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InEight Connector provides an API to work with InEight objects.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name InEight Support
URL https://ineight.com/help-support/
Email support@ineight.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher InEight
Website https://ineight.com/
Privacy policy https://ineight.com/privacy-statement/
Categories Data;Productivity

The InEight API Connector enables a customer to automate their business processes, reduce workload, and ensure consistency of data between multiple systems.


A valid InEight cloud platform user account is required to create a connection to the InEight connector. To use the InEight connector, a Tenant prefix and Tenant subscription key are required. Contact your InEight representative to get this information.

How to get credentials

Contact your system administrator to set up a user account to access the InEight cloud platform. An email notification with your credentials is sent to the email address associated with the user account.

Get started with your connector

Use Microsoft Power Automate to create and manage data flows between InEight and external systems.

  1. Go to https://make.powerautomate.com/, and then log in to your account.
  2. In the left navigation, select My flows. The page opens to the Cloud flows tab, which shows your saved flows.
  3. In the top navigation, click New flow > Build an instant cloud flow. The Build an instant cloud flow dialog box opens. This is an image
  4. Enter a preferred flow name or a name will be automatically generated.
  5. Select Manually trigger a flow, and then click Create. The page shows the start for you to build the new flow. This is an image
  6. Add a step to the flow, click +New step. The Choose an operation dialog box opens.
  7. To use the InEight connector, in the Search box, type ineight, and then select it in the results. This is an image
  8. Select from the list of available actions. In this example, DailyPlan_Get is selected. This is an image
  9. Complete the required fields for the step, add any additional steps, and then click Save. This is an image

Known issues and limitations

The only actions supported are those listed for the connector.

Common errors and remedies

Unauthorized user: Make sure you have a user account setup for the environment you are trying to access.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Ability to Post Actuals into Control

The actuals (generic) allows actual cost by cost category, quantity, equipment hours and man-hours to be associated to a cost item based on the joining criteria of WBS phase code or CBS position. InEight Control expects the values that are sent by the ERP to represent transactional amount from the last time actuals were sent to Control. The values should not represent job "to-date" entries.

Ability to Post Actuals into Control for multiple Projects

The actuals (generic) allows actual cost by cost category, quantity, equipment hours and man-hours to be associated to a cost item based on the joining criteria of WBS phase code or CBS position. InEight Control expects the values that are sent by the ERP to represent transactional amount from the last time actuals were sent to Control. The values should not represent job "to-date" entries.

AccountCode Import

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of account codes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. New account codes and updates to account codes performed using this API are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.

Confirm status of Daily Plans

If approved daily plans are sent to an external system, the external system can optionally process the daily plan data and return a message informing the InEight cloud platform that the status should be updated to Final Processing Complete.

Confirm the status of Time Cards

The Time Card Confirmation integration allows external systems to report on the success or failure to process time cards obtained from Time Center and update a status to support a business workflow.

Contacts Import

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of contacts that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new contacts can be added and existing contacts can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.

CostCenter Import

This integration allows a third-party financial system to maintain a list of Cost Centers within InEight.

Delete Users

The Users_Delete API allows users to delete one or multiple records using External System programmatically or through APIM manually. The 'Deletion' is effected by setting the 'IsActive' Flag to 'False'. Any system records used to authenticate the user against Microsoft Entra ID (Login User table) is cleared out. The deletion is available irrespective of user's status as active or inactive. There is no restriction on the number of users who can be deleted through a bulk Delete transaction. There is validation in place to ensure that a user cannot delete their own record.

Get AccoundCodes

This integration allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of account codes, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of account codes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications.

The AccountCode_Import API, which is the inbound version of this GET API is used to create new account codes and update existing account codes.

Get complete Daily Plan details

The Daily Plan integration allows customers to provide time keeping information for employees and equipment as recorded in InEight Plan. This integration includes summary information about the daily plan, from employee hours to cost items, equipment hours to cost items, payroll indicators, and notes. The Daily Plan integration can also be used to track and provide plan status in systems outside of InEight cloud platform. When a daily plan is used for this purpose, an optional response message can be used to trigger a status change in the daily plan to indicate the change has been successfully received by the external system.

Get complete Time Card details

The Time Card integration provides payroll or pre-payroll processing systems with a detailed breakdown of hours for employees along with the type of work performed and custom-defined that are applied for blocks of hours or for the entire day. This integration is available if Time Center has been enabled within the customer environment. Time Center is an application within InEight Plan that generates time cards of individual employees or equipment for each combination that is entered on a daily plan. The application allows an administrator to review the hours before sending it to an ERP for further processing of actual hours for other business processes such as payroll. All time cards, when required, can be sent through the Time Card integration to an ERP or other system for further business process workflows.

Get Contacts

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of contacts, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of contacts that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for contacts by their SSID, name, company or other contact details.

Get Countries

Returns a full list of all countries available for use in InEight cloud applications. The response may be optionally expanded to include the translated country names for all languages currently supported by InEight cloud. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Craft details

Returns a full list of all employee crafts available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Currencies details

Returns a full list of all currencies available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Employees details

Provides all Employee records created in InEight for use in any project. Within the application, Employee records are found in the Account level menu options under 'Master data libraries' > 'Operational resources'.

A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. Please note that the field 'EmployeePIN' will only return encrypted values for the protection and security of private information.

The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.

Get Equipment Categories details

Returns a full list of all equipment categories available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Equipment details

Provides all Equipment records created in InEight for use in any project. Within the application, Equipment records are found in the Account level menu options under 'Master data libraries' > 'Operational resources'. A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.

Get Equipment Type details

Returns a full list of all equipment types available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get language details

Returns a full list of all languages available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Market details

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of markets , from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of markets that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for markets by their SSID, name, company or other market details.

Get Organization details

Returns a full list of the full organization hierarchical structure available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Project Contact details

This API provides list of contacts assigned to a project. In the Project Suite they're found in Project -> Assigned contacts.

Get Project details

Returns a full list of all projects available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Project Employee Billing Class details

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of employee billing classes, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of employee billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for employee by their SSID, name or other employee billing class details.

Get Project Employees details

Provides the full list of employees assigned to a specified project, and all details about the assignment. Within the application, ProjectEmployee records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'. A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.

Get Project Equipment Billing Class details

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of equipment billing classes, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of equipment billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for equipment by their SSID, name or other equipment billing class details.

Get Project Equipment details

Provides the full list of equipment assigned to a specified project, and all details about the assignment. Within the application ProjectEquipment records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'. A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.

Get Project Settings details

The ProjectSettings_Get Integration allows EXPORT of project settings that include Project Global Options, Project Information Attriibutes, Project Fuel Types and Project Custom Lists. In earlier releases, changes to Project Settings was only possible through UI.

Please note that each 'GET' export will include ALL Settings details for each project that is requested: i.e. Global Options, Fuel Types and Custom Lists. Also, other selective filtering parameters like $select , $count, $top, $skip....etc won't work with this API.

Get Project Vendor details

This API provides list of vendors assigned to a project. In the Project Suite they're found in Project -> Assigned vendors.

Get Regions details

Returns a list of all region codes available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Role details

This integration allows customers to query and export their master list of Roles that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for roles by their SourceSystemId, RoleName or other role details.

Get Timezone details

Returns a full list of all time zones available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Trade details

Returns a full list of all employee trades available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get Unit of Measure details

Returns a full list of all Units of Measure available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Get user details

The Users_Get Integration allows customers to query and export user lists from InEight into their internal systems. The user records in these lists can then be modified and re-imported into Suite through Users_Import API.

Get Vendor details

Returns a full list of all vendors available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.

Import Accounting Ledger

This integration allows the user to import a set of financial transactions from the General Ledger into the InEight cloud platform.

Import Crafts

Crafts Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of crafts for their organization. Within the application, Crafts records are found in the Account level menu options under "Master data libraries > Operational resources" or from within the Project level menu under "Assigned operational resources".

Import Employees

The Employees Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of all employee resources for their entire organization, and to maintain the list as employees are hired, terminated, or details of their employment change. Within the application, Employee records are found in the Account level menu options under ''Master data libraries'' > ''Operational resources''.

Import Equipment Categories

The EquipmentCategories Integration allows InEight customers to provide and maintain a complete list of EquipmentCategories that can be used on any equipment. Within the application, Equipment Catgory records are found in the Account level menu options under ''Master data libraries'' > ''Operational resources''.

Import Equipment Types

The Equipment Types Integration allows an external system to maintain a master list of Equipment Types in InEight.

Import Equipments

The Equipment Integration allows InEight customers to provide and maintain a complete list of equipment that can be used on any given project. In this integration, it is expected that ''Equipment'' refers to items that are mobile, have an estimated usage rate, and can be tracked by hours of usage. Equipment can include cranes, backhoes, generators, trucks used for transportation, and any other tracked resource. This integration includes specific details about the equipment such as manufacturer, model, serial number, and whether the equipment is owned or rented. Within the application, Equipment records are found in the Account level menu options under ''Master data libraries'' > ''Operational resources''.

Import Incoterms

This integration allows the user to import their IncoTerms rules into Suite. IncoTerms standards have been set by the International Chamber of Commerce. They define the rules that must be followed by buyers and sellers involved in international contracts.

Import Markets

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of Markets that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new Markets can be added and existing Markets can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.

Import Material

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.

Import Material Characteristic Type

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.

Import Material Class

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.

Import Material Group

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.

Import MaterialSet

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.

Import Oranizations

The Organizations integration allows customers to create and manage the full Organization heirarchical structure, which Projects are assigned to, from a thirdparty sytem such as an ERP.

Import PaymentTerm

This integration allows the user to import their Payment Terms into the InEight cloud platform. Payment terms define the standards which are followed when paying contractor's invoices. It can contain terms such as period betwen 2 payments, discounts, advance payments etc.

Import Project Contacts

This integration allows customers to assign contacts to projects. Using this API new contacts can be added and existing contacts can be unassigned to projects. Every contact in the Project Contacts API must already exist in InEight as part of the master list of all contacts for the customer (see 'Contacts_Import' for details).

Import Project Employee Billing Class

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of employee billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new employee billing classes can be added and existing employee billing classes can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.​

Import Project Employees

The Project Employees Integration allows InEight customers to provide a specific list of employees that will be available for use as a resource on a specific project. This list can be managed via the integration as employees come and go from the project, and details such as estimated personal pay rates change. Every employee in the Project Employees Integration must already exist in InEight as part of the master list of all employees for the customer (see 'Employees_Import' for details).

Within the application, ProjectEmployee records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'.

Import Project Equipment Billing Classes

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of Equipment billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new Equipment billing classes can be added and existing Equipment billing classes can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications

Import Project Equipment Type

The Project Equipment Type Integration allows InEight customers to maintain specific rates for equipment types on a specified project.

Import Project Equuipments

The Project Equipment Integration allows InEight customers to provide InEight a list of specific Equipment that is usable within a Project. Records sent in this integration must match the Master Equipment records for the customer (see Equipments_Import for details). Within the application, ProjectEquipment records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'.

Import Project Settings

The ProjectSettings Integration allows GET/SET of project settings that include Project Global Options, Project Information Attriibutes, Project Fuel Types and Project Custom Lists. In earlier releases, changes to Project Settings was only possible through UI.

Import Project Vendors

This integration allows customers to assign vendors to projects. Using this API new vendors can be added and existing vendors can be unassigned to projects. Every vendor in the Project Vendors API must already exist in InEight as part of the master list of all vendors for the customer (see 'Vendors_Import' for details).​

Import ProjectCrafts

This integration allows InEight customers to associate a specific craft and rate with an employee at a specific project.

Import Projects

The Projects Integration allows new projects to be created within InEight. In earlier releases of InEight, maintenance of projects for status changes, dates and other project data was done manually through the Core product user interface (UI).

Import Roles

This integration allows customers to create their master list of Roles that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications.

Import Trades

Trades Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of trades for their organization. Within the application, Trades records are found in the Account level menu options under "Master data libraries > Operational resources" or from within the Project level menu under "Assigned operational resources".

Import Union

This integration allows a customer to maintain a master list of Unions in InEight. Unions can be associated with Employees and Crafts at either the Account (all projects), or specified Project levels. These associations can be created and maintained either in their own (separate) integrations, or through the InEight cloud platform UI.

Import User Roles

UserRoles Integration allows InEight customers to import a list of users and roles mapping at the intended project or organization level. Within the application, user role assignments are found in the Account level menu options under "Suite Administration > User management > Edit user".

Import Users

Users Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of all user resources for their entire organization and to maintain the list as users are added or removed. Within the application, user records are found in the Account level menu options under "Suite Administration"

Import Vendors

The Vendors integration allows customers to maintain a master list of all the Vendors that can be used within any project.

This integration is used to import accrual request (response) Data

Allows customers to import accrual request (response) data for their organization. Accrual allows to record goods or services received but not yet invoiced against the contract.

This integration is used to import Contract Equipment Data

Allows customers to Import contract equipment data for their organization. This integration allows an external system to match equipment details to equipment inventory. If the equipment used in a line item exists in external system, then the contract details are attached for that equipment. If not, the external system creates new equipment based on the information passed via integration. The new equipment details are sent to the project suite cloud platform for project equipment assignment.

This integration is used to import contract tax data

Allows customers to Import Contract Tax data for their organization before publishing the actual contract. This integration receives the total tax and breakdown of tax codes and amounts for a contract.

This integration is used to import goods receipt data

Allows customers to import goods receipt data for their organization.

This integration is used to import Invoice data

Allows customers to import invoices for their organization. This integration allows vendors that are users to post invoices to contract application that can then be used in payment request and submitted to external system for processing. The invoices posted are shown in the invoice register as unassigned invoices.

This integration is used to import legal entities data

Allows customers to import legal entities data for their organization. Legal entities represent business units within a company that may be used for billing purposes within contracts application. This integration allows creation and management of selectable legal entities within the contracts application.

This integration is used to import payment request Data

Allows customers to provide confirmation of receipt of the payment request and optional status updates of the payment until it has been fully processed. It also allows customers to post invoice details along with invoice payment details directly from external system without creating payment request in project suite.

This integration is used to import plant data

Allows customers to import plant data for their organization. Plants are used for ordering of materials. This integration allows the list of selectable Plants to be created and managed for use within the contract application.

This integration is used to import project legal entity data

Allows customers to import project legal entity data for their organization. This integration associates legal entity records to a project and sets the plant relationship for use in contracts application.

This integration is used to import Project shipping address data

Allows customers to import project shipping data for their organization. This integration creates and maintains shipping address information for a project using contract application.

This integration is used to import project storage location data

Allows customers to import project storage location data for their organization. This integration creates plant and storage location information for a project using contracts application.

This integration is used to import purchase order Data

Allows customers to receive updated information about contract details based on the creation of a purchase order (response). The response message may also be used to provide status updates for the purchase order as it moves from request to payment within the external system.

This integration is used to import storage location data

Allows customers to Import customers to import storage location data for their organization. This integration allows the selectable list of storage locations to be created and maintained for use the in the project suite.

Ability to Post Actuals into Control

The actuals (generic) allows actual cost by cost category, quantity, equipment hours and man-hours to be associated to a cost item based on the joining criteria of WBS phase code or CBS position. InEight Control expects the values that are sent by the ERP to represent transactional amount from the last time actuals were sent to Control. The values should not represent job "to-date" entries.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

Callback URI
X-TaskCompleteCallbackUri string

Callback URI

ProjectDisplay string

Identifies the project associated with the Actuals request that was received. The External project ID is unique to a pro

CBSPositionCode string

CBS Position Code associated with the cost item for the Actuals record. NOTE: Although stated as not required, either CBSPositionCode or PhaseCode must be provided.

Amount string

Claimed amount of cost for that cost category.

Name string

Name of the cost category. Refer to Master Page for the list of available cost categories.

EquipmentHours string

Claimed number of equipment-hours for the cost item.

ManHours string

Claimed number of man-hours for the cost item.

Notes string

Any additional information about the transaction.

PhaseCode string

WBS phase code associated with the cost item for the Actuals record, NOTE: Although stated as not required, either PhaseCode or CBSPositionCode must be provided.

PostingDate string

Date that indicates which financial period the cost, man-hours, equipment hours or quantities will be associated.

Quantity string

Claimed amount of operational quantity for the cost item.

SourceSystemId string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

SourceSystemName string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.



Ability to Post Actuals into Control for multiple Projects

The actuals (generic) allows actual cost by cost category, quantity, equipment hours and man-hours to be associated to a cost item based on the joining criteria of WBS phase code or CBS position. InEight Control expects the values that are sent by the ERP to represent transactional amount from the last time actuals were sent to Control. The values should not represent job "to-date" entries.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

X-TaskCompleteCallbackUri string

Callback URI

ProjectDisplay string

Identifies the project associated with the Actuals request that was received. The External project ID is unique to a pro

CBSPositionCode string

CBS Position Code associated with the cost item for the Actuals record. NOTE: Although stated as not required, either CBSPositionCode or PhaseCode must be provided.

Amount string

Claimed amount of cost for that cost category.

Name string

Name of the cost category. Refer to Master Page for the list of available cost categories.

EquipmentHours string

Claimed number of equipment-hours for the cost item.

ManHours string

Claimed number of man-hours for the cost item.

Notes string

Any additional information about the transaction.

PhaseCode string

WBS phase code associated with the cost item for the Actuals record, NOTE: Although stated as not required, either PhaseCode or CBSPositionCode must be provided.

PostingDate string

Date that indicates which financial period the cost, man-hours, equipment hours or quantities will be associated.

Quantity string

Claimed amount of operational quantity for the cost item.

SourceSystemId string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

SourceSystemName string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.



AccountCode Import

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of account codes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. New account codes and updates to account codes performed using this API are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId True string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of product platform applications and may contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName True string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

DisplayId True string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal uses of product platform applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

AccountCodeOperationType True string

AccountCodeOperationType is a mandatory field and specifies the operation to be performed through the method i.e. Add or 1, Update or 2, Rename or 3, Move or 4 or Delete or 5.

AccountCodeDescription True string

Informal description of the record that will be shown in normal use of product platform applications to assist users when performing searches or selections. This field supports a large number of text characters, but it is recommended to keep the description as short as possible while retaining an easily recognized meaning.

ParentAccountCodeSourceSystemId string

The SourceSystemId or AccountCodeDisplay of the record that represents the parent of the current record within the account code hierarchy.

ReplaceAccountCodeSourceSystemId string
IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from the InEight product platform. If a value is not provided the default value true is used. It is not recommended to use this field to hide or suspend a record because deleted records cannot be reinstated.

PrimaryAutoQuantity boolean

Enables or disables the Auto Quantity Primary flag for the account code.

SecondaryAutoQuantity boolean

Enables or disables the Auto Quantity Secondary flag for the account code.

IsTerminal boolean

Determines if the account code is the last one within a branch of the hierarchy.

PrimaryUOMReference string

Provide the DisplayId or SourceSystemId of a Unit of Measure to be used as the Primary UOM.

CurrencyCode string

The name of a valid Currency record.

SecondaryUOMReference string

Provide the DisplayId or SourceSystemId of a Unit of Measure to be used as the Secondary UOM.

ContributePrimaryToPrimary boolean

Sets the value for the Contribute Primary to Primary option on the account code.

ContributePrimaryToSecondary boolean

Sets the value for the Contribute Primary to Secondary option on the account code.

ContributeSecondaryToSecondary boolean

Sets the value for the Contribute Secondary to Secondary option on the account code.

FlagAsDisabled boolean

Sets the value for the Flag for Disable option on the account code.

Notes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

SafetyNotes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

EnvironmentalNotes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

QualityNotes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

AccountCodeTag1 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag2 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag3 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag4 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag5 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag6 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag7 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag8 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag9 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag10 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag11 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag12 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag13 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag14 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag15 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag16 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag17 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag18 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag19 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag20 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

UserDefinedField1 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField2 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField3 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField4 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField5 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField6 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField7 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField8 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField9 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField10 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.



Confirm status of Daily Plans

If approved daily plans are sent to an external system, the external system can optionally process the daily plan data and return a message informing the InEight cloud platform that the status should be updated to Final Processing Complete.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

DailyPlanId integer

Daily Plan Id

PlanStatusCode string

Plan Status Code

ModifiedById string

Modified By Id

ModifiedDate string

Modified Date

DtModifiedDate string

Modified Date

ReleasedDate string

Released Date

DtReleasedDate string

Released Date

ReleasedById string

Released By Id

Errors array of string




Confirm the status of Time Cards

The Time Card Confirmation integration allows external systems to report on the success or failure to process time cards obtained from Time Center and update a status to support a business workflow.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

TimeCardId string


Version string


Status string


Errors array of string



Name Path Type Description
array of object

Contacts Import

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of contacts that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new contacts can be added and existing contacts can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

FirstName True string

The first name of the Contact

LastName True string

The last name of the Contact

Company True string

The Company of the Contact

PrimaryEmail True string

The Contact's primary email address

SecondaryEmail string

The Contact's secondary email address

SourceSystemId True string

The external identifier of the Contact record provided by the system of record for Contacts

SourceSystemName string

The customer provided name of the system of record for Contacts.

ContactTypeReference True string

The Contact's category

LanguagePreference string

The preferred language of the Contact

VendorSourceSystemId string

If the Contact is associated to a Vendor, the external identifier from the Vendor system of record

Department string

The division of the Contact in the company or organization

Title string

The Contact's title in the company or organization

Position string

The Contact's position in the company or organization

OfficeNumber string

The Contact's office phone number

MobileNumber string

The Contact's mobile phone number

FaxNumber string

The Contact's fax number

Address1 string

The street address for the Contact

Address2 string

A secondary street address for the Contact

City string

The city where the Contact lives

ZipCode string

The postal (zip) code where the Contact lives

RegionISOCode string

The ISO Region Code(state) where the Contact lives

CountryISOCode string

The ISO Country Code where the Contact lives

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



CostCenter Import

This integration allows a third-party financial system to maintain a list of Cost Centers within InEight.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

CostCenterDisplayId True string

Unique identifier that is publicly displayed and understood. This field can be the same as SourceSystemId or it can contain a different value

CostCenterDescription True string

Full public description of the cost center

CostCenterTypeDisplayId True string

DisplayId of a cost center type that exists in the InEight cloud platform

IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field causes the record to be soft deleted from the InEight cloud platform. If a value is not provided, the default value true is used

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field



Delete Users

The Users_Delete API allows users to delete one or multiple records using External System programmatically or through APIM manually. The 'Deletion' is effected by setting the 'IsActive' Flag to 'False'. Any system records used to authenticate the user against Microsoft Entra ID (Login User table) is cleared out. The deletion is available irrespective of user's status as active or inactive. There is no restriction on the number of users who can be deleted through a bulk Delete transaction. There is validation in place to ensure that a user cannot delete their own record.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId True string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of product platform applications and may contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.



Get AccoundCodes

This integration allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of account codes, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of account codes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications.

The AccountCode_Import API, which is the inbound version of this GET API is used to create new account codes and update existing account codes.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.

$count integer

Includes a count of the matching results (property "@odata.count") in the response.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of product platform applications and may contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

DisplayId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal uses of product platform applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

AccountCodeOperationType string

AccountCodeOperationType is a mandatory field and specifies the operation to be performed through the method i.e. Add or 1, Update or 2, Rename or 3, Move or 4 or Delete or 5.

AccountCodeDescription string

Informal description of the record that will be shown in normal use of product platform applications to assist users when performing searches or selections. This field supports a large number of text characters, but it is recommended to keep the description as short as possible while retaining an easily recognized meaning.

ParentAccountCodeSourceSystemId string

The SourceSystemId or AccountCodeDisplay of the record that represents the parent of the current record within the account code hierarchy.

ReplaceAccountCodeSourceSystemId string
IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from the InEight product platform. If a value is not provided the default value true is used. It is not recommended to use this field to hide or suspend a record because deleted records cannot be reinstated.

PrimaryAutoQuantity boolean

Enables or disables the Auto Quantity Primary flag for the account code.

SecondaryAutoQuantity boolean

Enables or disables the Auto Quantity Secondary flag for the account code.

IsTerminal boolean

Determines if the account code is the last one within a branch of the hierarchy.

PrimaryUOMReference string

Provide the DisplayId or SourceSystemId of a Unit of Measure to be used as the Primary UOM.

CurrencyCode string

The name of a valid Currency record.

SecondaryUOMReference string

Provide the DisplayId or SourceSystemId of a Unit of Measure to be used as the Secondary UOM.

ContributePrimaryToPrimary boolean

Sets the value for the Contribute Primary to Primary option on the account code.

ContributePrimaryToSecondary boolean

Sets the value for the Contribute Primary to Secondary option on the account code.

ContributeSecondaryToSecondary boolean

Sets the value for the Contribute Secondary to Secondary option on the account code.

FlagAsDisabled boolean

Sets the value for the Flag for Disable option on the account code.

Notes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

SafetyNotes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

EnvironmentalNotes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

QualityNotes string

Open field for notes on the Account Code record

AccountCodeTag1 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag2 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag3 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag4 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag5 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag6 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag7 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag8 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag9 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag10 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag11 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag12 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag13 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag14 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag15 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag16 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag17 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag18 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag19 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

AccountCodeTag20 string

Provide a value for the Account Code custom tag from one of the predefined custom list options for this field.

UserDefinedField1 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField2 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField3 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField4 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField5 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField6 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField7 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField8 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField9 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

UserDefinedField10 string

Custom field for Account Codes that accepts any text value.

Get complete Daily Plan details

The Daily Plan integration allows customers to provide time keeping information for employees and equipment as recorded in InEight Plan. This integration includes summary information about the daily plan, from employee hours to cost items, equipment hours to cost items, payroll indicators, and notes. The Daily Plan integration can also be used to track and provide plan status in systems outside of InEight cloud platform. When a daily plan is used for this purpose, an optional response message can be used to trigger a status change in the daily plan to indicate the change has been successfully received by the external system.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

Job Code
JobCode string

External Project ID

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
DailyPlanCostItem array of object

Array header for cost item.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee array of object

Array header for employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ResourceId string

Display Id (Employee ID in the UI) of the employee associated to the daily plan cost item. There can be many employees for each cost item.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.SubmittedDoubletimeHours float

Double time hours submitted by employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.SubmittedOvertimeHours float

Over time hours submitted by employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.SubmittedStandardHours float

Straight time hours submitted by employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ApprovedDoubletimeHours float

Double time hours approved for employee and used for payroll processing.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ApprovedOvertimeHours float

Over time hours approved for employee and used for payroll processing.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ApprovedStandardHours float

Straight time hours approved for employee and used for payroll processing.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.PlannedDoubletimeHours float

Double time hours planned for employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.PlannedOvertimeHours float

Over time hours planned for employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.PlannedStandardHours float

Straight time planned for employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.EmployeeId integer

Internal InEight ID for the Employee.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.CraftCode string

Display Id of a valid craft in InEight master data.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ReasonCodes array of object

Array header for reason codes associated to the employee and cost item combination.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ReasonCodes.ReasonCodeId string

Display Id of a reason code.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ReasonCodes.HourType string

The hour type associated with the reason code.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ReasonCodes.Hours float

Number of hours associated to the employee and costitem and reason code.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEmployee.ReasonCodes.Premiums array of string

A comma separated list of premium codes associated with the employee and costitemand reason code.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment array of object

Array header for equipment.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.ResourceId string

Display Id (Equipment Id in the UI) for each piece of equipment on the timesheet. There can be multiple records for each cost items.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.SubmittedStandardHours float

Hours entered against the equipment.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.ApprovedStandardHours float

Hours approved for equipment and used for final equipment hours.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.PlannedStandardHours float

Planned equipment hours.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.EquipmentId integer

Internal InEight ID for the equipment record.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.EquipmentType string

Equipment type that corresponds to the equipment.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.ReasonCodes array of object

Array header for reason codes associated to the equipment and cost item.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.ReasonCodes.OperatedEmployeeId string

Display Id for operated employee

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.ReasonCodes.ReasonCodeId string

Display Id of a reason code.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemEquipment.ReasonCodes.Hours float

Number of hours associated to the equipment and cost item and reason code.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent array of object

Array header for component.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent.ResourceId string

ID of the estimating resource that is displayed in the applications.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent.ComponentId integer

Internal InEight ID from InEight Plan for the component.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent.ProjectEstimatingResourceId integer

ID of the estimating resource, which would be the material.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent.ProjectEstimatingResourceSourceSystemId string

ID of the estimating resource in the source system.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent.InstalledQuantity double

Quantity of work claimed against the component.

DailyPlanCostItem.DailyPlanCostItemComponent.ComponentType string

Component type of the component. Possible values are: Material, Activity.

DailyPlanCostItem.CostItemId string

InEight ID of the cost item associated to the daily plan.

DailyPlanCostItem.TaskPriority integer

Order of tasks within the daily plan.

DailyPlanCostItem.PlanQuantity double

Quantity planned for the day to complete.

DailyPlanCostItem.SubmittedQuantity double

Quantity entered or submitted by the foreman.

DailyPlanCostItem.ApprovedQuantity double

Quantity entered or approved.

DailyPlanCostItem.CostItemSourceSystemId string

Unique ID of the cost item from the source system of cost items. For example, if cost items are imported from an external system or ERP, the ID from that system would in this field. This is for referential mapping.

DailyPlanCostItem.WBSCode string

WBS phase code for the given cost item

DailyPlanNote array of object

Array header for the note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteEmployee array of object

Array header for the employee note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteEmployee.EmployeeDisplay string

Employee associated with the note. There can be many employees associated with a note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteEquipment array of object

Array header for the equipment note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteEquipment.EquipmentId string

InEight ID for the equipment associated with the note. There can be many equipment records associated to a note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteTag array of object

Array header for section for all note tags assigned to the daily plan. This section repeats for each note tag record.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteTag.DailyPlanNoteTagId integer

InEight ID for the tag associated with the note. There can be many tag records associated to a note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteTag.TagCode string

Tag code associated with the note. Tag codes are derived from a list provided to InEight Plan from a payroll or HR system. There can be many tag codes associated with a note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteTask array of object

Array header for section for all note tasks assigned to the daily plan. This section repeats for each note task record.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteTask.CostItemId integer

Display ID of a cost item associated with the note. There can be many cost item records for a note.

DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteMaintenance array of object
DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteMaintenance.MaintenanceEquipmentId string
DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteMaintenance.WBSPhaseCode string
DailyPlanNote.DailyPlanNoteMaintenance.WorkOrderId string
DailyPlanNote.NoteId integer

Internal identifier for a specific note.

DailyPlanNote.Description string

Free-form text of the note.

DailyPlanSignOff array of object

Array header for the signoff of the daily plan.

DailyPlanSignOff.DailyPlanSignOffResponse array of object

Array header for the signoff response. This section is repeated for each employee that signed off for their hours.

DailyPlanSignOff.DailyPlanSignOffResponse.EmployeeId string

Employee associated with the signoff records. There can be multiple signoff records per daily plan.

DailyPlanSignOff.DailyPlanSignOffResponse.QuestionKey string

Display value/code that is used to identify a question in the signoff questionnaire. Each question has a unique code assigned by an ERP to identify the question. For example, 2001 could represent the question 'I was injured today.' which is shown in the signoff screen.

DailyPlanSignOff.DailyPlanSignOffResponse.DailyPlanSignoffResponseId integer

Unique internal InEight ID for the responses submitted for the signoff questionnaire on that daily plan.

DailyPlanSignOff.DailyPlanSignOffResponse.ResponseKey string

Display value/code that could be used to identify a unique response. The value represents a code that could be used by an ERP to identify a YES/NO response to any of the signoff questions.

DailyPlanSignOff.DailyPlanSignOffResponse.ResponseText string

Actual text a user views in the UI for a response to a question.

DailyPlanSignOff.EmployeeId string

InEight ID of the employee maintained by the InEight cloud platform. This is not the Display Id that users would view in the UI.

DailyPlanSignOff.QuestionnaireKey string

Code that represents the questions asked when signing-off hours.

DailyPlanSignOff.SignoffEmployeeId string

Employee who performed the signoff. This can be different from the Employee ID for the hours that are being signed off against.

DailyPlanSignOff.SignoffDate string

Date of the signoff.

DailyPlanSignOff.SignoffStandardHours float

Submitted hours that are being signed off against the daily plan.

DailyPlanSignOff.SignoffOvertimeHours float

Submitted hours that are being signed off against the daily plan.

DailyPlanSignOff.SignoffDoubletimeHours float

Submitted hours that are being signed off against the daily plan.

DailyPlanSignIns array of object

Array header for the signIns of the daily plan.

DailyPlanSignIns.DailyPlanSignInResponses array of object

Signin response array

DailyPlanSignIns.DailyPlanSignInResponses.DailyPlanSignInResponseId integer

Unique internal InEight ID for the responses submitted for the sign in questionnaire on that daily plan.

DailyPlanSignIns.DailyPlanSignInResponses.QuestionKey string

Display value/code that is used to identify a question in the sign in questionnaire. Each question has a unique code assigned by an ERP to identify the question. For example, 2001 could represent the question 'I was injured today.' which is shown in the signoff screen.

DailyPlanSignIns.DailyPlanSignInResponses.QuestionDescription string

The full text of the signin question

DailyPlanSignIns.DailyPlanSignInResponses.ResponseKey string

Display value/code that could be used to identify a unique response. The value represents a code that could be used by an ERP to identify a YES/NO response to any of the signoff questions.

DailyPlanSignIns.DailyPlanSignInResponses.ResponseDescription string

Actual text a user views in the UI for a response to a question.

DailyPlanSignIns.EmployeeDisplay string

This is the Display Id of the employee being signed in

DailyPlanSignIns.SignedInByEmployeeDisplay string

This is the Display ID of the employee performing the sign in

DailyPlanSignIns.SignedInByUserDisplay string

This is the Display ID of the Loggedin User performing the sign in using on behalf/Signout all eligible Option(value exist Only if loggedin user doesn’t have Employee association)

DailyPlanSignIns.SignedInDate string

The datetime that the employee was signed in

DailyPlanBreaks array of object

Array header for the employee breaks of the daily plan.

DailyPlanBreaks.EmployeeDisplay string

The Display ID of the employee taking a break

DailyPlanBreaks.BreakNumber integer

The break number for the day. There can be multiple

DailyPlanBreaks.BreakStartTime string

The employee break start day/time

DailyPlanBreaks.BreakInMinutes integer

The duration of the break in minutes

Executers array of object

Array header for the executers of the daily plan.

Executers.DisplayId string

Display ID of the user that executed the daily plan.

Executers.RoleName string

User role selected to represent the executor of the daily plan.

Approvers array of object

Array header for the approvers of the daily plan.

Approvers.DisplayId string

Display ID of the user that approved the daily plan.

Approvers.RoleName string

User role selected to represent the approver of the daily plan.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator array of object

Array header for the employee payroll indicators in the daily plan.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicatorId integer

Internal InEight ID for the payroll indicator that was assigned to the employee on a daily plan.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.EmployeeId string

Employee display ID for who the payroll indicator was assigned.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.PayrollIndicatorId integer

Internal InEight ID of the payroll indicator.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.DailyPlanNoteId integer

Internal InEight ID for the note, if a note was created and generated for the payroll indicator assignment.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.CostItemId integer

Cost item against which the payroll indicator was assigned to on a daily plan.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.PayrollIdentifier string

Display ID or code for the payroll indicator that was assigned.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.WBSPhaseCode string

WBS phase code for the cost item that the payroll indicator was assigned.

DailyPlanEmployeePayrollIndicator.EmployeeSourceSystemId string

The Source System Id of the Employee that the indicator was applied to.

DailyPlanClientSignOff array of object

Array header for the client that signed off the daily plan.

DailyPlanClientSignOff.Name string

Name of the client that signed off on the daily plan. This is an optional configuration item.

DailyPlanClientSignOff.Email string

Email address of the client who signed off on the daily plan.

PlanId integer

InEight ID of the daily plan.

CreatedDate string

Date when the daily plan was originally created.

ProjectId string

Display Id of the project associated with the daily plan.

LanguageKey string

Display Id of the default language of the daily plan.

Location string

Free-form text that describes the location of the project where the work will be performed.

CreatedById string

Display Id of the user who created the daily plan.

DeviceKey string

GUID of a device (usually mobile) on which the daily plan was created.

Shift string

Code that represents the shift when the work was performed.

PlanDate string

Date the daily plan will be or was executed. This is the date that represents the hours used for payroll.

PlanTitle string

Free-form text to describe the name of the daily plan.

PlanStatusCode string

Current status of the daily plan. The following are the possible status codes of a daily plan: PLAN - Planning phase, EXEC - Execution phase, WAPP - Waiting for approval, APPR - Approved, FINL - Final, closed. Only daily plans with a status of APPR, indicating they have been approved, are made available to external systems.

ModifiedById string

ID of a user that modified the daily plan.

ModifiedDate string

Date of the last modification to the daily plan.

PlannedDate string

Date on which the daily plan was moved into the planning phase.

PlannedById string

ID of the user that moved the daily plan into the planning phase.

ExecutedDate string

Date on which the daily plan was moved into execution phase.

ExecutedById string

ID of the User that moved the daily plan into the execution phase.

ApprovedDate string

Date on which the daily plan was moved into the approval phase.

ApprovedById string

ID of the User that moved the daily plan into the approval phase.

ErrorHandlingToken string

Unique token that can be used to either retrieve or report issues related to the integration instance.

CommitmentCode string

Display number of the commitment/purchase order that was assigned to the daily plan.

ExternalSyncStatus integer

Allowed values are: 0 = Ready to send, 1 = Success, 2 = FAIL

CommitmentId integer

InEight ID for a commitment/purchase order assigned to the daily plan.

DailyPlanMaintenance array of object

Array header for maintenance.

DailyPlanMaintenance.EmployeeId string

Display ID of the employee whose time was recorded for the work order.

DailyPlanMaintenance.WorkOrderId string

Source System ID of the work order (see Daily Plan Work Orders for details).

DailyPlanMaintenance.WBSPhaseCode string

WBS phase code of the associated cost item.

DailyPlanMaintenance.CostItemSourceSystemId string

Source System Id of the associated cost item.

DailyPlanMaintenance.TotalHours double

Hours associated to the cost item or work order. If there are multiple reason codes against the maintenance hours entered, this would contain the total of all hours entered against different reason codes, against that specific work order or cost item, and for the employee and equipment.

DailyPlanMaintenance.MaintenanceEquipmentId string

Source System ID of the associated equipment.

DailyPlanMaintenance.Segment1 string

First segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

DailyPlanMaintenance.Segment2 string

Second segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

DailyPlanMaintenance.Segment3 string

Third segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

DailyPlanMaintenance.Segment4 string

Fourth segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

DailyPlanMaintenance.ReasonCodes array of object

Array header for reason codes associated to the equipment maintenance.

DailyPlanMaintenance.ReasonCodes.ReasonCodeId string

Abbreviated code for a specific reason.

DailyPlanMaintenance.ReasonCodes.HourType string

The hour type associated with the reason code.

DailyPlanMaintenance.ReasonCodes.Hours float

Number of hours associated to the equipment maintenance record.

DailyPlanMaintenance.ReasonCodes.Premiums array of string

Comma separated list of premium codes associated with the equipment maintenance/reason code.

ShiftDetail array of object
ShiftDetail.Shift string

The name of the shift

ShiftDetail.ShiftStartDateTime string

The start date and time of the shift

ShiftDetail.ShiftEndDateTime string

The end date and time of the shift

ShiftDetail.EmployeeShiftDetails array of object

Array of employees that worked within the shift on the daily plan

ShiftDetail.EmployeeShiftDetails.EmployeeId string

The Display Id of the employee that worked

ShiftDetail.EmployeeShiftDetails.ShiftStartDateTime string

The start date and time of the shift

ShiftDetail.EmployeeShiftDetails.ShiftEndDateTime string

The end date and time of the shift

ClientSignoffReportRecipients array of string

List of email addresses of people to receive a copy of the Client Signoff Report.

Get complete Time Card details

The Time Card integration provides payroll or pre-payroll processing systems with a detailed breakdown of hours for employees along with the type of work performed and custom-defined that are applied for blocks of hours or for the entire day. This integration is available if Time Center has been enabled within the customer environment. Time Center is an application within InEight Plan that generates time cards of individual employees or equipment for each combination that is entered on a daily plan. The application allows an administrator to review the hours before sending it to an ERP for further processing of actual hours for other business processes such as payroll. All time cards, when required, can be sent through the Time Card integration to an ERP or other system for further business process workflows.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
PlanId integer

Unique identifier of the daily plan where the hours were reported for the employee.

PlanDate date-time

Date on which the daily plan hours were performed.

PlanTitle string

Name given to the daily plan where the hours were entered.

TimecardId string

Unique identifier of the time card record.

TimeCardType string

Indicates what type of timecard is being sent. Labor, Equipment, Labor-Equipment, Administrative, Maintenance

CreatedDate date-time

Date when this specific time card version, was originally created.

ModifiedDate date-time

Date when the this specific time card version was last modified.

Executor string

Unique identifier of the employee representing the role of Executor on the daily plan.

ShiftDetails array of object
ShiftDetails.Shift string

Name or abbreviated code of the shift represented by the daily plan. Shift names are custom-defined in Plan application settings.

ShiftDetails.ShiftStartDateTime date-time

The default datetime that the crew began work for a specific daily plan.

ShiftDetails.ShiftEndDateTime date-time

The default datetime that the crew completed work for a specific daily plan.

ShiftDetails.EmployeeShiftDetails array of object

Array of employees that worked within the shift on the daily plan.

ShiftDetails.EmployeeShiftDetails.ShiftStartDateTime date-time

The datetime that a specific employee began work for a specific daily plan.

ShiftDetails.EmployeeShiftDetails.ShiftEndDateTime date-time

The datetime that a specific employee completed work for a specific daily plan.

Trade string

Unique identifier from the trade system of record for the employee/time card. The system will evaluate Project Employee Trade first (if present), and Employee Trade second

Craft string

Unique identifier from the craft system of record for the employee/time card. The system will evaluate Project Employee Craft first (if present), and Employee Craft second

EmployeeId string

Unique identifier from the HR system of record of the employee. This must match the employee’s Source System Id.

EquipmentId string

Equipment that was operated while performing labor operations for reported hours. This value is based on the Source System Id received from an external system.

EmployeeReasonCode string

One of the following:• Reason code for labor hours, • Reason code for allowances, if the time card is for allowance only.Each allowance given to an employee for the day will be on a separate time card with zero hours.Each reason code/hours combination for an employee are on a separate time card. NOTE: The exception is when there are hours worked and equipment operated (linked). In this case, the employee reason code is in this field and the equipment reason code is in the equipment reason code field on the same time card.

EquipmentReasonCode string

If the hours entered in a daily plan are for operated equipment and a reason code was selected for the block of hours, the reason code will be reported here.

LaborHourType string

The hour type associated with the reason code on the timecard.

EmployeeHours double

This field is used to for employee activities hours that are entered on the time card. When the time card represents work against a work order, the hours spent on the work order is shown here.

EquipmentHours double

Hours reported for equipment being operated during labor operations.

Version integer

Current version of the Time Card. Versioning starts at 0 and is incremented each time it is resent to the receiving system.

Segment1 string

First segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

Segment2 string

Second segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

Segment3 string

Third segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

Segment4 string

Fourth segment of the cost item associated with the hours.

WorkOrder string

Unique identifier for a work order if one was selected for the hours. This value is based on the Source System Id received from an external system.

MaintenanceEquipmentId string

Unique identifier for the equipment that was either specified by a work order, or the selected equipment for maintenance hours. A value for this field is only present if a work order was selected for the hours. This value is based on the Source System Id received from an external system.

OverrideTrade string

If the trade has been overridden on the time card from the default trade assigned to the employee, this field will show the overridden TradeId value.

OverrideCraft string

If the craft has been overridden on the time card from the default craft assigned to the employee, this field will show the overridden CraftId value.

Premiums array of string
TimeCardCharacteristics array of object

Array header for the custom-defined fields used in the daily plan and associated with the hours in the time card. Within this array, any characteristic name/value pair may be repeated if there are hours in the time card for multiple resource types (e.g. Labor and Equipment).

TimeCardCharacteristics.Name string

Name of the time card characteristic for which the value is being set. This field may be repeated as needed within the TimeCardCharacteristic list. Available options for name are EmployeeCostType and EquipmentCostType.

TimeCardCharacteristics.Value string

Value of the time card characteristic name. This field may be repeated for each characteristic name provided.

AdditionalPayrollInstructionCodeOverridden boolean

If the Allow Additional Payroll Instruction Code for the employee has been modified (changed or removed) for the time card for any reason, this field will show as true.

IsActive boolean

If the timecard is active, this field will show true

Get Contacts

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of contacts, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of contacts that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for contacts by their SSID, name, company or other contact details.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
FirstName string

The first name of the Contact

LastName string

The last name of the Contact

Company string

The Company of the Contact

PrimaryEmail string

The Contact's primary email address

SecondaryEmail string

The Contact's secondary email address

SourceSystemId string

The external identifier of the Contact record provided by the system of record for Contacts

SourceSystemName string

The customer provided name of the system of record for Contacts.

ContactTypeReference string

The Contact's category

LanguagePreference string

The preferred language of the Contact

VendorSourceSystemId string

If the Contact is associated to a Vendor, the external identifier from the Vendor system of record

Department string

The division of the Contact in the company or organization

Title string

The Contact's title in the company or organization

Position string

The Contact's position in the company or organization

OfficeNumber string

The Contact's office phone number

MobileNumber string

The Contact's mobile phone number

FaxNumber string

The Contact's fax number

Address1 string

The street address for the Contact

Address2 string

A secondary street address for the Contact

City string

The city where the Contact lives

ZipCode string

The postal (zip) code where the Contact lives

RegionISOCode string

The ISO Region Code(state) where the Contact lives

CountryISOCode string

The ISO Country Code where the Contact lives

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Get Countries

Returns a full list of all countries available for use in InEight cloud applications. The response may be optionally expanded to include the translated country names for all languages currently supported by InEight cloud. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.

includeTranslation True boolean

Set to true to include translated country names for each language supported by InEight cloud applications.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
Name string

The unique name of the Country displayed in selection list options within applications

ISOCode string

The unique International Organization for Standardization (ISO) abbreviated code (Standard 3166, alpha-2) that represents the country.

CountryTranslations array of object

Array of the translated country name in each supported language

CountryTranslations.LanguageDisplayId string

The unique abbreviated name of the language such as 'en' for 'English'.

CountryTranslations.CountryName string

The translated name of the country for the corresponding LanguageDisplayId

Get Craft details

Returns a full list of all employee crafts available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

TradeSourceSystemId string

Returns Craft records assigned to the Trade SourceSystemId specified in the parameter

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
CraftId string

The InEight ID of the Craft record

CraftDescription string

The description for the Craft

TradeId string

The InEight ID for the Trade associated with the Craft

CurrencyCode string

The ISO code of the Currency assigned to the Craft

VendorCode string

The InEight ID of the Vendor assigned to the Craft

UnionSourceSystemId string

The SourceSystemId of a Union assigned to the Craft

UOMName string

The public Name of the Unit of Measure assigned to the Craft

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Flag that determines whether the record uses absolute values or multiplication factors for pay rates.

StraightTimeRate double

The rate for standard pay that should be applied for this Craft

OverTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their overtime rate. Will be blank if not using Factors.

OverTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for overtime work as per applicable laws. Will be blank if using Factors.

DoubleTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their Double time rate. Will be blank if not using Factors

DoubleTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for double time work as per applicable laws. Will be blank if using Factors.

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for Crafts

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Crafts

IsActive boolean

Only active records are returned for this API

Get Currencies details

Returns a full list of all currencies available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.

$count integer

Includes a count of the matching results (property "@odata.count") in the response.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
Code string

The public unique code that identifies the currency

Name string

The full name of the currency

Entity string

The owner of the currency

Symbol string

The text symbol used to denote the currency

CurrencySubunitName string

The Currency Subunit Name

CurrencyPluralName string

The Currency Plural Name

CurrencySubunitPluralName string

The Currency Subunit Plural Name

Get Employees details

Provides all Employee records created in InEight for use in any project. Within the application, Employee records are found in the Account level menu options under 'Master data libraries' > 'Operational resources'.

A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. Please note that the field 'EmployeePIN' will only return encrypted values for the protection and security of private information.

The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
CraftId string

Identifies the craft of the employee. The value in this field must match a valid public identifier for a craft from the Crafts Integration or values manually entered in InEight.

VendorCode string

Identifies a vendor that exists in InEight. Employees with a VendorCode are managed by the associated vendor and their availability is limited to that vendor.

EmployeeId string

The public unique Identification of the employee within InEight.

FirstName string

First name of the employee.

LastName string

Last name of the employee.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use.Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

EmployeePIN string

A PIN that is used by employees to verify themselves when approving hours on a time card. This is optional functionality in InEight. Data must be sent as numbers, and it is up to sender to zero pad the number if necessary.

CanReportTime boolean

Determines if the employee can report time on a time card in InEight.

SourceSystemId string

Identification of the employee record in the external system of records for employees. This field is used in the integration flow to perform a lookup of the employee within InEight to be updated or added. This field is also used to match employee records to other entities in integrations (e.g. ProjectEmployee) where an employee is cross-referenced.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the system of record for employees. Collaborate with InEight to identify a specific value to use in this field.

StartDate date-time

Start or hire date of the employee in the customer’s organization. This is not a specific date for a project.If not provided, the system will use a default date of when the record was received.

EndDate date-time

End or termination date of the employee from the customer’s organization. This is not a specific date for a project. The date can be set to a future date as needed. If not provided, the system will use a default end date of 12/31/9999.

CurrencyCode string

Identifies the currency associated with the employee which is used to determine the employee’s standard rate of pay.To allow successful assignment of the employee record to a project, the value provided in this field must match one of the currencies used for projects.

UOMName string

Identifies the Unit of Measure associated with the employee used to determine the employee’s standard rate of pay. The value provided here must match an existing Unit of Measure Name OR SourceSystemId

StraightTimeRate double

Rate for standard pay that should be applied for the employee within an assigned project. If a blank value is sent in the integration, the system shall inherit any straight time rate assigned to the employee through their associated Craft.

OverTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their overtime rate.(Straight Time X Overtime Factor = Overtime)Only provide this if not using OverTimeRate.

OverTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for overtime work as per applicable laws. Only provide this if not using OverTimeFactor.

DoubleTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their double time rate.(Straight Time X Double Time Factor = Double time)Only provide this if not using DoubleTimeRate.

DoubleTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for double time work as per applicable laws. Only provide this if not using DoubleTimeFactor.

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Flag that determines whether to use OverTimeRate and DoubleTimeRate or OverTimeFactor and DoubleTimeFactor. Setting the value to true will indicate that factors should be used instead of specific rates.

UnionSourceSystemId string

The SourceSystemId of a Union to which the employee belongs. Must match a valid union from Master Data in InEight.

PrimaryCompany string

Open text field. The value of this field is used for information about the employee in InEight Time Center.

JobTitle string

Used to display the job title for the employee in the Daily Plan UI. If this field is blank, the UI will use the employee's assigned craft description.

UnionJobTitle string

InEight Plan application can be configured to display the UnionJobTitle, JobTitle, or the craft associated to the Employee.

SupervisorId string

Used for reporting Staff Weekly Timesheets. A report may be sent to the User provided in this field for each associated employee that has WeeklyTimesheet set to True. The value of this field must match the SourceSystemId of a valid InEight user

CountryISOCode string

Location/country of employment of the employee.

DefaultCostCenterSourceSystemId string

Default Cost Center for charging pay when hours should not be charged against the project to which they are assigned (e.g. special types of leave).

AdditionalPayrollInstructionCode string

Default payroll processing code that may be overridden for each Time Card.

IsOverrideAdditionalPayrollInstructionCodeAllowed boolean

Determines if the Additional Payroll Instruction Code may be overridden for this employee.

IsAvailableWeeklyTimeSheet boolean

Determines if the employee should be available for selection in a Weekly Timesheet.

Get Equipment Categories details

Returns a full list of all equipment categories available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
EquipmentCategoryId string

The public unique identifier for an Equipment Category

Description string

The description for the Equipment Category

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for Equipment Categories

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Equipment Categories

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is available for use

Get Equipment details

Provides all Equipment records created in InEight for use in any project. Within the application, Equipment records are found in the Account level menu options under 'Master data libraries' > 'Operational resources'. A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
EquipmentSystemStatus string

Availability or current state of the equipment. Allowed values for this field are 'Available' and 'Unavailable'. If not specifically provided, the value of 'Available' will assumed.

EquipmentNumber string

Equipment item system of record identifier, which must be unique for each piece of equipment.

OwnershipType string

Indicates whether the equipment item is either owned or rented by the customer. Valid options for this field are 'Owned' and 'Rented'.

EquipmentType string

Associates equipment item to an Equipment Type. Value must match that of an existing EquipmentTypeId.

VendorCode string

Identifies a Vendor that exists in InEight. Equipment with a Vendor Code are managed by the associated Vendor and their availability is limited to that Vendor.

SerialNumber string

Physical Serial Number or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the equipment.

Manufacturer string

The name of the equipment manufacturer.

Dot boolean

Indicates if the equipment is Department of Transportation (DOT) regulated.

EquipmentDescription string

User-defined field that is typically describes or give details about the Category or model/type of specific equipment.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

SourceSystemId string

The identification of the equipment used within the external system. In most cases, this matches the Equipment Number field. This field is used by InEight to match equipment records to other entities (e.g. Project Equipment) where an Equipment is cross-referenced.

SourceSystemName string

The name of the external system providing the data.

CurrencyCode string

Identifies the currency type associated with the equipment.

CostCenterSourceSystemId string

The cost center the equipment belongs to.

Location string

Free-text field that is used to display a location of where the equipment may be found.

UnitCost double

Cost associated with operating the equipment. The value entered here corresponds with the Unit of Measure (UoMName).

UoMName string

Identifies the Unit of Measure associated with the equipment. The value provided here must match the Name OR Source System Id of an existing Unit of Measure record.

IsAvailableDailyPlan boolean

Determines if the record may be used for Daily Planning in the Plan and Progress applications

Get Equipment Type details

Returns a full list of all equipment types available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
EquipmentCategoryId string

Returns equipment type records that have a match with the specified equipment category ID.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
EquipmentTypeId string

The public unique identifier for an Equipment Type

Description string

The description for the Equipment Type

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

EquipmentCategoryId string

The public identifier for an Equipment Category assigned to the Equipment Type

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for equipment types

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for equipment types

VendorCode string

The public identifier for a Vendor assigned to the Equipment Type

CurrencyCode string

The public identifier for a Currency assigned to the Equipment Type

UnitCost double

The cost per Unit of Measure for all Equipment assigned to this Equipment Type

UoMName string

The public name of the Unit of Measure assigned to the Equipment Type

Get language details

Returns a full list of all languages available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
DisplayId string

The unique public identifier for the Language

Name string

The name of the language

Get Market details

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of markets , from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of markets that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for markets by their SSID, name, company or other market details.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
Name string

The name of the Market

Description string

Optional field to describe or add more details about the Market

SourceSystemId string

The external identifier of the Market record provided by the system of record for Markets

SourceSystemName string

The customer provided name of the system of record for Markets.

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is available for use

Get Organization details

Returns a full list of the full organization hierarchical structure available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId string

Returns the organization record that matches the specified SourceSystemId and all of its child records.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
OrganizationName string

The name of the organization as it appears within the InEight UI.

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for the organizational structure.

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier that is provided by the system of record for the organizational structure.

OrganizationDescription string

A description of the organization record that may be viewed within the InEight UI.

ParentOrganization string

The SourceSystemId of the organization record’s parent. Use this field to create a hierarchical structure for organizations.

IsActive boolean

A record with IsActive set to false has been soft deleted from the system

Get Project Contact details

This API provides list of contacts assigned to a project. In the Project Suite they're found in Project -> Assigned contacts.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

Required. Provide the public identifier (ProjectId or ProjectSourceSystemId) for a project to see all contacts that have been assigned to it.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

ContactPrimaryEmail string

The Contact's primary email address


The Contact's source system ID being added to project


The Project's source system ID to which contact is being assigned

IsActive boolean

Tracks the assigned status of contact to project

Get Project details

Returns a full list of all projects available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
includeAttributes True boolean

flag to get attributes

OrganizationSourceSystemId string

Returns ​projects assigned to the specified OrganizationSourceSystemId.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

ProjectName string

Text field that provides a short descriptive name of the project.

OrganizationSourceSystemId string

SourceSystemId of the organization to which the project is assigned.

BaseCurrency string

Default currency of the project. The value provided in this field must match a currency code in the InEight cloud platform.

TimeZone string

Time zone of the project in UTC format.

ProjectStatusName string

Status of the project. The only value allowed in the currently release is New.

StartDate date-time

Starting date of the project in UTC format.

EndDate date-time

Expected end date of the project in UTC format.

City string

Name of the city where the project is located.

RegionISOCode string

ISO code (3166-2) for the region where the project is located.

CountryISOCode string

ISO code (Alpha-2) for the country where the project is located.

ZipCode string

Zip code or postal code of the project location.

Address1 string

Primary street address of the project location.

Address2 string

Additional street address information for where the project is located.

Latitude double

Geographic Information System (GIS) latitude of the project location. Allowed values are maximum of 90 and minimum of -90.

Longitude double

GIS longitude of the project location. Allowed values are maximum of 180 and minimum of -180.

Notes string

Free-form text field for notes about the project.

IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field causes the record to be soft deleted from the InEight cloud platform. If a value is not provided the default value true is used.

OriginalContractAmount double

The dollar value of the original contract.

ContractNumber string

The identifier of the primary contract for the project.

DateProjectStarted date-time

The actual start date of the project.

ContractDate date-time

The effective date of the primary contract.

OriginalContractCompletionDate date-time

The date on which the primary contract was completed.

OriginalDuration integer

The planned duration of the project in days.

ForecastStartDate date-time

Forecasted start date of the project in UTC format

ForecastCompletionDate date-time

Forecasted end date of the project in UTC format.

ForecastDuration integer

Forecasted duration of the project in whole number.

CertificateOfSubstantialCompletionExpectedDate date-time

Expected date of receiving the certificate of substantial completion.

ForecastRevisedCompletionDate date-time

Forecasted revised completion date of the project in UTC format

ForecastExtensionsReductions integer

Forecasted extension of the project duration in whole number

ForecastRevisedDuration integer

Forecasted revised duration of the project in whole number

ContractRevisedCompletionDate date-time

Contract revised completion date of the project in UTC format

ContractExtensionsReductions integer

Contract extension of the project duration in whole number

ContractRevisedDuration integer

Contract revised duration of the project in whole number

CertificateOfSubstantialCompletionAwardedDate date-time

Expected date of being awarded the certificate of substantial completion.

CertificateOfFinalCompletionExpectedDate date-time

Expected date of receiving the certificate of final completion.

CertificateOfFinalCompletionAwardedDate date-time

Expected date of being awarded the certificate of final completion.

CompanyLegalName string
ProjectAttributes array of object

Use this array to assign values for known Project Attributes to the Project record. For each attribute, EITHER the AttributeName OR AttributeSourceSystemId must be provided for InEight to find a matching attribute defined in the system.

ProjectAttributes.AttributeName string

Provide a valid Name of a Project Attribute defined in the system. If a value is provided for this field, do not include the AttributeSourceSystemId field.

ProjectAttributes.AttributeSourceSystemId string

Provide a valid SourceSystemId of a Project Attribute defined in the system. If a value is provided for this field, do not include the AttributeName field.

ProjectAttributes.AttributeValue string

Provide the value for the Attribute specified by either the AttributeName or AttributeSourceSystemId fields. The entry provided in this field must match the expected Data Type of the Project Attribute. For example if the Project Attribute expects a date value, this field should contain a date. If the Data Type of the Project Attribute is specified as 'Data' then the entry provided in this field must match a valid option for the Project Attributes Data Source. For example, the Data Source of the Project Attribute is specified as 'Organization' then the entry in this field must match a valid Organization Name or SourceSystemId.

Markets array of string

Get Project Employee Billing Class details

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of employee billing classes, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of employee billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for employee by their SSID, name or other employee billing class details.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

Required. Provide the public identifier (ProjectId or ProjectSourceSystemId) for a project to see all employee billing classes that have been assigned to it.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectEmployeeBillingClass string

Name of the employee billing class used on the project

SourceSystemId string

The external identifier of the employee billing class record provided by the system of record for billing classes

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record that is assigning Employee Billing class to projects.

ProjectId string

The external identifier of the project associated with the billing class

Description string

Optional field to add more detail about the billing class

VendorSourceSystemId string

Optional external identifier of the vendor assigned to the billing class

BillingRateST double

Standard time rate charged to the owner for the employee

BillingRateDT double

Double time rate charged to the owner for the employee

BillingRateOT double

Over time rate charged to the owner for the employee

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

Get Project Employees details

Provides the full list of employees assigned to a specified project, and all details about the assignment. Within the application, ProjectEmployee records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'. A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

Required. Provide the public identifier (Project ID) for a project to see all employees that have been assigned to it.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectId string

SourceSystemId of the project that the employees are assigned to. This field is labeled External Project Id in the InEight UI.

EmployeeId string

SourceSystemId of the employee who is being assigned to the project.

StraightTimeRate double

Base rate to apply to the employee for calculating estimated cost of work on the specified project. Providing a value in this field will set a specific rate to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

OverTimeFactor double

Adjustment percentage factor applied to the StraightTimeRate to determine the rate for overtime.Use a factor or use a set rate but not both. If using factors instead of rates, set UseBaseWageFactors to true.Providing a value in this field will set a specific factor to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

OverTimeRate double

Specific rate to apply to the employee for overtime. Use a factor or use a set rate but not both.If using rates instead of factors set UseBaseWageFactors to false.Providing a value in this field will set a specific rate to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

DoubleTimeFactor double

Adjustment percentage factor applied to the StraightTimeRate to determine the rate for double time.Use a factor or use a set rate but not both. If using factors instead of rates set UseBaseWageFactors to true.Providing a value in this field will set a specific factor to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

DoubleTimeRate double

The specific rate to apply to the employee for Double Time.Use a factor or use a set rate, but not both. If using rates instead of factors set ‘UseBaseWageFactors’ to false.Providing a value in this field will set a specific rate to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record that is assigning employees to projects.

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Determines if the system should use wage adjustment factors instead of specific rates for overtime and double time.This field should be left blank when using the values in the master data record for the employee.

StartDate date-time

Effective first date that the employee should be considered active on the project and available for selection within application functions.This date cannot precede the start date of the master data record for the employee.

EndDate date-time

Last effective date that the employee should be considered active on the project and available for selection within application functions.This date cannot exceed the end date of the master data record for the employee.

SourceSystemId string

Do not use this field.

UoMName string

A Unit of Measure used in conjunction with the Rate applied specifically to the employee for the assigned project. If a value is not provided for this field the system will use the Unit of Measure from the Employee master record or the Craft associated to the Employee. The value provided here must match the Name OR SourceSystemId of an existing Unit of Measure record.

ProjectCraftSourcesystemId string

Use this field to set a specific Craft to use for the employee while they are assigned to the project. For example an employee who normally works a trade may be assigned as a supervisor on a temporary assignment to the project. If a specific Craft is sent in this field and no specific rate information was otherwise provided the rate values for the employee will be determined from the Craft set in this field.A value sent in this field must match a record that was previously provided in the ProjectCraft integration.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use.Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

BillingClass string

We allow project-by-project (project level) loading of a set of values to populate this field. They are to be entered manually through the UI and/or through APIM. ​There is a dropdown list for UI selection and/or validation on APIM import against existing values. ​The longer term plan is to enhance 'Billing Classification' fields at Project Employee/Project Equipment levels to allow for ability to add/integrate multiple values per project as 'select from list' in UI and integrate with validation against list

ProjectEmployeeBillingClassSourceSystemId string

Get Project Equipment Billing Class details

This API allows customers to read and export information regarding their master list of equipment billing classes, from Suite into their internal systems. It helps customers maintain their master list of equipment billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for equipment by their SSID, name or other equipment billing class details.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

Required. Provide the public identifier (ProjectId or ProjectSourceSystemId) for a project to see all equipment billing classes that have been assigned to it.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectEquipmentBillingClass string

Name of the equipment billing class used on the project

SourceSystemId string

The external identifier of the equipment billing class record provided by the system of record for billing classes

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record that is assigning Equipment Billing class to projects.

ProjectId string

The external identifier of the project associated with the billing class

Description string

Optional field to add more detail about the billing class

VendorSourceSystemId string

Optional external identifier of the vendor assigned to the billing class

BillingRate double

Rate charged to the owner for the equipment

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

Get Project Equipment details

Provides the full list of equipment assigned to a specified project, and all details about the assignment. Within the application ProjectEquipment records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'. A successful response for this request will be '202 Accepted' and include a 'Location' element providing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the 'Location' until receiving a '200' response including the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using $skip until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

Required. Provide the public identifier (Project ID) for a project to see all equipment that has been assigned to it.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectNumber string

DisplayId of the project where the equipment is being assigned. This is the same as the ProjectDisplayId field in the Projects_Get API

EquipmentNumber string

DisplayId of the equipment that is being assigned to the project.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

UnitCost double

Sets the hourly rate of the equipment specifically for the project assignment. If this value is not provided the unit cost is inherited from the equipment type associated to the equipment record.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the system where the assignment is being managed.

SourceSystemId string

Unique internal ID of the association record from the system where the associations are managed.

EquipmentProjectStartDate date-time

The first date on which the equipment record is available to the project.

EquipmentProjectEndDate date-time

The last date on which the equipment record is available to the project.

IsAvailableDailyPlan boolean

Determines if the equipment is available for selection in a Daily Plan in the Plan and Progress applications

ContractReference string

Optional reference ID for a rental agreement contract

ContractLineNumberReference string

If the equipment has been rented and a ContractReference is provided this field may be used to indicate a specific line item within the contract that contains the equipment information.

ContractURL string

Optional field that may be used to provide a URL to an external system where the rental agreement contract may be viewed. This information is only displayed in the Assigned operational resources of a project.

BillingClass string

We allow project-by-project (project level) loading of a set of values to populate this field. They are to be entered manually through the UI and/or through APIM. ​There is a dropdown list for UI selection and/or validation on APIM import against existing values. ​The longer term plan is to enhance 'Billing Classification' fields at Project Employee/Project Equipment levels to allow for ability to add/integrate multiple values per project as 'select from list' in UI and integrate with validation against list

ProjectEquipmentBillingClassSourceSystemId string

Get Project Settings details

The ProjectSettings_Get Integration allows EXPORT of project settings that include Project Global Options, Project Information Attriibutes, Project Fuel Types and Project Custom Lists. In earlier releases, changes to Project Settings was only possible through UI.

Please note that each 'GET' export will include ALL Settings details for each project that is requested: i.e. Global Options, Fuel Types and Custom Lists. Also, other selective filtering parameters like $select , $count, $top, $skip....etc won't work with this API.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

key: ProjectDisplay or ProjectSourcesystemId

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectSourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

ProjectSourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

GlobalOptions.CostItemIntegrationBehavior string

Cost Item Integration Behavior

GlobalOptions.IsAdvancedWorkAndSchedulingFeaturesEnabled boolean

The planned duration of the project in days

GlobalOptions.IsTemplateProject boolean
GlobalOptions.IsValidateEquipmentToProjectCurrency boolean
ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag1 string

Project Information Tag 1

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag2 string

Project Information Tag 2

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag3 string

Project Information Tag 3

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag4 string

Project Information Tag 4

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag5 string

Project Information Tag 5

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag6 string

Project Information Tag 6

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag7 string

Project Information Tag 7

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag8 string

Project Information Tag 8

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag9 string

Project Information Tag 9

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag10 string

Project Information Tag 10

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag11 string

Project Information Tag 11

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag12 string

Project Information Tag 12

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag13 string

Project Information Tag 13

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag14 date-time

Project Information Tag 14

ProjectInformationTags.ProjectInformationTag15 date-time

Project Information Tag 15

CustomLists array of object

Parent field for Custom lists

CustomLists.ListName string

Name of the list that's added to the custom label

CustomLists.FieldValues array of string

Comma delimited array of strings with a NON-DUPLICATE list of all field values that are part of the custom list

FuelTypes array of object

Parent field for fuel type record

FuelTypes.IsEstimatingResourceMapped boolean
FuelTypes.FuelTypeDisplay string

The name of the type of fuel used

FuelTypes.UOMSourceSystemId string

The value provided in this field must match a valid Unit of Measure previously provided or defined in your InEight system.

FuelTypes.CurrencyCode string

The currency used to purchase the fuel. The value provided in this field must match a currency code in the InEight cloud platform and that which is selected for the project.

FuelTypes.UnitCost double

Value of the fuel per unit of measure

FuelTypes.AccountCodeReference string

Account code of the record that will be shown in normal use of product platform applications to assist users when performing searches or selections for particular work completed.

FuelTypes.IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

FuelTypes.SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

FuelTypes.SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

Get Project Vendor details

This API provides list of vendors assigned to a project. In the Project Suite they're found in Project -> Assigned vendors.


Name Key Required Type Description
ProjectId True string

Required. Provide the public identifier (ProjectId or ProjectSourceSystemId) for a project to see all vendors that have been assigned to it.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier for each project that is publicly recognizable. This field shows in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier

VendorCode string

Vendor code of the vendor if a user is assigned to the vendor

VendorSourceSystemId string

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false in this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services. Unique Identifier for each vendor created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not show in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

ProjectSourceSystemId string

Unique Identifier for each project created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not show in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

IsActive boolean

Boolean value that indicates whether the vendor is active or not in the InEight system

Get Regions details

Returns a list of all region codes available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
includeTranslation True string

When set to true, expands the entity model to include translated region names in all languages supported by InEight.

CountryISOCode string

Returns all region records with a matching CountryISOCode.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
ISOCode string

The ISO Code of the Region

Name string

The name of the Region

CountryISOCode string

The ISO Code of the Country entity.

Translations array of object

Region Name translated for all languages supported by InEight

Translations.LanguageDisplayId string

The public Id of the language used for translation

Translations.RegionName string

The translated name of the Region

Get Role details

This integration allows customers to query and export their master list of Roles that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. They can also query the APIM for roles by their SourceSystemId, RoleName or other role details.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
RoleName string

Name of the role

Description string

Description of the role

AdminLevel string

Admin level to be assigned to this role at 0, 1, 2, or 3

SourceSystemId string

Unique record ID assigned by Suite and matching the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

SourceSystemName string

Unique Name assigned by Suite and matching the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

IsSystem boolean
IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Get Timezone details

Returns a full list of all time zones available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
includeTranslation True boolean

When set to true, the entity model is expanded to include time zone names in all languages supported by InEight.

Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
Name string

The unique TimeZone displayed in selection list options within applications

TimeZoneSerialized string

Details for TimeZone and the region it corresponds to.

TimeZoneTranslations array of object

The array of Timezone names as per the localized languages

TimeZoneTranslations.LanguageDisplayId string

The unique abbreviated name of the language such as 'en' for 'English'.

TimeZoneTranslations.TimeZoneName string

The unique TimeZone translated/localized respective to the language

Get Trade details

Returns a full list of all employee trades available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
TradeDisplay string

The public unique identifier for a Trade

TradeDescription string

The description for the Trade

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for trades

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Trades

Get Unit of Measure details

Returns a full list of all Units of Measure available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
Name string

The unique name of the Unit of Measure displayed in selection list options within applications. Unit of Measure names are typically given in abbreviated form such as 'LF' for 'Linear Feet'

Description string

The description for the UOM.

MeasurementTypeName string

The type of measurement that will be performed. For instance, measurements for feet, yards, or miles, would be of the type 'Length' while measurements for days, weeks, or months would be of the type 'Time'

MeasurementSystemName string

Determines if measurement calculations are performed in Metric or English units, or both.

AlternateUomSourceSystemId string

Creates a group of units of measure that may be used as alternate options for a primary unit. For instance, a customer may have units of measure defined for Hours, Minutes, Days, and Seconds and all have a value of 'Short Interval' in the Alternate UoM Identifier field. When any of those records is selected as a primary unit of measure within business functionality, then the other three may become available as an alternate. All records in a group must have the same Measurement Type

ConversionFactor double

Determines how the conversion between the primary and alternate units will be calculated.

BaseUOMName string

The unit of measure record that represents the lowest level of possible measurement. For example, a unit of measure of representing time, such as 'Hours', may have a base unit of 'Seconds'.

DefaultAlternateMeasurement string

Determines the default alternate unit of measure that can be used once the primary unit has been selected. For instance, a unit of 'Each' may be used within a line item of a contract, but when purchasing the item an alternate of 'Package' may be used.

IsBaseUoM boolean

Determines if the unit of measure record can be used as a base for other units of measure

SKFUOM string

Statistical Key Figure - Data for this field is imported from a custom field in HD Estimate and used when synchronizing Cost Item values (Budget, Forecast, etc.) with an ERP.

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that created the record

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is available for use

Get user details

The Users_Get Integration allows customers to query and export user lists from InEight into their internal systems. The user records in these lists can then be modified and re-imported into Suite through Users_Import API.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
FirstName string

First name of the user

LastName string

Last name of the user

EmailAddress string

official email address of the user

IsActive boolean

'1' means active and '0' means inactive

DisplayUserId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

WorkNumber string

work telephone number of the user

MobileNumber string

cell phone number of the user

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

VendorCode string

Vendor code of the vendor if the user is assigned to a vendor

EmployeeId string

Provide a valid ID of a user assigned in the system.

Language string

Primary language used for communication

IsExternalUser boolean

'1' means active and '0' means inactive

StartDate date-time

Starting date of the user in UTC format.

EndDate date-time

Expected end date of the user in UTC format.

Get Vendor details

Returns a full list of all vendors available for use in InEight cloud applications. A successful response for this request will be "202 Accepted" and include a "Location" property containing an address where a JSON file containing the requested records may be downloaded. Processing the successful request is handled as an asynchronous event and the file may take up to a couple of minutes to become available. Poll the address provided in the "Location" until receiving a "200" response indicating the presence of the file. The API returns a maximum of 500 records for each request. If the resulting JSON file contains exactly 500 records, continue to make subsequent requests using "$skip" until the record count falls below 500.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

$filter string

Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. Operator examples include "eq" for "equals", "ne" for "does not equal", "gt" and "lt" for "greater than"/"less than", "contains('foo')", "endswith('bar')", etc. See querystring examples.

$orderby string

Sorts the results. For example, setting $orderby to "LastName,FirstName" will sort the results by LastName then FirstName.

$top integer

Format - int32. Returns only the first n results.

$skip integer

Format - int32. Skips the first n results.


Name Path Type Description
array of object
SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for Vendors

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Vendors

VendorCode string

The public unique identifier for a Vendor

VendorDescription string

The description for a Vendor

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

AlternateName string

An alternate name that may be assigned to the vendor to aid searches.

Address1 string

Street address of the vendor.

Address2 string

An optional second line for the street address of the vendor.

ZipCode string

Postal or zip code of the vendor.

City string

City where the vendor is located.

RegionISOCode string

The ISO 3166-2 Code for the region of the vendor.​

CountryISOCode string

The ISO Alpha-2 code for the country of the vendor.​

TelephoneNumber string

Telephone number for the vendor.​

FaxNumber string

Fax number for the vendor​

DefaultPaymentTerms string

Optional payment terms that will be defaulted when the vendor is added to a contract.​

DefaultINCOTerms string

Optional International Commercial (INCO) Terms that will be defaulted when the vendor is added to a contract.​​

DefaultINCOTermsLocation string

Optional location at which risk passes from seller to buyer per the specified INCO Terms

VendorTypeReference string

Optional reference to a Vendor Type. If used, data provided in this field must match a valid record in the Vendor Type Master Data located in Platform.​

DefaultCurrencyCode string

Default Currency Code

PreferredLanguage string

Preferred Language

VendorTaxJurisdiction string

An optional Tax Jurisdiction Code that can be included when sending Invoice and Pay Requests from Contracts to an external system. This field may also be optionally used to when requesting tax details from an external taxation system for contract line items.​

Status string

Status of the vendor, either available or unavailable

VendorTaxId string

Optional Tax Identification number issued for the vendor from a government tax authority (typically IRS for US Vendors)

VendorAddresses array of object
VendorAddresses.VendorAddressType string

Vendor Address Type

VendorAddresses.Address1 string


VendorAddresses.Address2 string


VendorAddresses.ZipCode string

Zip Code

VendorAddresses.City string


VendorAddresses.RegionISOCode string

Region ISO Code

VendorAddresses.CountryISOCode string

Country ISO Code

VendorAddresses.TelephoneNumber string

Telephone Number

VendorAddresses.FaxNumber string

Fax Number

Import Accounting Ledger

This integration allows the user to import a set of financial transactions from the General Ledger into the InEight cloud platform.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

DisplayId string

A code that represents or describes the General Ledger

Description string

Customer-defined field that is typically used to describe or provide details about the General Ledger

Language string

Language Code in which the default General ledger account to be displayed in screen

SourceSystemId string

The identification of the General Ledger used within the external system. In most cases, this matches the DisplayId field. This field is used by InEight to match General Ledger records to other entities where an Account Ledger is crossreferenced

SourceSystemName string

The name of the external system providing the data. Collaborate with InEight to identify a specific value to use in this field

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Description string

Customer-defined field that is typically used to describe or provide details about the General Ledger as per the language code

Language string

Language code that the general ledger is shown in the UI

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



Import Crafts

Crafts Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of crafts for their organization. Within the application, Crafts records are found in the Account level menu options under "Master data libraries > Operational resources" or from within the Project level menu under "Assigned operational resources".


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

CraftId True string

The InEight ID of the Craft record

CraftDescription True string

The description for the Craft

TradeId True string

The InEight ID for the Trade associated with the Craft

CurrencyCode string

The ISO code of the Currency assigned to the Craft

VendorCode string

The InEight ID of the Vendor assigned to the Craft

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for Crafts

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Crafts

UnionSourceSystemId string

The SourceSystemId of a Union assigned to the Craft

UoMName string

The Name OR SourceSystemId of an existing Unit of Measure record that should be used for resources assigned to the Craft

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Flag that determines whether the record uses absolute values or multiplication factors for pay rates.

StraightTimeRate double

The rate for standard pay that should be applied for this Craft

OverTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their overtime rate. Will be blank if not using Factors.

OverTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for overtime work as per applicable laws. Will be blank if using Factors.

DoubleTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their Double time rate. Will be blank if not using Factors

DoubleTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for double time work as per applicable laws. Will be blank if using Factors.

IsActive boolean

Only active records are returned for this API



Import Employees

The Employees Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of all employee resources for their entire organization, and to maintain the list as employees are hired, terminated, or details of their employment change. Within the application, Employee records are found in the Account level menu options under ''Master data libraries'' > ''Operational resources''.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

CraftId True string

Identifies the craft of the employee. The value in this field must match a valid public identifier for a craft from the Crafts Integration or values manually entered in InEight.

VendorCode string

Identifies a vendor that exists in InEight. Employees with a VendorCode are managed by the associated vendor and their availability is limited to that vendor.

EmployeeId True string

The public unique Identification of the employee within InEight.

FirstName True string

First name of the employee.

LastName True string

Last name of the employee.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use.Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

EmployeePIN string

A PIN that is used by employees to verify themselves when approving hours on a time card. This is optional functionality in InEight. Data must be sent as numbers, and it is up to sender to zero pad the number if necessary.

CanReportTime boolean

Determines if the employee can report time on a time card in InEight.

SourceSystemId string

Identification of the employee record in the external system of records for employees. This field is used in the integration flow to perform a lookup of the employee within InEight to be updated or added. This field is also used to match employee records to other entities in integrations (e.g. ProjectEmployee) where an employee is cross-referenced.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the system of record for employees. Collaborate with InEight to identify a specific value to use in this field.

StartDate date-time

Start or hire date of the employee in the customer’s organization. This is not a specific date for a project.If not provided, the system will use a default date of when the record was received.

EndDate date-time

End or termination date of the employee from the customer’s organization. This is not a specific date for a project. The date can be set to a future date as needed. If not provided, the system will use a default end date of 12/31/9999.

CurrencyCode string

Identifies the currency associated with the employee which is used to determine the employee’s standard rate of pay.To allow successful assignment of the employee record to a project, the value provided in this field must match one of the currencies used for projects.

UOMName string

Identifies the Unit of Measure associated with the employee used to determine the employee’s standard rate of pay. The value provided here must match an existing Unit of Measure Name OR SourceSystemId

StraightTimeRate double

Rate for standard pay that should be applied for the employee within an assigned project. If a blank value is sent in the integration, the system shall inherit any straight time rate assigned to the employee through their associated Craft.

OverTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their overtime rate.(Straight Time X Overtime Factor = Overtime)Only provide this if not using OverTimeRate.

OverTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for overtime work as per applicable laws. Only provide this if not using OverTimeFactor.

DoubleTimeFactor double

Factor used to multiply the standard rate of the employee to determine their double time rate.(Straight Time X Double Time Factor = Double time)Only provide this if not using DoubleTimeRate.

DoubleTimeRate double

Exact calculated rate paid to the employee for double time work as per applicable laws. Only provide this if not using DoubleTimeFactor.

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Flag that determines whether to use OverTimeRate and DoubleTimeRate or OverTimeFactor and DoubleTimeFactor. Setting the value to true will indicate that factors should be used instead of specific rates.

UnionSourceSystemId string

The SourceSystemId of a Union to which the employee belongs. Must match a valid union from Master Data in InEight.

PrimaryCompany string

Open text field. The value of this field is used for information about the employee in InEight Time Center.

JobTitle string

Used to display the job title for the employee in the Daily Plan UI. If this field is blank, the UI will use the employee's assigned craft description.

UnionJobTitle string

InEight Plan application can be configured to display the UnionJobTitle, JobTitle, or the craft associated to the Employee.

SupervisorId string

Used for reporting Staff Weekly Timesheets. A report may be sent to the User provided in this field for each associated employee that has WeeklyTimesheet set to True. The value of this field must match the SourceSystemId of a valid InEight user

CountryISOCode string

Location/country of employment of the employee.

DefaultCostCenterSourceSystemId string

Default Cost Center for charging pay when hours should not be charged against the project to which they are assigned (e.g. special types of leave).

AdditionalPayrollInstructionCode string

Default payroll processing code that may be overridden for each Time Card.

IsOverrideAdditionalPayrollInstructionCodeAllowed boolean

Determines if the Additional Payroll Instruction Code may be overridden for this employee.

IsAvailableWeeklyTimeSheet boolean

Determines if the employee should be available for selection in a Weekly Timesheet.



Import Equipment Categories

The EquipmentCategories Integration allows InEight customers to provide and maintain a complete list of EquipmentCategories that can be used on any equipment. Within the application, Equipment Catgory records are found in the Account level menu options under ''Master data libraries'' > ''Operational resources''.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

EquipmentCategoryId string

The public unique identifier for an Equipment Category

Description string

The description for the Equipment Category

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for Equipment Categories

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Equipment Categories

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is available for use



Import Equipment Types

The Equipment Types Integration allows an external system to maintain a master list of Equipment Types in InEight.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

EquipmentTypeId True string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field may match Source System Id if there is no need to use a public vs private unique identifier.

Description True string

Informal description of the record that will be shown in normal use of InEight applications to assist users when performing searches or selections. This field supports a large number of text characters but it is recommended to keep the description as short as possible while retaining an easily recognized meaning.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Setting a value of false in this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and will not be recoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

EquipmentCategoryId True string

The Equipment Category to which this Equipment Type will be assigned. The value provided in this field must match an existing Equipment Category Id record in InEight.

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and may contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration.Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

VendorCode string

Providing a value in this field will limit who in InEight can select this Equipment Type to only users that are assigned to the same Vendor Code. This allows vendors who are given access to the primary contractors project the ability to perform their own work planning.

CurrencyCode string

Default currency for equipment rates. The value provided here must match a valid CurrencyCode in InEight master data.

UoMName string

Identifies the UoM associated with the equipment.

UnitCost double

Cost associated with operating the equipment type. The value entered here corresponds with the UoMName.



Import Equipments

The Equipment Integration allows InEight customers to provide and maintain a complete list of equipment that can be used on any given project. In this integration, it is expected that ''Equipment'' refers to items that are mobile, have an estimated usage rate, and can be tracked by hours of usage. Equipment can include cranes, backhoes, generators, trucks used for transportation, and any other tracked resource. This integration includes specific details about the equipment such as manufacturer, model, serial number, and whether the equipment is owned or rented. Within the application, Equipment records are found in the Account level menu options under ''Master data libraries'' > ''Operational resources''.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

EquipmentSystemStatus string

Availability or current state of the equipment. Allowed values for this field are 'Available' and 'Unavailable'. If not specifically provided, the value of 'Available' will assumed.

EquipmentNumber True string

Equipment item system of record identifier, which must be unique for each piece of equipment.

OwnershipType True string

Indicates whether the equipment item is either owned or rented by the customer. Valid options for this field are 'Owned' and 'Rented'.

EquipmentType True string

Associates equipment item to an Equipment Type. Value must match that of an existing EquipmentTypeId.

VendorCode string

Identifies a Vendor that exists in InEight. Equipment with a Vendor Code are managed by the associated Vendor and their availability is limited to that Vendor.

SerialNumber string

Physical Serial Number or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the equipment.

Manufacturer string

The name of the equipment manufacturer.

Dot boolean

Indicates if the equipment is Department of Transportation (DOT) regulated.

EquipmentDescription True string

User-defined field that is typically describes or give details about the Category or model/type of specific equipment.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

SourceSystemId string

The identification of the equipment used within the external system. In most cases, this matches the Equipment Number field. This field is used by InEight to match equipment records to other entities (e.g. Project Equipment) where an Equipment is cross-referenced.

SourceSystemName string

The name of the external system providing the data.

CurrencyCode string

Identifies the currency type associated with the equipment.

CostCenterSourceSystemId string

The cost center the equipment belongs to.

Location string

Free-text field that is used to display a location of where the equipment may be found.

UnitCost double

Cost associated with operating the equipment. The value entered here corresponds with the Unit of Measure (UoMName).

UoMName string

Identifies the Unit of Measure associated with the equipment. The value provided here must match the Name OR Source System Id of an existing Unit of Measure record.

IsAvailableDailyPlan boolean

Determines if the record may be used for Daily Planning in the Plan and Progress applications



Import Incoterms

This integration allows the user to import their IncoTerms rules into Suite. IncoTerms standards have been set by the International Chamber of Commerce. They define the rules that must be followed by buyers and sellers involved in international contracts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

Name string

A code that represents or describes the Incoterm

Description string

Customer-defined field that is typically used to describe or provide details about the Incoterm

Language string

Language code that the default Incoterm is shown in the UI

SourceSystemId string

Identification of the Incoterm used within the external system. In most cases, this matches the Name field. This field is used by InEight to match Incoterm records to other entities where an Incoterm is cross-referenced

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system providing the data. Collaborate with InEight to identify a specific value to use in this field

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Description string

Customer-defined field that is typically used to describe or provide details about the Incoterm as per the language code

Language string

Language code that the default Incoterm is shown in the UI

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



Import Markets

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of Markets that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new Markets can be added and existing Markets can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

Name True string

The name of the Market

Description string

Optional field to describe or add more details about the Market

SourceSystemId True string

The external identifier of the Market record provided by the system of record for Markets

SourceSystemName string

The customer provided name of the system of record for Markets.

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is available for use



Import Material

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

DisplayId string

A unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is shown in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier

MaterialTypeReference string

Must match a valid value for a Material Type that has been predefined within InEight through seeded data

MaterialGroupReference string

Optional reference to a group which the material belongs

Language string

The Language Code that represents the language of default names and descriptions for each record in the integration. The code provided must match a language that is supported by InEight

DefaultMaterialName string

Default material name that appears in the UI

DefaultMaterialDescription string

Description of the material that appears in the UI

PurchasingUnitOfMeasure string

PurchasingUnitOfMeasure accepts the SourceSystemId of a valid Unit of Measure record, as well as the currently expected value of the field

ManufacturingPartNumber string

Optional part number that can be provided if the part is specific to a known manufacturer

BaseUnitOfMeasure string

BaseUnitOfMeasure accepts the SourceSystemId of a valid Unit of Measure record as well as the currently expected value of the field

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

AccountCodeReference string

A reference to an account code that will be used by InEight Contract. Must be a valid Account Code in InEight

Language string

Language Code that represents the language of translated names and descriptions for each translation association. The ISO code provided must match a language that is supported by InEight

MaterialDescription string

Material description in the associated language

MaterialName string

Material name in the associated language

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

MaterialSetReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Set to be associated with the Material

MaterialReference string

Unique identifier of the Material to be associated with the Material Set

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

MaterialSetCharacteristicTypeReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Set Characteristic Type to be associated

DefaultPresetValue string

Preset value for the Material Set Characteristic can be provided in this field

Language string

Language for the value in DefaultPresetValue. The value sent in this field must match a valid language code supported by InEight

Language string

Language for the value in PresetValue in this array. The value sent in this field must match a valid language code supported by InEight

PresetValue string

The translated text of the PreseValue in the associated language

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

SourceSystemName string

Name of the source system that is providing the data. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

MaterialReference string

Unique identifier of the Material to be associated with the Material Set

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field



Import Material Characteristic Type

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

DisplayId string

A unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is shown in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match CharacteristicTypeReference if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

DefaultCharacteristicName string

Name of the characteristic type

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Language string

Language code that represents the language of Default Characteristic Name and Default Characteristic Description fields

DefaultCharacteristicDescription string

Description of the Characteristic Type

CharacteristicTypeReference string

A predefined list in the InEight platform that defines the values are allowed for Material Characteristic Type like (Text, List, Numeric, Date, Open List)

MaterialCharacteristicTypeReference string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not show in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Language string

language code that represents the language in Characteristic Name and Characteristic Description fields. The value sent in this field must match a valid code for languages supported by InEight.

CharacteristicName string

Translated CharacteristicName for the associated language

CharacteristicDescription string

Translated CharacteristicName description for the associated language

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Language string

language code that represents the language of Default Characteristic Description and Material Characteristic Type Element Text fields. The value sent in this field must match a valid code for languages supported by InEight

DefaultElementValue string

String value of the Characteristic Type Element

DefaultCharacteristicDescription string

Description of the Characteristic Type Element

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

Language string

Language code that represents the language in ElementValue and CharacteristicTypeElementDescription fields. The value sent in this field must match a valid code for languages supported by InEight

ElementValue string

Translated text of Element Value for the associated language

CharacteristicTypeElementDescription string

Translated text of the ElementValue description for the associated language



Import Material Class

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

MaterialSetReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Set to be associated with the Material

MaterialReference string

Unique identifier of the Material to be associated with the Material Set

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

MaterialSetCharacteristicTypeReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Set Characteristic Type to be associated

DefaultPresetValue string

Preset value for the Material Set Characteristic can be provided in this field

Language string

Language for the value in DefaultPresetValue. The value sent in this field must match a valid language code supported by InEight

Language string

Language for the value in PresetValue in this array. The value sent in this field must match a valid language code supported by InEight

PresetValue string

The translated text of the PreseValue in the associated language

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

SourceSystemName string

Name of the source system that is providing the data. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field



Import Material Group

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

GroupDisplayId True string

A unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is shown in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier

MaterialGroupName True string

Name of the material group

Description string

User friendly description of the record that will be shown in normal use of InEight applications to assist users when performing searches or selections. This field can support a large number of text characters, but it is recommended to keep the description as short as possible while retaining an easily recognized meaning

ParentMaterialGroupReference string

If Material Group is used, provide the material group reference that represents the parent of this Material Group record

Language string

Language code that represents the language in the Material Group Name and Description fields. The value sent in this field must match a valid code for languages supported by InEight

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

MaterialGroupReference string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

Language string

Language code that represents the language in the Material Group Name and Description fields for each translation association. The value sent in this field must match a valid code for languages supported by InEight

MaterialGroupName string

Translated text of the material group name for the associated language

Description string

Translated text of the description for the associated language

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



Import MaterialSet

This integration is part of the Materials integrations that allows third-parties to maintain a master list of all materials, classifications, and pre-defined attributes of materials used for Contracts and Purchasing.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

MaterialDimensionReference True string

Unique Identifier for the Material Dimension.

ParentMaterialSetReference string

Unique Identifier of the Parent Material Set refered

Language string

Language for the value in DefaultDescription. The value sent in this field must match a valid ISO code for languages supported by InEight

MaterialSetReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Set to be associated with the Material Set

MaterialSetName True string

Name of the Material Set

DefaultSetDescription True string

Default Material Set Description provided

Language string

Language for the value in SetDescription and MaterialSetName in this array. The value sent in this field must match a valid ISO code for languages supported by InEight

SetDescription string

Translated Description field in the associated language

MaterialSetName string

Translated Name field in the associated language

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

MaterialSetCharacteristicTypeReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Set Characteristic Type to be associated

MaterialCharacteristicReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Characteristic Reference

MaterialDimensionReference string

Unique identifier of the Material Dimension Reference

DynamicDescriptionPosition string

Dynamic Description Position for Material Set Characteristic Type

SourceSystemName string

Name of the source system that is providing the data. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

SourceSystemName string

Name of the source system that is providing the data. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field



Import Oranizations

The Organizations integration allows customers to create and manage the full Organization heirarchical structure, which Projects are assigned to, from a thirdparty sytem such as an ERP.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

OrganizationName True string

The name of the organization as it should appear within the InEight UI

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for the organizational structure

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier that is provided by the system of record for the organizational structure

OrganizationDescription True string

A description of the organization record that can be viewed within the InEight UI

ParentOrganization True string

The SourceSystemId of the organization record’s parent. Use this field to create a hierarchical structure for organizations. If the organization record is at the top of the hierarchical structure, use the value RootOrg1 as the Parent Organization

IsActive boolean

When set to false, the Organization record will be soft deleted from InEight



Import PaymentTerm

This integration allows the user to import their Payment Terms into the InEight cloud platform. Payment terms define the standards which are followed when paying contractor's invoices. It can contain terms such as period betwen 2 payments, discounts, advance payments etc.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

Name string

A code that represents or describes the payment term

Description string

Customer-defined field that is typically used to describe or provide details about the payment term

Language string

Language code that the payment term is shown in the UI

SourceSystemId string

Identification of the payment term used in the external system. In most cases, this matches the Name field. This field is used by InEight to match Incoterm records to other entities where a payment term is crossreferenced

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system providing the data. Collaborate with InEight to identify a specific value to use in this field

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

IsProgressEstimateNumberRequired boolean

Determines whether Progress Estimate number is mandatory in InEight Contract Payment Request module if the same Payment Term is used in the InEight Contract application

IsBillingPeriodRequired boolean

Determines whether Billing period is mandatory in InEight Contract Payment Request module if the same Payment Term is used in the InEight Contract application

DueDays integer

When invoices are submitted in InEight Contract, the invoice due date will be determined based on the payment term due days

Description string

Customer-defined field that is typically used to describe or provide details about the payment term as per the language code

Language string

Language code that the payment term is shown in the UI

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



Import Project Contacts

This integration allows customers to assign contacts to projects. Using this API new contacts can be added and existing contacts can be unassigned to projects. Every contact in the Project Contacts API must already exist in InEight as part of the master list of all contacts for the customer (see 'Contacts_Import' for details).


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

ContactPrimaryEmail string

The Contact's primary email address

ContactSourceSystemId True string

The Contact's source system ID being added to project

ProjectSourceSystemId True string

The Project's source system ID to which contact is being assigned

IsActive boolean

Tracks the assigned status of contact to project



Import Project Employee Billing Class

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of employee billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new employee billing classes can be added and existing employee billing classes can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications.​


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectEmployeeBillingClass True string

Name of the employee billing class used on the project

SourceSystemId True string

The external identifier of the employee billing class record provided by the system of record for billing classes

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record that is assigning Employee Billing class to projects.

ProjectId True string

The external identifier of the project associated with the billing class

Description string

Optional field to add more detail about the billing class

VendorSourceSystemId string

Optional external identifier of the vendor assigned to the billing class

BillingRateST double

Standard time rate charged to the owner for the employee

BillingRateDT double

Double time rate charged to the owner for the employee

BillingRateOT double

Over time rate charged to the owner for the employee

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.



Import Project Employees

The Project Employees Integration allows InEight customers to provide a specific list of employees that will be available for use as a resource on a specific project. This list can be managed via the integration as employees come and go from the project, and details such as estimated personal pay rates change. Every employee in the Project Employees Integration must already exist in InEight as part of the master list of all employees for the customer (see 'Employees_Import' for details).

Within the application, ProjectEmployee records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectId True string

SourceSystemId of the project that the employees are assigned to. This field is labeled External Project Id in the InEight UI.

EmployeeId True string

SourceSystemId of the employee who is being assigned to the project.

StraightTimeRate double

Base rate to apply to the employee for calculating estimated cost of work on the specified project. Providing a value in this field will set a specific rate to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

OverTimeFactor double

Adjustment percentage factor applied to the StraightTimeRate to determine the rate for overtime.Use a factor or use a set rate but not both. If using factors instead of rates, set UseBaseWageFactors to true.Providing a value in this field will set a specific factor to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

OverTimeRate double

Specific rate to apply to the employee for overtime. Use a factor or use a set rate but not both.If using rates instead of factors set UseBaseWageFactors to false.Providing a value in this field will set a specific rate to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

DoubleTimeFactor double

Adjustment percentage factor applied to the StraightTimeRate to determine the rate for double time.Use a factor or use a set rate but not both. If using factors instead of rates set UseBaseWageFactors to true.Providing a value in this field will set a specific factor to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

DoubleTimeRate double

The specific rate to apply to the employee for Double Time.Use a factor or use a set rate, but not both. If using rates instead of factors set ‘UseBaseWageFactors’ to false.Providing a value in this field will set a specific rate to use for the employee only on the assigned project. If this field is left blank the system will use the equivalent value in the master data record for the employee.

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record that is assigning employees to projects.

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Determines if the system should use wage adjustment factors instead of specific rates for overtime and double time.This field should be left blank when using the values in the master data record for the employee.

StartDate date-time

Effective first date that the employee should be considered active on the project and available for selection within application functions.This date cannot precede the start date of the master data record for the employee.

EndDate date-time

Last effective date that the employee should be considered active on the project and available for selection within application functions.This date cannot exceed the end date of the master data record for the employee.

SourceSystemId string

Do not use this field.

UnionSourceSystemId string

Use this field to specify the SourceSystemId of a Union If the employee should have a Union associated at the project level that is different from their Union associated at the master data level. Leave this field blank to retain any associated Union from the master data Employee record.

UoMName string

A Unit of Measure used in conjunction with the Rate applied specifically to the employee for the assigned project. If a value is not provided for this field the system will use the Unit of Measure from the Employee master record or the Craft associated to the Employee. The value provided here must match the Name OR SourceSystemId of an existing Unit of Measure record.

ProjectCraftSourcesystemId string

Use this field to set a specific Craft to use for the employee while they are assigned to the project. For example an employee who normally works a trade may be assigned as a supervisor on a temporary assignment to the project. If a specific Craft is sent in this field and no specific rate information was otherwise provided the rate values for the employee will be determined from the Craft set in this field.A value sent in this field must match a record that was previously provided in the ProjectCraft integration.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use.Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

BillingClass string

We allow project-by-project (project level) loading of a set of values to populate this field. They are to be entered manually through the UI and/or through APIM. ​There is a dropdown list for UI selection and/or validation on APIM import against existing values. ​The longer term plan is to enhance 'Billing Classification' fields at Project Employee/Project Equipment levels to allow for ability to add/integrate multiple values per project as 'select from list' in UI and integrate with validation against list

ProjectEmployeeBillingClassSourceSystemId string



Import Project Equipment Billing Classes

This integration allows customers to create and maintain their master list of Equipment billing classes that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications. Using this API new Equipment billing classes can be added and existing Equipment billing classes can be updated. The adds and updates are automatically published (instead of being staged) and therefore immediately available for use in InEight cloud applications


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectEquipmentBillingClass True string

Name of the equipment billing class used on the project

SourceSystemId True string

The external identifier of the equipment billing class record provided by the system of record for billing classes

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record that is assigning Equipment Billing class to projects.

ProjectId True string

The external identifier of the project associated with the billing class

Description string

Optional field to add more detail about the billing class

VendorSourceSystemId string

Optional external identifier of the vendor assigned to the billing class

BillingRate double

Rate charged to the owner for the equipment

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.



Import Project Equipment Type

The Project Equipment Type Integration allows InEight customers to maintain specific rates for equipment types on a specified project.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectId True string

ID of the project that the equipment type is being assigned

EquipmentTypeId True string

ID of the equipment type that is being assigned to the project

UnitCost double

Unit cost per unit of measure given in the equipment type master data record. This field is left blank except when overriding the master data record unit cost for this equipment type in the assigned project

IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field causes the record to be soft deleted from the InEight cloud platform. If a value is not provided, the default value true is used



Import Project Equuipments

The Project Equipment Integration allows InEight customers to provide InEight a list of specific Equipment that is usable within a Project. Records sent in this integration must match the Master Equipment records for the customer (see Equipments_Import for details). Within the application, ProjectEquipment records are found in the Project level menu options under 'Project' > 'Assigned operational resources'.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectNumber True string

The DisplayId of the project where the equipment is being assigned.

EquipmentNumber True string

The DisplayId of the equipment that is being assigned to the project.

IsActive boolean

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false within this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services.

UnitCost double

Sets the hourly rate of the equipment specifically for the project assignment. If this value is not provided, the unit cost is inherited from the equipment type associated to the equipment record.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the system where the assignment is being managed.

SourceSystemId string

Unique internal ID of the association record from the system where the associations are managed.

IsAvailableDailyPlan boolean

Determines if the equipment is available for selection in a Daily Plan in the Plan and Progress applications

EquipmentProjectStartDate date-time

Optionally determines the first date on which the equipment may be used within the assigned project. The date provided in this field cannot be earlier that the assigned project's start date.

EquipmentProjectEndDate date-time

Optionally determines the last date on which the equipment may be used within the assigned project. The date provided here cannot be later than the assigned project's end date.

ContractReference string

Optional reference ID for a rental agreement contract

ContractLineNumberReference string

If the equipment has been rented and a ContractReference is provided, this field may be used to indicate a specific line item within the contract that contains the equipment information.

ContractURL string

Optional field that may be used to provide a URL to an external system where the rental agreement contract may be viewed. This information is only displayed in the Assigned operational resources of a project.

BillingClass string

We allow project-by-project (project level) loading of a set of values to populate this field. They are to be entered manually through the UI and/or through APIM. ​There is a dropdown list for UI selection and/or validation on APIM import against existing values. ​The longer term plan is to enhance 'Billing Classification' fields at Project Employee/Project Equipment levels to allow for ability to add/integrate multiple values per project as 'select from list' in UI and integrate with validation against list

ProjectEquipmentBillingClassSourceSystemId string



Import Project Settings

The ProjectSettings Integration allows GET/SET of project settings that include Project Global Options, Project Information Attriibutes, Project Fuel Types and Project Custom Lists. In earlier releases, changes to Project Settings was only possible through UI.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectSourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

ProjectSourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

CostItemIntegrationBehavior string

Cost Item Integration Behavior

IsAdvancedWorkAndSchedulingFeaturesEnabled boolean

The planned duration of the project in days

IsTemplateProject boolean

Is Template Project

IsValidateEquipmentToProjectCurrency boolean

Is Validate Equipment To Project Currency

ProjectInformationTag1 string

Project Information Tag 1

ProjectInformationTag2 string

Project Information Tag 2

ProjectInformationTag3 string

Project Information Tag 3

ProjectInformationTag4 string

Project Information Tag 4

ProjectInformationTag5 string

Project Information Tag 5

ProjectInformationTag6 string

Project Information Tag 6

ProjectInformationTag7 string

Project Information Tag 7

ProjectInformationTag8 string

Project Information Tag 8

ProjectInformationTag9 string

Project Information Tag 9

ProjectInformationTag10 string

Project Information Tag 10

ProjectInformationTag11 string

Project Information Tag 11

ProjectInformationTag12 string

Project Information Tag 12

ProjectInformationTag13 string

Project Information Tag 13

ProjectInformationTag14 date-time

Project Information Tag 14

ProjectInformationTag15 date-time

Project Information Tag 15

ListName True string

Name of the list that's added to the custom label

FieldValues array of string

Comma delimited array of strings with a NON-DUPLICATE list of all field values that are part of the custom list

IsEstimatingResourceMapped boolean
FuelTypeDisplay True string

The name of the type of fuel used

UOMSourceSystemId True string

The value provided in this field must match a valid Unit of Measure previously provided or defined in your InEight system.

CurrencyCode True string

The currency used to purchase the fuel. The value provided in this field must match a currency code in the InEight cloud platform and that which is selected for the project.

UnitCost double

Value of the fuel per unit of measure

AccountCodeReference string

Account code of the record that will be shown in normal use of product platform applications to assist users when performing searches or selections for particular work completed.

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.



Import Project Vendors

This integration allows customers to assign vendors to projects. Using this API new vendors can be added and existing vendors can be unassigned to projects. Every vendor in the Project Vendors API must already exist in InEight as part of the master list of all vendors for the customer (see 'Vendors_Import' for details).​


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectDisplayId string

Unique identifier for each project that is publicly recognizable. This field shows in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier

VendorCode string

Vendor code of the vendor if a user is assigned to the vendor

VendorSourceSystemId True string

This field is not recommended for use. Sending a value of false in this field will cause the record to be soft deleted from InEight and unrecoverable without assistance from InEight Professional Services. Unique Identifier for each vendor created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not show in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

ProjectSourceSystemId True string

Unique Identifier for each project created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not show in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

IsActive boolean

Boolean value that indicates whether the vendor is active or not in the InEight system



Import ProjectCrafts

This integration allows InEight customers to associate a specific craft and rate with an employee at a specific project.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectId True string

ID of the project in which the craft should be made available

CraftId True string

ID of the craft to make available to the project

StraightTimeRate double

Hourly rate that should be given to the craft in the project. This field is left blank when using the value in the master data record for the craft

OverTimeFactor double

Multiplier against straight time used to calculate overtime. If specifying a value for the record, use this field or OverTimeRate, but not both. This field is left blank when using the value in the master data record for the craft

OverTimeRate double

A specific rate to apply to overtime hours. If specifying a value for the record, use this field or OverTimeFactor, but not both. This field is left blank when using the value in the master data record for the craft

DoubleTimeFactor double

Multiplier against straight time used to calculate Double Time. If specifying a value for the record, use this field or DoubleTimeRate, but not both. This field is left blank when using the value in the master data record for the craft

DoubleTimeRate double

A specific rate to apply to double time hours. If specifying a value for the record, use this field or DoubleTimeFactor, but not both. This field is left blank when using the value in the master data record for the craft

IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field causes the record to be soft deleted from the InEight cloud platform. If a value is not provided, the default value true is used

UseBaseWageFactors boolean

Determines if factors or rates are used when calculating the actual rates against hours worked. This field is left blank when using the value in the master data record for the craft



Import Projects

The Projects Integration allows new projects to be created within InEight. In earlier releases of InEight, maintenance of projects for status changes, dates and other project data was done manually through the Core product user interface (UI).


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ProjectDisplayId True string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

ProjectName True string

Text field that provides a short descriptive name of the project.

OrganizationSourceSystemId True string

SourceSystemId of the organization to which the project is assigned.

BaseCurrency True string

Default currency of the project. The value provided in this field must match a currency code in the InEight cloud platform.

TimeZone True string

Time zone of the project in UTC format.

ProjectStatusName True string

Status of the project. The only value allowed in the currently release is New.

StartDate date-time

Starting date of the project in UTC format.

EndDate date-time

Expected end date of the project in UTC format.

City string

Name of the city where the project is located.

RegionISOCode string

ISO code (3166-2) for the region where the project is located.

CountryISOCode string

ISO code (Alpha-2) for the country where the project is located.

ZipCode string

Zip code or postal code of the project location.

Address1 string

Primary street address of the project location.

Address2 string

Additional street address information for where the project is located.

Latitude double

Geographic Information System (GIS) latitude of the project location. Allowed values are maximum of 90 and minimum of -90.

Longitude double

GIS longitude of the project location. Allowed values are maximum of 180 and minimum of -180.

Notes string

Free-form text field for notes about the project.

IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field causes the record to be soft deleted from the InEight cloud platform. If a value is not provided the default value true is used.

OriginalContractAmount double

The dollar value of the original contract.

ContractNumber string

The identifier of the primary contract for the project.

DateProjectStarted date-time

The actual start date of the project.

ContractDate date-time

The effective date of the primary contract.

OriginalContractCompletionDate date-time

The date on which the primary contract was completed.

OriginalDuration integer

The planned duration of the project in days.

ForecastStartDate date-time

Forecasted start date of the project in UTC format.

ForecastCompletionDate date-time

Forecasted end date of the project in UTC format.

ForecastDuration integer

Forecasted duration of the project in whole number.

ForecastRevisedCompletionDate date-time

Forecasted revised completion date of the project in UTC format

ForecastExtensionsReductions integer

Forecasted extension of the project duration in whole number

ForecastRevisedDuration integer

Forecasted revised duration of the project in whole number

ContractRevisedCompletionDate date-time

Contract revised completion date of the project in UTC format

ContractExtensionsReductions integer

Contract extension of the project duration in whole number

ContractRevisedDuration integer

Contract revised duration of the project in whole number

CertificateOfSubstantialCompletionExpectedDate date-time

Expected date of receiving the certificate of substantial completion.

CertificateOfSubstantialCompletionAwardedDate date-time

Expected date of being awarded the certificate of substantial completion.

CertificateOfFinalCompletionExpectedDate date-time

Expected date of receiving the certificate of final completion.

CertificateOfFinalCompletionAwardedDate date-time

Expected date of being awarded the certificate of final completion.

CompanyLegalName string
AttributeName string

Provide a valid Name of a Project Attribute defined in the system. If a value is provided for this field, do not include the AttributeSourceSystemId field.

AttributeSourceSystemId string

Provide a valid SourceSystemId of a Project Attribute defined in the system. If a value is provided for this field, do not include the AttributeName field.

AttributeValue True string

Provide the value for the Attribute specified by either the AttributeName or AttributeSourceSystemId fields. The entry provided in this field must match the expected Data Type of the Project Attribute. For example if the Project Attribute expects a date value, this field should contain a date. If the Data Type of the Project Attribute is specified as 'Data' then the entry provided in this field must match a valid option for the Project Attributes Data Source. For example, the Data Source of the Project Attribute is specified as 'Organization' then the entry in this field must match a valid Organization Name or SourceSystemId.

Markets array of string



Import Roles

This integration allows customers to create their master list of Roles that may be used for various business functions within several InEight cloud applications.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

RoleName True string

Name of the role

Description string

Description of the role

AdminLevel True string

Admin level to be assigned to this role at 0, 1, 2, or 3

SourceSystemId True string

Unique record ID assigned by Suite and matching the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

SourceSystemName string

Unique Name assigned by Suite and matching the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field

IsSystem boolean
IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



Import Trades

Trades Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of trades for their organization. Within the application, Trades records are found in the Account level menu options under "Master data libraries > Operational resources" or from within the Project level menu under "Assigned operational resources".


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

TradeDisplay True string

The public unique identifier for a Trade

TradeDescription True string

The description for the Trade

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for trades

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Trades

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight



Import Union

This integration allows a customer to maintain a master list of Unions in InEight. Unions can be associated with Employees and Crafts at either the Account (all projects), or specified Project levels. These associations can be created and maintained either in their own (separate) integrations, or through the InEight cloud platform UI.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

UnionDisplayId True string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public vs private unique identifier

UnionDescription True string

User friendly description of the record that will be shown in normal use of InEight applications to assist users when performing searches or selections. This field supports a large number of text characters, but it is recommended to keep the description as short as possible while retaining an easily recognized meaning

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false will cause a soft delete of the record in InEight

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the "system of record" and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users

SourceSystemName string

Name of the source system that is providing the data. Customers should work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field



Import User Roles

UserRoles Integration allows InEight customers to import a list of users and roles mapping at the intended project or organization level. Within the application, user role assignments are found in the Account level menu options under "Suite Administration > User management > Edit user".


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

RoleName True string

Name of the role that will be assigned to the user. The name provided in this field must match an existing role within the InEight cloud platform

UserSourceSystemId True string

SourceSystemId of an existing user within the InEight cloud platform

IsActive boolean

Sending a value of false in this field will cause the association of user to role to be soft deleted. If a value is not provided, the default value true is used

ProjectSourceSystemId string

SourceSystemId of an existing project in the InEight cloud platform. This sets the permissions associated to the role to only this project. If the role should be assigned to multiple projects for the user, then multiple records must be sent. If the user should have the role assigned to all projects that fall beneath a specific organization level, then use the OrganizationSourceSystemId field instead

OrganizationSourceSystemId string

SourceSystemId of an existing organization within the InEight cloud platform. This grants the permissions associated to the role to all projects that hierarchically fall under this organization



Import Users

Users Integration allows InEight customers to provide a list of all user resources for their entire organization and to maintain the list as users are added or removed. Within the application, user records are found in the Account level menu options under "Suite Administration"


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

FirstName True string

First name of the user

LastName True string

Last name of the user

IsActive boolean

'1' means active and '0' means inactive

Language string

Primary language used for communication

DecimalFormat string

Decimal Format

DateFormat string

Date Format

EmployeeId string

Provide a valid ID of a user assigned in the system.

VendorCode string

Vendor code of the vendor if the user is assigned to a vendor

SourceSystemName string

Name of the external system that is using the integration. Work with InEight to provision a unique value for this field.

SourceSystemId string

Identifier created by the system of record and used in all system communications as the primary method of specifying a unique record. This field does not display in normal use of InEight applications and can contain internal identifiers such as a GUID that is not understandable by typical system users.

MobileNumber string

cell phone number of the user

WorkNumber string

work telephone number of the user

DisplayUserId string

Unique identifier that is publicly recognizable. This field is displayed in normal use of InEight applications. The value sent in this field can match SourceSystemId if there is no need to use a public versus private unique identifier.

EmailAddress True string

official email address of the user

StartDate date-time

Starting date of the user in UTC format.

EndDate date-time

Expected end date of the user in UTC format.

IsExternalUser boolean

'1' means active and '0' means inactive



Import Vendors

The Vendors integration allows customers to maintain a master list of all the Vendors that can be used within any project.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId string

The unique identifier provided by the system of record for Vendors

SourceSystemName string

The name of the system of record for Vendors

VendorCode True string

The public unique identifier for a Vendor

VendorDescription True string

The description for a Vendor

IsActive boolean

Determines if the record is active and available to the system. If a value is not provided, the value true is used. Sending a value of false causes a soft delete of the record in InEight

AlternateName string

An alternate name that may be assigned to the vendor to aid searches.

Address1 string

Street address of the vendor.

Address2 string

An optional second line for the street address of the vendor.

ZipCode string

Postal or zip code of the vendor.

City string

City where the vendor is located.

RegionISOCode string

The ISO 3166-2 Code for the region of the vendor.​

CountryISOCode string

The ISO Alpha-2 code for the country of the vendor.​

TelephoneNumber string

Telephone number for the vendor.​

FaxNumber string

Fax number for the vendor​

DefaultPaymentTerms string

Optional payment terms that will be defaulted when the vendor is added to a contract.​

DefaultINCOTerms string

Optional International Commercial (INCO) Terms that will be defaulted when the vendor is added to a contract.​​

DefaultINCOTermsLocation string

Optional location at which risk passes from seller to buyer per the specified INCO Terms

VendorTypeReference string

Optional reference to a Vendor Type. If used, data provided in this field must match a valid record in the Vendor Type Master Data located in Platform.​

DefaultCurrencyCode string

Default Currency Code

PreferredLanguage string

Preferred Language

VendorTaxJurisdiction string

An optional Tax Jurisdiction Code that can be included when sending Invoice and Pay Requests from Contracts to an external system. This field may also be optionally used to when requesting tax details from an external taxation system for contract line items.​

Status string

Status of the vendor, either available or unavailable

VendorTaxId string

Optional Tax Identification number issued for the vendor from a government tax authority (typically IRS for US Vendors)

VendorAddressType string

Vendor Address Type

Address1 string


Address2 string


ZipCode string

Zip Code

City string


RegionISOCode string

Region ISO Code

CountryISOCode string

Country ISO Code

TelephoneNumber string

Telephone Number

FaxNumber string

Fax Number



This integration is used to import accrual request (response) Data

Allows customers to import accrual request (response) data for their organization. Accrual allows to record goods or services received but not yet invoiced against the contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

AccrualRequestReference string

This field indicates accrual request reference of the original request.

AccrualRequestStatus string

This field indicates accrual request status.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference number matching project suite contract number.

LogToken string

This field indicates unique log token matching project suite request log token value.

Level string

This field indicates error message level.

Message string

This field indicates error message.

AccrualSourceSystemId string

This field indicates accrual unique source system id.

ContractDetailReference string

This field indicates line item code.

DisplayId string

This field indicates display id.



This integration is used to import Contract Equipment Data

Allows customers to Import contract equipment data for their organization. This integration allows an external system to match equipment details to equipment inventory. If the equipment used in a line item exists in external system, then the contract details are attached for that equipment. If not, the external system creates new equipment based on the information passed via integration. The new equipment details are sent to the project suite cloud platform for project equipment assignment.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

ProjectReference string

This field indicates project reference number matching with project suite project display number.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference number matching project suite contract number.

LogToken string

This field indicates unique log token.

Status string

This field indicates equipment status.

Level string

This field indicates error message level.

Message string

This field indicates error message.

ContractDetailReference string

This field indicates line item code.

EquipmentSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique equipment source system id.


This integration is used to import contract tax data

Allows customers to Import Contract Tax data for their organization before publishing the actual contract. This integration receives the total tax and breakdown of tax codes and amounts for a contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference matching with contract number field in project suite.

CurrentValue string

This field indicates current value.

CurrentValueProjectCurrency string

This field indicates current value in project currency.

LogToken string

This field indicates log token sent in the request message.

Status string

This field indicates sync status from external system.

Level string

This field indicates error message level.

Message string

This field indicates error message.

ContractTypeReference string

This field indicates contract type reference.

VendorReference string

This field indicates vendor display number.

PurchasingOrganizationReference string

This field indicates purchasing organization reference.

PurchasingGroupReference string

This field indicates purchasing group reference.

LegalEntityReference string

This field indicates legal entity reference.

PaymentTermReference string

This field indicates payment term reference.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference.

CurrencyReference string

This field indicates currency reference.

INCOTerms string

This field indicates incoterms.

AgreementNumber string

This field indicates agreement number.

AgreementValue string

This field indicates agreement value.

PurchaseOrderNumber string

This field indicates purchase order number.

PurchaseOrderValue string

This field indicates purchase order value.

CreatedByReference string

This field indicates who created the contract.

CreatedDate string

This field indicates created date.

ContractDetailReference string

This field indicates line item code.

GrossAmount string

This field indicates gross amount.

GrossAmountProjectCurrency string

This field indicates gross amount in project currency.

NetValuewithoutTax string

This field indicates net value without tax.

NetValueWithoutTaxProjectCurrency string

This field indicates net value without tax in project currency.

TaxTotal string

This field indicates tax total in contract currency.

TaxTotalProjectCurrency string

This field indicates tax total in project currency.

ContractDetailType string

This field indicates line item type.

Description string

This field indicates description of the line item.

MaterialReference string

This field indicates material reference.

MaterialGroupReference string

This field indicates material group reference.

CreatedByReference string

This field indicates creator of the line item.

Quantity string

This field indicates quantity for line item.

UnitOfMeasureReference string

This field indicates unit of measure.

NetPrice string

This field indicates net price.

UnitsPerPrice string

This field indicates number of units per price.

PriceUnitOfMeasureReference string

This field indicates unit of measure used for the net price.

TaxCodeReference string

This field indicates tax code reference.

DeliveryDate string

This field indicates delivery date.

OrderDeliveryTolerance string

This field indicates order delivery tolerance for line item.

PlantReference string

This field indicates plant code for that contract.

StorageLocation string

This field indicates storage location details.

DeletionIndicator string

This field indicates if the line item deleted after it is published.

DeliveryCompleteIndicator string

This field indicates that all expected deliveries for a contract have been completed.

InvoicePlanIndicator string

This field indicates whether an invoice plan document must be created. A value of X indicates that there will not be any goods receipt for this contract.

ReturnPOFlag string

This field indicates whether the line item represents a return and the values sent in amount fields represent a negative number.

MaterialCharacteristicReference string

This field indicates material characteristic details.

AccountAssignmentCategory string

This field indicates account assignment category.

CDSSplitMethod string

This field indicates account assignment split method.

Comments string

This field indicates comments.

RetentionPercent string

This field indicates retention percent.

FairMarketValue string

This field indicates fair market amount.

EquipmentPrefix string

This field indicates equipment prefix detail.

RentalType string

This field indicates rental type code.

NAICScode string

This field indicates NAICS code.

WBSCategoryReference string

This field indicates cost account assignment category.

NoFurtherInvoiceIndicator string

This field indicates whether any new invoice will be added to purchase order or not.

GoodsReceiptStatus string

This field indicates goods receipt status.

TaxCode string

This field indicates tax code.

Description string

This field indicates description.

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.

TaxRate string

This field indicates tax rate.

CurrencyReference string

This field indicates currency reference code.

TaxAmountProjectCurrency string

This field indicates tax amount in project currency.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique source system id.

MaterialCharacteristicType string

This field indicates material characteristic type.

MaterialCharacteristicValue string

This field indicates material characteristic value

StreetName string

This field indicates street name.

CityName string

This field indicates city name.

Region string

This field indicates region code.

CountryCode string

This field indicates country code.

PostalCode string

This field indicates postal code.

TaxJurisdiction string

This field indicates tax jurisdiction code.

SplitByValue string

This field indicates split by value field.

AccountAssignmentLineNumber string

This field indicates account assignment line number.

CostCenterReference string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

AccountingLedgerReference string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CostItemSourceSystemId string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CostItemReference string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

DeletionIndicator string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CreatedByReference string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.



This integration is used to import goods receipt data

Allows customers to import goods receipt data for their organization.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

DocumentReference string

This field indicates document reference.

DocumentYear string

This field indicates document year.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique source system id.

LogToken string

This field indicates log token.

Level string

This field indicates error message level.

Message string

This field indicates error message.

GoodsReceiptRequestReference string

This field indicates goods receipt request reference.

DocumentDate string

This field indicates document date.

PostingDate string

This field indicates posting date.

EntryDate string

This field indicates entry date for the itrm.

CreatedByReference string

This field indicates creator of the item.

Reference string

This field indicates comments or reference.

DocumentText string

This field indicates document text.

BillOfLading string

This field indicates bill of lading.

GoodsReceiptStatus string

This field indicates goods receipt status.

ContractTypeReference string

This field indicates contract type reference.

DocumentItemReference string

This field indicates external document item reference.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference matching with contract number field in project suite.

ContractDetailReference string

This field indicates line item code.

MovementType string

This field indicates movement type

MaterialReference string

This field indicates material reference

PlantReference string

This field indicates plant reference.

StorageLocationRefrence string

This field indicates storage location refrence.

BatchNumber string

This field indicates batch number.

DebitCreditIndicator string

This field indicates debit or credit indicator.

ContractCurrency string

This field indicates contract currency.

AmountInContractCurrency string

This field indicates amount in contract currency.

AmountWithoutTaxInContractCurrency string

This field indicates amount without tax in contract currency.

TaxAmountInContractCurrency string

This field indicates tax amount in contract currency.

TaxType string

This field indicates tax type.

Description string

This field indicates tax description.

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.

TaxRate string

This field indicates tax rate.

ProjectCurrency string

This field indicates project currency.

AmountInProjectCurrency string

This field indicates amount in project currency.

AmountWithoutTaxInProjectCurrency string


TaxAmountInProjectCurrency string

This field indicates tax amount in project currency.

TaxType string

This field indicates tax type.

Description string

This field indicates tax description.

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.

TaxRate string

This field indicates tax rate.

ReceivedQuantity string

This field indicates received quantity.

ReceivedUOM string

This field indicates what is the received unit of measure.

ReceivedQuantityInBaseUOM string

This field indicates received quantity in base unit of measure.

BaseUOM string

This field indicates base unit of measure.

ReceivedQuantityInPOPriceUOM string

This field indicates received quantity in contract unit of measure.

POPriceUOM string

This field indicates unit of measure for the purchase order.

ReceivedQuantityInPOUOM string

This field indicates total quantity received in the unit of measure for the purchase order.

POUOM string

This field indicates unit of measure for the purchase order.

DeliveryCompletedIndicator string

This field indicates delivery completion indicator.

Text string


GoodsRecipientUserReference string

This field indicates goods recipient user reference.

CostCenter string

This field indicates cost center

OrderNumber string

This field indicates order number.

MovementIndicator string

This field indicates movement indicator.

GRNonValuatedIndicator string

This field indicates goods receipt non valuated indicator.

ReasonForMovement string

This field indicates reason for movement.

ProfitCenter string

This field indicates profit center.

CostItemReference string

This field indicates cost item reference.

AccountingLedgerReference string

This field indicates accounting ledger reference.

StockTypeIndicator string

This field indicates stock type indicator.

OverDeliveryToleranceIndicator string

This field indicates over delivery tolerance indicator.


This integration is used to import Invoice data

Allows customers to import invoices for their organization. This integration allows vendors that are users to post invoices to contract application that can then be used in payment request and submitted to external system for processing. The invoices posted are shown in the invoice register as unassigned invoices.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

ProjectReference string

This field indicates project reference number matching with project suite project display number.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference number matching with project suite contract number.

InvoiceNumber string

This field indicates invoice number.

InvoiceStatus string

This field indicates invoice status.

InvoiceDate string

This field indicates invoice date.

InvoiceAmount string

This field indicates invoice amount.

InvoiceTax string

This field indicates invoice tax amount.

RecordId string

This field indicates unique record identification for that invoice.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates external system unique identification.

SourceSystemName string

This field indicates external system unique name.

InvoiceURL string

This field indicates invoice link.

TaxType string

This field indicates tax type

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.



Allows customers to import legal entities data for their organization. Legal entities represent business units within a company that may be used for billing purposes within contracts application. This integration allows creation and management of selectable legal entities within the contracts application.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

Name string

This field indicates unique name.

Description string

This field indicates description of the legal entity.

CountryReference string

This field indicates country code.

Currency string

This field indicates currency value.

Language string

This field indicates language value.


This integration is used to import payment request Data

Allows customers to provide confirmation of receipt of the payment request and optional status updates of the payment until it has been fully processed. It also allows customers to post invoice details along with invoice payment details directly from external system without creating payment request in project suite.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

PayRequestReference string

This field indicates payment request reference.

CreatedDate string

This field indicates created date.

PayRequestStatus string

This field indicates payment request status.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference matching project suite contract number.

LogToken string

This field indicates unique log token.

Level string

This field indicates error message level.

Message string

This field indicates error message.

InvoiceStatus string

This field indicates invoice status.

InvoiceStatusDescription string

This field indicates invoice status description.

InvoiceReceiptReference string

This field indicates invoice receipt reference.

SourceSystemInvoiceNumber string

This field indicates source system invoice number.

PostingDate string

This field indicates invoice posting date.

Amount string

This field indicates invoive amount.

CurrencyReference string

This field indicates currency reference.

ProjectCurrencyAmount string

This field indicates project currency amount.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference.

VendorInvoiceReference string

This field indicates vendor invoice number.

InvoicingPartyReference string

This field indicates vendor number.

InvoicingPartyName string

This field indicates vendor name.

VendorInvoiceDate string

This field indicates vendor invoice date.

DocumentYear string

This field indicates document year.

DebitCreditIndicator string

This field indicates debit or credit indicator.

PaymentMethod string

This field indicates payment method.

PaymentBlock string

This field indicates if the payment is blocked or not.

RetentionReleasedAmount string

This field indicates retention release amount.

ProgressEstimateNumber string

This field indicates progress estimate number.

BillingPeriod string

This field indicates billing period.

IsCancelled string

This field indicates if the invoice is cancelled or not.

InvoiceItemNumber string

This field indicates invoice item number.

ContractDetailReference string

This field indicates contract detail reference.

InvoiceLineQuantity string

This field indicates invoice line quantity.

RetentionHeldAmountProjectCurrency string

This field indicates retention held amount in project currency.

RetentionHeldAmount string

This field indicates retention held amount.

ContractLineAmount string

This field indicates contract line amount.

ContractLineAmountWithoutTax string

This field indicates contract line amount without tax.

ContractLineAmountTax string

This field indicates contract line amount tax array.

TaxType string

This field indicates tax type.

Description string

This field indicates tax description.

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.

TaxRate string

This field indicates tax rate.

InvoiceLineUoM string

This field indicates invoice line unit of measure.

ProjectCurrencyLineAmount string

This field indicates project currency line amount.

ProjectCurrencyLineAmountWithoutTax string

This field indicates project currency line amount without tax.

ProjectCurrencyLineAmountTax string

This field indicates project currency line amount tax.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference.

TaxType string

This field indicates tax type.

Description string

This field indicates tax description.

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.

TaxRate string

This field indicates tax rate.

DebitCreditIndicator string

This field indicates debit or credit indicator.

PaymentReference string

This field indicates unique payment reference.

PaymentDate string

This field indicates date when the payment is made.

PaymentPaid string

This field indicates payment paid amount.

CurrencyReference string

This field indicates currency reference.

PaymentIdentification string

This field indicates payment identification number.

PaymentVoidDate string

This field indicates payment void date.

ProjectCurrencyPaymentAmount string

This field indicates payment amount in project currency.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference



This integration is used to import plant data

Allows customers to import plant data for their organization. Plants are used for ordering of materials. This integration allows the list of selectable Plants to be created and managed for use within the contract application.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

PlantReference string

This field indicates unique plant reference number.

Description string

This field indicates plant description.

LegalEntityReference string

This field indicates legal entity name for that plant.

IsActive string

This field indicates if the plant is active or not.


Allows customers to import project legal entity data for their organization. This integration associates legal entity records to a project and sets the plant relationship for use in contracts application.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique source system id.

ProjectSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique project source system id.

LegalEntitySourceSystemId string

This field indicates legal entity source system id.

PlantSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique plant source system id.

IsGRValuated string

This field indicates if goods receipt valuated or not.

IsSplitAccountAllowed string

This field indicates is split account is allowed or not.

IsActive string

This field indicates if this is active or not.


This integration is used to import Project shipping address data

Allows customers to import project shipping data for their organization. This integration creates and maintains shipping address information for a project using contract application.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

he tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique source system id.

ProjectSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique project source system id.

StreetName string

This field indicates street name.

CityName string

This field indicates city name

Region string

This field indicates region code.

CountryCode string

This field indicates country code.

PostalCode string

This field indicates postal code.

TaxJurisdiction string

This field indicates tax jurisdiction code.

IsDefault string

This field indicates if the field is default field or not.

IsActive string

This field indicates if the field is active or not.


This integration is used to import project storage location data

Allows customers to import project storage location data for their organization. This integration creates plant and storage location information for a project using contracts application.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique id.

ProjectSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique project display id.

PlantSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique plant source system id.

StorageLocationSourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique storage location source system id.

IsDefault string

This field indicates if this is default storage location.

IsActive string

This field indicates storage location is active or not


This integration is used to import purchase order Data

Allows customers to receive updated information about contract details based on the creation of a purchase order (response). The response message may also be used to provide status updates for the purchase order as it moves from request to payment within the external system.


Name Key Required Type Description
Tenant prefix

The tenant prefix of https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "domain".

APIM subscription key
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in your APIM Profile.

ContractReference string

This field indicates contract reference matching with contract number field in project suite.

CurrentValue string

This field indicates current value.

CurrentValueProjectCurrency string

This field indicates current value in project currency.

LogToken string

This field indicates log token sent in the request message.

Status string

This field indicates sync status from external system.

Level string

This field indicates error message level.

Message string

This field indicates error message.

ContractTypeReference string

This field indicates contract type reference.

VendorReference string

This field indicates vendor display number.

PurchasingOrganizationReference string

This field indicates purchasing organization reference.

PurchasingGroupReference string

This field indicates purchasing group reference.

LegalEntityReference string

This field indicates legal entity reference.

PaymentTermReference string

This field indicates payment term reference.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference.

CurrencyReference string

This field indicates currency reference.

INCOTerms string

This field indicates incoterms.

AgreementNumber string

This field indicates agreement number.

AgreementValue string

This field indicates agreement value.

PurchaseOrderNumber string

This field indicates purchase order number.

PurchaseOrderValue string

This field indicates purchase order value.

CreatedByReference string

This field indicates who created the contract.

CreatedDate string

This field indicates created date.

IsExternalCreatedPurchaseOrder string

Determines new PO or exists. Update as True or False.

Description string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

EffectiveDate string

The date/time when this contract began. If empty takes the current date and time

ContractStatus string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

ContractSubTypeReference string

A free-form text field that can be manually input Contract sub type.

InvoicePlanIndicator string

True or false.

Discipline string

Must match the value exactly.

ScopeOfContract string

A free-form text field.

RetentionPercent string

Line item retention.

LiquidatedDamageOverallCap string

Numeric value.

HarmonizedTariffSchedule string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CountryOfOrigin string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

RequsitionNumber string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

RequsitionValue string

Numeric value.

CustomList1 string

Name of the custom list.

CustomList2 string

Name of the custom list.

CustomField1 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField2 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField3 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField4 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField5 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField6 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField7 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField8 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField9 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

CustomField10 string

A free-form text field that can be manually filled by a user via the Contract UI or filled in the integration response message. The information stored in this field is for manual reference only and has no direct correlation to other Contract data.

StreetName string

This field indicates street name.

DisplayID string

This field indicates city name.

CityName string

This field indicates city name.

Region string

This field indicates region code.

CountryCode string

This field indicates country code.

PostalCode string

This field indicates postal code.

TaxJurisdiction string

This field indicates tax jurisdiction code.

ContractDetailReference string

This field indicates line item code.

GrossAmount string

This field indicates gross amount.

GrossAmountProjectCurrency string

This field indicates gross amount in project currency.

NetValuewithoutTax string

This field indicates net value without tax.

NetValueWithoutTaxProjectCurrency string

This field indicates net value without tax in project currency.

TaxTotal string

This field indicates tax total in contract currency.

TaxTotalProjectCurrency string

This field indicates tax total in project currency.

ContractDetailType string

This field indicates line item type.

Description string

This field indicates description of the line item.

MaterialReference string

This field indicates material reference.

MaterialGroupReference string

This field indicates material group reference.

CreatedByReference string

This field indicates creator of the line item.

Quantity string

This field indicates quantity for line item.

UnitOfMeasureReference string

This field indicates unit of measure.

NetPrice string

This field indicates net price.

UnitsPerPrice string

This field indicates number of units per price.

PriceUnitOfMeasureReference string

This field indicates unit of measure used for the net price.

TaxCodeReference string

This field indicates tax code reference.

DeliveryDate string

This field indicates delivery date.

OrderDeliveryTolerance string

This field indicates order delivery tolerance for line item.

PlantReference string

This field indicates plant code for that contract.

StorageLocation string

This field indicates storage location details.

DeletionIndicator string

This field indicates if the line item deleted after it is published.

DeliveryCompleteIndicator string

This field indicates that all expected deliveries for a contract have been completed.

InvoicePlanIndicator string

This field indicates whether an invoice plan document must be created. A value of X indicates that there will not be any goods receipt for this contract.

ReturnPOFlag string

This field indicates whether the line item represents a return and the values sent in amount fields represent a negative number.

MaterialCharacteristicReference string

This field indicates material characteristic details.

AccountAssignmentCategory string

This field indicates account assignment category.

CDSSplitMethod string

This field indicates account assignment split method.

Comments string

This field indicates comments.

RetentionPercent string

This field indicates retention percent.

FairMarketValue string

This field indicates fair market amount.

EquipmentPrefix string

This field indicates equipment prefix detail.

RentalType string

This field indicates rental type code.

NAICScode string

This field indicates NAICS code.

WBSCategoryReference string

This field indicates cost account assignment category.

NoFurtherInvoiceIndicator string

This field indicates whether any new invoice will be added to purchase order or not.

GoodsReceiptStatus string

This field indicates goods receipt status.

IsTaxable string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

LongDescription string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CountryOfOrigin string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

LowerLimit string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

UpperLimit string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

ValidThroughDate string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CountrofOrigin string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

DiversityParticipationPercent string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

DiversityParticipationValue string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

HarmonizedTariffSchedule string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomList1 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomList2 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomField1 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomField2 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomField3 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomField4 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

CustomField5 string

Do not use. Values in this field are not currently being saved to a contract.

TaxCode string

This field indicates tax code.

Description string

This field indicates description.

TaxAmount string

This field indicates tax amount.

TaxRate string

This field indicates tax rate.

CurrencyReference string

This field indicates currency reference code.

TaxAmountProjectCurrency string

This field indicates tax amount in project currency.

ProjectCurrencyReference string

This field indicates project currency reference.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique source system id.

MaterialCharacteristicType string

This field indicates material characteristic type.

MaterialCharacteristicValue string

This field indicates material characteristic value.

StreetName string

This field indicates street name.

DisplayID string

This field indicates city name.

CityName string

This field indicates city name.

Region string

This field indicates region code.

CountryCode string

This field indicates country code.

PostalCode string

This field indicates postal code.

TaxJurisdiction string

This field indicates tax jurisdiction code.

SplitByValue string

This field indicates split by value field.

AccountAssignmentLineNumber string

This field indicates account assignment line number.

AccountAssignmentNumber string

This field indicates account assignment number.

GLAccountReference string

This field indicates general ledger account reference.

CreatedByReference string

This field indicates who created the item.



This integration is used to import storage location data

Allows customers to Import customers to import storage location data for their organization. This integration allows the selectable list of storage locations to be created and maintained for use the in the project suite.


Name Key Required Type Description
The tenant prefix of https://Domain.hds.ineight.com/ would be "Domain"

The tenant-prefix of your Project Suite base URL. For example, if you are accessing Project Suite at https://domain.hds.ineight.com/ then the value for this parameter would be domain

This is found in in your APIM Profile.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True string

This is found in in your APIM Profile.

PlantReference string

This field indicates unique plant reference for that storage location.

StorageLocationReference string

This field indicates unique storage location name.

Description string

This field indicates description of storage location.

SourceSystemId string

This field indicates unique source system id.




This is the basic data type 'string'.


This is the type 'object'.