pktmon counters

Pktmon counters allows you to query and display current packet counters from monitored components to confirm the presence of expected traffic and get a high-level view of how the traffic flowed in the machine.


pktmon counters [--type { all | flow | drop }] [--include-hidden] [--zero] [--drop-reason] [--live] [--refresh-rate <n>] [--json]


Parameter Description
-t, --type Select which types of counters to show. Supported values are all counters (default), flow (flows only), or drop (drops only).
-z, --zero Show counters that are zero in both directions.
-i, --include-hidden Show counters from components that are hidden by default.
-r, --drop-reason Show the most recent drop reason for each drop counter.
--live Automatically refresh the counters. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
--refresh-rate <n> Number of times to refresh the counters per second, from 1 to 30. Default is 10.
--json Output the counters in JSON format. Implies -i and -r.