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sys.dm_hadr_physical_seeding_stats (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

On the primary replica, query sys.dm_hadr_physical_seeding_stats DMV to see the physical statistics for each seeding process that is currently running.

The following table defines the meaning of the various columns:

Column name Data type Description
local_physical_seeding_id uniqueidentifier Unique identifier of this seeding operation on the local replica.
remote_physical_seeding_id uniqueidentifier Unique identifier of this seeding operation on the remote replica.
local_database_id int Database ID on the local replica.
local_database_name nvarchar Database Name on the local replica.
remote_machine_name nvarchar Remote replica machine name.
role_desc nvarchar Seeding role description. (available values: Source, Destination, Forwarder, ForwarderDestination)
internal_state_desc nvarchar Description of the local replica state.
transfer_rate_bytes_per_second bigint Current seeding transfer rate in bytes per second.
transferred_size_bytes bigint Total bytes already transferred.
database_size_bytes bigint Total size in bytes of the database being seeded.
start_time_utc datetime Start time of the seeding operation in UTC.
end_time_utc datetime End time of the seeding operation in UTC.
estimate_time_complete_utc datetime Estimation of the completion time for an in-process seeding operation, in UTC.
total_disk_io_wait_time_ms bigint Sum of the disk IO wait time encountered, in ms.
total_network_wait_time_ms bigint Sum of the network IO wait time encountered, in ms.
failure_code int Failure code for the seeding operation.
failure_message nvarchar Message corresponding to the failure code.
failure_time_utc datetime Time of failure, in UTC.
is_compression_enabled bit Indicates whether compression in enabled for the seeding operation.



Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

Permissions for SQL Server 2022 and later

Requires VIEW SERVER PERFORMANCE STATE permission on the server.

See also

Automatic Page Repair (Availability Groups: Database Mirroring)
suspect_pages (Transact-SQL)
Manage the suspect_pages Table (SQL Server)