CEF and CommonSecurityLog field mapping
The following tables map Common Event Format (CEF) field names to the names they use in Microsoft Sentinel's CommonSecurityLog, and might be helpful when you're working with a CEF data source in Microsoft Sentinel. For more information, see Ingest syslog and CEF messages to Microsoft Sentinel with the Azure Monitor Agent.
A - C
E - I
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name | Description |
externalId | ExternalID | An ID used by the originating device. Typically, these values have increasing values that are each associated with an event. |
fileCreateTime | FileCreateTime | Time when the file was created. |
fileHash | FileHash | Hash of a file. |
fileId | FileID | An ID associated with a file, such as the inode. |
fileModificationTime | FileModificationTime | Time when the file was last modified. |
filePath | FilePath | Full path to the file, including the filename. For example: C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsNT\Accessories\wordpad.exe or /usr/bin/zip . |
filePermission | FilePermission | The file's permissions. |
fileType | FileType | File type, such as pipe, socket, and so on. |
fname | FileName | The file's name, without the path. |
fsize | FileSize | The size of the file. |
Host | Computer | Host, from Syslog |
in | ReceivedBytes | Number of bytes transferred inbound. |
M - P
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name | Description |
msg | Message | A message that gives more details about the event. |
Name | Activity | A string that represents a human-readable and understandable description of the event. |
oldFileCreateTime | OldFileCreateTime | Time when the old file was created. |
oldFileHash | OldFileHash | Hash of the old file. |
oldFileId | OldFileId | And ID associated with the old file, such as the inode. |
oldFileModificationTime | OldFileModificationTime | Time when the old file was last modified. |
oldFileName | OldFileName | Name of the old file. |
oldFilePath | OldFilePath | Full path to the old file, including the filename. For example, C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsNT\Accessories\wordpad.exe or /usr/bin/zip . |
oldFilePermission | OldFilePermission | Permissions of the old file. |
oldFileSize | OldFileSize | Size of the old file. |
oldFileType | OldFileType | File type of the old file, such as a pipe, socket, and so on. |
out | SentBytes | Number of bytes transferred outbound. |
outcome | EventOutcome | Outcome of the event, such as success or failure . |
proto | Protocol | Transport protocol that identifies the Layer-4 protocol used. Possible values include protocol names, such as TCP or UDP . |
R - T
Custom fields
The following tables map the names of CEF keys and CommonSecurityLog fields that are available for customers to use for data that doesn't apply to any of the built-in fields.
Custom IPv6 address fields
The following table maps CEF key and CommonSecurityLog names for the IPv6 address fields available for custom data.
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name |
c6a1 | DeviceCustomIPv6Address1 |
c6a1Label | DeviceCustomIPv6Address1Label |
c6a2 | DeviceCustomIPv6Address2 |
c6a2Label | DeviceCustomIPv6Address2Label |
c6a3 | DeviceCustomIPv6Address3 |
c6a3Label | DeviceCustomIPv6Address3Label |
c6a4 | DeviceCustomIPv6Address4 |
c6a4Label | DeviceCustomIPv6Address4Label |
cfp1 | DeviceCustomFloatingPoint1 |
cfp1Label | deviceCustomFloatingPoint1Label |
cfp2 | DeviceCustomFloatingPoint2 |
cfp2Label | deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label |
cfp3 | DeviceCustomFloatingPoint3 |
cfp3Label | deviceCustomFloatingPoint3Label |
cfp4 | DeviceCustomFloatingPoint4 |
cfp4Label | deviceCustomFloatingPoint4Label |
Custom number fields
The following table maps CEF key and CommonSecurityLog names for the number fields available for custom data.
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name |
cn1 | DeviceCustomNumber1 |
cn1Label | DeviceCustomNumber1Label |
cn2 | DeviceCustomNumber2 |
cn2Label | DeviceCustomNumber2Label |
cn3 | DeviceCustomNumber3 |
cn3Label | DeviceCustomNumber3Label |
Custom string fields
The following table maps CEF key and CommonSecurityLog names for the string fields available for custom data.
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name |
cs1 | DeviceCustomString1 1 |
cs1Label | DeviceCustomString1Label 1 |
cs2 | DeviceCustomString2 1 |
cs2Label | DeviceCustomString2Label 1 |
cs3 | DeviceCustomString3 1 |
cs3Label | DeviceCustomString3Label 1 |
cs4 | DeviceCustomString4 1 |
cs4Label | DeviceCustomString4Label 1 |
cs5 | DeviceCustomString5 1 |
cs5Label | DeviceCustomString5Label 1 |
cs6 | DeviceCustomString6 1 |
cs6Label | DeviceCustomString6Label 1 |
flexString1 | FlexString1 |
flexString1Label | FlexString1Label |
flexString2 | FlexString2 |
flexString2Label | FlexString2Label |
1 We recommend that you use the DeviceCustomString fields sparingly and use more specific, built-in fields when possible.
Custom timestamp fields
The following table maps CEF key and CommonSecurityLog names for the timestamp fields available for custom data.
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name |
deviceCustomDate1 | DeviceCustomDate1 |
deviceCustomDate1Label | DeviceCustomDate1Label |
deviceCustomDate2 | DeviceCustomDate2 |
deviceCustomDate2Label | DeviceCustomDate2Label |
flexDate1 | FlexDate1 |
flexDate1Label | FlexDate1Label |
Custom integer data fields
The following table maps CEF key and CommonSecurityLog names for the integer fields available for custom data.
CEF key name | CommonSecurityLog name |
flexNumber1 | FlexNumber1 |
flexNumber1Label | FlexNumber1Label |
flexNumber2 | FlexNumber2 |
flexNumber2Label | FlexNumber2Label |
Enrichment fields
The following CommonSecurityLog fields are added by Microsoft Sentinel to enrich the original events received from the source devices, and don't have mappings in CEF keys:
Threat intelligence fields
CommonSecurityLog field name | Description |
IndicatorThreatType | The MaliciousIP threat type, according to the threat intelligence feed. |
MaliciousIP | Lists any IP addresses in the message that correlates with the current threat intelligence feed. |
MaliciousIPCountry | The MaliciousIP country/region, according to the geographic information at the time of the record ingestion. |
MaliciousIPLatitude | The MaliciousIP longitude, according to the geographic information at the time of the record ingestion. |
MaliciousIPLongitude | The MaliciousIP longitude, according to the geographic information at the time of the record ingestion. |
ReportReferenceLink | Link to the threat intelligence report. |
ThreatConfidence | The MaliciousIP threat confidence, according to the threat intelligence feed. |
ThreatDescription | The MaliciousIP threat description, according to the threat intelligence feed. |
ThreatSeverity | The threat severity for the MaliciousIP, according to the threat intelligence feed at the time of the record ingestion. |
Other enrichment fields
CommonSecurityLog field name | Description |
OriginalLogSeverity | Always empty, supported for integration with CiscoASA. For details about log severity values, see the LogSeverity field. |
RemoteIP | The remote IP address. This value is based on CommunicationDirection field, if possible. |
RemotePort | The remote port. This value is based on CommunicationDirection field, if possible. |
SimplifiedDeviceAction | Simplifies the DeviceAction value to a static set of values, while keeping the original value in the DeviceAction field. For example: Denied > Deny . |
SourceSystem | Always defined as OpsManager. |