Поwер БИ ДатаВиз Светско првенство
14. феб 16 - 31. мар 16
Са 4 шансе за улазак, можете освојити конференцијски пакет и стићи до ЛИВЕ Гранд Финале у Лас Вегасу
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Надоградите на Microsoft Edge бисте искористили најновије функције, безбедносне исправке и техничку подршку.
Billing administrators can determine whether to enable or disable self-service sign-up. As a Billing administrator, you also determine whether users in your organization can make self-service purchases to get their own license.
Turning off self-service sign-up keeps users from exploring Power BI for data visualization and analysis. If you block individual sign-up, you may want to get Fabric (Free) licenses for your organization and assign them to all users.
Turning off self-service purchase keeps users from performing actions that require a paid license. These actions include sharing, exporting, and creating workspaces for collaboration.
This article is an overview of self-service in Power BI. To learn how to enable and disable self-service, see Instructions for enabling and disabling self-service sign-up and purchasing of licenses and subscriptions.
If you acquired Power BI through a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP), the settings might be disabled to block users from signing up individually. Your CSP can act as the admin for your organization, requiring that you contact them to help you change this setting.
Поwер БИ ДатаВиз Светско првенство
14. феб 16 - 31. мар 16
Са 4 шансе за улазак, можете освојити конференцијски пакет и стићи до ЛИВЕ Гранд Финале у Лас Вегасу
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Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and billing options - Training
Learn about the pricing models for Microsoft cloud services and how Microsoft 365 is available through various licensing and billing options to meet the needs of people and organizations.
Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate - Certifications
Demonstrate methods and best practices that align with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Microsoft Power BI.