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CLI (v2) job schedule YAML schema

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

The source JSON schema can be found at https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json.


The YAML syntax detailed in this document is based on the JSON schema for the latest version of the ML CLI v2 extension. This syntax is guaranteed only to work with the latest version of the ML CLI v2 extension. You can find the schemas for older extension versions at https://azuremlschemasprod.azureedge.net/.

YAML syntax

Key Type Description Allowed values
$schema string The YAML schema.
name string Required. Name of the schedule.
description string Description of the schedule.
tags object Dictionary of tags for the schedule.
trigger object The trigger configuration to define rule when to trigger job. One of RecurrenceTrigger or CronTrigger is required.
create_job object or string Required. The definition of the job that will be triggered by a schedule. One of string or JobDefinition is required.

Trigger configuration

Recurrence trigger

Key Type Description Allowed values
type string Required. Specifies the schedule type. recurrence
frequency string Required. Specifies the unit of time that describes how often the schedule fires. minute, hour, day, week, month
interval integer Required. Specifies the interval at which the schedule fires.
start_time string Describes the start date and time with timezone. If start_time is omitted, the first job will run instantly and the future jobs will be triggered based on the schedule, saying start_time will be equal to the job created time. If the start time is in the past, the first job will run at the next calculated run time.
end_time string Describes the end date and time with timezone. If end_time is omitted, the schedule will continue to run until it's explicitly disabled.
timezone string Specifies the time zone of the recurrence. If omitted, by default is UTC. See appendix for timezone values
pattern object Specifies the pattern of the recurrence. If pattern is omitted, the job(s) will be triggered according to the logic of start_time, frequency and interval.

Recurrence schedule

Recurrence schedule defines the recurrence pattern, containing hours, minutes, and weekdays.

  • When frequency is day, pattern can specify hours and minutes.
  • When frequency is week and month, pattern can specify hours, minutes and weekdays.
Key Type Allowed values
hours integer or array of integer 0-23
minutes integer or array of integer 0-59
week_days string or array of string monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday


Key Type Description Allowed values
type string Required. Specifies the schedule type. cron
expression string Required. Specifies the cron expression to define how to trigger jobs. expression uses standard crontab expression to express a recurring schedule. A single expression is composed of five space-delimited fields:MINUTES HOURS DAYS MONTHS DAYS-OF-WEEK
start_time string Describes the start date and time with timezone. If start_time is omitted, the first job will run instantly and the future jobs will be triggered based on the schedule, saying start_time will be equal to the job created time. If the start time is in the past, the first job will run at the next calculated run time.
end_time string Describes the end date and time with timezone. If end_time is omitted, the schedule will continue to run until it's explicitly disabled.
timezone string Specifies the time zone of the recurrence. If omitted, by default is UTC. See appendix for timezone values

Job definition

Customer can directly use create_job: azureml:<job_name> or can use the following properties to define the job.

Key Type Description Allowed values
type string Required. Specifies the job type. Only pipeline job is supported. pipeline
job string Required. Define how to reference a job, it can be azureml:<job_name> or a local pipeline job yaml such as file:hello-pipeline.yml.
experiment_name string Experiment name to organize the job under. Each job's run record will be organized under the corresponding experiment in the studio's "Experiments" tab. If omitted, we'll take schedule name as default value.
inputs object Dictionary of inputs to the job. The key is a name for the input within the context of the job and the value is the input value.
outputs object Dictionary of output configurations of the job. The key is a name for the output within the context of the job and the value is the output configuration.
settings object Default settings for the pipeline job. See Attributes of the settings key for the set of configurable properties.

Attributes of the settings key

Key Type Description Default value
default_datastore string Name of the datastore to use as the default datastore for the pipeline job. This value must be a reference to an existing datastore in the workspace using the azureml:<datastore-name> syntax. Any outputs defined in the outputs property of the parent pipeline job or child step jobs will be stored in this datastore. If omitted, outputs will be stored in the workspace blob datastore.
default_compute string Name of the compute target to use as the default compute for all steps in the pipeline. If compute is defined at the step level, it will override this default compute for that specific step. This value must be a reference to an existing compute in the workspace using the azureml:<compute-name> syntax.
continue_on_step_failure boolean Whether the execution of steps in the pipeline should continue if one step fails. The default value is False, which means that if one step fails, the pipeline execution will be stopped, canceling any running steps. False

Job inputs

Key Type Description Allowed values Default value
type string The type of job input. Specify uri_file for input data that points to a single file source, or uri_folder for input data that points to a folder source. uri_file, uri_folder uri_folder
path string The path to the data to use as input. This can be specified in a few ways:

- A local path to the data source file or folder, for example, path: ./iris.csv. The data will get uploaded during job submission.

- A URI of a cloud path to the file or folder to use as the input. Supported URI types are azureml, https, wasbs, abfss, adl. For more information on how to use the azureml:// URI format, see Core yaml syntax.

- An existing registered Azure Machine Learning data asset to use as the input. To reference a registered data asset, use the azureml:<data_name>:<data_version> syntax or azureml:<data_name>@latest (to reference the latest version of that data asset), for example, path: azureml:cifar10-data:1 or path: azureml:cifar10-data@latest.
mode string Mode of how the data should be delivered to the compute target.

For read-only mount (ro_mount), the data will be consumed as a mount path. A folder will be mounted as a folder and a file will be mounted as a file. Azure Machine Learning will resolve the input to the mount path.

For download mode the data will be downloaded to the compute target. Azure Machine Learning will resolve the input to the downloaded path.

If you only want the URL of the storage location of the data artifact(s) rather than mounting or downloading the data itself, you can use the direct mode. This will pass in the URL of the storage location as the job input. In this case, you're fully responsible for handling credentials to access the storage.
ro_mount, download, direct ro_mount

Job outputs

Key Type Description Allowed values Default value
type string The type of job output. For the default uri_folder type, the output will correspond to a folder. uri_folder uri_folder
path string The path to the data to use as input. This can be specified in a few ways:

- A local path to the data source file or folder, for example, path: ./iris.csv. The data will get uploaded during job submission.

- A URI of a cloud path to the file or folder to use as the input. Supported URI types are azureml, https, wasbs, abfss, adl. For more information on how to use the azureml:// URI format, see Core yaml syntax.

- An existing registered Azure Machine Learning data asset to use as the input. To reference a registered data asset, use the azureml:<data_name>:<data_version> syntax or azureml:<data_name>@latest (to reference the latest version of that data asset), for example, path: azureml:cifar10-data:1 or path: azureml:cifar10-data@latest.
mode string Mode of how output file(s) will get delivered to the destination storage. For read-write mount mode (rw_mount) the output directory will be a mounted directory. For upload mode the file(s) written will get uploaded at the end of the job. rw_mount, upload rw_mount


The az ml schedule command can be used for managing Azure Machine Learning models.


Examples are available in the examples GitHub repository. A couple are shown below.

YAML: Schedule with recurrence pattern

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json
name: simple_recurrence_job_schedule
display_name: Simple recurrence job schedule
description: a simple hourly recurrence job schedule

  type: recurrence
  frequency: day #can be minute, hour, day, week, month
  interval: 1 #every day
    hours: [4,5,10,11,12]
    minutes: [0,30]
  start_time: "2022-07-10T10:00:00" # optional - default will be schedule creation time
  time_zone: "Pacific Standard Time" # optional - default will be UTC

create_job: ./simple-pipeline-job.yml
# create_job: azureml:simple-pipeline-job

YAML: Schedule with cron expression

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json
name: simple_cron_job_schedule
display_name: Simple cron job schedule
description: a simple hourly cron job schedule

  type: cron
  expression: "0 * * * *"
  start_time: "2022-07-10T10:00:00" # optional - default will be schedule creation time
  time_zone: "Pacific Standard Time" # optional - default will be UTC

# create_job: azureml:simple-pipeline-job
create_job: ./simple-pipeline-job.yml



Current schedule supports the following timezones. The key can be used directly in the Python SDK, while the value can be used in the YAML job. The table is organized by UTC(Coordinated Universal Time).

UTC Key Value
UTC -12:00 DATELINE_STANDARD_TIME "Dateline Standard Time"
UTC -11:00 UTC_11 "UTC-11"
UTC - 10:00 ALEUTIAN_STANDARD_TIME Aleutian Standard Time
UTC - 10:00 HAWAIIAN_STANDARD_TIME "Hawaiian Standard Time"
UTC -09:30 MARQUESAS_STANDARD_TIME "Marquesas Standard Time"
UTC -09:00 ALASKAN_STANDARD_TIME "Alaskan Standard Time"
UTC -09:00 UTC_09 "UTC-09"
UTC -08:00 PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME_MEXICO "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)"
UTC -08:00 UTC_08 "UTC-08"
UTC -08:00 PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME "Pacific Standard Time"
UTC -07:00 US_MOUNTAIN_STANDARD_TIME "US Mountain Standard Time"
UTC -07:00 MOUNTAIN_STANDARD_TIME_MEXICO "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)"
UTC -07:00 MOUNTAIN_STANDARD_TIME "Mountain Standard Time"
UTC -06:00 CENTRAL_AMERICA_STANDARD_TIME "Central America Standard Time"
UTC -06:00 CENTRAL_STANDARD_TIME "Central Standard Time"
UTC -06:00 EASTER_ISLAND_STANDARD_TIME "Easter Island Standard Time"
UTC -06:00 CENTRAL_STANDARD_TIME_MEXICO "Central Standard Time (Mexico)"
UTC -06:00 CANADA_CENTRAL_STANDARD_TIME "Canada Central Standard Time"
UTC -05:00 SA_PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME "SA Pacific Standard Time"
UTC -05:00 EASTERN_STANDARD_TIME_MEXICO "Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)"
UTC -05:00 EASTERN_STANDARD_TIME "Eastern Standard Time"
UTC -05:00 HAITI_STANDARD_TIME "Haiti Standard Time"
UTC -05:00 CUBA_STANDARD_TIME "Cuba Standard Time"
UTC -05:00 US_EASTERN_STANDARD_TIME "US Eastern Standard Time"
UTC -05:00 TURKS_AND_CAICOS_STANDARD_TIME "Turks And Caicos Standard Time"
UTC -04:00 PARAGUAY_STANDARD_TIME "Paraguay Standard Time"
UTC -04:00 ATLANTIC_STANDARD_TIME "Atlantic Standard Time"
UTC -04:00 VENEZUELA_STANDARD_TIME "Venezuela Standard Time"
UTC -04:00 CENTRAL_BRAZILIAN_STANDARD_TIME "Central Brazilian Standard Time"
UTC -04:00 SA_WESTERN_STANDARD_TIME "SA Western Standard Time"
UTC -04:00 PACIFIC_SA_STANDARD_TIME "Pacific SA Standard Time"
UTC -03:30 NEWFOUNDLAND_STANDARD_TIME "Newfoundland Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 TOCANTINS_STANDARD_TIME "Tocantins Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 E_SOUTH_AMERICAN_STANDARD_TIME "E. South America Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 SA_EASTERN_STANDARD_TIME "SA Eastern Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 ARGENTINA_STANDARD_TIME "Argentina Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 GREENLAND_STANDARD_TIME "Greenland Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 MONTEVIDEO_STANDARD_TIME "Montevideo Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 SAINT_PIERRE_STANDARD_TIME "Saint Pierre Standard Time"
UTC -03:00 BAHIA_STANDARD_TIM "Bahia Standard Time"
UTC -02:00 UTC_02 "UTC-02"
UTC -02:00 MID_ATLANTIC_STANDARD_TIME "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time"
UTC -01:00 AZORES_STANDARD_TIME "Azores Standard Time"
UTC -01:00 CAPE_VERDE_STANDARD_TIME "Cape Verde Standard Time"
UTC +00:00 GMT_STANDARD_TIME "GMT Standard Time"
UTC +00:00 GREENWICH_STANDARD_TIME "Greenwich Standard Time"
UTC +01:00 MOROCCO_STANDARD_TIME "Morocco Standard Time"
UTC +01:00 W_EUROPE_STANDARD_TIME "W. Europe Standard Time"
UTC +01:00 CENTRAL_EUROPE_STANDARD_TIME "Central Europe Standard Time"
UTC +01:00 ROMANCE_STANDARD_TIME "Romance Standard Time"
UTC +01:00 CENTRAL_EUROPEAN_STANDARD_TIME "Central European Standard Time"
UTC +01:00 W_CENTRAL_AFRICA_STANDARD_TIME "W. Central Africa Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 NAMIBIA_STANDARD_TIME "Namibia Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 JORDAN_STANDARD_TIME "Jordan Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 GTB_STANDARD_TIME "GTB Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 MIDDLE_EAST_STANDARD_TIME "Middle East Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 EGYPT_STANDARD_TIME "Egypt Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 E_EUROPE_STANDARD_TIME "E. Europe Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 SYRIA_STANDARD_TIME "Syria Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 WEST_BANK_STANDARD_TIME "West Bank Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 SOUTH_AFRICA_STANDARD_TIME "South Africa Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 FLE_STANDARD_TIME "FLE Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 ISRAEL_STANDARD_TIME "Israel Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 KALININGRAD_STANDARD_TIME "Kaliningrad Standard Time"
UTC +02:00 LIBYA_STANDARD_TIME "Libya Standard Time"
UTC +03:00 TÜRKIYE_STANDARD_TIME "Türkiye Standard Time"
UTC +03:00 ARABIC_STANDARD_TIME "Arabic Standard Time"
UTC +03:00 ARAB_STANDARD_TIME "Arab Standard Time"
UTC +03:00 BELARUS_STANDARD_TIME "Belarus Standard Time"
UTC +03:00 RUSSIAN_STANDARD_TIME "Russian Standard Time"
UTC +03:00 E_AFRICA_STANDARD_TIME "E. Africa Standard Time"
UTC +03:30 IRAN_STANDARD_TIME "Iran Standard Time"
UTC +04:00 ARABIAN_STANDARD_TIME "Arabian Standard Time"
UTC +04:00 ASTRAKHAN_STANDARD_TIME "Astrakhan Standard Time"
UTC +04:00 AZERBAIJAN_STANDARD_TIME "Azerbaijan Standard Time"
UTC +04:00 RUSSIA_TIME_ZONE_3 "Russia Time Zone 3"
UTC +04:00 MAURITIUS_STANDARD_TIME "Mauritius Standard Time"
UTC +04:00 GEORGIAN_STANDARD_TIME "Georgian Standard Time"
UTC +04:00 CAUCASUS_STANDARD_TIME "Caucasus Standard Time"
UTC +04:30 AFGHANISTAN_STANDARD_TIME "Afghanistan Standard Time"
UTC +05:00 WEST_ASIA_STANDARD_TIME "West Asia Standard Time"
UTC +05:00 EKATERINBURG_STANDARD_TIME "Ekaterinburg Standard Time"
UTC +05:00 PAKISTAN_STANDARD_TIME "Pakistan Standard Time"
UTC +05:30 INDIA_STANDARD_TIME "India Standard Time"
UTC +05:30 SRI_LANKA_STANDARD_TIME "Sri Lanka Standard Time"
UTC +05:45 NEPAL_STANDARD_TIME "Nepal Standard Time"
UTC +06:00 CENTRAL_ASIA_STANDARD_TIME "Central Asia Standard Time"
UTC +06:00 BANGLADESH_STANDARD_TIME "Bangladesh Standard Time"
UTC +06:30 MYANMAR_STANDARD_TIME "Myanmar Standard Time"
UTC +07:00 N_CENTRAL_ASIA_STANDARD_TIME "N. Central Asia Standard Time"
UTC +07:00 SE_ASIA_STANDARD_TIME "SE Asia Standard Time"
UTC +07:00 ALTAI_STANDARD_TIME "Altai Standard Time"
UTC +07:00 W_MONGOLIA_STANDARD_TIME "W. Mongolia Standard Time"
UTC +07:00 NORTH_ASIA_STANDARD_TIME "North Asia Standard Time"
UTC +07:00 TOMSK_STANDARD_TIME "Tomsk Standard Time"
UTC +08:00 CHINA_STANDARD_TIME "China Standard Time"
UTC +08:00 NORTH_ASIA_EAST_STANDARD_TIME "North Asia East Standard Time"
UTC +08:00 SINGAPORE_STANDARD_TIME "Singapore Standard Time"
UTC +08:00 W_AUSTRALIA_STANDARD_TIME "W. Australia Standard Time"
UTC +08:00 TAIPEI_STANDARD_TIME "Taipei Standard Time"
UTC +08:00 ULAANBAATAR_STANDARD_TIME "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time"
UTC +08:45 AUS_CENTRAL_W_STANDARD_TIME "Aus Central W. Standard Time"
UTC +09:00 NORTH_KOREA_STANDARD_TIME "North Korea Standard Time"
UTC +09:00 TRANSBAIKAL_STANDARD_TIME "Transbaikal Standard Time"
UTC +09:00 TOKYO_STANDARD_TIME "Tokyo Standard Time"
UTC +09:00 KOREA_STANDARD_TIME "Korea Standard Time"
UTC +09:00 YAKUTSK_STANDARD_TIME "Yakutsk Standard Time"
UTC +09:30 CEN_AUSTRALIA_STANDARD_TIME "Cen. Australia Standard Time"
UTC +09:30 AUS_CENTRAL_STANDARD_TIME "AUS Central Standard Time"
UTC +10:00 E_AUSTRALIAN_STANDARD_TIME "E. Australia Standard Time"
UTC +10:00 AUS_EASTERN_STANDARD_TIME "AUS Eastern Standard Time"
UTC +10:00 WEST_PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME "West Pacific Standard Time"
UTC +10:00 TASMANIA_STANDARD_TIME "Tasmania Standard Time"
UTC +10:00 VLADIVOSTOK_STANDARD_TIME "Vladivostok Standard Time"
UTC +10:30 LORD_HOWE_STANDARD_TIME "Lord Howe Standard Time"
UTC +11:00 BOUGAINVILLE_STANDARD_TIME "Bougainville Standard Time"
UTC +11:00 RUSSIA_TIME_ZONE_10 "Russia Time Zone 10"
UTC +11:00 MAGADAN_STANDARD_TIME "Magadan Standard Time"
UTC +11:00 NORFOLK_STANDARD_TIME "Norfolk Standard Time"
UTC +11:00 SAKHALIN_STANDARD_TIME "Sakhalin Standard Time"
UTC +11:00 CENTRAL_PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME "Central Pacific Standard Time"
UTC +12:00 RUSSIA_TIME_ZONE_11 "Russia Time Zone 11"
UTC +12:00 NEW_ZEALAND_STANDARD_TIME "New Zealand Standard Time"
UTC +12:00 UTC_12 "UTC+12"
UTC +12:00 FIJI_STANDARD_TIME "Fiji Standard Time"
UTC +12:00 KAMCHATKA_STANDARD_TIME "Kamchatka Standard Time"
UTC +12:45 CHATHAM_ISLANDS_STANDARD_TIME "Chatham Islands Standard Time"
UTC +13:00 TONGA__STANDARD_TIME "Tonga Standard Time"
UTC +13:00 SAMOA_STANDARD_TIME "Samoa Standard Time"
UTC +14:00 LINE_ISLANDS_STANDARD_TIME "Line Islands Standard Time"