usersettings EntityType
Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
Description: User's preferred settings.
Entity Set path:[organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/usersettingscollection
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: User Settings
Primary Key: systemuserid
Lookup Properties
Single-valued navigation properties
The usersettings entity type has no collection-valued navigation properties.
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name |
Type |
Details |
addressbooksyncinterval |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
advancedfindstartupmode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Default mode, such as simple or detailed, for advanced find. |
amdesignator |
Edm.String |
Description: AM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
autocreatecontactonpromote |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Auto-create contact on client promote |
businessunitid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated. |
calendartype |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default. |
createdon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the user settings object was created. Read-only property |
currencyformatcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information about how currency symbols are placed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
currencysymbol |
Edm.String |
Description: Symbol used for currency in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
datavalidationmodeforexporttoexcel |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that specifies the level of data validation in excel worksheets exported in a format suitable for import. Default Options: 0 : Full Display Name: Data Validation Mode For Export To Excel |
dateformatcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information about how the date is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
dateformatstring |
Edm.String |
Description: String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft 365. |
dateseparator |
Edm.String |
Description: Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
decimalsymbol |
Edm.String |
Description: Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
defaultcalendarview |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Default calendar view for the user. |
defaultcountrycode |
Edm.String |
Description: Text area to enter default country code. Display Name: Default Country Code |
defaultdashboardid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the default dashboard. |
defaultsearchexperience |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Default search experience for the user. Default Options: 0 : Relevance search Display Name: Default Search Experience |
entityformmode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Indicates the form mode to be used. Default Options: 0 : Organization default Display Name: Form Mode |
fullnameconventioncode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Order in which names are to be displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
getstartedpanecontentenabled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Information that specifies whether the Get Started pane in lists is enabled. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
helplanguageid |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Unique identifier of the Help language. |
homepagearea |
Edm.String |
Description: Web site home page for the user. |
homepagelayout |
Edm.String |
Description: Configuration of the home page layout. |
homepagesubarea |
Edm.String |
Description: Web site page for the user. |
ignoreunsolicitedemail |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Information that specifies whether a user account is to ignore unsolicited email (deprecated). Default Options: 1 : Yes |
incomingemailfilteringmethod |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Incoming email filtering method. Default Options: 0 : All email messages Display Name: Incoming Email Filtering Method |
isappsforcrmalertdismissed |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Show or dismiss alert for Apps for 365. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Show alert for Apps for 365. |
isautodatacaptureenabled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether to use the Auto Capture feature enabled or not. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
isdefaultcountrycodecheckenabled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Enable or disable country code selection . Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Enable Default Country Code |
isduplicatedetectionenabledwhengoingonline |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if duplicate detection is enabled when going online. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
isguidedhelpenabled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Enable or disable guided help. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Enable Default Guided Help |
isresourcebookingexchangesyncenabled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if the synchronization of user resource booking with Exchange is enabled at user level. Default Options: 1 : Enabled Display Name: Resource booking synchronization enabled |
issendasallowed |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if send as other user privilege is enabled or not. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
lastalertsviewedtime |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the last time when the traces were read from the database. |
localeid |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Unique identifier of the user locale. |
longdateformatcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that specifies how Long Date is displayed throughout Microsoft 365. |
modifiedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the user settings object was last modified. Read-only property |
negativecurrencyformatcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
negativeformatcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
nexttrackingnumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Next tracking number. |
numbergroupformat |
Edm.String |
Description: Information that specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
numberseparator |
Edm.String |
Description: Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
offlinesyncinterval |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
outlooksyncinterval |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Normal polling frequency used for record synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
paginglimit |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that specifies how many items to list on a page in list views. |
personalizationsettings |
Edm.String |
Description: For internal use only. |
pmdesignator |
Edm.String |
Description: PM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
reportscripterrors |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Picklist for selecting the user preference for reporting scripting errors. Default Options: 1 : Ask me for permission to send an error report to Microsoft Display Name: Report Script Errors |
resourcebookingexchangesyncversion |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: The version number for resource booking synchronization with Exchange. Display Name: User resource booking synchronization version |
showweeknumber |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
splitviewstate |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: For Internal use only Default Options: 1 : Expanded |
synccontactcompany |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if the company field in Microsoft Office Outlook items are set during Outlook synchronization. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
systemuserid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the user. |
timeformatcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that specifies how the time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
timeformatstring |
Edm.String |
Description: Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
timeseparator |
Edm.String |
Description: Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
timezonebias |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone for the user. |
timezonedaylightbias |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonedaylightday |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonedaylightdayofweek |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected in Options. |
timezonedaylighthour |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonedaylightminute |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonedaylightmonth |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonedaylightsecond |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonedaylightyear |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone daylight year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardbias |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard time bias for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardday |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandarddayofweek |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardhour |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardminute |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardmonth |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardsecond |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
timezonestandardyear |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Local time zone standard year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
trackingtokenid |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Tracking token ID. |
uilanguageid |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Unique identifier of the language in which to view the user interface (UI). |
usecrmformforappointment |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 appointment form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new appointments. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
usecrmformforcontact |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 contact form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new contacts. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
usecrmformforemail |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 email form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new emails. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
usecrmformfortask |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 task form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new tasks. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
useimagestrips |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether image strips are used to render images. Default Options: 1 : Yes |
userprofile |
Edm.String |
Description: Specifies user profile ids in comma separated list. |
versionnumber |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Read-only property |
visualizationpanelayout |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: The layout of the visualization pane. Default Options: 0 : Top-bottom Display Name: Visualization Pane Layout. |
workdaystarttime |
Edm.String |
Description: Workday start time for the user. |
workdaystoptime |
Edm.String |
Description: Workday stop time for the user. |
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Retrieve data about lookup properties
Name |
Single-valued navigation property |
Description |
_createdby_value |
createdby |
Unique identifier of the user who created the user settings. |
_createdonbehalfby_value |
createdonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the usersettings. |
_modifiedby_value |
modifiedby |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user settings. |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value |
modifiedonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the usersettings. |
_transactioncurrencyid_value |
transactioncurrencyid |
Unique identifier of the default currency of the user. |
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name |
Type |
Partner |
businessunitid_businessunit |
business_unit_user_settings |
createdby |
lk_usersettingsbase_createdby |
createdonbehalfby |
lk_usersettings_createdonbehalfby |
modifiedby |
lk_usersettingsbase_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby |
lk_usersettings_modifiedonbehalfby |
systemuserid_systemuser |
user_settings |
transactioncurrencyid |
transactioncurrency_usersettings |
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