Creating the Server Connection Files (MySQLToSQL)
Server information can be specified either in the servers section of the script file or in a separate server connection file. The command line parameter for the server connection file is, -c <serverconnectionfile>
. If the same server id is present in both the script file and server connection file, then the server definition in the script file is considered.
<!--Sample of server connection file commands -->
<mysql name ="<source-server-unique-name>">
<server value ="<server-name>"/>
<user-id value ="<user-name>"/>
<password value ="<password>"/>
<port value ="<port>"/>
<!--Connection to SQL Server-->
<sql-server name="<target-server-unique-name>">
<server value="<server-name>"/>
<database value="<database-name>"/>
<user-id value="<user-name>"/>
<password value="<password>"/>
<encrypt value="<true/false>"/>
<trust-server-certificate value="<true/false>"/>
<!--Connection to SQL Azure-->
<sql-azure name="<target-server-unique-name>">
<server value="<server-name>"/>
<database value="<database-name>"/>
<user-id value="<user-name>"/>
<password value="<password>"/>
Server Connection File Validation
The user can easily validate his/her server connection file against the schema definition file 'M2SSConsoleScriptServersSchema.xsd' available in the 'Schemas' folder.
Next Step
The next step in operating the console is Executing the SSMA Console (MySQLToSQL)