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CLR Table-Valued Functions

Applies to: SQL Server

A table-valued function is a user-defined function that returns a table.

Beginning with SQL Server 2005 (9.x), SQL Server extends the functionality of table-valued functions by allowing you to define a table-valued function in any managed language. Data is returned from a table-valued function through an IEnumerable or IEnumerator object.


For table-valued functions, the columns of the return table type cannot include timestamp columns or non-Unicode string data type columns (such as char, varchar, and text). The NOT NULL constraint is not supported.

For more information on CLR Table-Valued functions, check out MSSQLTips' Introduction to SQL Server CLR table valued functions!

Differences Between Transact-SQL and CLR Table-Valued Functions

Transact-SQL table-valued functions materialize the results of calling the function into an intermediate table. Since they use an intermediate table, they can support constraints and unique indexes over the results. These features can be extremely useful when large results are returned.

In contrast, CLR table-valued functions represent a streaming alternative. There is no requirement that the entire set of results be materialized in a single table. The IEnumerable object returned by the managed function is directly called by the execution plan of the query that calls the table-valued function, and the results are consumed in an incremental manner. This streaming model ensures that results can be consumed immediately after the first row is available, instead of waiting for the entire table to be populated. It is also a better alternative if you have very large numbers of rows returned, because they do not have to be materialized in memory as a whole. For example, a managed table-valued function could be used to parse a text file and return each line as a row.

Implementing Table-Valued Functions

Implement table-valued functions as methods on a class in a Microsoft .NET Framework assembly. Your table-valued function code must implement the IEnumerable interface. The IEnumerable interface is defined in the .NET Framework. Types representing arrays and collections in the .NET Framework already implement the IEnumerable interface. This makes it easy for writing table-valued functions that convert a collection or an array into a result set.

Table-Valued Parameters

Table-valued parameters are user-defined table types that are passed into a procedure or function and provide an efficient way to pass multiple rows of data to the server. Table-valued parameters provide similar functionality to parameter arrays, but offer greater flexibility and closer integration with Transact-SQL. They also provide the potential for better performance. Table-valued parameters also help reduce the number of round trips to the server. Instead of sending multiple requests to the server, such as with a list of scalar parameters, data can be sent to the server as a table-valued parameter. A user-defined table type cannot be passed as a table-valued parameter to, or be returned from, a managed stored procedure or function executing in the SQL Server process. For more information about table-valued parameters, see Use Table-Valued Parameters (Database Engine).

Output Parameters and Table-Valued Functions

Information may be returned from table-valued functions using output parameters. The corresponding parameter in the implementation code table-valued function should use a pass-by-reference parameter as the argument. Note that Visual Basic does not support output parameters in the same way that Visual C# does. You must specify the parameter by reference and apply the <Out()> attribute to represent an output parameter, as in the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices  
Public Shared Sub FillRow ( <Out()> ByRef value As SqlInt32)  

Defining a Table-Valued Function in Transact-SQL

The syntax for defining a CLR table-valued function is similar to that of a Transact-SQL table-valued function, with the addition of the EXTERNAL NAME clause. For example:

CREATE FUNCTION GetEmpFirstLastNames()  
RETURNS TABLE (FirstName NVARCHAR(4000), LastName NVARCHAR(4000))  
EXTERNAL NAME MyDotNETAssembly.[MyNamespace.MyClassname]. GetEmpFirstLastNames;  

Table-valued functions are used to represent data in relational form for further processing in queries such as:

select * from function();  
select * from tbl join function() f on tbl.col = f.col;  
select * from table t cross apply function(t.column);  

Table-valued functions can return a table when:

  • Created from scalar input arguments. For example, a table-valued function that takes a comma-delimited string of numbers and pivots them into a table.

  • Generated from external data. For example, a table-valued function that reads the event log and exposes it as a table.

Note A table-valued function can only perform data access through a Transact-SQL query in the InitMethod method, and not in the FillRow method. The InitMethod should be marked with the SqlFunction.DataAccess.Read attribute property if a Transact-SQL query is performed.

A Sample Table-Valued Function

The following table-valued function returns information from the system event log. The function takes a single string argument containing the name of the event log to read.

Sample Code
using System;  
using System.Data.Sql;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Data.SqlTypes;  
using System.Diagnostics;  
public class TabularEventLog  
    [SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "FillRow")]  
    public static IEnumerable InitMethod(String logname)  
        return new EventLog(logname).Entries;
    public static void FillRow(Object obj, out SqlDateTime timeWritten, out SqlChars message, out SqlChars category, out long instanceId)  
        EventLogEntry eventLogEntry = (EventLogEntry)obj;  
        timeWritten = new SqlDateTime(eventLogEntry.TimeWritten);  
        message = new SqlChars(eventLogEntry.Message);  
        category = new SqlChars(eventLogEntry.Category);  
        instanceId = eventLogEntry.InstanceId;  
Imports System  
Imports System.Data.Sql  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server  
Imports System.Collections  
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes  
Imports System.Diagnostics  
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices  
Public Class TabularEventLog  
    <SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName:="FillRow")> _  
    Public Shared Function InitMethod(ByVal logname As String) As IEnumerable  
        Return New EventLog(logname).Entries  
    End Function  
    Public Shared Sub FillRow(ByVal obj As Object, <Out()> ByRef timeWritten As SqlDateTime, <Out()> ByRef message As SqlChars, <Out()> ByRef category As SqlChars, <Out()> ByRef instanceId As Long)  
        Dim eventLogEnTry As EventLogEntry = CType(obj, EventLogEntry)  
        timeWritten = New SqlDateTime(eventLogEnTry.TimeWritten)  
        message = New SqlChars(eventLogEnTry.Message)  
        category = New SqlChars(eventLogEnTry.Category)  
        instanceId = eventLogEnTry.InstanceId  
    End Sub  
End Class  
Declaring and Using the Sample Table-Valued Function

After the sample table-valued function has been compiled, it can be declared in Transact-SQL like this:

use master;  
-- Replace SQL_Server_logon with your SQL Server user credentials.  
-- Modify the following line to specify a different database.  
-- Modify the next line to use the appropriate database.  
FROM 'D:\assemblies\tvfEventLog\tvfeventlog.dll'   
CREATE FUNCTION ReadEventLog(@logname nvarchar(100))  
(logTime datetime,Message nvarchar(4000),Category nvarchar(4000),InstanceId bigint)  
EXTERNAL NAME tvfEventLog.TabularEventLog.InitMethod;  

Visual C++ database objects compiled with /clr:pure are not supported for execution on SQL Server 2005 (9.x). For example, such database objects include table-valued functions.

To test the sample, try the following Transact-SQL code:

-- Select the top 100 events,  
SELECT TOP 100 *  
FROM dbo.ReadEventLog(N'Security') as T;  
-- Select the last 10 login events.  
SELECT TOP 10 T.logTime, T.Message, T.InstanceId   
FROM dbo.ReadEventLog(N'Security') as T  
WHERE T.Category = N'Logon/Logoff';  

Sample: Returning the Results of a SQL Server Query

The following sample shows a table-valued function that queries a SQL Server database. This sample uses the AdventureWorks Lightweight database from SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x), see the AdventureWorks sample databases

Name your source code file FindInvalidEmails.cs or FindInvalidEmails.vb.

using System;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Data;  
using System.Data.SqlClient;  
using System.Data.SqlTypes;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;  
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions {  
   private class EmailResult {  
      public SqlInt32 CustomerId;  
      public SqlString EmailAdress;  
      public EmailResult(SqlInt32 customerId, SqlString emailAdress) {  
         CustomerId = customerId;  
         EmailAdress = emailAdress;  
   public static bool ValidateEmail(SqlString emailAddress) {  
      if (emailAddress.IsNull)  
         return false;  
      if (!emailAddress.Value.EndsWith("@adventure-works.com"))  
         return false;  
      // Validate the address. Put any more rules here.  
      return true;  
       DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,  
       FillRowMethodName = "FindInvalidEmails_FillRow",  
       TableDefinition="CustomerId int, EmailAddress nvarchar(4000)")]  
   public static IEnumerable FindInvalidEmails(SqlDateTime modifiedSince) {  
      ArrayList resultCollection = new ArrayList();  
      using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) {  
         using (SqlCommand selectEmails = new SqlCommand(  
             "SELECT " +  
             "[CustomerID], [EmailAddress] " +  
             "FROM [AdventureWorksLT2008].[SalesLT].[Customer] " +  
             "WHERE [ModifiedDate] >= @modifiedSince",  
             connection)) {  
            SqlParameter modifiedSinceParam = selectEmails.Parameters.Add(  
            modifiedSinceParam.Value = modifiedSince;  
            using (SqlDataReader emailsReader = selectEmails.ExecuteReader()) {  
               while (emailsReader.Read()) {  
                  SqlString emailAddress = emailsReader.GetSqlString(1);  
                  if (ValidateEmail(emailAddress)) {  
                     resultCollection.Add(new EmailResult(  
      return resultCollection;  
   public static void FindInvalidEmails_FillRow(  
       object emailResultObj,  
       out SqlInt32 customerId,  
       out SqlString emailAdress) {  
      EmailResult emailResult = (EmailResult)emailResultObj;  
      customerId = emailResult.CustomerId;  
      emailAdress = emailResult.EmailAdress;  
Imports System.Collections  
Imports System.Data  
Imports System.Data.SqlClient  
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server  
Public Partial Class UserDefinedFunctions  
   Private Class EmailResult  
      Public CustomerId As SqlInt32  
      Public EmailAdress As SqlString  
      Public Sub New(customerId__1 As SqlInt32, emailAdress__2 As SqlString)  
         CustomerId = customerId__1  
         EmailAdress = emailAdress__2  
      End Sub  
   End Class  
   Public Shared Function ValidateEmail(emailAddress As SqlString) As Boolean  
      If emailAddress.IsNull Then  
         Return False  
      End If  
      If Not emailAddress.Value.EndsWith("@adventure-works.com") Then  
         Return False  
      End If  
      ' Validate the address. Put any more rules here.  
      Return True  
   End Function  
   <SqlFunction(DataAccess := DataAccessKind.Read, FillRowMethodName := "FindInvalidEmails_FillRow", TableDefinition := "CustomerId int, EmailAddress nvarchar(4000)")> _  
   Public Shared Function FindInvalidEmails(modifiedSince As SqlDateTime) As IEnumerable  
      Dim resultCollection As New ArrayList()  
      Using connection As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")  
         Using selectEmails As New SqlCommand("SELECT " & "[CustomerID], [EmailAddress] " & "FROM [AdventureWorksLT2008].[SalesLT].[Customer] " & "WHERE [ModifiedDate] >= @modifiedSince", connection)  
            Dim modifiedSinceParam As SqlParameter = selectEmails.Parameters.Add("@modifiedSince", SqlDbType.DateTime)  
            modifiedSinceParam.Value = modifiedSince  
            Using emailsReader As SqlDataReader = selectEmails.ExecuteReader()  
               While emailsReader.Read()  
                  Dim emailAddress As SqlString = emailsReader.GetSqlString(1)  
                  If ValidateEmail(emailAddress) Then  
                     resultCollection.Add(New EmailResult(emailsReader.GetSqlInt32(0), emailAddress))  
                  End If  
               End While  
            End Using  
         End Using  
      End Using  
      Return resultCollection  
   End Function  
   Public Shared Sub FindInvalidEmails_FillRow(emailResultObj As Object, ByRef customerId As SqlInt32, ByRef emailAdress As SqlString)  
      Dim emailResult As EmailResult = DirectCast(emailResultObj, EmailResult)  
      customerId = emailResult.CustomerId  
      emailAdress = emailResult.EmailAdress  
   End Sub  
End ClassImports System.Collections  
Imports System.Data  
Imports System.Data.SqlClient  
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server  
Public Partial Class UserDefinedFunctions  
   Private Class EmailResult  
      Public CustomerId As SqlInt32  
      Public EmailAdress As SqlString  
      Public Sub New(customerId__1 As SqlInt32, emailAdress__2 As SqlString)  
         CustomerId = customerId__1  
         EmailAdress = emailAdress__2  
      End Sub  
   End Class  
   Public Shared Function ValidateEmail(emailAddress As SqlString) As Boolean  
      If emailAddress.IsNull Then  
         Return False  
      End If  
      If Not emailAddress.Value.EndsWith("@adventure-works.com") Then  
         Return False  
      End If  
      ' Validate the address. Put any more rules here.  
      Return True  
   End Function  
   <SqlFunction(DataAccess := DataAccessKind.Read, FillRowMethodName := "FindInvalidEmails_FillRow", TableDefinition := "CustomerId int, EmailAddress nvarchar(4000)")> _  
   Public Shared Function FindInvalidEmails(modifiedSince As SqlDateTime) As IEnumerable  
      Dim resultCollection As New ArrayList()  
      Using connection As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")  
         Using selectEmails As New SqlCommand("SELECT " & "[CustomerID], [EmailAddress] " & "FROM [AdventureWorksLT2008].[SalesLT].[Customer] " & "WHERE [ModifiedDate] >= @modifiedSince", connection)  
            Dim modifiedSinceParam As SqlParameter = selectEmails.Parameters.Add("@modifiedSince", SqlDbType.DateTime)  
            modifiedSinceParam.Value = modifiedSince  
            Using emailsReader As SqlDataReader = selectEmails.ExecuteReader()  
               While emailsReader.Read()  
                  Dim emailAddress As SqlString = emailsReader.GetSqlString(1)  
                  If ValidateEmail(emailAddress) Then  
                     resultCollection.Add(New EmailResult(emailsReader.GetSqlInt32(0), emailAddress))  
                  End If  
               End While  
            End Using  
         End Using  
      End Using  
      Return resultCollection  
   End Function  
   Public Shared Sub FindInvalidEmails_FillRow(emailResultObj As Object, customerId As SqlInt32, emailAdress As SqlString)  
      Dim emailResult As EmailResult = DirectCast(emailResultObj, EmailResult)  
      customerId = emailResult.CustomerId  
      emailAdress = emailResult.EmailAdress  
   End Sub  
End Class  

Compile the source code to a DLL and copy the DLL to the root directory of your C drive. Then, execute the following Transact-SQL query.

use AdventureWorksLT2008;  
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'FindInvalidEmails')  
   DROP FUNCTION FindInvalidEmails;  
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.assemblies WHERE name = 'MyClrCode')  
CREATE ASSEMBLY MyClrCode FROM 'C:\FindInvalidEmails.dll'  
CREATE FUNCTION FindInvalidEmails(@ModifiedSince datetime)   
   CustomerId int,  
   EmailAddress nvarchar(4000)  
AS EXTERNAL NAME MyClrCode.UserDefinedFunctions.[FindInvalidEmails];  
SELECT * FROM FindInvalidEmails('2000-01-01');  