApplicationKey Application Key of Application associated with MAM Application check in. 432
deviceHealthKey Key of DeviceHealth associated with this MAM app check-in. 321
platformKey Represents the platform of the device associated with this MAM app check-in. 123
lastCheckInDate Date and time when this MAM app last checked in. Value can be null. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM


The MamDeviceHealth entity represents devices that have Mobile Application Management (MAM) policies deployed to them even if they are jailbroken.

Property Description Example
deviceHealthKey Unique identifier of the device and its associated health in the data warehouse - surrogate key. 123
deviceHealth Unique identifier of the device and its associated health - similar to DeviceHealthKey, but the identifier is a natural key. b66bc706-ffff-7777-0340-032819502773
deviceHealthName Represents the status of the device.
Not available - no information on this device.
Healthy - device is not jailbroken.
Unhealthy - device is jailbroken.
Not Available Healthy Unhealthy
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUtc Date and time in UTC when this specific MAM Device Health was last modified in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM


The MamPlatform entity lists platform names and types on which a Mobile Application Management (MAM) app was installed.

Property Description Example
platformKey Unique identifier of the platform in the data warehouse - surrogate key. 123
platform Unique identifier of the platform - similar to PlatformKey, but is a natural key. 123
platformName Platform name Not Available
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUtc Date and time in UTC when this platform was last modified in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM


The managementAgentType entity represents the agents used to manage a device.

Property Description
managementAgentTypeID Unique identifier of the management agent type.
managementAgentTypeKey Unique identifier of the management agent type in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
managementAgentTypeName Indicates what kind of agent is used to manage the device.


ManagementAgentTypeID Name Description
1 EAS The device is managed through Exchange Active Sync
2 MDM The device is managed using an MDM agent
3 EasMdm The device is managed by both Exchange Active Sync and an MDM agent
4 IntuneClient The device is managed by the Intune PC agent
5 EasIntuneClient The device is managed by both Exchange Active Sync and the Intune PC agent
8 ConfigManagerClient The device is managed by the Configuration Manager agent
10 ConfigurationManagerClientMdm The device is managed by Configuration Manager and MDM.
11 ConfigurationManagerCLientMdmEas The device is managed by Configuration Manager, MDM and Exchange Active Sync.
16 Unknown Unknown management agent type
64 GoogleCloudDevicePolicyController The device is managed by Google's CloudDPC.


The ManagementState entity provides details on the state of the device. Detail can be useful in the cases where remote actions are applied, the device is jailbroken, or rooted.

Property Description
managementStateID Unique identifier of the management state.
managementStateKey Unique identifier of the management state in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
managementStateName Indicates the state of the remote action applied to this device.


managementStateID Name Description
0 Managed Managed with no pending remote actions.
1 RetirePending There is a retire command pending for the device.
2 RetireFailed The retire command failed on the device.
3 WipePending There is a wipe command pending for the device.
4 WipeFailed The wipe command failed on the device.
5 Unhealthy Unhealthy state.
6 DeletePending There is a delete command pending for the device.
7 RetireIssued A retire command has been issued to the device.
8 WipeIssued A wipe command has been issued.
9 WipeCanceled Wipe command has been canceled.
10 RetireCanceled Retire command has been canceled.
11 Discovered The device is newly discovered by Intune, once it checks in for the first time it moves to -Managed- state.


The MobileAppInstallState entity represents the install state for a mobile application after it has been assigned to a group containing devices, users or both.

Property Description
appInstallStateKey The unique ID of the app install state for your account.
appInstallState Enum value of the app install state.
appInstallStateName Name of the app install state.


Represents a mobile app install status for a given target device type using Mobile Application Management through Microsoft Intune.

Property Description
dateKey Key of the date when the app install status was recorded.
appKey Key of the mobile app used to identify an instance of AppRevision.
deviceTypeKey Key of the Device Type associated with the Mobile Application.
appInstallStateKey Key of the app install state used to identify an instance of MobileAppInstallState.
errorCode The error code returned by the app installer, the mobile platform or the service pertaining to the installation of the app.
count Total count.


The ownerType entity indicates whether a device is corporate, personally owned, or unknown.

Property Description Example
ownerTypeID Unique identifier of the owner type.
ownerTypeKey Unique identifier of the owner type in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
ownerTypeName Represents the owner type of the devices: Corporate - Device is enterprise owned. Personal - Device is personally owned (BYOD). Unknown - No information on this device. Corporate Personal Unknown


For the ownerTypeName filter in AzureAD when creating Dynamic Groups for devices, you need to set the value deviceOwnership as Company. For more information, see Rules for devices.


The Policy entity lists device configuration profiles, app configuration profiles, and compliance policies. You can assign the policies with Mobile Device Management (MDM) to a group in your enterprise.

Property Description Example
policyKey Unique Key to represent the policy in the data warehouse. 123
policyId Unique identifier of the Policy in the data warehouse. b66bc706-ffff-7437-0340-032819502773
policyName Name of the Policy. "Windows 10 Baseline"
policyVersion Version of the Policy. When the policy is edited or changed, a newer version is created. 1, 2, 3
isDeleted Indicates whether the Policy record has been updated. True - Policy has a new record with updated fields. False- The latest record for the policy. True/False
startDateInclusiveUTC Date and time in UTC when the policy was created in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 0:00
deletedDateUTC Date and time in UTC when IsDeleted changed to True. 11/23/2016 0:00
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when the policy was last modified in the data warehouse. 11/23/2016 0:00


The following table lists the number of devices in the succeeded, pending, failed, or error state per day. The number reflects the data per Policy Type profiles. For example, if a device is in the succeeded state for all its assigned policies, it increments the succeeded counter up one for that day. If a device has two profiles assigned to it, one in the succeeded state and another in an error state, the entity increments the Succeeded counter and place the device in the error state. The policyDeviceActivity entity lists how many devices are in which state on a given day over the last 30 days.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date Key when the Device Configuration Profile check-in was recorded in the data warehouse. 20160703
pending Number of unique Devices in pending state. 123
succeeded Number of unique Devices in success state. 12
policyKey Policy Key, can be joined with Policy to get the policyName. Windows 10 baseline
error Number of unique Devices in error state. 10
failed Number of unique Devices in failed state. 2


Property Description Example
policyPlatformTypeKey The unique key for the policy platform type. 20170519
policyPlatformTypeId The unique identifier for the policy platform type. 1
policyPlatformTypeName The name for the policy platform type. AndroidForWork


The PolicyTypeActivity entity lists the cumulative number of devices in the succeeded, pending, failed, or error state. It lists these states with respect to a device configuration profile, app configuration profile, or compliance policy per day.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date Key when the device Configuration profile check-in was recorded in the data warehouse. 20160703
policyKey Policy Key, can be joined with Policy to get the policyName. Windows 10 baseline
policyTypeKey Type of Policy Key, can be joined with Policy Type to get the policy type name. Windows10 Compliance Policy
pending Number of unique devices in pending state. 123
succeeded Number of unique devices in success state. 12
error Number of unique devices in error state. 10
failed Number of unique devices in failed state. 2


The PolicyType entity lists types of device configuration profiles, app configuration profiles, and Compliance policies. You can assign the policies with Mobile Device Management (MDM) to a group in your enterprise.

Property Description Example
policyTypeId Unique identifier of the policy in the source system. 123
policyTypeKey Unique identifier of the policy in the data warehouse. 1
policyTypeName Name of the policy type. Windows 10 Compliance policy.


The following table lists the number of users in the succeeded, pending, failed, or error state per day. The number reflects the data per Policy Type profiles. For example, if a user is in the succeeded state for all their assigned policies, it moves up the succeeded counter by one for that day. If a user has two profiles assigned to them, one in the succeeded state and the other is in an error state, the user in the error state is counted. The PolicyUserActivity entity lists how many users are in which state on a given day over the last 30 days.

Property Description Example
dateKey Date Key when the Device Configuration Profile check-in was recorded in the data warehouse. 20160703
pending Number of unique Devices in pending state. 123
succeeded Number of unique Devices in success state. 12
policyKey Policy Key, can be joined with Policy to get the policyName. Windows 10 baseline
error Number of unique Devices in error state. 10


A termsAndConditions entity represents the metadata and contents of a given Terms and Conditions (T&C) policy. The contents of T&C policies are presented to users upon their first attempt to enroll into Intune and subsequently upon edits where an administrator has required re-acceptance. They enable administrators to communicate the provisions to which a user must agree in order to have devices enrolled into Intune.

Property Description Example
termsAndConditionsKey A key corresponding to an entry in the 'userTermsAndConditionsAcceptances' collection 123
termsAndCondidionsId The ID for this termsAndConditions entry 276edcb7-7440-4339-b6c5-8b6fc556fee6
termsAndConditionsVersion The version of this terms and conditions entry 1
name The name of this termsAndConditions entry. Intune terms of use
description The description for these terms and conditions.
title The title for these terms and conditions. Device management corporate policy
summaryOfTerms The summary of terms given to the user. I agree to the terms and conditions.
termsAndConditionsBodyText The body of text for these terms and conditions. Device encryption Enforcement of 6 digits PIN
isDeleted True or false value for whether this value is deleted. False
startDateInclusiveUTC The start date of these terms and conditions. 8/23/2018 4:01:34 AM
endDateEclusiveUTC The end date of these terms and conditions. 12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM


The UserDeviceAssociation entity contains user device associations in your organization.

Name Description Example
userKey Unique identifier of the user in the data warehouse. (Surrogate key). 123
deviceKey Unique identifier of the device in the data warehouse. 123
createdDateTimeUTC Date and time when the user device association was created. Uses UTC format. 11/23/2016 0:00
isDeleted Indicates that the user unenrolled that device, and that the association is not current anymore. True/False
endedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when IsDeleted changed to True. 6/23/2017 0:00


The user entity lists all the Microsoft Entra users with assigned licenses in your enterprise.

The user entity collection contains user data. These records include user states during the data collection period, even if the user has been removed. For example, a user may be added to Intune and then removed during the course of the last month. While this user is not present at the time of the report, the user and state are present in the data from the prior month. You could create a report that would show the duration of the user's historic presence in your data.

Property Description Example
userKey Unique identifier of the user in the data warehouse - surrogate key. 123
userId Unique identifier of the user - similar to UserKey, but is a natural key. b66bc706-ffff-7437-0340-032819502773
userEmail Email address of the user. John@constoso.com
userPrincipalName User principal name of the user. John@constoso.com
displayName Display name of the user. John
intuneLicensed Specifies if this user is Intune licensed or not. True/False
isDeleted Indicates whether all of the user's licenses have expired and whether the user was therefore removed from Intune. For a single record, this flag does not change. Instead, a new record is created for a new user state. True/False
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when the record was last modified in the data warehouse 11/23/2016 0:00


A userTermsAndConditionsAcceptance entity represents the acceptance status of a given Terms and Conditions (T&C) policy by a given user. Users must accept the most up-to-date version of the terms in order to retain access to the Company Portal.

Property Description Example
dateKey A key corresponding to a date values in the 'dates' collection. 20180823
userKey A user key mapping to a user in the 'users' collection. 20000
termsAndConditionsKey A key corresponding to an entry in the 'termsAndConditions' collection 1
acceptedDateTimeUTC The time that the user accepted these terms and conditions 8/23/2018 4:01:34 AM
lastModifiedDateTimeUTC The last time that this entry was modified. 8/23/2018 4:01:34 AM


The vppProgramType entity lists possible VPP program types for an app.

Property Description
vppProgramTypeID ID for the type.
vppProgramTypeKey Surrogate key for the key.
vppProgramTypeName VPP Program type.


VppProgramID Name Description
3DDA2474-470B-4503-9830-2665C21C1945 Microsoft Microsoft's VPP program.
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Not Yet Available Default value, No VPP.
B54814E0-68EA-4BA4-8088-B5AAB58E737B Apple Apple's VPP program.

Next steps

For more about the Intune Data Warehouse, see Data Warehouse data model.