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eBay (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

eBay is an American multinational e-commerce company that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Artesian Software Technologies LLP
URL https://artesian.io
Email amit.sharma@artesian.io
Connector Metadata
Publisher Artesian Software Technologies LLP
Website https://www.ebay.com/
Privacy Policy https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260
Categories Commerce; Sales and CRM

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Client Id - Your eBay clientId string Please enter the client Id. True
Client Secret securestring Please enter the client secret. True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create Inventory Location

Use this call to create a new inventory location. In order to create and publish an offer a seller must have atleast one inventory location, as every offer must be associated with a location.

Create Offer

This call creates an offer for a specific inventory item on a specific eBay marketplace.

Create Or Replace Inventory Item

This call creates a new inventory item record or replaces an existing inventory item record.

Delete Offer

This call will permanently delete the offer

Get Category Suggestions

This call returns an array of category tree leaf nodes in the specified category tree that are considered by eBay to most closely correspond to the query.

Get Default Category TreeId

A given eBay marketplace might use multiple category trees, but one of those trees is considered to be the default for that marketplace. This call retrieves a reference to the default category tree associated with the specified eBay marketplace ID.

Get Fulfillment Policies

This method retrieves all the fulfillment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter.

Get Fulfillment Policy

This method retrieves the complete details of a fulfillment policy. Supply the ID of the policy you want to retrieve using the fulfillmentPolicyId path parameter.

GET Inventory Item

This call retrieves the inventory item record for a given SKU.

Get Inventory Items

This call retrieves all inventory item records defined for the seller's account.

Get Inventory Location

This call retrieves all defined details of the inventory location that is specified by the merchantLocationKey path parameter.

Get Inventory Locations

This call retrieves all defined details for every inventory location associated with the seller's account.

Get Item Aspects for Category

This call returns a list of aspects that are appropriate or necessary for accurately describing items in the specified leaf category. Each aspect identifies an item attribute (for example, color) for which the seller will be required or encouraged to provide a value (or variation values) when offering an item in that category on eBay.

Get Item Condition Policies

This method returns item condition metadata on one, multiple, or all eBay categories on an eBay marketplace.

GET Offer

This call retrieves a specific published or unpublished offer.

GET Offers

This call retrieves all existing offers for the specified SKU value. The seller has the option of limiting the offers that are retrieved to a specific eBay marketplace, or to a listing format.

Get Payment Policies

This method retrieves all the payment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter.

Get Payment Policy

This method retrieves the complete details of a payment policy. Supply the ID of the policy you want to retrieve using the paymentPolicyId path parameter.

Get Return Policies

This method retrieves all the return policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter.

Get Return Policy

This method retrieves the complete details of the return policy specified by the returnPolicyId path parameter.

Publish Offer

This call is used to convert an unpublished offer into a published offer, or live eBay listing. The unique identifier of the offer (offerId) is passed in at the end of the call URI.

Update Offer

This call updates an existing offer that may be in published or in an unpublished state.

Withdraw Offer

This call is used to end a single-variation listing that is associated with the specified offer.

Create Inventory Location

Use this call to create a new inventory location. In order to create and publish an offer a seller must have atleast one inventory location, as every offer must be associated with a location.


Name Key Required Type Description
Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey True string

Unique merchant-defined key for an inventory location.

Address Line 1
addressLine1 string

First line of a street address.

Address Line 2
addressLine2 string

Second line of a street address.

city string

City in which inventory location resides.

country string

Country code in which address resides.

county string

County in which address resides.

Postal Code
postalCode string

Postal/zip code of the address.

State Or Province
stateOrProvince string

State/province in which inventory location resides.

latitude string

Latitude component of the geographic coordinate.

longitude string

Longitude component of the geographic coordinate.

Location Additional Information
locationAdditionalInformation string

Additional information about an inventory location.

Location Instructions
locationInstructions string

Special pickup instructions for a store inventory location.

locationTypes array of string

Types of location

Location Web Url
locationWebUrl string

Website address associated with the inventory location.

Merchant Location Status
merchantLocationStatus string

Inventory location status could be enabled or disabled.

name string

Name of inventory location.

Day of Week
dayOfWeekEnum string

Day the store location has regular operating hours.

close string

Store closing time.

open string

Store opening time.

phone string

Phone number for a store inventory location.

date string

Specific date value that the store location has special operating hours.

close string

Store closing time.

open string

Store opening time.



Create Offer

This call creates an offer for a specific inventory item on a specific eBay marketplace.


Name Key Required Type Description
Available Quantity
availableQuantity integer

Available quantity of inventory for purchase.

Category Id
categoryId string

eBay Unique category ID that the product will be listed under.

Charity Id
charityId string

eBay-assigned unique ID of charitable organization that'll receive a percentage of sales proceeds.

Donation Percentage
donationPercentage string

Purchase price percentage that charitable organization will receive for each sale that listing generates.

Producer Product Id
producerProductId string

Unique Identifier of producer related to the item.

Product Package Id
productPackageId string

Unique ID of the producer of product packaging added by the seller.

Shipment Package Id
shipmentPackageId string

Unique ID of producer of any packaging used by the seller to ship item.

Product Documentation Id
productDocumentationId string

Unique Identifier of producer of any paper added to the parcel of the item by the seller.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

format string

Listing format of the offer.

Hide Buyer Details
hideBuyerDetails boolean

This field is included if the seller wishes to create a private listing.

Include Catalog Product Details
includeCatalogProductDetails boolean

Indicates whether or not eBay product catalog details are applied to a listing.

Listing Description
listingDescription string

Description of the eBay listing.

Listing Duration
listingDuration string

Number of days that the listing will be active.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Best Offer Enabled
bestOfferEnabled boolean

Indicates whether or not the Best Offer feature is enabled for the listing.

eBay Plus If Eligible
eBayPlusIfEligible boolean

This field is included in an offer if a Top-Rated seller is opted into the eBay Plus program.

Fulfillment Policy Id
fulfillmentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the fulfillment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

Payment Policy Id
paymentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the payment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

Product Compliance Policy Ids
productCompliancePolicyIds array of string

This field contains an array of up to five IDs specifying the seller created compliance policies for the listing.

Return Policy Id
returnPolicyId string

Return business policy unique ID that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

priority integer

The integer value input into this field, along with the shippingServiceType value, sets which domestic or international shipping service option in the fulfillment policy will be modified with updated shipping costs.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Service Type
shippingServiceType string

This value indicates whether the shipping service specified in the priority field is a domestic or an international shipping service option.

Take Back Policy Id
takeBackPolicyId string

Seller ID who created take-back policy.

Listing Start Date
listingStartDate string

This field can be used if the seller wants to specify a time in the future that the listing will become active on eBay.

Lot Size
lotSize integer

This field is only applicable if the listing is a lot listing. The integer value passed into this field is the total number of items in the lot.

Marketplace Id
marketplaceId string

eBay site unique ID for which the offer will be made available.

Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of a merchant's inventory location

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Originally Sold for Retail Price On
originallySoldForRetailPriceOn string

This field is needed if the Strikethrough Pricing feature will be used in the offer. This field indicates that the product was sold for the price in the original RetailPrice field on an eBay site, or sold for that price by a third-party retailer

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Pricing Visibility
pricingVisibility string

This field is needed if the Minimum Advertised Price feature will be used in the offer.

Quantity Limit Per Buyer
quantityLimitPerBuyer integer

This field is only applicable and set if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity per seller.

Secondary Category Id
secondaryCategoryId string

Unique secondary category ID and applicable if the seller decides to list item under two categories.

sku string

Seller-defined SKU value of product that will be listed on the eBay site.

Store Category Names
storeCategoryNames array of string

Store Category Name

Apply Tax
applyTax boolean

This container is only applicable and used if a sales tax table, a Value-Added Tax rate, or a tax exception category code will be applied to the offer.

Third Party Tax Category
thirdPartyTaxCategory string

The tax exception category code. If this field is used, sales tax will also apply to a service/fee, and not just the item price.

VAT Percentage
vatPercentage number

This value is VAT rate for the item, if any. When a VAT percentage is specified, the item's VAT information appears on the listing's View Item page.


Name Path Type Description
Offer Id
offerId string

Unique identifier of the offer

warnings array of object

This container will return when a call is made, and errors and/or warnings occur.

warnings.category string

This string value indicates the error category

warnings.domain string

Domain name in which the error or warning occurred.

Error Id
warnings.errorId integer

Unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred.

warnings.inputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific request element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Long Message
warnings.longMessage string

A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

warnings.message string

A description of condition that caused the error or warning.

warnings.outputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific response element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

warnings.parameters array of object

Various warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error or warning.

warnings.parameters.name string


warnings.parameters.value string


warnings.subdomain string

Subdomain name in which the error or warning occurred.

Create Or Replace Inventory Item

This call creates a new inventory item record or replaces an existing inventory item record.


Name Key Required Type Description
sku True string

Seller-defined value for the inventory item.

Content-Language True string

The header sets the natural language that will be used in the field values of the request payload.

availabilityType string

Availability status of inventory item at merchant's physical store.

unit string

Time unit used to specify the fulfillment time.

value integer

Fulfillment time value.

Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey string

Merchant's store Unique ID where In-Store Pickup inventory item is currently located or will sent to.

quantity integer

Quantity of inventory item available for In-Store Pickup.

unit string

Time unit used to specify the fulfillment time.

value integer

Fulfillment time value.

Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey string

Merchant's store unique ID where In-Store Pickup inventory item is currently located, or will be sent to.

quantity integer

Quantity of the inventory item that is available at this inventory location.

quantity integer

Total 'ship-to-home' quantity of inventory item that will be available for purchase through one or more published offers.

condition string

Condition of the item.

Condition Description
conditionDescription string

Condition description of an inventory item.

height number

Actual height of shipping package.

length number

Actual length of shipping package.

unit string

The unit of measurement used to specify the dimensions of a shipping package.

width number

The actual width of the shipping package.

Package Type
packageType string

Shipping package value used to ship the inventory item.

unit string

The unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package.

value number

The actual weight of the shipping package.

aspects object

This is a collection of item specifics name-value pairs that provide more information about the product and might make it easier for buyers to find.

brand string

Brand of the product.

description string

Description of the product.

EAN items
ean array of string


epid string

eBay Product Identifier for the product.

Image Urls
imageUrls array of string

Image Urls

ISBN items
isbn array of string


mpn string

Manufacturer Part Number of a product.

subtitle string

Optional listing feature that allows the seller to provide more information about the product, possibly including keywords that may assist with search results.

title string

Title of an inventory item can be added or modified.

UPC items
upc array of string


Video Ids
videoIds array of string



Name Path Type Description
warnings array of object

This container will be returned in a call response payload if one or more warnings or errors are triggered.

warnings.category string

This string value indicates the error category.

warnings.domain string

The name of the domain in which the error or warning occurred.

Error Id
warnings.errorId integer

A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred.

warnings.inputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific request element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Long Message
warnings.longMessage string

A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

warnings.message string

A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

warnings.outputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific response element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

warnings.parameters array of object

Various warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error or warning.

warnings.parameters.name string


warnings.parameters.value string


warnings.subdomain object

A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

Delete Offer

This call will permanently delete the offer


Name Key Required Type Description
Offer Id
offerId True string

Unique identifier of the offer to delete.



Get Category Suggestions

This call returns an array of category tree leaf nodes in the specified category tree that are considered by eBay to most closely correspond to the query.


Name Key Required Type Description
Category Tree Id
category_tree_id True string

eBay category tree unique identifier for which suggested nodes are being requested.

Search Term
q True string

A search term that describes the item being offered for sale.


Name Path Type Description
categorySuggestions array of object

Contains details about one or more suggested categories that correspond to the provided keywords.

Category Id
categorySuggestions.category.categoryId string

Unique identifier of the eBay category within its category tree.

Category Name
categorySuggestions.category.categoryName string

Name of category identified by categoryId.

Category Tree Node Ancestors
categorySuggestions.categoryTreeNodeAncestors array of object

An array of ordered list of category references that describes the location of the suggested category in the specified category tree.

categorySuggestions.categoryTreeNodeAncestors.categoryId string

Unique identifier of the eBay ancestor category.

categorySuggestions.categoryTreeNodeAncestors.categoryName string

Name of the ancestor category identified by categoryId.

categorySuggestions.categoryTreeNodeAncestors.categorySubtreeNodeHref string

The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the ancestor category node.

categorySuggestions.categoryTreeNodeAncestors.categoryTreeNodeLevel integer

Absolute level of the ancestor category node in the hierarchy of its category tree.

Category Tree Node Level
categorySuggestions.categoryTreeNodeLevel integer

Absolute level of the ancestor category node in the hierarchy of its category tree.

categorySuggestions.relevancy string

This field is reserved for internal or future use.

Category Tree Id
categoryTreeId string

Unique identifier of the eBay category tree from which suggestions are returned.

Category Tree Version
categoryTreeVersion string

The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId.

Get Default Category TreeId

A given eBay marketplace might use multiple category trees, but one of those trees is considered to be the default for that marketplace. This call retrieves a reference to the default category tree associated with the specified eBay marketplace ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Marketplace ID
marketplace_id True string

eBay marketplace ID for which the category tree ID is being requested.

Accept-Language True string

A header used to indicate the natural language the seller prefers for the response.


Name Path Type Description
Category Tree ID
categoryTreeId string

eBay unique category tree ID for the specified marketplace.

Category Tree Version
categoryTreeVersion string

The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId.

Get Fulfillment Policies

This method retrieves all the fulfillment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Marketplace Id
marketplace_id True string

eBay marketplace ID of the policies you want to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
fulfillmentPolicies array of object

List of seller's fulfillment policies defined for the specified marketplace.

Category Types
fulfillmentPolicies.categoryTypes array of object

This container indicates whether the fulfillment policy applies to motor or non-motor vehicle listings.

fulfillmentPolicies.categoryTypes.name string

The category type to which the policy applies

fulfillmentPolicies.description string

A seller-defined description of the fulfillment policy.

Freight Shipping
fulfillmentPolicies.freightShipping boolean

If returned as true, the seller offers freight shipping for large items over 150 lbs.

Fulfillment Policy Id
fulfillmentPolicies.fulfillmentPolicyId string

Unique eBay-assigned ID for the fulfillment policy.

Global Shipping
fulfillmentPolicies.globalShipping boolean

If returned as true, eBay's Global Shipping Program will be used by the seller to ship items to international locations.

fulfillmentPolicies.handlingTime.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

fulfillmentPolicies.handlingTime.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Local Pickup
fulfillmentPolicies.localPickup boolean

If returned as true, local pickup is available for this policy.

Marketplace Id
fulfillmentPolicies.marketplaceId string

ID of the eBay marketplace to which this fulfillment policy applies.

fulfillmentPolicies.name string

A seller-defined name for this fulfillment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace.

Pickup Drop Off
fulfillmentPolicies.pickupDropOff boolean

If returned as true, the seller offers the "Click and Collect" option.

fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions array of object

The array provide detailed information on the domestic and international shipping options available for the policy.

Cost Type
fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.costType string

This field defines whether shipping cost model is FLAT_RATE or CALCULATED

fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.insuranceFee.currency string

Base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.insuranceFee.value string

The monetary amount in the specified currency.

fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.optionType string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.packageHandlingCost.currency string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.packageHandlingCost.value string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.rateTableId string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices array of object


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.additionalShippingCost.currency string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.additionalShippingCost.value string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.buyerResponsibleForPickup boolean


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.buyerResponsibleForShipping boolean


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.cashOnDeliveryFee.currency string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.cashOnDeliveryFee.value string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.freeShipping boolean


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingCarrierCode string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingCost.currency string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingCost.value string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingServiceCode string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionExcluded array of object


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionName string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionType string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionIncluded array of object


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionName string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionType string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.sortOrder integer


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.surcharge.currency string


fulfillmentPolicies.shippingOptions.shippingServices.surcharge.value string


Region Excluded
fulfillmentPolicies.shipToLocations.regionExcluded array of object

An array of regionName values that specify the areas to where a seller does not ship.

fulfillmentPolicies.shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionName string


fulfillmentPolicies.shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionType string


Region Included
fulfillmentPolicies.shipToLocations.regionIncluded array of object

An array of regionName fields that specify the areas to where a seller ships.

fulfillmentPolicies.shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionName string


fulfillmentPolicies.shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionType string


href string

This field is for future use.

limit integer

This field is for future use.

next string

This field is for future use.

offset integer

This field is for future use.

prev string

This field is for future use.

total integer

Total number of fulfillment policies retrieved in the result set.

Get Fulfillment Policy

This method retrieves the complete details of a fulfillment policy. Supply the ID of the policy you want to retrieve using the fulfillmentPolicyId path parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Fulfillment Policy Id
fulfillmentPolicyId True string

Fulfillment Policy Id you want to retrieve


Name Path Type Description
categoryTypes array of object

This container indicates whether the fulfillment policy applies to motor vehicle listings or non-motor vehicle listings.

categoryTypes.name string

Category type name to which the policy applies.

description string

A seller-defined description of the fulfillment policy. This description is only for the seller's use, and is not exposed on any eBay pages.

Freight Shipping
freightShipping boolean

If returned as true, the seller offers freight shipping.

Fulfillment PolicyId
fulfillmentPolicyId string

Unique eBay-assigned ID for the fulfillment policy.

Global Shipping
globalShipping boolean

If returned as true, eBay's Global Shipping Program will be used by the seller to ship items to international locations.

handlingTime.unit string

A span of time is defined when you apply the value specified in the value field to the value specified for unit.

handlingTime.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Local Pickup
localPickup boolean

If returned as true, local pickup is available for this policy.

Marketplace Id
marketplaceId string

eBay marketplace ID to which this fulfillment policy applies.

name string

Unique seller-defined name for this fulfillment policy.

Pickup Drop Off
pickupDropOff boolean

If returned as true, the seller offers the "Click and Collect" option.

shippingOptions array of object

This array is used to provide detailed information on the domestic and international shipping options available for the policy.

Cost Type
shippingOptions.costType string

This field defines whether the shipping cost model is FLAT_RATE or CALCULATED

Option Type
shippingOptions.optionType string

This field is used to indicate if the corresponding shipping service options are either domestic or international.

shippingOptions.packageHandlingCost.currency string

The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

shippingOptions.packageHandlingCost.value string

The monetary amount in the specified currency.

Rate Table Id
shippingOptions.rateTableId string

This field is used if the seller wants to associate a domestic or international shipping rate table to the fulfillment business policy.

shippingOptions.shippingServices array of object

This array consists of the domestic or international shipping services options that are defined for the policy.

shippingOptions.shippingServices.additionalShippingCost.currency string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.additionalShippingCost.value string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.buyerResponsibleForPickup boolean

This field should be included for a motor vehicle listing if it will be the buyer's responsibility to pick up the purchased motor vehicle after full payment is made.

shippingOptions.shippingServices.buyerResponsibleForShipping boolean

This field should be included for a motor vehicle listing if it will be the buyer's responsibility to arrange for shipment of a purchased motor vehicle after full payment is made

shippingOptions.shippingServices.cashOnDeliveryFee.currency string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.cashOnDeliveryFee.value string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.freeShipping boolean

This field is included if the seller offers a free shipping option to the buyer.

shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingCarrierCode string

This field sets/indicates the shipping carrier.

shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingCost.currency string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingCost.value string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shippingServiceCode string

This field sets/indicates the domestic or international shipping service option.

shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionExcluded array of object


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionName string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionType string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionIncluded array of object


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionName string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionType string


shippingOptions.shippingServices.sortOrder integer

The integer value set in this field controls the order of shipping service.

shipToLocations.regionExcluded array of object

An array of regionName values that specify the areas to where a seller does not ship.

Region Name
shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionName string

A string that indicates the name of a region, as defined by eBay.

Region Type
shipToLocations.regionExcluded.regionType string

Reserved for future use.

shipToLocations.regionIncluded array of object

An array of regionName fields that specify the areas to where a seller ships.

Region Name
shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionName string

A string that indicates the name of a region, as defined by eBay.

Region Type
shipToLocations.regionIncluded.regionType string

Reserved for future use.

GET Inventory Item

This call retrieves the inventory item record for a given SKU.


Name Key Required Type Description
sku True string

Seller-defined value of the product whose inventory item record you wish to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability array of object

This container consists of an array of merchant's physical stores where the inventory item is available for in-store pickup.

Availability Type
availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.availabilityType string

This field indicates the availability status of the inventory item at the merchant's physical store.

availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.fulfillmentTime.unit string

The value indicates the time unit used to specify the fulfillment time

availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.fulfillmentTime.value integer

The integer value in this field, along with the time unit in the unit field, will indicate the fulfillment time.

Merchant Location Key
availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.merchantLocationKey string

Merchant's store unique identifier where the In-Store Pickup inventory item is currently located, or will be sent to.

availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.quantity integer

This integer value indicates the quantity of the inventory item that is available for In-Store Pickup

availability.shipToLocationAvailability.allocationByFormat.auction integer

This integer value indicates the quantity of the inventory item that is reserved for the published auction format offers of the SKU.

Fixed Price
availability.shipToLocationAvailability.allocationByFormat.fixedPrice integer

This integer value indicates the quantity of the inventory item that is available for the fixed-price offers of the SKU.

availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions array of object

This container is used to set the available quantity of the inventory item at one or more warehouse locations.

availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.fulfillmentTime.unit string

The value indicates the time unit used to specify the fulfillment time

availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.fulfillmentTime.value integer

The integer value in this field, along with the time unit in the unit field, will indicate the fulfillment time.

Merchant Location Key
availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of an inventory location where quantity is available for the inventory item.

availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.quantity integer

Quantity of the inventory item that is available at this inventory location.

availability.shipToLocationAvailability.quantity integer

This container is used to set the total 'ship-to-home' quantity of the inventory item that will be available for purchase through one or more published offers.

condition string

This value indicates the condition of the item

Condition Description
conditionDescription string

This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of used items, or items that are not 'Brand New', 'New with tags', or 'New in box'.

groupIds array of string
inventoryItemGroupKeys array of string

This array is returned if the inventory item is associated with any inventory item group(s).

locale string

This field returns the natural language that was provided in the field values of the request payload

packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.height number

The actual height of the shipping package.

packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.length number

The actual length of the shipping package.

packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.unit string

Unit of measurement used to specify the dimensions of a shipping package.

packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.width number

The actual width of the shipping package.

Package Type
packageWeightAndSize.packageType string

This value indicates the type of shipping package used to ship the inventory item.

packageWeightAndSize.weight.unit string

The unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package.

packageWeightAndSize.weight.value number

The actual weight of the shipping package.

product.aspects object

This is a collection of item specifics name-value pairs that provide more information about the product and might make it easier for buyers to find.

product.brand string

The brand of the product.

product.description string

The description of the product.

product.ean array of string

European Article Number/International Article Number (EAN) for the product.

product.epid string

The eBay Product Identifier (ePID) for the product.

product.imageUrls array of string

An array of one or more links to images for the product.

product.isbn array of string

International Standard Book Number value for the product.

product.mpn string

The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of a product.

product.subtitle string

A subtitle is an optional listing feature that allows the seller to provide more information about the product, possibly including keywords that may assist with search results.

product.title string

The title of an inventory item can be added or modified with a createOrReplaceInventoryItem call.

product.upc array of string

International Standard Book Number value for the product.

product.videoIds array of string

An array of one or more VideoId values for the product.

sku string

The seller-defined Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) of the inventory item. The seller should have a unique SKU value for every product that they sell.

Get Inventory Items

This call retrieves all inventory item records defined for the seller's account.


Name Key Required Type Description
limit string

Maximum number of records to return per page of data.

offset string

The page number to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
href string

This is the URL to the current page of inventory items.

inventoryItems array of object

This container is an array of one or more inventory items.

inventoryItems.availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability array of object

This container consists of an array of merchant's physical stores where the inventory item is available for in-store pickup.

inventoryItems.availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.availabilityType string

Availability status of the inventory item

inventoryItems.availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.fulfillmentTime.unit string

Time unit used to specify the fulfillment time

inventoryItems.availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.fulfillmentTime.value integer

The integer value in this field, along with the time unit in the unit field, will indicate the fulfillment time.

inventoryItems.availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.merchantLocationKey string

Merchant's store Unique identifier where the In-Store Pickup inventory item is currently located, or will sent to.

inventoryItems.availability.pickupAtLocationAvailability.quantity integer


inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.allocationByFormat.auction integer

This integer value indicates the quantity of the inventory item that is reserved for the published auction format offers of the SKU.

Fixed Price
inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.allocationByFormat.fixedPrice integer

This value indicates the quantity of the inventory item that is available for the fixed-price offers of the SKU.

inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions array of object

This container is used to set the available quantity of the inventory item at one or more warehouse locations.

inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.fulfillmentTime.unit string


inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.fulfillmentTime.value integer


inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.merchantLocationKey string


inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.availabilityDistributions.quantity integer


inventoryItems.availability.shipToLocationAvailability.quantity integer

This container is used to set the total 'ship-to-home' quantity of the inventory item that will be available for purchase through one or more published offer

inventoryItems.condition string

This value indicates the condition of the item.

Condition Description
inventoryItems.conditionDescription string

This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of items

inventoryItems.groupIds array of string

This array is returned if the inventory item is associated with any inventory item group(s).

inventoryItems.inventoryItemGroupKeys array of string

This array is returned if the inventory item is associated with any inventory item group(s).

inventoryItems.locale string

This field returns the natural language that was provided in the field values of the request payload.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.height number

Actual height of the shipping package.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.length number

Actual length of the shipping package.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.unit string

Unit of measurement used to specify the dimensions of a shipping package.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.dimensions.width number

Actual width of the shipping package.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.packageType string

Type of shipping package used to ship the inventory item.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.weight.unit string

Unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package.

inventoryItems.packageWeightAndSize.weight.value number

The actual weight of the shipping package.

inventoryItems.product.aspects object

This is a collection of item specifics name-value pairs that provide more information about the product and might make it easier for buyers to find.

inventoryItems.product.brand string

The brand of the product. This field is often paired with the mpn field to identify a specific product by Manufacture Part Number.

inventoryItems.product.description string

The description of the product.

inventoryItems.product.ean array of string

European Article Number/International Article Number for the product.

inventoryItems.product.epid string

The eBay Product Identifier (ePID) for the product.

inventoryItems.product.imageUrls array of string

An array of one or more links to images for the product.

inventoryItems.product.isbn array of string

International Standard Book Number value for the product.

inventoryItems.product.mpn string

Manufacturer Part Number of a product.

inventoryItems.product.subtitle string

A subtitle is an optional listing feature that allows the seller to provide more information about the product, possibly including keywords that may assist with search results.

inventoryItems.product.title string

Title of an inventory item can be added or modified

inventoryItems.product.upc array of string

Universal Product Code value for the product.

inventoryItems.product.videoIds array of string

An array of one or more VideoId values for the product.

inventoryItems.sku string

Seller-defined Stock-Keeping Unit of the inventory item.

limit integer

The number of inventory items that will be displayed on each results page.

next string

URL to the next page of inventory items.

prev string

URL to the previous page of inventory items.

size integer

Total number of pages of results that are available.

total integer

Ttotal number of inventory items that exist for the seller's account.

Get Inventory Location

This call retrieves all defined details of the inventory location that is specified by the merchantLocationKey path parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey True string

A unique merchant-defined key (ID) for an inventory location.


Name Path Type Description
Address Line 1
location.address.addressLine1 string

First line of a street address.

Address Line 2
location.address.addressLine2 string

Second line of a street address.

location.address.city string

City in which the inventory location resides.

location.address.country string

Country code in which the address resides

location.address.county string

County in which the address resides.

Postal Code
location.address.postalCode string

Postal/zip code of the address.

State Or Province
location.address.stateOrProvince string

State/province in which the inventory location resides.

location.geoCoordinates.latitude string

Latitude component of the geographic coordinate.

location.geoCoordinates.longitude string

Longitude component of the geographic coordinate.

Location Id
location.locationId string

Unique eBay-assigned ID for the location.

Location Additional Information
locationAdditionalInformation string

This text field provides additional information about an inventory location.

Location Instructions
locationInstructions string

The field is used by the merchant to provide special pickup instructions for the store location.

locationTypes array of string

This container defines the function of the inventory location.

Location Web Url
locationWebUrl string

The field shows the Website address associated with the inventory location.

Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of the inventory location.

Merchant Location Status
merchantLocationStatus string

The field indicates whether the inventory location is enabled or disabled

name string

Name of the inventory location.

operatingHours array of object

This container shows the regular operating hours for a store location during the days of the week.

Week Enum
operatingHours.dayOfWeekEnum string

A value is required for each day of the week that the store location has regular operating hours.

operatingHours.intervals array of object

This container is used to define the opening/closing times of a store's working day.

operatingHours.intervals.close string


operatingHours.intervals.open string


phone string

Phone number for an inventory location.

specialHours array of object

This container shows the special operating hours for a store location on a specific date or dates.

specialHours.date string

A date value is required for each specific date that the store location has special operating hours.

specialHours.intervals array of object

This container is used to define the opening/closing times of a store on a specific date.

specialHours.intervals.close string


specialHours.intervals.open string


Get Inventory Locations

This call retrieves all defined details for every inventory location associated with the seller's account.


Name Key Required Type Description
offset string

Specifies the number of locations to skip in the result set before returning the first location.

limit string

Maximum number of records to return per page of data.


Name Path Type Description
href string

URI of the current page of results from the result set.

limit integer

Number of items returned on a single page from the result set.

next string

URI for the following page of results.

offset string

Number of results skipped in the result set before listing the first returned result.

prev string

URI for the preceding page of results.

total integer

Total number of items retrieved in the result set.

locations array of object

An array of one or more of the merchant's inventory locations.

Address Line 1
locations.location.address.addressLine1 string

First line of a street address.

Address Line 2
locations.location.address.addressLine2 string

Second line of a street address.

locations.location.address.city string

City in which the inventory location resides.

locations.location.address.country string

Country code in which the address resides.

locations.location.address.county string

County in which the address resides.

Postal Code
locations.location.address.postalCode string

Postal/zip code of the address.

State Or Province
locations.location.address.stateOrProvince string

State/province in which the inventory location resides.

locations.location.geoCoordinates.latitude string

Latitude component of the geographic coordinate.

locations.location.geoCoordinates.longitude string

Longitude component of the geographic coordinate.

Location Id
locations.location.locationId string

Unique eBay-assigned ID for the location.

Location Additional Information
locations.locationAdditionalInformation string

This field provides additional information about an inventory location.

Location Instructions
locations.locationInstructions string

This field is used by the merchant to provide special pickup instructions for the store location.

locations.locationTypes array of string

This container defines the function of the inventory location.

Location Web Url
locations.locationWebUrl string

This field shows the Website address associated with the inventory location.

Merchant Location Key
locations.merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of the inventory location.

Merchant Location Status
locations.merchantLocationStatus string

This field indicates whether the inventory location is enabled or disabled.

locations.name string

Name of the inventory location.

locations.operatingHours array of object

This container shows the regular operating hours for a store location during the days of the week.

locations.operatingHours.dayOfWeekEnum string


locations.operatingHours.intervals array of object

This container is used to define the opening/closing times of a store's working day.

locations.operatingHours.intervals.close string


locations.operatingHours.intervals.open string


locations.phone string

The phone number for an inventory location.

locations.specialHours array of object

This container shows the special operating hours for a store location on a specific date or dates.

locations.specialHours.date string


locations.specialHours.intervals array of object

This container is used to define the opening and closing times of a store on a specific date.

locations.specialHours.intervals.close string


locations.specialHours.intervals.open string


Get Item Aspects for Category

This call returns a list of aspects that are appropriate or necessary for accurately describing items in the specified leaf category. Each aspect identifies an item attribute (for example, color) for which the seller will be required or encouraged to provide a value (or variation values) when offering an item in that category on eBay.


Name Key Required Type Description
Category Tree Id
category_tree_id True string

eBay category tree Unique ID from which the specified category's aspects are being requested.

Category Id
category_id True string

Leaf category unique identifier for which aspects are being requested.


Name Path Type Description
aspects array of object

List of item aspects that are appropriate for describing items in a particular leaf category

Aspect Applicable To
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectApplicableTo array of string

This value indicate if the aspect identified by the aspects.localizedAspectName field is a product aspect or an item/instance aspect, which is an aspect whose value will vary based on a particular instance of the product.

Aspect Data Type
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectDataType string

Aspect data type.

Aspect Enabled For Variations
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectEnabledForVariations boolean

A value of true indicates that this aspect can be used to help identify item variations.

Aspect Format
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectFormat string

Returned only if the value of aspectDataType identifies a data type that requires specific formatting.

Aspect Max Length
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectMaxLength integer

Maximum length of the item aspect's value.

Aspect Mode
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectMode string

Manner in which values of this aspect must be specified by the seller.

Aspect Required
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectRequired boolean

A value of true indicates that this aspect is required when offering items in the specified category.

Aspect Usage
aspects.aspectConstraint.aspectUsage string

The value indicates if the corresponding aspect is recommended or optional.

Expected Required By Date
aspects.aspectConstraint.expectedRequiredByDate string

Expected date after which the aspect will be required.

Item To Aspect Cardinality
aspects.aspectConstraint.itemToAspectCardinality string

Indicates whether this aspect can accept single or multiple values for items in the specified category.

aspects.aspectValues array of object

A list of valid values along with any constraints for this aspect.

aspects.aspectValues.localizedValue string

The localized value of this aspect.

aspects.aspectValues.valueConstraints array of object

Contains a list of the dependencies that identify when the value of the localizedValue field is available for the current aspect.

aspects.aspectValues.valueConstraints.applicableForLocalizedAspectName string

The name of the control aspect on which the current aspect value depends.

aspects.aspectValues.valueConstraints.applicableForLocalizedAspectValues array of string

Contains a list of the values of the control aspect on which this aspect's value depends.

Localized Aspect Name
aspects.localizedAspectName string

Localized name of this aspect.

Search Count
aspects.relevanceIndicator.searchCount integer

Number of recent searches for the aspect.

Get Item Condition Policies

This method returns item condition metadata on one, multiple, or all eBay categories on an eBay marketplace.


Name Key Required Type Description
Marketplace Id
marketplace_id True string

eBay marketplace ID for which policy information is retrieved.

filter string

Limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree.


Name Path Type Description
itemConditionPolicies array of object

A list of category IDs and the policies for how to indicate an item's condition in each of the listed categories.

Category Id
itemConditionPolicies.categoryId string

Category ID to which the item-condition policy applies.

Category Tree Id
itemConditionPolicies.categoryTreeId string

A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set.

Item Condition Required
itemConditionPolicies.itemConditionRequired boolean

This flag denotes whether or not you must list the item condition in a listing for the specified category.

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions array of object

The item-condition values allowed in the category.

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescription string

The human-readable label for the condition.

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionId string

ID value of the selected item condition.

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.usage string


warnings array of object

Warnings list that were generated as a result of the request.

warnings.category string

Category type for this error or warning.

warnings.domain string

Domain name containing the service or application.

Error Id
warnings.errorId integer

A positive integer that uniquely identifies the specific error condition that occurred.

warnings.inputRefIds array of string

Identifies specific request elements associated with the error, if any. inputRefId's response is format specific.

Long Message
warnings.longMessage string

An expanded version of message that should be around 100-200 characters long, but is not required to be such.

warnings.message string

An end user and app developer friendly device agnostic message.

warnings.outputRefIds array of string

Identifies specific response elements associated with the error, if any.

warnings.parameters array of object

Various warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error or warning.

warnings.parameters.name string


warnings.parameters.value string


warnings.subdomain string

Name of the domain's subsystem or subdivision.

GET Offer

This call retrieves a specific published or unpublished offer.


Name Key Required Type Description
Offer Id
offerId True string

Unique identifier of the offer that is to be retrieved.


Name Path Type Description
Available Quantity
availableQuantity integer

Quantity of the inventory item that will be available for purchase by buyers.

Category Id
categoryId string

Unique identifier of the primary eBay category that the inventory item is listed under.

Charity Id
charity.charityId string

eBay-assigned Unique identifier of the charitable organization that will receive a percentage of the sales proceeds.

Donation Percentage
charity.donationPercentage string

Purchase price percentage that charitable organization will receive for each sale that the listing generates.

Producer Product Id
extendedProducerResponsibility.producerProductId string

Unique Identifier of the producer related to the item.

Product Package Id
extendedProducerResponsibility.productPackageId string

Unique ID of the producer of any packaging related to the product added by the seller.

Shipment Package Id
extendedProducerResponsibility.shipmentPackageId string

Unique Identifier of the producer of any packaging used by the seller to ship the item.

Product Documentation Id
extendedProducerResponsibility.productDocumentationId string

Unique Identifier of the producer of any paper added to the parcel of the item by the seller.

extendedProducerResponsibility.ecoParticipationFee.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

extendedProducerResponsibility.ecoParticipationFee.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

format string

Listing format of the offer

Hide Buyer Details
hideBuyerDetails boolean

This field is returned as true if the private listing feature has been enabled for the offer.

Include Catalog Product Details
includeCatalogProductDetails boolean

This field indicates whether or not eBay product catalog details are applied to a listing.

Listing Id
listing.listingId string

Unique identifier of eBay listing that is associated with the published offer.

Listing Status
listing.listingStatus string

Listing status that is associated with the published offer.

Sold Quantity
listing.soldQuantity integer

Quantity of product that has been sold for the published offer.

Listing Description
listingDescription string

Description of eBay listing

Listing Duration
listingDuration string

This field indicates the number of days that the listing will be active.

listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoAcceptPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoAcceptPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoDeclinePrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoDeclinePrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Best Offer Enabled
listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.bestOfferEnabled boolean

This container is used if the seller would like to support the Best Offer feature on their listing.

eBay Plus If Eligible
listingPolicies.eBayPlusIfEligible boolean

This field is included in an offer if a Top-Rated seller is opted into the eBay Plus program.

Fulfillment Policy Id
listingPolicies.fulfillmentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the fulfillment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

Payment Policy Id
listingPolicies.paymentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the payment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

listingPolicies.productCompliancePolicyIds array of string

This field contains an array of up to five IDs specifying the seller created compliance policies for the listing.

Return Policy Id
listingPolicies.returnPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the return business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides array of object

This container is used if the seller wishes to override the shipping costs for one or more domestic or international shipping service options defined in the fulfillment listing policy.

listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.additionalShippingCost.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.additionalShippingCost.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.priority integer

The integer value input into this field, along with the shippingServiceType value, sets which domestic or international shipping service option in the fulfillment policy will be modified with updated shipping costs.

listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.shippingCost.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.shippingCost.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Shipping Service Type
listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.shippingServiceType string

This value indicates whether the shipping service is a domestic or an international shipping service option.

Take Back Policy Id
listingPolicies.takeBackPolicyId string

Seller ID created take-back policy.

Listing Start Date
listingStartDate string

This timestamp is the date/time that the seller set for the scheduled listing.

Lot Size
lotSize integer

This field is only applicable if listing is a lot listing. A lot listing is a listing that has multiple quantity of the same product.

Marketplace Id
marketplaceId string

Unique identifier of the eBay site on which the offer is available or will be made available.

Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of the inventory location.

Offer Id
offerId string

Unique identifier of the offer.

pricingSummary.auctionReservePrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

pricingSummary.auctionReservePrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

pricingSummary.auctionStartPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

pricingSummary.auctionStartPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

pricingSummary.minimumAdvertisedPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

pricingSummary.minimumAdvertisedPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Originally Sold for Retail Price On
pricingSummary.originallySoldForRetailPriceOn string

This field is needed if the Strikethrough Pricing feature will be used in the offer. This field indicates that the product was sold for the price in the original RetailPrice field on an eBay site, or sold for that price by a third-party retailer.

pricingSummary.originalRetailPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

pricingSummary.originalRetailPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

pricingSummary.price.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

pricingSummary.price.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Pricing Visibility
pricingSummary.pricingVisibility string

This field is needed if Minimum Advertised Price feature will be used in the offer.

Quantity Limit Per Buyer
quantityLimitPerBuyer integer

This field is only applicable if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity of an inventory item per seller.

Secondary Category Id
secondaryCategoryId string

Unique identifier for a secondary category and applicable if seller decides to list the item under two categories.

sku string

Seller-defined SKU value of the product in the offer.

status string

The value specifies the status of the offer.

Store Category Names
storeCategoryNames array of string

Store Category Name

Apply Tax
tax.applyTax boolean

This field will be included if seller would like to reference their account-level Sales Tax

Third Party Tax Category
tax.thirdPartyTaxCategory string

The tax exception category code. If this field is used, sales tax will also apply to a service/fee, and not just the item price.

VAT Percentage
tax.vatPercentage number

This value is VAT rate for the item, if any. When a VAT percentage is specified, the item's VAT information appears on the listing's View Item page.

GET Offers

This call retrieves all existing offers for the specified SKU value. The seller has the option of limiting the offers that are retrieved to a specific eBay marketplace, or to a listing format.


Name Key Required Type Description
sku True string

Seller-defined SKU value

Marketplace Id
marketplace_id string

Unique identifier of the eBay marketplace.

format string

Listing format for the offer.

limit string

Maximum number of records to return per page of data.

offset string

Page number to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
href string

URL to the current page of offers.

limit integer

Number of offers that will be displayed on each results page.

next string

URL to the next page of offers.

offers array of object

This container is an array of one or more seller's offers for the SKU value.

Available Quantity
offers.availableQuantity integer

Inventory item quantity that will be available for purchase.

Category Id
offers.categoryId string

eBay category unique ID that the inventory item is listed under.

Charity Id
offers.charity.charityId string

eBay-assigned unique identifier of the charitable organization that will receive a percentage of the sales proceeds.

Donation Percentage
offers.charity.donationPercentage string

Purchase price percentage that charitable organization will receive for each sale.

Producer Product Id
offers.extendedProducerResponsibility.producerProductId string

Unique Identifier of the producer related to the item.

Product Package Id
offers.extendedProducerResponsibility.productPackageId string

Unique ID of the packaged product added by the seller.

Shipment Package Id
offers.extendedProducerResponsibility.shipmentPackageId string

Unique Identifier of the producer of any packaging used by the seller to ship the item.

Product Documentation Id
offers.extendedProducerResponsibility.productDocumentationId string

Unique Identifier of the producer of any paper added to the parcel of the item by the seller.

offers.extendedProducerResponsibility.ecoParticipationFee.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.extendedProducerResponsibility.ecoParticipationFee.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

offers.format string

This value sets the listing format for the offer

Hide Buyer Details
offers.hideBuyerDetails boolean

This field is returned as true if the private listing feature has been enabled for the offer.

Include Catalog Product Details
offers.includeCatalogProductDetails boolean

This field indicates whether or not eBay product catalog details are applied to a listing.

Listing Id
offers.listing.listingId string

Unique identifier of the eBay listing that is associated with the published offer.

Listing Status
offers.listing.listingStatus string

Listing status that is associated with the published offer.

Sold Quantity
offers.listing.soldQuantity integer

Product Quantity that has been sold for the published offer.

Listing Description
offers.listingDescription string

eBay listing description.

Listing Duration
offers.listingDuration string

Indicates the number of days that the listing will be active.

offers.listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoAcceptPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoAcceptPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

offers.listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoDeclinePrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.autoDeclinePrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Best Offer Enabled
offers.listingPolicies.bestOfferTerms.bestOfferEnabled boolean

This field indicates whether or not the Best Offer feature is enabled for the listing.

eBay Plus If Eligible
offers.listingPolicies.eBayPlusIfEligible boolean

This field is included in an offer and set to true if a Top-Rated seller is opted into the eBay Plus program

Fulfillment Policy Id
offers.listingPolicies.fulfillmentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the fulfillment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

Payment Policy Id
offers.listingPolicies.paymentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the payment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

offers.listingPolicies.productCompliancePolicyIds array of string

This field contains an array of up to five IDs specifying the seller created compliance policies for the listing.

Return Policy Id
offers.listingPolicies.returnPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the return business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides array of object

This container is used if the seller wishes to override the shipping costs or surcharge for one or more domestic or international shipping service options defined in the fulfillment listing policy.

offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.additionalShippingCost.currency string


offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.additionalShippingCost.value string


offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.priority integer


offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.shippingCost.currency string


offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.shippingCost.value string


offers.listingPolicies.shippingCostOverrides.shippingServiceType string


Take Back Policy Id
offers.listingPolicies.takeBackPolicyId string

Seller ID who created take-back policy.

Listing Start Date
offers.listingStartDate string

Date/time that seller set for the scheduled listing.

Lot Size
offers.lotSize integer

This field is only applicable and returned if the listing is a lot listing.

Marketplace Id
offers.marketplaceId string

Unique identifier of the eBay site on which the offer is available or will be made available.

Merchant Location Key
offers.merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of the inventory location.

Offer Id
offers.offerId string

Unique identifier of the offer.

offers.pricingSummary.auctionReservePrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.pricingSummary.auctionReservePrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

offers.pricingSummary.auctionStartPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.pricingSummary.auctionStartPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

offers.pricingSummary.minimumAdvertisedPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.pricingSummary.minimumAdvertisedPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Originally Sold for Retail Price On
offers.pricingSummary.originallySoldForRetailPriceOn string

This field is needed if the Strikethrough Pricing feature will be used in the offer. This field indicates that the product was sold for the price in the original RetailPrice field on an eBay site, or sold for that price by a third-party retailer.

offers.pricingSummary.originalRetailPrice.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.pricingSummary.originalRetailPrice.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

offers.pricingSummary.price.currency string

A three-digit string value representing the currency type.

offers.pricingSummary.price.value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Pricing Visibility
offers.pricingSummary.pricingVisibility string

This field is needed if the Minimum Advertised Price feature will be used in the offer.

Quantity Limit Per Buyer
offers.quantityLimitPerBuyer integer

This field is only applicable and set if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity of an inventory item per seller.

Secondary Category Id
offers.secondaryCategoryId string

Unique identifier for a secondary category.

offers.sku string

Seller-defined SKU value of the product in the offer.

offers.status string

The value specifies the status of the offer.

offers.storeCategoryNames array of string

This container is returned if the seller chose to place the inventory item into one or two eBay store categories that the seller has set up for their eBay store

Apply Tax
offers.tax.applyTax boolean

This field will be included if the seller would like to reference their account-level Sales Tax Table to calculate sales tax for an order.

Third Party Tax Category
offers.tax.thirdPartyTaxCategory string

Tax exception category code.

VAT Percentage
offers.tax.vatPercentage number

Value Add Tax (VAT) rate value for the item, if any.

prev string

URL to the previous page of offers.

size integer

Number of offers being displayed on the current page of results.

total integer

Total number of offers that exist for the specified SKU value.

Get Payment Policies

This method retrieves all the payment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Marketplace Id
marketplace_id string

eBay marketplace ID of the policies you want to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
href string

This field is for future use.

limit integer

This field is for future use.

next string

This field is for future use.

offset integer

This field is for future use.

paymentPolicies array of object

List of seller's payment business policies defined for the specified marketplace.

paymentPolicies.categoryTypes array of object

This container indicates whether the fulfillment policy applies to motor vehicle or non-motor vehicle listings.

paymentPolicies.categoryTypes.default boolean


paymentPolicies.categoryTypes.name string


paymentPolicies.deposit.amount.currency string

The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

paymentPolicies.deposit.amount.value string

The monetary amount in the specified currency.

paymentPolicies.deposit.dueIn.unit string

These values represent the time measurement unit, such as DAY.

paymentPolicies.deposit.dueIn.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

paymentPolicies.description string

A seller-defined description of the payment policy.

paymentPolicies.fullPaymentDueIn.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

paymentPolicies.fullPaymentDueIn.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Immediate Pay
paymentPolicies.immediatePay boolean

If this field is returned as true, immediate payment is required from the buyer

Marketplace Id
paymentPolicies.marketplaceId string

eBay marketplace ID to which the payment business policy applies.

paymentPolicies.name string

A seller-defined name for this fulfillment policy.

Payment Instructions
paymentPolicies.paymentInstructions string

Although this field may be returned for some older payment business policies, payment instructions are no longer supported by payment business policies. If this field is returned, it can be ignored and these payment instructions will not appear in any listings that use the corresponding business policy.

paymentPolicies.paymentMethods array of object

This container is returned to show the payment methods that are accepted for the payment business policy.

paymentPolicies.paymentMethods.paymentMethodType string

Type of Payment Method

Payment Policy Id
paymentPolicies.paymentPolicyId string

Unique eBay-assigned ID for a payment business policy.

prev string

This field is for future use.

total integer

Total number of payment business policies retrieved in the result set.

Get Payment Policy

This method retrieves the complete details of a payment policy. Supply the ID of the policy you want to retrieve using the paymentPolicyId path parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Payment Policy Id
payment_policy_id True string

Payment policy ID you want to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
categoryTypes array of object

This container indicates whether the fulfillment policy applies to motor vehicle or non-motor vehicle listings.

categoryTypes.name string

The category type to which the policy applies.

deposit.amount.currency string

The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

deposit.amount.value string

The monetary amount in the specified currency.

deposit.dueIn.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

deposit.dueIn.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

description string

A seller-defined description of the payment policy.

fullPaymentDueIn.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

fullPaymentDueIn.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Immediate Pay
immediatePay boolean

If this field is returned as true, immediate payment is required from the buyer

Marketplace Id
marketplaceId string

ID of the eBay marketplace to which the payment business policy applies.

name string

ID of the eBay marketplace to which the payment business policy applies.

Payment Instructions
paymentInstructions string

Although this field may be returned for some older payment business policies, payment instructions are no longer supported by payment business policies

paymentMethods array of object

This container is returned to show the payment methods that are accepted for the payment business policy.

Payment Method Type
paymentMethods.paymentMethodType string

Payment method type for offline support

Payment Policy Id
paymentPolicyId string

A unique eBay-assigned ID for a payment business policy.

Get Return Policies

This method retrieves all the return policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Marketplace ID
marketplace_id True string

eBay marketplace ID of the policy you want to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
href string

This field is for future use.

limit integer

This field is for future use.

next string

This field is for future use.

offset integer

This field is for future use.

prev string

This field is for future use.

returnPolicies array of object

List of the seller's return business policies defined for the specified marketplace.

returnPolicies.categoryTypes array of object

This container indicates which category group that the return policy applies to.

returnPolicies.categoryTypes.name string


returnPolicies.description string

A seller-defined description of the return business policy.

Return Method
returnPolicies.internationalOverride.returnMethod string

This field sets/indicates if the seller offers replacement items to the buyer in the case of an international return.

returnPolicies.internationalOverride.returnPeriod.unit string

These enum values represent the time measurement unit, such as DAY.

returnPolicies.internationalOverride.returnPeriod.value integer

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

Returns Accepted
returnPolicies.internationalOverride.returnsAccepted boolean

If set to true, the seller accepts international returns.

Return Shipping Cost Payer
returnPolicies.internationalOverride.returnShippingCostPayer string

This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items.

Marketplace Id
returnPolicies.marketplaceId string

eBay marketplace ID to which this return business policy applies.

returnPolicies.name string

A seller-defined name for this payment business policy.

Refund Method
returnPolicies.refundMethod string

If a seller indicates that they will accept buyer returns, this value will be set to MONEY_BACK.

Return Instructions
returnPolicies.returnInstructions string

This text-based field provides more details on seller-specified return instructions.

Return Method
returnPolicies.returnMethod string

This field is only returned if the seller is willing to offer a replacement item as an alternative to 'Money Back'.

returnPolicies.returnPeriod.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

returnPolicies.returnPeriod.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Return Policy Id
returnPolicies.returnPolicyId string

A unique eBay-assigned ID for a return business policy.

Return Accepted
returnPolicies.returnsAccepted boolean

If this field is returned as true, the seller accepts returns.

Return Shipping Cost Payer
returnPolicies.returnShippingCostPayer string

This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items.

total integer

Total number of return business policies retrieved in the result set.

Get Return Policy

This method retrieves the complete details of the return policy specified by the returnPolicyId path parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
Return Policy Id
return_policy_id True string

Return policy ID you want to retrieve.


Name Path Type Description
categoryTypes array of object

This container indicates which category group that the return policy applies to.

categoryTypes.name string

The category type to which the policy applies

description string

A seller-defined description of the return business policy.

Return Method
internationalOverride.returnMethod string

This field sets/indicates if the seller offers replacement items to the buyer in the case of an international return.

internationalOverride.returnPeriod.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

internationalOverride.returnPeriod.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Returns Accepted
internationalOverride.returnsAccepted boolean

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Return Shipping Cost Payer
internationalOverride.returnShippingCostPayer string

This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items.

Marketplace Id
marketplaceId string

ID of the eBay marketplace to which this return business policy applies.

name string

A seller-defined name for this payment business policy.

Refund Method
refundMethod string

If a seller indicates that they will accept buyer returns, this value will be set to MONEY_BACK.

Return Instructions
returnInstructions string

This text-based field provides more details on seller-specified return instructions. This field is only returned if set for the return business policy.

Return Method
returnMethod string

This field is only returned if the seller is willing to offer a replacement item as an alternative to 'Money Back'

returnPeriod.unit string

Time measurement unit, such as DAY.

returnPeriod.value integer

Time-measurement unit value specified in the unit field.

Return Policy Id
returnPolicyId string

Unique eBay-assigned ID for a return business policy. This ID is generated when the policy is created.

Returns Accepted
returnsAccepted boolean

If this field is returned as true, the seller accepts returns.

Return Shipping Cost Payer
returnShippingCostPayer string

This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items.

Publish Offer

This call is used to convert an unpublished offer into a published offer, or live eBay listing. The unique identifier of the offer (offerId) is passed in at the end of the call URI.


Name Key Required Type Description
Offer Id
offerId True string

Unique identifier of the offer that is to be published.


Name Path Type Description
Listing Id
listingId string

Unique identifier of the newly created eBay listing.

warnings array of object

This container will be returned if there were one or more warnings associated with the attempt to withdraw the offer.

warnings.category string

This string value indicates the error category.

warnings.domain string

The name of the domain in which the error or warning occurred.

Error Id
warnings.errorId integer

A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred.

warnings.inputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific request element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Long Message
warnings.longMessage string

A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

warnings.message string

A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

warnings.outputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific response element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

warnings.parameters array of object

Various warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error or warning.

warnings.parameters.name string


warnings.parameters.value string


warnings.subdomain string

The name of the subdomain in which the error or warning occurred.

Update Offer

This call updates an existing offer that may be in published or in an unpublished state.


Name Key Required Type Description
Offer Id
offerId True string

Unique identifier of the offer that you want to update.

Available Quantity
availableQuantity integer

Available quantity of inventory for purchase.

Category Id
categoryId string

eBay Unique category ID that the product will be listed under.

Charity Id
charityId string

eBay-assigned unique ID of charitable organization that'll receive a percentage of sales proceeds.

Donation Percentage
donationPercentage string

Purchase price percentage that charitable organization will receive for each sale that listing generates.

Producer Product Id
producerProductId string

Unique Identifier of producer related to the item.

Product Package Id
productPackageId string

Unique ID of the producer of product packaging added by the seller.

Shipment Package Id
shipmentPackageId string

Unique ID of producer of any packaging used by the seller to ship item.

Product Documentation Id
productDocumentationId string

Unique Identifier of producer of any paper added to the parcel of the item by the seller.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Hide Buyer Details
hideBuyerDetails boolean

This field is included if the seller wishes to create a private listing.

Include Catalog Product Details
includeCatalogProductDetails boolean

Indicates whether or not eBay product catalog details are applied to a listing.

Listing Description
listingDescription string

Description of the eBay listing.

Listing Duration
listingDuration string

Number of days that the listing will be active.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Best Offer Enabled
bestOfferEnabled boolean

Indicates whether or not the Best Offer feature is enabled for the listing.

eBay Plus If Eligible
eBayPlusIfEligible boolean

This field is included in an offer if a Top-Rated seller is opted into the eBay Plus program.

Fulfillment Policy Id
fulfillmentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the fulfillment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

Payment Policy Id
paymentPolicyId string

Unique identifier indicates the payment business policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

Product Compliance Policy Ids
productCompliancePolicyIds array of string

This field contains an array of up to five IDs specifying the seller created compliance policies for the listing.

Return Policy Id
returnPolicyId string

Return business policy unique ID that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

priority integer

The integer value input into this field, along with the shippingServiceType value, sets which domestic or international shipping service option in the fulfillment policy will be modified with updated shipping costs.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Service Type
shippingServiceType string

This value indicates whether the shipping service specified in the priority field is a domestic or an international shipping service option.

Take Back Policy Id
takeBackPolicyId string

Seller ID who created take-back policy.

Listing Start Date
listingStartDate string

This field can be used if the seller wants to specify a time in the future that the listing will become active on eBay.

Lot Size
lotSize integer

This field is only applicable if the listing is a lot listing. The integer value passed into this field is the total number of items in the lot.

Merchant Location Key
merchantLocationKey string

Unique identifier of a merchant's inventory location

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Originally Sold for Retail Price On
originallySoldForRetailPriceOn string

This field is needed if the Strikethrough Pricing feature will be used in the offer. This field indicates that the product was sold for the price in the original RetailPrice field on an eBay site, or sold for that price by a third-party retailer

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

currency string

A three-digit string value representing currency type.

value string

A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency field.

Pricing Visibility
pricingVisibility string

This field is needed if the Minimum Advertised Price feature will be used in the offer.

Quantity Limit Per Buyer
quantityLimitPerBuyer integer

This field is only applicable and set if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity per seller.

Secondary Category Id
secondaryCategoryId string

Unique secondary category ID and applicable if the seller decides to list item under two categories.

Store Category Names
storeCategoryNames array of string

Store category names

Apply Tax
applyTax boolean

This container is only applicable and used if a sales tax table, a Value-Added Tax rate, or a tax exception category code will be applied to the offer.

Third Party Tax Category
thirdPartyTaxCategory string

The tax exception category code. If this field is used, sales tax will also apply to a service/fee, and not just the item price.

VAT Percentage
vatPercentage number

This value is VAT rate for the item, if any. When a VAT percentage is specified, the item's VAT information appears on the listing's View Item page.


Name Path Type Description
Offer Id
offerId string

Unique identifier of the offer

warnings array of object

This container will return when a call is made, and errors and/or warnings occur.

warnings.category string

This string value indicates the error category

warnings.domain string

Domain name in which the error or warning occurred.

Error Id
warnings.errorId integer

Unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred.

warnings.inputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific request element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Long Message
warnings.longMessage string

A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

warnings.message string

A description of condition that caused the error or warning.

warnings.outputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific response element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

warnings.parameters array of object

Various warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error or warning.

warnings.parameters.name string


warnings.parameters.value string


warnings.subdomain string

Subdomain name in which the error or warning occurred.

Withdraw Offer

This call is used to end a single-variation listing that is associated with the specified offer.


Name Key Required Type Description
Offer Id
offerId True string

Unique identifier of the offer that is to be withdrawn.


Name Path Type Description
Listing Id
listingId string

Unique identifier of the eBay listing associated with the offer that was withdrawn.

warnings array of object

This container will be returned if there were one or more warnings associated with the attempt to withdraw the offer.

warnings.category string

This string value indicates the error category

warnings.domain string

This string value indicates the error category

Error Id
warnings.errorId integer

A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred.

warnings.inputRefIds array of string

An array of one or more reference IDs which identify the specific request element(s) most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Long Message
warnings.longMessage string

A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

warnings.message string

A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

warnings.outputRefIds array of string

This container will be returned if there were one or more warnings associated with the attempt to withdraw the offer.

warnings.parameters array of object

Various warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error or waring.

warnings.parameters.name string


warnings.parameters.value string


warnings.subdomain string

The name of the subdomain in which the error or warning occurred.



This is the basic data type 'string'.