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JDBC 4.1 compliance for the JDBC driver

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Versions prior to Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.2 for SQL Server are compliant for Java Database Connectivity API 4.0 specifications. This section does not apply for versions prior to the 4.2 release.

The Java Database Connectivity API 4.1 specification is supported by the Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.2 for SQL Server, with the following API methods.

SQLServerConnection class

New Method Description JDBC Driver Implementation
void abort(Executor executor) Terminates an open connection to SQL Server. Implemented as described in the java.sql.Connection interface. For more information, see java.sql.Connection.
void setSchema(String schema) Sets schema for the current connection. SQL Server doesn't support setting schema for the current session. The driver silently logs a warning message if this method is called. For more information, see java.sql.Connection.
String getSchema() Returns the schema name for the current connection. Since SQL Server doesn't support setting schema for the current connection, the driver instead returns the default schema of the user. For more information, see java.sql.Connection.

SQLServerDatabaseMetaData class

New Method Description JDBC Driver Implementation
boolean generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() Returns true as the driver supports retrieving generated keys Implemented as described in the java.sql. DatabaseMetaData interface. For more information, see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
ResultSet getPseudoColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) Retrieves a description of the pseudo/hidden columns Return an empty result set as SQL Server doesn't have a formal notion of pseudo-columns. For more information, see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.

SQLServerStatement class

New Method Description JDBC Driver Implementation
void closeOnCompletion() Specifies that this Statement will be closed when all its dependent result sets are closed. Implemented as described in the java.sql.Statement interface. For more information, see java.sql.Statement.
boolean isCloseOnCompletion() Returns a value indicating whether this Statement will be closed when all its dependent result sets are closed. Implemented as described in the java.sql.Statement interface. For more information, see java.sql.Statement.

The Java Database Connectivity API 4.1 specification is supported by the Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.2 for SQL Server, with the following features.

New Feature Description
New Escape Function

Limited Return Rows Escape
Partially supported

Escape syntax: LIMIT <rows> OFFSET <row_offset>.

The Java Database Connectivity API 4.1 specification is supported by the Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.2 for SQL Server, with the following Data Type Mappings.

Data Type Mappings Description
New data type mappings are now supported in PreparedStatement.setObject() and PreparedStatement.setNull() methods. 1. New Java to JDBC type mapping

(a) java.math.BigInteger to JDBC BIGINT

(b) java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar to JDBC TIMESTAMP

2. New data type conversions:

(a) java.math.BigInteger to CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, and BIGINT

(b) java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar to CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP

For more information, see JDBC 4.1 specification.