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Installer DLL Function Summary

The following table describes the functions in the installer DLL. For more information about the syntax and semantics for each function, see Installer DLL API Reference.

Task Function name Purpose
Installing ODBC SQLConfigDriver Loads the driver-specific setup DLL.
SQLGetInstalledDrivers Returns a list of installed drivers.
SQLInstallDriverEx Adds a driver to the system information.
SQLInstallDriverManager Returns the target directory for the Driver Manager.
SQLInstallerError Returns error or status information for the installer functions.
SQLInstallTranslatorEx Adds a translator to the system information.
SQLPostInstallerError Allows a driver or translator setup library to report errors.
SQLRemoveDriver Removes a driver from the system information.
SQLRemoveDriverManager Removes ODBC core components from the system information.
SQLRemoveTranslator Removes the translator from the system information.
Configuring data sources SQLConfigDataSource Calls the driver-specific setup DLL.
SQLCreateDataSource Displays a dialog box to add a data source.
SQLGetConfigMode Retrieves the configuration mode that indicates where the Odbc.ini entry listing DSN values is in the system information.
SQLGetPrivateProfileString Writes a value to the system information.
SQLGetTranslator Displays a dialog box to select a translator.
SQLManageDataSources Displays a dialog box to configure data sources and drivers.
SQLReadFileDSN Reads information from file DSNs.
SQLRemoveDefaultDataSource Removes the default data source.
SQLRemoveDSNFromIni Removes a data source.
SQLSetConfigMode Sets the configuration mode that indicates where the Odbc.ini entry listing DSN values is in the system information.
SQLValidDSN Checks the length and validity of the data source name.
SQLWriteDSNToIni Adds a data source.
SQLWriteFileDSN Writes information to file DSNs.
SQLWritePrivateProfileString Gets a value from the system information.