31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji dogodek učenja SQL, Fabric in Power BI. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
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Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
Applies to:
SQL Server
Displays a list of the system-defined objects that are related to FileTables. Contains one row for each system-defined object.
When you create a FileTable, related objects such as constraints and indexes are created at the same time. You cannot alter or drop these objects; they disappear only when the FileTable itself is dropped.
For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server).
Column | Data type | Description |
object_id | int | Object ID of the system-defined object related to a FileTable. References the object in sys.objects. |
parent_object_id | int | Object ID of the parent FileTable. References the object in sys.objects. |
31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji dogodek učenja SQL, Fabric in Power BI. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
Registrirajte se danes