Privileges by entity
Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online ship with a set of predefined roles that reflect common user roles with access levels defined to match the security best-practice goal of providing access to the minimum amount of business data required for the job. You can also create custom roles. Each role is associated with a set of privileges that determines the user's access to information within the company. These privileges determine what actions a user with that security role can perform on entities. For more information, see How role-based security can be used to control access to entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 and How record-based security can be used to control access to records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015.
The following table lists the types of privileges that are referred to from the following entity/privilege reference.
Privilege |
Description |
Create |
Create a record. |
Read |
View a record. |
Write |
Make changes to a record. |
Delete |
Delete a record. |
Append |
Associate a record to another record. |
Append To |
Associate entity record to this record. |
Assign |
Transfer record ownership to another user. |
Share |
Give access to a record to another user while keeping your own access. |
Reparent |
Assign a different parent to entity record. |
These topics list the privileges available for each entity. For a list of privileges that are not entity based, see Privileges not associated with an entity.
In This Section
ActivityMimeAttachment (email attachment) entity privileges
ActivityParty entity privileges
ActivityPointer (activity) entity privileges
Annotation (note) entity privileges
AnnualFiscalCalendar entity privileges
ApplicationFile entity privileges
AsyncOperation (system job) entity privileges
AttributeMap entity privileges
Audit (auditing) entity privileges
BulkDeleteFailure entity privileges
BulkDeleteOperation entity privileges
BulkOperation (quick campaign) entity privileges
BulkOperationLog entity privileges
BusinessUnit entity privileges
BusinessUnitNewsArticle (announcement) entity privileges
CampaignActivity entity privileges
CampaignResponse entity privileges
ColumnMapping entity privileges
ComplexControl entity privileges
ConnectionRole entity privileges
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode entity privileges
ConstraintBasedGroup (resource group) entity privileges
ContractDetail (contract line) entity privileges
ContractTemplate entity privileges
CustomerAddress (address) entity privileges
CustomerOpportunityRole (opportunity relationship) entity privileges
CustomerRelationship entity privileges
DiscountType entity (discount list) privileges
DisplayString entity privileges
DuplicateRecord entity privileges
DuplicateRule (duplicate detection rule) entity privileges
DuplicateRuleCondition entity privileges
DynamicPropertyInstance entity privileges
EmailServerProfile entity privileges
EntitlementTemplate entity privileges
Equipment (facility/equipment) entity privileges
ExchangeSyncIdMapping entity privileges
FieldPermission entity privileges
FieldSecurityProfile entity privileges
FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar entity privileges
GoalRollupQuery (rollup query) entity privileges
Import (data import) entity privileges
ImportFile (import source file) entity privileges
ImportMap (data map) entity privileges
Incident (Case) entity privileges
IncidentResolution (case resolution) entity privileges
InvalidDependency entity privileges
InvoiceDetail entity privileges
KbArticle (article) entity privileges
KbArticleComment (article comment) entity privileges
KbArticleTemplate (article template) entity privileges
KnowledgeBaseRecord (knowledge base record) entity privileges
List (marketing list) entity privileges
LookUpMapping entity privileges
MailboxTrackingFolder (mailbox auto tracking folder) entity privileges
MailMergeTemplate entity privileges
Metric (goal metric) entity privileges
MonthlyFiscalCalendar entity privileges
msdyn_PostAlbum (profile album) entity privileges
msdyn_PostConfig (post configuration) entity privileges
msdyn_PostRuleConfig (post rule configuration) entity privileges
OpportunityClose entity privileges
OpportunityProduct entity privileges
Organization entity privileges
OwnerMapping entity privileges
PickListMapping (list value mapping) entity privileges
PluginAssembly entity privileges
PluginTraceLog (plug-in trace log) entity privileges
PluginTypeStatistic entity privileges
PostComment (comment) entity privileges
PostFollow (follow) entity privileges
PriceLevel (price list) entity privileges
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess (field sharing) entity privileges
PrincipalSyncAttributeMap entity privileges
ProcessSession entity privileges
ProcessTrigger entity privileges
ProductPriceLevel (price list item) entity privileges
PublisherAddress entity privileges
QuarterlyFiscalCalendar entity privileges
QuoteDetail (quote product) entity privileges
RecurrenceRule entity privileges
RecurringAppointmentMaster entity privileges
RelationshipRole entity privileges
RelationshipRoleMap entity privileges
ReportCategory (report related category) entity privileges
ReportEntity (report related entity) entity privileges
ReportVisibility entity privileges
ResourceGroup (scheduling group) entity privileges
ResourceSpec (resource specification) entity privileges
Role (security role) entity privileges
SalesLiterature entity privileges
SalesLiteratureItem (sales attachment) entity privileges
SalesOrder (order) entity privileges
SalesOrderDetail (order product) entity privileges
SavedQuery (view) entity privileges
SavedQueryVisualization (system chart) entity privileges
SdkMessageFilter entity privileges
SdkMessageProcessingStep entity privileges
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig entity privileges
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage entity privileges
SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar entity privileges
ServiceAppointment (service activity) entity privileges
ServiceEndpoint entity privileges
SharePointDocumentLocation (document location) entity privileges
SharePointSite entity privileges
SLAKPIInstance (SLA KPI instance) entity privileges
SocialProfile entity privileges
SolutionComponent entity privileges
SyncAttributeMapping entity privileges
SyncAttributeMappingProfile entity privileges
SystemUser (user) entity privileges
SystemUserSyncMappingProfiles entity privileges
TeamSyncAttributeMappingProfiles entity privileges
TeamTemplate entity privileges
Template (email template) entity privileges
TimeZoneDefinition entity privileges
TimeZoneLocalizedName entity privileges
TimeZoneRule entity privileges
TransactionCurrency (currency) entity privileges
TransformationMapping entity privileges
TransformationParameterMapping entity privileges
UoMSchedule (unit group) entity privileges
UserEntityInstanceData entity privileges
UserEntityUISettings entity privileges
UserForm (user dashboard) entity privileges
UserQuery (saved view) entity privileges
UserQueryVisualization (user chart) entity privileges
UserSettings entity privileges
WizardAccessPrivilege (web wizard access privilege) entity privileges
Workflow (process) entity privileges
WorkflowLog (process log) entity privileges
Related Sections
The security model of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015
Security role UI to privilege mapping
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