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SaaS fulfillment Subscription APIs v2 at Microsoft commercial marketplace

This article describes version 2 of the SaaS fulfillment subscription APIs.


To be able to call SaaS fulfillment Subscription APIs, you must create a publisher's authorization token using the correct resource id. Learn how to get publisher's authorization token

Resolve a purchased subscription

The resolve endpoint enables the publisher to exchange the purchase identification token from the commercial marketplace (referred to as token in Purchased but not yet activated) to a persistent purchased SaaS subscription ID and its details.

When a customer is redirected to the partner's landing page URL, the customer identification token is passed as the token parameter in this URL call. The partner is expected to use this token and make a request to resolve it. The Resolve API response contains the SaaS subscription ID and other details to uniquely identify the purchase. The token provided with the landing page URL call is valid for 24 hours. If the token that you receive is expired, we recommend that you provide the following guidance to the end user:

"We couldn't identify this purchase. Reopen this SaaS subscription in the Azure portal or in Microsoft 365 Admin Center and select "Configure Account" or "Manage Account" again."

Calling the Resolve API returns subscription details and status for SaaS subscriptions in all supported statuses.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.
x-ms-marketplace-token The purchase identification token parameter to resolve. The token is passed in the landing page URL call when the customer is redirected to the SaaS partner's website (for example:<token><authorization_token>).

The token value being encoded is part of the landing page URL, so it needs to be decoded before it's used as a parameter in this API call.

Here's an example of an encoded string in the URL:, where token is ab%2Bcd%2Fef. The same token decoded is: Ab+cd/ef

Response codes:

Code: 200 Returns unique SaaS subscription identifiers based on the x-ms-marketplace-token provided.

Response body example:

  "id": "<guid>", // purchased SaaS subscription ID
  "subscriptionName": "Contoso Cloud Solution", // SaaS subscription name
  "offerId": "offer1", // purchased offer ID
  "planId": "silver", // purchased offer's plan ID
  "quantity": 20, // number of purchased seats, might be empty if the plan is not per seat
  "subscription": { // full SaaS subscription details, see Get Subscription APIs response body for full description
    "id": "<guid>",
    "publisherId": "contoso",
    "offerId": "offer1",
    "name": "Contoso Cloud Solution",
    "saasSubscriptionStatus": " PendingFulfillmentStart ",
    "beneficiary": {
      "emailId": "",
      "objectId": "<guid>",
      "tenantId": "<guid>",
      "puid": "<ID of the user>"
    "purchaser": {
      "emailId": "",
      "objectId": "<guid>",
      "tenantId": "<guid>",
      "puid": "<ID of the user>"
    "planId": "silver",
    "term": {
      "termUnit": "P1M",
      "startDate": "2022-03-07T00:00:00Z", //This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
      "endDate": "2022-04-06T00:00:00Z" //This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
      "autoRenew": true/false,
    "isTest": true/false,
    "isFreeTrial": false,
    "allowedCustomerOperations": <CSP purchases>["Read"] <All Others> ["Delete", "Update", "Read"],
      "sandboxType": "None",
      "lastModified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", //[Deprecated] Do not use.
      "quantity": 5,
    "sessionMode": "None"

Code: 400 Bad request. x-ms-marketplace-token is missing, malformed, invalid, or expired.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or was not provided. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that was published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

Activate a subscription

After the SaaS account is configured for an end user, the publisher must call the Activate Subscription API on the Microsoft side. The customer isn't billed unless this API call is successful.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This string correlates all events from the client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 200 Request to update the subscription and mark as "Subscribed" is received. Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) can check for the status of the subscription after few mins (read on for the Get operation to check subscription status). This gives you the definitive answer whether subscription was successfully updated. Failure to subscribe automatically sends an "Unsubscribe" webhook.

There's no response body for this call.

Code: 400 Bad request: validation failed.

  • The SaaS subscription is in Suspended state.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or was not provided. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that was published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found. The SaaS subscription is in an Unsubscribed state.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

Get list of all subscriptions

This API retrieves a list of all purchased SaaS subscriptions for all offers that the publisher publishes in the commercial marketplace. SaaS subscriptions in all possible statuses are returned. Unsubscribed SaaS subscriptions are also returned because this information isn't deleted on the Microsoft side.

The API returns paginated results of 100 per page.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
continuationToken Optional parameter. To retrieve the first page of results, leave empty. Use the value returned in @nextLink parameter to retrieve the next page.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher that's making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 200 Returns the list of all existing subscriptions for all offers made by this publisher, based on the publisher's authorization token.

Response body example:

  "subscriptions": [
      "id": "<guid>", // purchased SaaS subscription ID
      "name": "Contoso Cloud Solution", // SaaS subscription name
      "publisherId": "contoso", // publisher ID
      "offerId": "offer1", // purchased offer ID
      "planId": "silver", // purchased plan ID
      "quantity": 10, // purchased amount of seats, is empty if plan is not per seat
      "beneficiary": { // email address, user ID and tenant ID for which SaaS subscription was purchased.
        "emailId": "",
        "objectId": "<guid>",
        "tenantId": "<guid>",
        "puid": "<ID of the user>"
      "purchaser": { // email address, user ID and tenant ID that purchased the SaaS subscription. These could be different from beneficiary information for reseller (CSP) purchase
        "emailId": "",
        "objectId": "<guid>",
        "tenantId": "<guid>",
        "puid": "<ID of the user>"
      "term": { // The period for which the subscription was purchased.
        "startDate": "2022-03-04T00:00:00Z", //format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is the date when the subscription was activated by the ISV and the billing started. This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
        "endDate": "2022-04-03T00:00:00Z", // This is the last day the subscription is valid. Unless stated otherwise, the automatic renew happens the next day. This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
        "termUnit": "P1M" // where P1M is monthly and P1Y is yearly. Also reflected in the startDate and endDate values
      "autoRenew": true,
      "allowedCustomerOperations": ["Read", "Update", "Delete"], // Indicates operations allowed on the SaaS subscription for beneficiary. For CSP-initiated purchases, this is always "Read" because the customer cannot update or delete subscription in this flow. Purchaser can perform all operations on the subscription.
      "sessionMode": "None", // not relevant
      "isFreeTrial": true, // true - the customer subscription is currently in free trial, false - the customer subscription is not currently in free trial. (Optional field -– if not returned, the value is false.)
      "isTest": false, // not relevant
      "sandboxType": "None", // not relevant
      "saasSubscriptionStatus": "Subscribed" // Indicates the status of the operation. Can be one of the following: PendingFulfillmentStart, Subscribed, Suspended or Unsubscribed.
    // next SaaS subscription details, might be a different offer
      "id": "<guid1>",
      "name": "Contoso Cloud Solution1",
      "publisherId": "contoso",
      "offerId": "offer2",
      "planId": "gold",
      "quantity": "",
      "beneficiary": {
        "emailId": "",
        "objectId": "<guid>",
        "tenantId": "<guid>",
        "puid": "<ID of the user>"
      "purchaser": {
        "emailId": " ",
        "objectId": "<guid>",
        "tenantId": "<guid>",
        "puid": "<ID of the user>"
      "term": {
        "startDate": "2019-05-31", /This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
        "endDate": "2020-04-30",  //This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
        "termUnit": "P1Y"
      "autoRenew": false,
      "allowedCustomerOperations": ["Read"],
      "sessionMode": "None",
      "isFreeTrial": false,
      "isTest": false,
      "sandboxType": "None",
      "saasSubscriptionStatus": "Suspended"
  "@nextLink": "https://" // url that contains continuation token to retrieve next page of the SaaS subscriptions list, if empty or absent, this is the last page. ISV can use this url as is to retrieve the next page or extract the value of continuation token from this url.

If no purchased SaaS subscriptions are found for this publisher, empty response body is returned.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is unavailable, invalid, or expired.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

Get subscription

This API retrieves a specified purchased SaaS subscription for a SaaS offer that the publisher publishes in the commercial marketplace. Use this call to get all available information for a specific SaaS subscription by its ID rather than by calling the API that's used for getting a list of all subscriptions.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher that's making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 200 Returns details for a SaaS subscription based on the subscriptionId provided.

Response body example:

  "id": "<guid>", // purchased SaaS subscription ID
  "name": "Contoso Cloud Solution", // SaaS subscription name
  "publisherId": "contoso", // publisher ID
  "offerId": "offer1", // purchased offer ID
  "planId": "silver", // purchased plan ID
  "quantity": 10, // purchased amount of seats is empty if plan is not per seat
  "beneficiary": { // email address, user ID and tenant ID for which SaaS subscription is purchased.
    "emailId": "",
    "objectId": "<guid>",
    "tenantId": "<guid>",
    "puid": "<ID of the user>"
  "purchaser": { // email address ,user ID and tenant ID that purchased the SaaS subscription. These could be different from beneficiary information for reseller (CSP) scenario
    "emailId": "",
    "objectId": "<guid>",
    "tenantId": "<guid>",
    "puid": "<ID of the user>"
  "allowedCustomerOperations": ["Read", "Update", "Delete"], // Indicates operations allowed on the SaaS subscription for beneficiary. For CSP-initiated purchases, this is always "Read" because the customer cannot update or delete subscription in this flow. Purchaser can perform all operations on the subscription.
  "sessionMode": "None", // not relevant
  "isFreeTrial": false, // true - the customer subscription is currently in free trial, false - the customer subscription is not currently in free trial. Optional field – if not returned the value is false.
  "autoRenew": true,
  "isTest": false, // not relevant
  "sandboxType": "None", // not relevant
  "created": "2022-03-01T22:59:45.5468572Z",
     "lastModified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", //[Deprecated] Do not use.
  "saasSubscriptionStatus": " Subscribed ", // Indicates the status of the operation: PendingFulfillmentStart, Subscribed, Suspended or Unsubscribed.
  "term": { // the period for which the subscription was purchased
    "startDate": "2022-03-04T00:00:00Z", //format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is the date when the subscription was activated by the ISV and the billing started. This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
    "endDate": "2022-04-03T00:00:00Z", // This is the last day the subscription is valid. Unless stated otherwise, the automatic renew happens the next day. This field is only available after the saas subscription is active.
    "termUnit": "P1M" //where P1M is monthly and P1Y is yearly. Also reflected in the startDate and endDate values.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or was not provided. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that's published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found. SaaS subscription with the specified subscriptionId cannot be found.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

List available plans

This API retrieves all plans for a SaaS offer identified by the subscriptionId of a specific purchase of this offer. Use this call to get a list of all private and public plans that the beneficiary of a SaaS subscription can update for the subscription. The plans returned are available in the same geography as the already purchased plan.

This call returns a list of plans available for that customer in addition to the one already purchased. The list can be presented to an end user on the publisher site. An end user can change the subscription plan to any one of the plans in the returned list. Changing the plan to a plan not in the list doesn't work.

This API also retrieves the active private offer ID associated (if you call the API with planId filter). Calling API with planId filter shows the active private offer ID GUIDs in the response body under sourceOffers node. The planId passed in the filter param should match the planId the customer purchased.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.
planId (Optional) Plan ID of a specific plan that you want to fetch. This is optional and if ignored returns all plans.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher that's making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 200 Returns a list of all available plans for an existing SaaS subscription including the one already purchased.

Passing invalid (optional) planId returns empty list of plans.

Response body example:

  "plans": [
      "planId": "Platinum001",
      "displayName": "plan display name",
      "isPrivate": true, //returns true for private plans and customized plans created within a private offer.
      "description": "plan description",
      "minQuantity": 5,
      "maxQuantity": 100,
      "hasFreeTrials": false,
      "isPricePerSeat": true,
      "isStopSell": false,
      "market": "US",
      "planComponents": {
        "recurrentBillingTerms": [
            "currency": "USD",
            "price": 1,
            "termUnit": "P1M",
            "termDescription": "term description",
            "meteredQuantityIncluded": [
                "dimensionId": "Dimension001",
                "units": "Unit001"
        "meteringDimensions": [
            "id": "MeteringDimension001",
            "currency": "USD",
            "pricePerUnit": 1,
            "unitOfMeasure": "unitOfMeasure001",
            "displayName": "unit of measure display name"
      "sourceOffers": [ //sourceOffers is returned when planId is passed as filter parameter (note that this is the plan that customer has purchased).
          "externalId": "<guid>" //private offer id, returned when purchase is made through private offer.

Code: 404 Not Found. subscriptionId is not found.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or was not provided. The request might be attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that's unsubscribed or published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

Change the plan on the subscription

Use this API to update the existing plan purchased for a SaaS subscription to a new plan (public or private). The publisher must call this API when a plan is changed on the publisher side for a SaaS subscription purchased in the commercial marketplace.

This API can be called only for Active subscriptions. Any plan can be changed to any other existing plan (public or private) but not to itself. For private plans, the customer's tenant must be defined as part of plan's audience in Partner Center.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher that's making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Request payload example:

  "planId": "gold" // the ID of the new plan to be purchased

Response codes:

Code: 202 The request to change plan has been accepted and handled asynchronously. The partner is expected to poll the Operation-Location URL to determine a success or failure of the change plan request. Polling should be done every several seconds until the final status of Failed, Succeed, or Conflict is received for the operation. Final operation status should be returned quickly, but can take several minutes in some cases.

The partner also gets webhook notification when the action is ready to be completed successfully on the commercial marketplace side. Only then should the publisher make the plan change on the publisher side.

Response headers:

Parameter Value
Operation-Location URL to get the operation's status. For example,<subscriptionId>/operations/<operationId>?api-version=2018-08-31

Code: 400 Bad request: validation failures.

  • The new plan doesn't exist or isn't available for this specific SaaS subscription.
  • The new plan is the same as the current plan.
  • The SaaS subscription status isn't Subscribed.
  • The update operation for a SaaS subscription isn't included in allowedCustomerOperations.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or wasn't provided. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that's published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found. The SaaS subscription with subscriptionId is not found.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.


Either the plan or quantity of seats can be changed at one time, not both.

This API can be called only after getting explicit approval for the change from the end user.

Change the quantity of seats on the SaaS subscription

Use this API to update (increase or decrease) the quantity of seats purchased for a SaaS subscription. The publisher must call this API when the number of seats is changed from the publisher side for a SaaS subscription created in the commercial marketplace.

The quantity of seats can't be more than the quantity allowed in the current plan. In this case, the publisher should change the plan before changing the quantity of seats.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId A unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher that's making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Request payload example:

  "quantity": 5 // the new amount of seats to be purchased

Response codes:

Code: 202 The request to change quantity has been accepted and handled asynchronously. The partner is expected to poll the Operation-Location URL to determine a success or failure of the change quantity request. Polling should be done every several seconds until the final status of Failed, Succeed, or Conflict is received for the operation. The final operation status should be returned quickly but can take several minutes in some cases.

The partner also gets webhook notification when the action is ready to be completed successfully on the commercial marketplace side. Only then should the publisher make the quantity change on the publisher side.

Response headers:

Parameter Value
Operation-Location Link to a resource to get the operation's status. For example,<subscriptionId>/operations/<operationId>?api-version=2018-08-31.

Code: 400 Bad request: validation failures.

  • The new quantity is greater or lower than the current plan limit.
  • The new quantity is missing.
  • The new quantity is the same as the current quantity.
  • The SaaS Subscription status is not Subscribed.
  • The update operation for a SaaS subscription is not included in allowedCustomerOperations.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or was not provided. The request is attempting to access a subscription that doesn't belong to the current publisher.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found. The SaaS subscription with subscriptionId is not found.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.


Only a plan or quantity can be changed at one time, not both.

This API can be called only after getting explicit approval from the end user for the change.

Cancel a subscription

Use this API to unsubscribe a specified SaaS subscription. The publisher doesn't have to use this API and we recommend that customers are directed to the commercial marketplace to cancel SaaS subscriptions.

If the publisher decides to implement the cancellation of a SaaS subscription purchased in the commercial marketplace on the publisher's side, they must call this API. After the completion of this call, the subscription's status becomes Unsubscribed on the Microsoft side.

The customer isn't billed if a subscription is canceled within 72 hours from purchase.

The customer is billed if a subscription is canceled after the preceding grace period. The customer loses access to the SaaS subscription on the Microsoft side immediately after cancellation.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 202 The request to unsubscribe has been accepted and handled asynchronously. The partner is expected to poll the Operation-Location URL to determine a success or failure of this request. Polling should be done every several seconds until the final status of Failed, Succeed, or Conflict is received for the operation. The final operation status should be returned quickly but can take several minutes in some cases.

The partner also gets webhook notification when the action is completed successfully on the commercial marketplace side. Only then should the publisher cancel the subscription on the publisher side.

Code: 200 The subscription is already in an Unsubscribed state.

Response headers:

Parameter Value
Operation-Location Link to a resource to get the operation's status. For example,<subscriptionId>/operations/<operationId>?api-version=2018-08-31.

Code: 400 Bad request. Delete is not in allowedCustomerOperations list for this SaaS subscription.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, expired, or is not available.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found. The SaaS subscription with subscriptionId is not found.

Code: 409

Delete cannot be completed because subscription is locked due to pending operation(s).

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.