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RestApiPoller data connector reference for the Codeless Connector Platform

To create a RestApiPoller data connector with the Codeless Connector Platform (CCP), use this reference as a supplement to the Microsoft Sentinel REST API for Data Connectors docs.

Each dataConnector represents a specific connection of a Microsoft Sentinel data connector. One data connector might have multiple connections, which fetch data from different endpoints. The JSON configuration built using this reference document is used to complete the deployment template for the CCP data connector.

For more information, see Create a codeless connector for Microsoft Sentinel.

Data Connectors - Create or update

Reference the Create or Update operation in the REST API docs to find the latest stable or preview API version. The difference between the create and the update operation is the update requires the etag value.

PUT method


URI parameters

For more information about the latest API version, see Data Connectors - Create or Update URI Parameters.

Name Description
dataConnectorId The data connector ID must be a unique name and is the same as the name parameter in the request body.
resourceGroupName The name of the resource group, not case sensitive.
subscriptionId The ID of the target subscription.
workspaceName The name of the workspace, not the ID.
Regex pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]+[A-Za-z0-9]$
api-version The API version to use for this operation.

Request body

The request body for a RestApiPoller CCP data connector has the following structure:

   "name": "{{dataConnectorId}}",
   "kind": "RestApiPoller",
   "etag": "",
   "properties": {
        "connectorDefinitionName": "",
        "auth": {},
        "request": {},
        "response": {},
        "paging": "",
        "dcrConfig": ""


RestApiPoller represents an API Poller CCP data connector where you customize paging, authorization and request/response payloads for your data source.

Name Required Type Description
name True string The unique name of the connection matching the URI parameter
kind True string Must be RestApiPoller
etag GUID Leave empty for creation of new connectors. For update operations, the etag must match the existing connector's etag (GUID).
properties.connectorDefinitionName string The name of the DataConnectorDefinition resource that defines the UI configuration of the data connector. For more information, see Data Connector Definition.
properties.auth True Nested JSON Describes the authentication properties for polling the data. For more information, see authentication configuration.
properties.request True Nested JSON Describes the request payload for polling the data, such as the API endpoint. For more information, see request configuration.
properties.response True Nested JSON Describes the response object and nested message returned from the API when polling the data. For more information, see response configuration.
properties.paging Nested JSON Describes the pagination payload when polling the data. For more information, see paging configuration.
properties.dcrConfig Nested JSON Required parameters when the data is sent to a Data Collection Rule (DCR). For more information, see DCR configuration.

Authentication configuration

The CCP supports the following authentication types:


CCP OAuth2 implementation does not support client certificate credentials.

As a best practice, use parameters in the auth section instead of hard-coding credentials. For more information, see Secure confidential input.

In order to create the deployment template which also uses parameters, you need to escape the parameters in this section with an extra starting [. This allows the parameters to assign a value based on the user interaction with the connector. For more information, see Template expressions escape characters.

To enable the credentials to be entered from the UI, the connectorUIConfig section requires instructions with the desired parameters. For more information, see Data connector definitions reference for the Codeless Connector Platform.

Basic auth

Field Required Type
UserName True string
Password True string

Example Basic auth using parameters defined in connectorUIconfig:

"auth": {
    "type": "Basic",
    "UserName": "[[parameters('username')]",
    "Password": "[[parameters('password')]"


Field Required Type Description Default value
ApiKey True string user secret key
ApiKeyName string name of the Uri header containing the ApiKey value Authorization
ApiKeyIdentifier string string value to prepend the token token
IsApiKeyInPostPayload boolean send secret in POST body instead of header false

APIKey auth examples:

"auth": {
    "type": "APIKey",
    "ApiKey": "[[parameters('apikey')]",
    "ApiKeyName": "X-MyApp-Auth-Header",
    "ApiKeyIdentifier": "Bearer"

This example results in the secret defined from user input sent in the following header: X-MyApp-Auth-Header: Bearer apikey

"auth": { 
    "type": "APIKey",
    "ApiKey": "123123123",

This example uses the default values and results in the following header: Authorization: token 123123123

"auth": { 
    "type": "APIKey",
    "ApiKey": "123123123",
    "ApiKeyName": ""

Since the ApiKeyName is explicitly set to "", the result is the following header: Authorization: 123123123


The Codeless Connector Platform supports OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant and client credentials. The Authorization Code grant type is used by confidential and public clients to exchange an authorization code for an access token. After the user returns to the client via the redirect URL, the application will get the authorization code from the URL and use it to request an access token.

Field Required Type Description
ClientId True String The client id
ClientSecret True String The client secret
AuthorizationCode True when grantType = authorization_code String If grant type is authorization_code this field value will be the authorization code returned from the auth serve.
Scope True for authorization_code grant type
optional for client_credentials grant type
String A space-separated list of scopes for user consent. For more information, see OAuth2 scopes and permissions.
RedirectUri True when grantType = authorization_code String URL for redirect, must be https://portal.azure.com/TokenAuthorize/ExtensionName/Microsoft_Azure_Security_Insights
GrantType True String authorization_code or client_credentials
TokenEndpoint True String URL to exchange code with valid token in authorization_code grant or client id and secret with valid token in client_credentials grant.
TokenEndpointHeaders Object An optional key value object to send custom headers to token server
TokenEndpointQueryParameters Object An optional key value object to send custom query params to token server
AuthorizationEndpoint True String URL for user consent for authorization_code flow
AuthorizationEndpointHeaders Object An optional key value object to send custom headers to auth server
AuthorizationEndpointQueryParameters Object An optional key value pair used in OAuth2 authorization code flow request

Auth code flow is for fetching data on behalf of a user's permissions and client credentials is for fetching data with application permissions. The data server grants access to the application. Since there is no user in client credentials flow, no authorization endpoint is needed, only a token endpoint.

Example: OAuth2 authorization_code grant type

"auth": {
    "type": "OAuth2",
    "ClientId": "[[parameters('appId')]",
    "ClientSecret": "[[parameters('appSecret')]",
    "tokenEndpoint": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/token",
    "authorizationEndpoint": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize",
    "authorizationEndpointHeaders": {},
    "authorizationEndpointQueryParameters": {
        "prompt": "consent"
    "redirectUri": "https://portal.azure.com/TokenAuthorize/ExtensionName/Microsoft_Azure_Security_Insights",
    "tokenEndpointHeaders": {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "TokenEndpointQueryParameters": {},
    "scope": "openid offline_access some_scope",
    "grantType": "authorization_code"

Example: OAuth2 client_credentials grant type

"auth": {
    "type": "OAuth2",
    "ClientId": "[[parameters('appId')]",
    "ClientSecret": "[[parameters('appSecret')]",
    "tokenEndpoint": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/token",
    "tokenEndpointHeaders": {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "TokenEndpointQueryParameters": {},
    "scope": "openid offline_access some_scope",
    "grantType": "client_credentials"


Example: JSON web token (JWT)

"auth": {
    "type": "JwtToken",
    "userName": {
    "password": {
    "TokenEndpoint": {"https://token_endpoint.contoso.com"},
    "IsJsonRequest": true

Request configuration

The request section defines how the CCP data connector sends requests to your data source, like the API endpoint and how often to poll that endpoint.

Field Required Type Description
ApiEndpoint True String URL for remote server. Defines the endpoint to pull data from.
RateLimitQPS Integer Defines the number of calls or queries allowed in a second.
QueryWindowInMin Integer Defines the available query window in minutes. Minimum is 1 minute. Default is 5 minutes.
HttpMethod String Defines the API method: GET(default) or POST
QueryTimeFormat String Defines the date and time format the endpoint (remote server) expects. The CCP uses the current date and time wherever this variable is used. Possible values are the constants: UnixTimestamp, UnixTimestampInMills or any other valid representation of date time, for example: yyyy-MM-dd, MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
default is ISO 8601 UTC
RetryCount Integer (1...6) Defines 1 to 6 retries allowed to recover from a failure. Default is 3.
TimeoutInSeconds Integer (1...180) Defines the request timeout, in seconds. Default is 20
IsPostPayloadJson Boolean Determines whether the POST payload is in JSON format. Default is false
Headers Object Key value pairs that define the request headers.
QueryParameters Object Key value pairs that define the request query parameters.
StartTimeAttributeName True when EndTimeAttributeName is set String Defines the query parameter name for query start time. See example.
EndTimeAttributeName True when StartTimeAttributeName is set String Defines the query parameter name for query end time.
QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName String If the endpoint requires a specialized format for querying the data on a time frame, then use this property with the QueryTimeIntervalPrepend and the QueryTimeIntervalDelimiter parameters. See example.
QueryTimeIntervalPrepend True when QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName is set String See QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName
QueryTimeIntervalDelimiter True when QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName is set String See QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName
QueryParametersTemplate String Query template to use when passing parameters in advanced scenarios.
br>For example: "queryParametersTemplate": "{'cid': 1234567, 'cmd': 'reporting', 'format': 'siem', 'data': { 'from': '{_QueryWindowStartTime}', 'to': '{_QueryWindowEndTime}'}, '{_APIKeyName}': '{_APIKey}'}"

When the API requires complex parameters, use the queryParameters or queryParametersTemplate which include some built-in variables.

built-in variable for use in queryParameters for use in queryParametersTemplate
_QueryWindowStartTime yes yes
_QueryWindowEndTime yes yes
_APIKeyName no yes
_APIKey no yes

StartTimeAttributeName example

Consider this example:

  • StartTimeAttributeName = from
  • EndTimeAttributeName = until
  • ApiEndpoint = https://www.example.com

The query sent to the remote server is: https://www.example.com?from={QueryTimeFormat}&until={QueryTimeFormat + QueryWindowInMin}

QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName example

Consider this example:

  • QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName = interval
  • QueryTimeIntervalPrepend = time:
  • QueryTimeIntervalDelimiter = ..
  • ApiEndpoint = https://www.example.com

The query sent to the remote server is: https://www.example.com?interval=time:{QueryTimeFormat}..{QueryTimeFormat + QueryWindowInMin}

Request examples using Microsoft Graph as data source API

This example queries messages with a filter query parameter. For more information, see Microsoft Graph API query parameters.

"request": {
  "apiEndpoint": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages",
  "httpMethod": "Get",
  "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
  "queryWindowInMin": 10,
  "retryCount": 3,
  "rateLimitQPS": 20,
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json",
    "User-Agent": "Example-app-agent"
  "QueryTimeIntervalAttributeName": "filter",
  "QueryTimeIntervalPrepend": "receivedDateTime gt ",
  "QueryTimeIntervalDelimiter": " and receivedDateTime lt "

The previous example sends a GET request to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages?filter=receivedDateTime gt {time of request} and receivedDateTime lt 2019-09-01T17:00:00.0000000. The timestamp updates for each queryWindowInMin time.

The same results are achieved with this example:

"request": {
  "apiEndpoint": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages",
  "httpMethod": "Get",
  "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
  "queryWindowInMin": 10,
  "retryCount": 3,
  "rateLimitQPS": 20,
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json",
  "queryParameters": {
    "filter": "receivedDateTime gt {_QueryWindowStartTime} and receivedDateTime lt {_QueryWindowEndTime}"

Another option is when the data source expects 2 query parameters, one for start time and one for end time.


"request": {
  "apiEndpoint": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendarView",
  "httpMethod": "Get",
  "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
  "queryWindowInMin": 10,
  "retryCount": 3,
  "rateLimitQPS": 20,
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json",
  "StartTimeAttributeName": "startDateTime",
  "EndTimeAttributeName": "endDateTime",

This sends a GET request to https://graph.microsoft.com/me/calendarView?startDateTime=2019-09-01T09:00:00.0000000&endDateTime=2019-09-01T17:00:00.0000000

For complex queries, use QueryParametersTemplate. This next example sends a POST request with parameters in the body.


request: {
  "apiEndpoint": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages",
  "httpMethod": "POST",
  "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
  "queryWindowInMin": 10,
  "retryCount": 3,
  "rateLimitQPS": 20,
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json",
  "isPostPayloadJson": true,
  "queryParametersTemplate": "{\"query":"TableName | where createdTimestamp between (datetime({_QueryWindowStartTime}) .. datetime({_QueryWindowEndTime}))\"}"

Response configuration

Define the response handling of your data connector with the following parameters:

Field Required Type Description
EventsJsonPaths True List of Strings Defines the path to the message in the response JSON. A JSON path expression specifies a path to an element, or a set of elements, in a JSON structure
SuccessStatusJsonPath String Defines the path to the success message in the response JSON. When this parameter is defined, the SuccessStatusValue parameter should also be defined.
SuccessStatusValue String Defines the path to the success message value in the response JSON
IsGzipCompressed Boolean Determines whether the response is compressed in a gzip file
format True String json or csv or xml
CompressionAlgo String The compressions algorithm, either multi-gzip or deflate. For gzip compression algorithm, just configure IsGzipCompressed to True instead of setting a value for this parameter.
CsvDelimiter String If response format is CSV and you want to change the default CSV delimiter of ","
HasCsvBoundary Boolean Indicate if CSV data has a boundary
HasCsvHeader Boolean Indicate if CSV data has a header, default is True
CsvEscape String Escape character for a field boundary, default is "

For example, a CSV with headers id,name,avg and a row of data containing spaces like 1,"my name",5.5 requires the " field boundary.
ConvertChildPropertiesToArray Boolean Special case in which the remote server returns an object instead of a list of events where each property has data in it.


CSV format type is parsed by the RFC4180 specification.

Response configuration examples

A server response with JSON format is expected, with the requested data in the property value. The response property status indicates to ingest the data only if the value is success.

"response": {
  "EventsJsonPaths ": ["$.value"],
  "format": "json",
  "SuccessStatusJsonPath": "$.status",
  "SuccessStatusValue": "success",
  "IsGzipCompressed: true

The expected response in this example prepares for a CSV with no header.

"response": {
  "EventsJsonPaths ": ["$"],
  "format": "csv",
  "HasCsvHeader": false

Paging configuration

When the data source can't send the entire response payload all at once, the CCP data connector needs to know how to receive portions of the data in response pages. The paging types to choose from are:

Paging type decision factor
Does the API response have links to next and previous pages?
Does the API response have a token or cursor for the next and previous pages?
Does the API response support a parameter for the number of objects to skip when paging?

Configure LinkHeader or PersistentLinkHeader

The most common paging type is when a server data source API provides URLs to the next and previous pages of data. For more information on the Link Header specification, see RFC 5988.

LinkHeader paging means the API response includes either:

  • the Link HTTP response header
  • or a JSON path to retrieve the link from the response body.

PersistentLinkHeader paging has the same properties as LinkHeader, except the link header persists in backend storage. This option enables paging links across query windows. For example, some APIs don't support query start times or end times. Instead, they support a server side cursor. Persistent page types can be used to remember the server side cursor. For more information, see What is a cursor?.


There can be only one query running for the connector with PersistentLinkHeader to avoid race conditions on the server side cursor. This may affect latency.

Field Required Type Description
LinkHeaderTokenJsonPath False String Use this property to indicate where to get the value in the response body.

For example, if the data source returns the following JSON: { nextPage: "foo", value: [{data}]} then LinkHeaderTokenJsonPath will be $.nextPage
PageSize False Integer How many events per page
PageSizeParameterName False String Query parameter name for the page size

Here are some examples:

Paging: {
  "pagingType": "LinkHeader",
  "linkHeaderTokenJsonPath" : "$.metadata.links.next"
Paging: {
 "pagingType" : "PersistentLinkHeader", 
 "pageSizeParameterName" : "limit", 
 "pageSize" : 500 

Configure NextPageUrl

NextPageUrl paging means the API response includes a complex link in the response body similar to LinkHeader, but the URL is included in the response body instead of the header.

Field Required Type Description
PageSize False Integer How many events per page
PageSizeParameterName False String Query parameter name for the page size
NextPageUrl False String Only if the connector is for Coralogix API
NextPageUrlQueryParameters False Object Key value pairs – adding custom query parameter to each request for the next page
NextPageParaName False String Determines the next page name in the request.
HasNextFlagJsonPath False String Defines the path to the HasNextPage flag attribute
NextPageRequestHeader False String Determines the next page header name in the request.
NextPageUrlQueryParametersTemplate False String Only if the connector is for Coralogix API


Paging: {
 "pagingType" : "NextPageUrl", 
  "nextPageTokenJsonPath" : "$.data.repository.pageInfo.endCursor", 
  "hasNextFlagJsonPath" : "$.data.repository.pageInfo.hasNextPage", 
  "nextPageUrl" : "https://api.github.com/graphql", 
  "nextPageUrlQueryParametersTemplate" : "{'query':'query{repository(owner:\"xyz\")}" 

Configure NextPageToken or PersistentToken

NextPageToken pagination uses a token (a hash or a cursor) that represents the state of the current page. The token is included in the API response, and the client appends it to the next request to fetch the next page. This method is often used when the server needs to maintain the exact state between requests.

PersistentToken pagination uses a token that persists server side. The server remembers the last token retrieved by the client and provides the next token in subsequent requests. The client continues where it left off even if it makes new requests later.

Field Required Type Description
PageSize False Integer How many events per page
PageSizeParameterName False string Query parameter name for the page size
NextPageTokenJsonPath False string JSON path for next page token in the response body.
NextPageTokenResponseHeader False string If NextPageTokenJsonPath is empty, use the token is in this header name for the next page.
NextPageParaName False string Determines the next page name in the request.
HasNextFlagJsonPath False string Defines the path to a HasNextPage flag attribute when determining if more pages are left in the response.
NextPageRequestHeader False string Determines the next page header name in the request.


Paging: {
 "pagingType" : "NextPageToken", 
 "nextPageRequestHeader" : "ETag", 
 "nextPageTokenResponseHeader" : "ETag" 
Paging: {
 "pagingType" : "PersistentToken", 
    "nextPageParaName" : "gta", 
    "nextPageTokenJsonPath" : "$.alerts[-1:]._id" 

Configure Offset

Offset pagination specifies the number of pages to skip and a limit on the number of events to retrieve per page in the request. Clients fetch a specific range of items from the data set.

Field Required Type Description
PageSize False Integer How many events per page
PageSizeParameterName False String Query parameter name for the page size
OffsetParaName False String The next request query parameter name. The CCP calculates the offset value for each request, (all events ingested + 1)


Paging: {
       "pagingType": "Offset", 
        "offsetParaName": "offset" 

DCR configuration

Field Required Type Description
DataCollectionEndpoint True String DCE (Data Collection Endpoint) for example: https://example.ingest.monitor.azure.com.
DataCollectionRuleImmutableId True String The DCR immutable ID. Find it by viewing the DCR creation response or using the DCR API
StreamName True string This value is the streamDeclaration defined in the DCR (prefix must begin with Custom-)

Example CCP data connector

Here's an example of all the components of the CCP data connector JSON together.

   "kind": "RestApiPoller",
   "properties": {
      "connectorDefinitionName": "ConnectorDefinitionExample",
      "dcrConfig": {
           "streamName": "Custom-ExampleConnectorInput",
           "dataCollectionEndpoint": "https://example-dce-sbsr.location.ingest.monitor.azure.com",
           "dataCollectionRuleImmutableId": "dcr-32_character_hexadecimal_id"
      "dataType": "ExampleLogs",
      "auth": {
         "type": "Basic",
         "password": "[[parameters('username')]",
         "userName": "[[parameters('password')]"
      "request": {
         "apiEndpoint": "https://rest.contoso.com/example",
         "rateLimitQPS": 10,
         "queryWindowInMin": 5,
         "httpMethod": "GET",
         "queryTimeFormat": "UnixTimestamp",
         "startTimeAttributeName": "t0",
         "endTimeAttributeName": "t1",
         "retryCount": 3,
         "timeoutInSeconds": 60,
         "headers": {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "User-Agent": "Example-app-agent"
      "paging": {
         "pagingType": "LinkHeader"
      "response": {
         "eventsJsonPaths": ["$"]