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SQLCompleteAsync Function

Version Introduced: ODBC 3.8 Standards Compliance: None

SQLCompleteAsync can be used to determine when an asynchronous function is complete using either notification- or polling-based processing. For more information about asynchronous operations, see Asynchronous Execution.

SQLCompleteAsync is only implemented in the ODBC Driver Manager.

In notification based asynchronous processing mode, SQLCompleteAsync must be called after the Driver Manager raises the event object used for notification. SQLCompleteAsync completes the asynchronous processing and the asynchronous function will generate a return code.

In polling based asynchronous processing mode, SQLCompleteAsync is an alternative to calling the original asynchronous function, without needing to specify the arguments in the original asynchronous function call. SQLCompleteAsync can be used regardless whether the ODBC Cursor Library is enabled.


SQLRETURN SQLCompleteAsync(  
      SQLSMALLINT HandleType,  
      SQLHANDLE   Handle,  
      RETCODE *   AsyncRetCodePtr);  


[Input] The type of the handle on which to complete asynchronous processing. Valid values are SQL_HANDLE_DBC or SQL_HANDLE_STMT.

[Input] The handle on which to complete asynchronous processing. If Handle is not a valid handle of the type specified by HandleType, SQLCompleteAsync returns SQL_INVALID_HANDLE.

If Handle is not a valid handle of the type specified by HandleType, SQLCompleteAsync returns SQL_INVALID_HANDLE.

[Output] Pointer to a buffer that will contain the return code of the asynchronous API. If AsyncRetCodePtr is NULL, SQLCompleteAsync returns SQL_ERROR.




If SQLCompleteAsync returns SQL_SUCCESS, an application should get the return code of the asynchronous function from the buffer pointed to by AsyncRetCodePtr. The associated SQLSTATE, if any, can be obtained by calling SQLGetDiagRec with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_STMT and a statement handle or a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_DBC and a connection handle. Those diagnostic records are associated with the asynchronous function, not this SQLCompleteAsync function.

SQLCompleteAsync returns a code other than SQL_SUCCESS to indicate that SQLCompleteAsync is not called correctly. SQLCompleteAsync will not post any diagnostic record in this case. Possible return codes are:

  • SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle indicated by HandleType and Handle is not a valid handle.

  • SQL_ERROR: AsyncRetCodePtr is NULL or asynchronous processing is not enabled on the handle.

  • SQL_NO_DATA: In notification mode, an asynchronous operation is not in progress or the Driver Manager has not notified the application. In polling mode, an asynchronous operation is not in progress.


In polling based asynchronous processing mode, AsyncRetCodePtr might be SQL_STILL_EXECUTING when SQLCompleteAsync returns SQL_SUCCESS. Application should keep polling until AsyncRetCodePtr is not SQL_STILL_EXECUTING. In notification based asynchronous processing mode, AsyncRetCodePtr will never be SQL_STILL_EXECUTING.

See Also

Asynchronous Execution (Polling Method)