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Differences between the isolated worker model and the in-process model for .NET on Azure Functions

There are two execution models for .NET functions:

Execution model Description
Isolated worker model Your function code runs in a separate .NET worker process. Use with supported versions of .NET and .NET Framework. To learn more, see Develop .NET isolated worker process functions.
In-process model Your function code runs in the same process as the Functions host process. Supports only Long Term Support (LTS) versions of .NET. To learn more, see Develop .NET class library functions.

This article describes the current state of the functional and behavioral differences between the two models. To migrate from the in-process model to the isolated worker model, see Migrate .NET apps from the in-process model to the isolated worker model.

Execution model comparison table

Use the following table to compare feature and functional differences between the two models:

Feature/behavior Isolated worker model In-process model3
Supported .NET versions Long Term Support (LTS) versions,
Standard Term Support (STS) versions,
.NET Framework
Long Term Support (LTS) versions, ending with .NET 8
Core packages Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker
Binding extension packages Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.* Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.*
Durable Functions Supported Supported
Model types exposed by bindings Simple types
JSON serializable types
Service SDK types4
Simple types
JSON serializable types
Service SDK types4
HTTP trigger model types HttpRequestData / HttpResponseData
HttpRequest / IActionResult (using ASP.NET Core integration)5
HttpRequest / IActionResult5
HttpRequestMessage / HttpResponseMessage
Output binding interactions Return values in an expanded model with:
- single or multiple outputs
- arrays of outputs
Return values (single output only),
out parameters,
Imperative bindings1 Not supported - instead work with SDK types directly Supported
Dependency injection Supported (improved model consistent with .NET ecosystem) Supported
Middleware Supported Not supported
Logging ILogger<T>/ILogger obtained from FunctionContext or via dependency injection ILogger passed to the function
ILogger<T> via dependency injection
Application Insights dependencies Supported Supported
Cancellation tokens Supported Supported
Cold start times2 Configurable optimizations Optimized
ReadyToRun Supported Supported
[Flex Consumption] Supported Not supported

1 When you need to interact with a service using parameters determined at runtime, using the corresponding service SDKs directly is recommended over using imperative bindings. The SDKs are less verbose, cover more scenarios, and have advantages for error handling and debugging purposes. This recommendation applies to both models.

2 Cold start times could be additionally impacted on Windows when using some preview versions of .NET due to just-in-time loading of preview frameworks. This impact applies to both the in-process and out-of-process models but can be noticeable when comparing across different versions. This delay for preview versions isn't present on Linux plans.

3 C# Script functions also run in-process and use the same libraries as in-process class library functions. For more information, see the Azure Functions C# script (.csx) developer reference.

4 Service SDK types include types from the Azure SDK for .NET such as BlobClient.

5 ASP.NET Core types are not supported for .NET Framework.

Supported versions

Versions of the Functions runtime support specific versions of .NET. To learn more about Functions versions, see Azure Functions runtime versions overview. Version support also depends on whether your functions run in-process or isolated worker process.


To learn how to change the Functions runtime version used by your function app, see view and update the current runtime version.

The following table shows the highest level of .NET or .NET Framework that can be used with a specific version of Functions.

Functions runtime version Isolated worker model In-process model5
Functions 4.x1 .NET 9.0 (preview)
.NET 8.0
.NET 6.02
.NET Framework 4.83
.NET 8.0
.NET 6.02
Functions 1.x4 n/a .NET Framework 4.8

1 .NET 7 was previously supported on the isolated worker model but reached the end of official support on May 14, 2024.

2 .NET 6 reaches the end of official support on November 12, 2024.

3 The build process also requires the .NET SDK.

4 Support ends for version 1.x of the Azure Functions runtime on September 14, 2026. For more information, see this support announcement. For continued full support, you should migrate your apps to version 4.x.

5 Support ends for the in-process model on November 10, 2026. For more information, see this support announcement. For continued full support, you should migrate your apps to the isolated worker model.

For the latest news about Azure Functions releases, including the removal of specific older minor versions, monitor Azure App Service announcements.

Next steps