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Azure cognitive services language understanding intelligent service (LUIS) lets you understand language contextually, so your apps communicate with people in the way they speak.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions
Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions
Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions

Known Issues and Limitations

The following are some known limitations of using the LUIS connector

  1. Dropdowns for App Id, App Version, Desired Intent and Desired Entity call authoring endpoints and hence require an authoring key to be used when creating a connection. In case of only an endpoint key being available, one must use "Enter custom value" to enter the corresponding parameter values.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring API Key True
Prediction endpoint string Prediction endpoint. If not specified, it will be defaulted to https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 1200 60 seconds


Get entity by type

For a given entity type, the operation returns the best matching entity model from the LUIS prediction object.

Get prediction

Given some input text, this operations returns a prediction based on a pre-trained model. The prediction object returned can also be used as input for other LUIS actions.

Get entity by type

For a given entity type, the operation returns the best matching entity model from the LUIS prediction object.


Name Key Required Type Description
App Id
app-id True string

Id of the trained application

Desired Entity
desiredEntity True string

The Desired Entity.

App version
versionId string

The version name. The value 0.1 will be used by default.

luisPredictionObject True string


Get prediction

Given some input text, this operations returns a prediction based on a pre-trained model. The prediction object returned can also be used as input for other LUIS actions.


Name Key Required Type Description
App Id
app-id True string

Id of the trained application.

Utterance Text
q True string

String to predict

Desired Intent
desiredIntent string

Desired top scoring intent

App version
versionId string

The version name. The value 0.1 will be used by default.




Name Path Type Description
LUIS Prediction
luisPrediciton string

Used as input for other other LUIS actions.

Is Desired Intent
isDesiredIntent boolean

True if the top scoring intent matches the desired intent.

Desired Intent
desiredIntent string

Desired intent specified as input, if any.

Utterance Text
query string

String that the prediction is based off.

topScoringIntent.intent string

Name of the intent model.

topScoringIntent.score float

Percent confidence of prediction.

Intents Array
intents array of object

List of all predicted intents.

Intent Name
intents.intent string

Name of the intent model.

Intent Score
intents.score float

Percent confidence of prediction.

Entities Array
entities array of LuisPredictResponseEntity

List of all predicted entities.


Name Path Type Description
Entity Value
entity string

Value of the corresponding entity type.

Entity Type
type string

Name of the entity model.

Entity Score
score float

Percent confidence of prediction.


Name Path Type Description
entity LuisPredictResponseEntityMinusType
entityMatchInfo EntityMatchInfo


Name Path Type Description
Entity Value
entity string

Value of the corresponding entity type.

Entity Score
score float

Percent confidence of prediction.

Entity Resolution
resolution string

The resolution of this entity. Only applies to built in entities.


Name Path Type Description
Desired Entity
desiredEntity string

Desired entity specified as input, if any.

Is Entity Match
isEntityMatch boolean

True if the specific entity was found.

Entity Match Count
entityMatchCount integer

Number of entities that match the desired entity type.

Using this Connector