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Apply a selection to multiple visuals in a report

The supportsMultiVisualSelection feature enables you to select values from one visual in a Power BI report and apply the selected values to all the visuals in that report.

For example, in the Overview page of the Retail Analysis sample:

  1. Select the Total Sales Variance %, Sales Per Sq Ft and This Year Sales by District and District visual. In the Filters pane that appears, under Chain, select Fashions Direct.

Screenshot of the Power BI service. A bubble chart visual is selected. In the Filters pane, Fashions Direct is selected.

  1. Select the Total Sales Variance by FiscalMonth and District Manager visual. In the Filters pane that appears, under FiscalMonth, select Jan.

Screenshot of the Power BI service. A bar chart visual is selected. In the Fiscal Month pane, Jan is selected.

In the report, these selections apply to all visuals that support this feature. The scope of the visuals is now limited to Fashions Direct and January.

Enable the support multiple visual selection feature

To use the support multiple visual selection feature, add the following code to the capabilities.json file of your visual:

        "supportsMultiVisualSelection": true

Considerations and limitations

  • This feature requires API v3.2.0 or later.
  • This feature doesn't apply to image visuals.
  • This feature doesn't apply to certain advanced visuals, such as key driver, decomposition tree, Q&A, textbox, and gauge chart visuals.