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Create and delete routes and endpoints by using the Azure CLI

This article shows you how to manage Azure IoT Hub routes and endpoints by using the Azure CLI. Learn how to use the Azure CLI to create routes and endpoints for Azure Event Hubs, Azure Service Bus queues and topics, Azure Storage, and Cosmos DB.

To learn more about how routing works in IoT Hub, see Use IoT Hub message routing to send device-to-cloud messages to different endpoints. To walk through setting up a route that sends messages to storage and then testing on a simulated device, see Tutorial: Send device data to Azure Storage by using IoT Hub message routing.


The procedures that are described in the article use the following resources:

  • The Azure CLI
  • An IoT hub
  • An endpoint service in Azure

Azure CLI

This article uses the Azure CLI to work with IoT Hub and other Azure services. You can choose how you access the Azure CLI:

IoT Hub

Have an IoT hub in your Azure subscription. If you don't have a hub yet, you can follow the steps in Create an IoT hub.

Endpoint service

You need at least one other Azure service to use as an endpoint to the route. The endpoint receives device messages and event logs.

Decide which Azure service you want to use as an endpoint to receive routed device and event data: an event hub, a Service queue or topic, a storage account, or a Cosmos DB container. For the service you choose to use, complete the steps to create an endpoint service.

  1. Create an Event Hubs namespace and an event hub. For more information, see Quickstart: Create an event hub by using the Azure CLI.

  2. Create an authorization rule that will be used to give IoT Hub permission to send data to the event hub.


    The name parameter's value RootManageSharedAccessKey is the default name that allows Manage, Send, Listen claims (access). If you want to restrict the claims, give the name parameter your own unique name and include the --rights flag followed by one of the claims. For example, --name my-name --rights Send.

    az eventhubs eventhub authorization-rule create --resource-group my-resource-group --namespace-name my-routing-namespace --eventhub-name my-event-hubs --name RootManageSharedAccessKey

    For more information, see Authorize access to Azure Event Hubs.

Create an endpoint

All IoT Hub routes point to an endpoint, which will receive the routed device and event data. More than one route can point to the same endpoint. Currently, IoT Hub supports endpoints for Event hubs, Service Bus queues or topics, Storage, and Cosmos DB. An instance of the service that you use for your endpoint must exist in your Azure subscription before you create the endpoint.


This article uses the az iot hub message-endpoint command group, which was introduced in version 0.19.0 of the azure-iot extension for the Azure CLI. Previous versions of the azure-iot extension used the az iot hub routing-endpoint command group, which is similar and still supported but does not support creating Cosmos DB endpoints.

Use the following command to update to the latest version of the azure-iot extension:

az extension update --name azure-iot

To create an Event Hubs endpoint, use the authorization rule that you created in the prerequisites.

  1. Use the az eventhubs eventhub authorization-rule keys list command to list your authorization rule. Provide the following values for the placeholder parameters:

    parameter value
    eventhub_group Resource group of the event hub.
    eventhub_namespace Name of the Event Hubs namespace.
    eventhub_name Name of the event hub.
    rule_name The name of the authorization rule for the event hub. If you copied the example in the prerequisites, this name is RootManageSharedAccessKey.
    az eventhubs eventhub authorization-rule keys list --resource-group {eventhub_group} --namespace-name {eventhub_namespace} --eventhub-name my-event-hubs --name {rule_name}
  2. Copy your event hub connection string from the output.

  3. Use the az iot hub message-endpoint create eventhub command to create your custom endpoint. Provide the following values for the placeholder parameters:

    parameter value
    iothub_name The name of the IoT hub where this endpoint is being created.
    endpoint_name A unique name for the new endpoint.
    eventhub_subscription Subscription ID of the event hub. This argument can be left out if the event hub is in the same subscription as the IoT hub.
    eventhub_group Resource group of the event hub. This argument can be left out if the event hub is in the same resource group as the IoT hub.
    eventhub_connection_string The connection string that you copied from the event hub authorization rule.
    az iot hub message-endpoint create eventhub --hub-name {iothub_name} --endpoint-name {endpoint_name}  --connection-string "{eventhub_connection_string}" --endpoint-subscription-id {eventhub_subscription} --endpoint-resource-group {eventhub_group}

Delete an endpoint

If you want to delete an endpoint from your IoT hub, use the az iot hub message-endpoint delete command. With this command, you can delete a single endpoint, delete all endpoints of a single type, or delete all endpoints from a hub.

For example, the following command deletes all endpoints in an IoT hub that point to Storage resources:

az iot hub message-endpoint delete --hub-name {iothub_name} --endpoint-type storage-container

Create an IoT Hub route

In IoT Hub, you can create a route to send messages or capture events. Each route has a data source and an endpoint. The data source is where messages or event logs originate. The endpoint is where the messages or event logs end up. You choose locations for the data source and endpoint when you create a new route in your IoT hub. Optionally, you can Add queries to message routes to filter messages or events before they go to the endpoint.


This article uses the az iot hub message-route command group, which was introduced in version 0.19.0 of the azure-iot extension for the Azure CLI. Previous versions of the azure-iot extension used the az iot hub route command group, which is similar and still supported.

Use the following command to update to the latest version of the azure-iot extension:

az extension update --name azure-iot
  1. Use the az iot hub message-route create command to create a new IoT Hub route by using that endpoint. Provide the following values for the placeholder parameters:

    parameter value
    iothub_name The name of the IoT hub where this route is being created.
    route_name A unique name for the new route.
    endpoint_name The name of the endpoint that the route will send data to.
    data_source The source of the route. Accepted values are: deviceconnectionstateevents, devicejoblifecycleevents, devicelifecycleevents, devicemessages, digitaltwinchangeevents, invalid, or twinchangeevents.
    az iot hub message-route create --hub-name {iothub_name} --route-name {route_name} --endpoint-name {endpoint_name} --source {data_source}
  2. To confirm that the new route is in your IoT hub, use the az iot hub message-route list command to see all routes in your IoT hub:

    az iot hub message-route list --hub-name {iothub_name}

    You should see a response in the Azure CLI that's similar to this example:

         "condition": "true",
         "endpointNames": [
         "isEnabled": true,
         "name": "route_name",
         "source": "DeviceConnectionStateEvents"

Update an IoT Hub route

You can update some properties of a route after it's created. You can change the source, endpoint, condition, or enabled state of an existing route.

Use the az iot hub message-route show command to view the details of a route.

az iot hub message-route show --hub-name {iothub_name} --route-name {route_name}

Use the az iot hub message-route update command to update the properties of a route. For example, the following command updates the route's source.

az iot hub message-route update --hub-name {iothub_name} --route-name {route_name} --source devicejoblifecycleevents

Delete an IoT Hub route

Use the az iot hub message-route delete command to delete a route from your IoT hub.

Deleting a route doesn't delete its endpoint because other routes may point to the same endpoint. If you want to delete an endpoint, you can do so separately from deleting a route.

az iot hub message-route delete --hub-name {iothub_name} --route-name {route_name}

Manage the fallback route

The fallback route sends all the messages from devicemessages source that don't satisfy query conditions on any of the existing routes to the built-in endpoint.

Use the az iot hub message-route fallback show command to see the status of the fallback route in your IoT hub.

az iot hub message-route fallback show --hub-name {iothub_name}

Use the az iot hub message-route fallback set command to enable or disable the fallback route in your IoT hub.

az iot hub message-route fallback set --hub-name {iothub_name} --enabled {true_false}

Next steps

In this how-to article, you learned how to create a route and endpoint for Event Hubs, Service Bus queues and topics, and Azure Storage.

To learn more about message routing, see Tutorial: Send device data to Azure Storage by using IoT Hub message routing. In the tutorial, you create a storage route and test it with a device in your IoT hub.