
Removes a driver package from a driver group on a server.


wdsutil /Remove-DriverGroupPackage /DriverGroup:<Group Name> [/Server:<Server Name>] {/DriverPackage:<Name> | /PackageId:<ID>}


Parameter Description
[/Server:<Server name>] Specifies the name of the server. This can be the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If a server name is not specified, the local server is used.
[/DriverPackage:<Name>] Specifies the name of the driver package to remove.
[/PackageId:<ID>] Specifies the Windows Deployment Services ID of the driver package to remove. You must specify this option if the driver package cannot be uniquely identified by name.


wdsutil /Remove-DriverGroupPackage /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers /PackageId:{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
wdsutil /Remove-DriverGroupPackage /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers /DriverPackage:XYZ