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Customize parameter marshalling

When the .NET runtime's default parameter marshalling behavior doesn't do what you want, use can use the System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute attribute to customize how your parameters are marshalled. These customization features do not apply when runtime marshalling is disabled.


Source-generated interop for P/Invokes and COM only respects a small subset of MarshalAsAttribute on parameters. It is recommended to use MarshalUsingAttribute for source-generated interop instead. For more information, see Custom marshalling for source generation.

Customizing string parameters

.NET has a variety of formats for marshalling strings. These methods are split into distinct sections on C-style strings and Windows-centric string formats.

C-style strings

Each of these formats passes a null-terminated string to native code. They differ by the encoding of the native string.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType value Encoding

The UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr format is slightly different. Like LPWStr, it marshals the string to a native C-style string encoded in UTF-16. However, the managed signature has you pass in the string by reference and the matching native signature takes the string by value. This distinction allows you to use a native API that takes a string by value and modifies it in-place without having to use a StringBuilder. We recommend against manually using this format since it's prone to cause confusion with the mismatching native and managed signatures.

Windows-centric string formats

When interacting with COM or OLE interfaces, you'll likely find that the native functions take strings as BSTR arguments. You can use the UnmanagedType.BStr unmanaged type to marshal a string as a BSTR.

If you're interacting with WinRT APIs, you can use the UnmanagedType.HString format to marshal a string as an HSTRING.

Customizing array parameters

.NET also provides you multiple ways to marshal array parameters. If you're calling an API that takes a C-style array, use the UnmanagedType.LPArray unmanaged type. If the values in the array need customized marshalling, you can use the ArraySubType field on the [MarshalAs] attribute for that.

If you're using COM APIs, you'll likely have to marshal your array parameters as SAFEARRAY*s. To do so, you can use the UnmanagedType.SafeArray unmanaged type. The default type of the elements of the SAFEARRAY can be seen in the table on customizing object fields. You can use the MarshalAsAttribute.SafeArraySubType and MarshalAsAttribute.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType fields to customize the exact element type of the SAFEARRAY.

Customizing Boolean or decimal parameters

For information on marshalling Boolean or decimal parameters, see Customizing structure marshalling.

Customizing object parameters (Windows-only)

On Windows, the .NET runtime provides a number of different ways to marshal object parameters to native code.

Marshalling as specific COM interfaces

If your API takes a pointer to a COM object, you can use any of the following UnmanagedType formats on an object-typed parameter to tell .NET to marshal as these specific interfaces:

  • IUnknown
  • IDispatch
  • IInspectable

Additionally, if your type is marked [ComVisible(true)] or you're marshalling the object type, you can use the UnmanagedType.Interface format to marshal your object as a COM callable wrapper for the COM view of your type.

Marshalling to a VARIANT

If your native API takes a Win32 VARIANT, you can use the UnmanagedType.Struct format on your object parameter to marshal your objects as VARIANTs. See the documentation on customizing object fields for a mapping between .NET types and VARIANT types.

Custom marshallers

If you want to project a native COM interface into a different managed type, you can use the UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler format and an implementation of ICustomMarshaler to provide your own custom marshalling code.