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Validate content

APPLIES TO: All API Management tiers

The validate-content policy validates the size or content of a request or response body against one or more supported schemas.

The following table shows the schema formats and request or response content types that the policy supports. Content type values are case insensitive.

Format Content types
JSON Examples: application/json
XML Example: application/xml
SOAP Allowed values: application/soap+xml for SOAP 1.2 APIs
text/xml for SOAP 1.1 APIs


The maximum size of the API schema that can be used by this validation policy is 4 MB. If the schema exceeds this limit, validation policies will return errors on runtime. To increase it, please contact support.

What content is validated

The policy validates the following content in the request or response against the schema:

  • Presence of all required properties.
  • Presence or absence of additional properties, if the schema has the additionalProperties field set. May be overridden with the allow-additional-properties attribute.
  • Types of all properties. For example, if a schema specifies a property as an integer, the request (or response) must include an integer and not another type, such as a string.
  • The format of the properties, if specified in the schema - for example, regex (if the pattern keyword is specified), minimum for integers, and so on.


For examples of regex pattern constraints that can be used in schemas, see OWASP Validation Regex Repository.


Set the policy's elements and child elements in the order provided in the policy statement. To help you configure this policy, the portal provides a guided, form-based editor. Learn more about how to set or edit API Management policies.

Policy statement

<validate-content unspecified-content-type-action="ignore | prevent | detect" max-size="size in bytes" size-exceeded-action="ignore | prevent | detect" errors-variable-name="variable name">
    <content-type-map any-content-type-value="content type string" missing-content-type-value="content type string">
        <type from | when="content type string" to="content type string" />
    <content type="content type string" validate-as="json | xml | soap" schema-id="schema id" schema-ref="#/local/reference/path" action="ignore | prevent | detect" allow-additional-properties="true | false" case-insensitive-property-names="true | false"/>


Attribute Description Required Default
unspecified-content-type-action Action to perform for requests or responses with a content type that isn’t specified in the API schema. Policy expressions are allowed. Yes N/A
max-size Maximum length of the body of the request or response in bytes, checked against the Content-Length header. If the request body or response body is compressed, this value is the decompressed length. Maximum allowed value: 4 MB. Policy expressions are allowed. Yes N/A
size-exceeded-action Action to perform for requests or responses whose body exceeds the size specified in max-size. Policy expressions are allowed. Yes N/A
errors-variable-name Name of the variable in context.Variables to log validation errors to. Policy expressions aren't allowed. No N/A


Name Description Required
content-type-map Add this element to map the content type of the incoming request or response to another content type that is used to trigger validation. No
content Add one or more of these elements to validate the content type in the request or response, or the mapped content type, and perform the specified action. No

content-type-map attributes

Attribute Description Required Default
any-content-type-value Content type used for validation of the body of a request or response, regardless of the incoming content type. Policy expressions aren't allowed. No N/A
missing-content-type-value Content type used for validation of the body of a request or response, when the incoming content type is missing or empty. Policy expressions aren't allowed. No N/A


Name Description Required
type Add one or more of these elements to map an incoming content type to a content type used for validation of the body of a request or response. Use from to specify a known incoming content type, or use when with a policy expression to specify any incoming content type that matches a condition. Overrides the mapping in any-content-type-value and missing-content-type-value, if specified. No

content attributes

Attribute Description Required Default
type Content type to execute body validation for, checked against the content type header or the value mapped in content-type-mapping, if specified. If empty, it applies to every content type specified in the API schema.

To validate SOAP requests and responses (validate-as attribute set to "soap"), set type to application/soap+xml for SOAP 1.2 APIs or text/xml for SOAP 1.1 APIs.
No N/A
validate-as Validation engine to use for validation of the body of a request or response with a matching type. Supported values: "json", "xml", "soap".

When "soap" is specified, the XML from the request or response is extracted from the SOAP envelope and validated against an XML schema.
Yes N/A
schema-id Name of an existing schema that was added to the API Management instance for content validation. If not specified, the default schema from the API definition is used. No N/A
schema-ref For a JSON schema specified in schema-id, optional reference to a valid local reference path in the JSON document. Example: #/components/schemas/address. The attribute should return a JSON object that API Management handles as a valid JSON schema.

For an XML schema, schema-ref isn't supported, and any top-level schema element can be used as the root of the XML request or response payload. The validation checks that all elements starting from the XML request or response payload root adhere to the provided XML schema.
No N/A
allow-additional-properties Boolean. For a JSON schema, specifies whether to implement a runtime override of the additionalProperties value configured in the schema:
- true: allow additional properties in the request or response body, even if the JSON schema's additionalProperties field is configured to not allow additional properties.
- false: do not allow additional properties in the request or response body, even if the JSON schema's additionalProperties field is configured to allow additional properties.

If the attribute isn't specified, the policy validates additional properties according to configuration of the additionalProperties field in the schema.
No N/A
case-insensitive-property-names Boolean. For a JSON schema, specifies whether to compare property names of JSON objects without regard to case.
- true: compare property names case insensitively.
- false: compare property names case sensitively.
No false


The content validation policies include one or more attributes that specify an action, which API Management takes when validating an entity in an API request or response against the API schema.

  • An action may be specified for elements that are represented in the API schema and, depending on the policy, for elements that aren't represented in the API schema.

  • An action specified in a policy's child element overrides an action specified for its parent.

Available actions:

Action Description
ignore Skip validation.
prevent Block the request or response processing, log the verbose validation error, and return an error. Processing is interrupted when the first set of errors is detected.
detect Log validation errors, without interrupting request or response processing.



Details about the validation errors during policy execution are logged to the variable in context.Variables specified in the errors-variable-name attribute in the policy's root element. When configured in a prevent action, a validation error blocks further request or response processing and is also propagated to the context.LastError property.

To investigate errors, use a trace policy to log the errors from context variables to Application Insights.

Performance implications

Adding a validation policy may affect API throughput. The following general principles apply:

  • The larger the API schema size, the lower the throughput will be.
  • The larger the payload in a request or response, the lower the throughput will be.
  • The size of the API schema has a larger impact on performance than the size of the payload.
  • Validation against an API schema that is several megabytes in size may cause request or response timeouts under some conditions. The effect is more pronounced in the Consumption and Developer tiers of the service.

We recommend performing load tests with your expected production workloads to assess the impact of validation policies on API throughput.

Schemas for content validation

By default, validation of request or response content uses JSON or XML schemas from the API definition. These schemas can be specified manually or generated automatically when importing an API from an OpenAPI or WSDL specification into API Management.

Using the validate-content policy, you may optionally validate against one or more JSON or XML schemas that you’ve added to your API Management instance and that aren't part of the API definition. A schema that you add to API Management can be reused across many APIs.

To add a schema to your API Management instance using the Azure portal:

  1. In the portal, navigate to your API Management instance.

  2. In the APIs section of the left-hand menu, select Schemas > + Add.

  3. In the Create schema window, do the following:

    1. Enter a Name (ID) for the schema.
    2. In Schema type, select JSON or XML.
    3. Enter a Description.
    4. In Create method, do one of the following:
      • Select Create new and enter or paste the schema.
      • Select Import from file or Import from URL and enter a schema location.


        To import a schema from URL, the schema needs to be accessible over the internet from the browser.

    5. Select Save.

    Create schema

API Management adds the schema resource at the relative URI /schemas/<schemaId>, and the schema appears in the list on the Schemas page. Select a schema to view its properties or to edit in a schema editor.


A schema may cross-reference another schema that is added to the API Management instance. For example, include an XML schema added to API Management by using an element similar to:

<xs:include schemaLocation="/schemas/myschema" />


Open-source tools to resolve WSDL and XSD schema references and to batch-import generated schemas to API Management are available on GitHub.


JSON schema validation

In the following example, API Management interprets requests with an empty content type header or requests with a content type header application/hal+json as requests with the content type application/json. Then, API Management performs the validation in the detection mode against a schema defined for the application/json content type in the API definition. Messages with payloads larger than 100 KB are blocked. Requests containing additional properties are blocked, even if the schema's additionalProperties field is configured to allow additional properties.

<validate-content unspecified-content-type-action="prevent" max-size="102400" size-exceeded-action="prevent" errors-variable-name="requestBodyValidation">
    <content-type-map missing-content-type-value="application/json">
        <type from="application/hal+json" to="application/json" />
    <content type="application/json" validate-as="json" action="detect" allow-additional-properties="false" />

SOAP schema validation

In the following example, API Management interprets any request as a request with the content type application/soap+xml (the content type that's used by SOAP 1.2 APIs), regardless of the incoming content type. The request could arrive with an empty content type header, content type header of text/xml (used by SOAP 1.1 APIs), or another content type header. Then, API Management extracts the XML payload from the SOAP envelope and performs the validation in prevention mode against the schema named "myschema". Messages with payloads larger than 100 KB are blocked.

<validate-content unspecified-content-type-action="prevent" max-size="102400" size-exceeded-action="prevent" errors-variable-name="requestBodyValidation">
    <content-type-map any-content-type-value="application/soap+xml" />
    <content type="application/soap+xml" validate-as="soap" schema-id="myschema" action="prevent" /> 

Validation errors

API Management generates content validation errors in the following format:

 "Name": string,
 "Type": string,
 "ValidationRule": string,
 "Details": string,
 "Action": string

The following table lists all possible errors of the validation policies.

  • Details: Can be used to investigate errors. Not meant to be shared publicly.
  • Public response: Error returned to the client. Does not leak implementation details.

When a validation policy specifies the prevent action and produces an error, the response from API management includes an HTTP status code: 400 when the policy is applied in the inbound section, and 502 when the policy is applied in the outbound section.

Name Type Validation rule Details Public response Action
RequestBody SizeLimit Request's body is {size} bytes long and it exceeds the configured limit of {maxSize} bytes. Request's body is {size} bytes long and it exceeds the limit of {maxSize} bytes. detect / prevent
ResponseBody SizeLimit Response's body is {size} bytes long and it exceeds the configured limit of {maxSize} bytes. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{messageContentType} RequestBody Unspecified Unspecified content type {messageContentType} is not allowed. Unspecified content type {messageContentType} is not allowed. detect / prevent
{messageContentType} ResponseBody Unspecified Unspecified content type {messageContentType} is not allowed. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
ApiSchema API's schema does not exist or it could not be resolved. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
ApiSchema API's schema does not specify definitions. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{messageContentType} RequestBody / ResponseBody MissingDefinition API's schema does not contain definition {definitionName}, which is associated with the content type {messageContentType}. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{messageContentType} RequestBody IncorrectMessage Body of the request does not conform to the definition {definitionName}, which is associated with the content type {messageContentType}.

{valError.Message} Line: {valError.LineNumber}, Position: {valError.LinePosition}
Body of the request does not conform to the definition {definitionName}, which is associated with the content type {messageContentType}.

{valError.Message} Line: {valError.LineNumber}, Position: {valError.LinePosition}
detect / prevent
{messageContentType} ResponseBody IncorrectMessage Body of the response does not conform to the definition {definitionName}, which is associated with the content type {messageContentType}.

{valError.Message} Line: {valError.LineNumber}, Position: {valError.LinePosition}
The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
RequestBody ValidationException Body of the request cannot be validated for the content type {messageContentType}.

{exception details}
The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
ResponseBody ValidationException Body of the response cannot be validated for the content type {messageContentType}.

{exception details}
The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
validate-parameters / validate-headers
{paramName} / {headerName} QueryParameter / PathParameter / RequestHeader Unspecified Unspecified {path parameter / query parameter / header} {paramName} is not allowed. Unspecified {path parameter / query parameter / header} {paramName} is not allowed. detect / prevent
{headerName} ResponseHeader Unspecified Unspecified header {headerName} is not allowed. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
ApiSchema API's schema doesn't exist or it couldn't be resolved. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
ApiSchema API schema does not specify definitions. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{paramName} QueryParameter / PathParameter / RequestHeader / ResponseHeader MissingDefinition API's schema does not contain definition {definitionName}, which is associated with the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName}. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{paramName} QueryParameter / PathParameter / RequestHeader IncorrectMessage Request cannot contain multiple values for the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName}. Request cannot contain multiple values for the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName}. detect / prevent
{headerName} ResponseHeader IncorrectMessage Response cannot contain multiple values for the header {headerName}. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{paramName} QueryParameter / PathParameter / RequestHeader IncorrectMessage Value of the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName} does not conform to the definition.

{valError.Message} Line: {valError.LineNumber}, Position: {valError.LinePosition}
The value of the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName} does not conform to the definition.

{valError.Message} Line: {valError.LineNumber}, Position: {valError.LinePosition}
detect / prevent
{headerName} ResponseHeader IncorrectMessage Value of the header {headerName} does not conform to the definition.

{valError.Message} Line: {valError.LineNumber}, Position: {valError.LinePosition}
The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{paramName} QueryParameter / PathParameter / RequestHeader IncorrectMessage Value of the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName} cannot be parsed according to the definition.

Value of the {query parameter / path parameter / header} {paramName} couldn't be parsed according to the definition.

detect / prevent
{headerName} ResponseHeader IncorrectMessage Value of the header {headerName} couldn't be parsed according to the definition. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{paramName} QueryParameter / PathParameter / RequestHeader ValidationError {Query parameter / Path parameter / Header} {paramName} cannot be validated.

{exception details}
The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{headerName} ResponseHeader ValidationError Header {headerName} cannot be validated.

{exception details}
The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent
{status-code} StatusCode Unspecified Response status code {status-code} is not allowed. The request could not be processed due to an internal error. Contact the API owner. detect / prevent

The following table lists all the possible Reason values of a validation error along with possible Message values:

Reason Message
Bad request {Details} for context variable, {Public response} for client
Response not allowed {Details} for context variable, {Public response} for client

For more information about working with policies, see: