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SQL Server, Deprecated Features object

Applies to: SQL Server

The SQLServer:Deprecated Features object in SQL Server provides a counter to monitor the features designated as deprecated. In each case the counter provides a usage count that lists the number of times the deprecated feature was encountered since SQL Server last started.

The value of these counters are also available by executing the following statement:

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters   
WHERE object_name LIKE '%SQL%Deprecated Features%';  

This following table describes the SQL Server Deprecated Features performance object.

SQL Server Deprecated Features counter Description
Usage Feature usage since last SQL Server startup.

The following table describes the SQL Server Deprecated Features counter instances.

SQL Server Deprecated Features counter instances Description
'#' and '##' as the name of temporary tables and stored procedures An identifier was encountered that did not contain any characters other than #. Use at least one additional character. Occurs once per compilation.
'::' function calling syntax The :: function calling syntax was encountered for a table-valued function. Replace with SELECT column_list FROM <function_name>(). For example, replace SELECT * FROM ::fn_virtualfilestats(2,1) with SELECT * FROM sys.fn_virtualfilestats(2,1). Occurs once per compilation.
'@' and names that start with '@@' as Transact-SQL identifiers An identifier was encountered that began with @ or @@. Do not use @ or @v@ or names that begin with @@ as identifiers. Occurs once per compilation.
ADDING TAPE DEVICE The deprecated feature sp_addumpdevice'**tape**' was encountered. Use sp_addumpdevice'**disk**' instead. Occurs once per use.
ALL Permission Total number of times the GRANT ALL, DENY ALL, or REVOKE ALL syntax was encountered. Modify the syntax to deny specific permissions. Occurs once per query.
ALTER DATABASE WITH TORN_PAGE_DETECTION Total number of times the deprecated feature TORN_PAGE_DETECTION option of ALTER DATABASE has been used since the server instance was started. Use the PAGE_VERIFY syntax instead. Occurs once per use in a DDL statement.
ALTER LOGIN WITH SET CREDENTIAL The deprecated feature syntax ALTER LOGIN WITH SET CREDENTIAL or ALTER LOGIN WITH NO CREDENTIAL was encountered. Use ADD or DROP CREDENTIAL syntax instead. Occurs once per compilation.
Azeri_Cyrillic_90 Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation.
Azeri_Latin_90 Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation.
BACKUP DATABASE or LOG TO TAPE The deprecated feature BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } TO TAPE or BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } TO device_that_is_a_tape was encountered.

Use BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } TO DISK or BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } TO device_that_is_a_disk, instead. Occurs once per use.
Create/alter SOAP endpoint Native XML Web Services is deprecated. Use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.
COMPUTE [BY] The COMPUTE or COMPUTE BY syntax was encountered. Rewrite the query to use GROUP BY with ROLLUP. Occurs once per compilation.
CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG IN PATH A CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement with the IN PATH clause was encountered. This clause has no effect in this version of SQL Server. Occurs once per use.
CREATE TRIGGER WITH APPEND A CREATE TRIGGER statement with the WITH APPEND clause was encountered. Re-create the whole trigger instead. Occurs once per use in a DDL statement.
CREATE_DROP_DEFAULT The CREATE DEFAULT or DROP DEFAULT syntax was encountered. Rewrite the command by using the DEFAULT option of CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. Occurs once per compilation.
CREATE_DROP_RULE The CREATE RULE syntax was encountered. Rewrite the command by using constraints. Occurs once per compilation.
Data types: text ntext or image A text, ntext, or image data types was encountered. Rewrite applications to use the varchar(max) data type and removed text, ntext, and image data type syntax. Occurs once per query.
Database compatibility level 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 The total number of times a database compatibility level was changed. Plan to upgrade the database and application for a future release. Also occurs when a database at a deprecated compatibility level is started.
DATABASE_MIRRORING References to database mirroring feature were encountered. Plan to upgrade to Always On Availability Groups, or if you are running an edition of SQL Server that does not support Always On Availability Groups, plan to migrate to log shipping.
database_principal_aliases References to the deprecated sys.database_principal_aliases were encountered. Use roles instead of aliases. Occurs once per compilation.
DATABASEPROPERTY A statement referenced DATABASEPROPERTY. Update the statement DATABASEPROPERTY to DATABASEPROPERTYEX. Occurs once per compilation.
DATABASEPROPERTYEX('IsFullTextEnabled') A statement referenced the DATABASEPROPERTYEX IsFullTextEnabled property. The value of this property has no effect. User databases are always enabled for full-text search. Do not use this property. Occurs once per compilation.
DBCC [UN]PINTABLE The DBCC PINTABLE or DBCC UNPINTABLE statement was encountered. This statement has no effect and should be removed. Occurs once per query.
DBCC DBREINDEX The DBCC DBREINDEX statement was encountered. Rewrite the statement to use the REBUILD option of ALTER INDEX. Occurs once per query.
DBCC INDEXDEFRAG The DBCC INDEXDEFRAG statement was encountered. Rewrite the statement to use the REORGANIZE option of ALTER INDEX. Occurs once per query.
DBCC SHOWCONTIG The DBCC SHOWCONTIG statement was encountered. Query sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats for this information. Occurs once per query.
DEFAULT keyword as a default value Syntax that uses the DEFAULT keyword as a default value was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per compilation.
Deprecated Attested Option
Deprecated encryption algorithm Deprecated encryption algorithm rc4 will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. The RC4 algorithm is weak and is only supported for backward compatibility. New material can only be encrypted using RC4 or RC4_128 when the database is in compatibility level 90 or 100. (Not recommended.) Use a newer algorithm such as one of the AES algorithms instead. In SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and higher material encrypted using RC4 or RC4_128 can be unencrypted in any compatibility level.
Deprecated hash algorithm Use of the MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, or SHA1 algorithms.
DESX algorithm Syntax that uses the DESX encryption algorithm was encountered. Use another algorithm for encryption. Occurs once per compilation.
dm_fts_active_catalogs The dm_fts_active_catalogs counter always remains at 0 because some columns of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs view are not deprecated. To monitor a deprecated column, use the column-specific counter; for example, sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs.is_paused.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.is_paused The is_paused column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.previous_status The previous_status column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.previous_status_description The previous_status_description column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.row_count_in_thousands The row_count_in_thousands column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.status The status column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.status_description The status_description column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_active_catalogs.worker_count The worker_count column of the sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
dm_fts_memory_buffers The dm_fts_memory_buffers counter always remains at 0 because most columns of the sys.dm_fts_memory_buffers view are not deprecated. To monitor the deprecated column, use the column-specific counter: dm_fts_memory_buffers.row_count.
dm_fts_memory_buffers.row_count The row_count column of the sys.dm_fts_memory_buffers dynamic management view was encountered. Avoid using this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
DROP INDEX with two-part name The DROP INDEX syntax contained the format table_name.index_name syntax in DROP INDEX. Replace with index_name ON table_name syntax in the DROP INDEX statement. Occurs once per compilation.
endpoint_webmethods The CREATE ENDPOINT or ALTER ENDPOINT statement with the FOR SOAP option. Use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.
EXT_CREATE_ALTER_SOAP_ENDPOINT The CREATE or ALTER ENDPOINT statement with the FOR SOAP option was encountered. Native XML Web Services is deprecated. Use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.
EXT_endpoint_webmethods sys.endpoint_webmethods was encountered. Native XML Web Services is deprecated. Use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.
EXT_soap_endpoints sys.soap_endpoints was encountered. Native XML Web Services is deprecated. Use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.
EXTPROP_LEVEL0TYPE TYPE was encountered at a level0type. Use SCHEMA as the level0type, and TYPE as the level1type. Occurs once per query.
EXTPROP_LEVEL0USER A level0type USER when a level1type was also specified. Use USER only as a level0type for extended properties directly on a user. Occurs once per query.
FASTFIRSTROW The FASTFIRSTROW syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to use the OPTION (FAST n) syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
FILE_ID The FILE_ID syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to use FILE_IDEX. Occurs once per compilation.
fn_get_sql The fn_get_sql function was compiled. Use sys.dm_exec_sql_text instead. Occurs once per compilation.
fn_servershareddrives The fn_servershareddrives function was compiled. Use sys.dm_io_cluster_shared_drives instead. Occurs once per compilation.
fn_trace_geteventinfo SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
fn_trace_getfilterinfo SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
fn_trace_getinfo SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
fn_trace_gettable SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
fn_virtualservernodes The fn_virtualservernodes function was compiled. Use sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes instead. Occurs once per compilation.
fulltext_catalogs The fulltext_catalogs counter always remains at 0 because some columns of the sys.fulltext_catalogs view are not deprecated. To monitor a deprecated column, use its column-specific counter; for example, sys.fulltext_catalogs.data_space_id. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
fulltext_catalogs.data_space_id The data_space_id column of the sys.fulltext_catalogs catalog view was encountered. Do not use this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
fulltext_catalogs.file_id The file_id column of the sys.fulltext_catalogs catalog view was encountered. Do not use this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
fulltext_catalogs.path The path column of the sys.fulltext_catalogs catalog view was encountered. Do not use this column. Occurs every time the server instance detects a reference to the column.
FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY('LogSize') The LogSize property of the FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY function was encountered. Avoid using this property.
FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY('PopulateStatus') The PopulateStatus property of the FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY function was encountered. Avoid using this property.
FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY('ConnectTimeout') The ConnectTimeout property of the FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY function was encountered. Avoid using this property.
FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY('DataTimeout') The DataTimeout property of the FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY function was encountered. Avoid using this property.
FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY('ResourceUsage') The ResourceUsage property of the FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY function was encountered. Avoid using this property.
GROUP BY ALL Total number of times the GROUP BY ALL syntax was encountered. Modify the syntax to group by specific tables.
Hindi Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation. Use Indic_General_90 instead.
HOLDLOCK table hint without parentheses Use HOLDLOCK with parenthesis. Rewrite the statement to use the current syntax.
IDENTITYCOL The INDENTITYCOL syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to use the $identity syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
IN PATH A CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement with the IN PATH clause was encountered. This clause has no effect in this version of SQL Server. Occurs once per use.
Index view select list without COUNT_BIG(*) The select list of an aggregate indexed view must contain COUNT_BIG (*) .
INDEX_OPTION Encountered CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or CREATE INDEX syntax without parentheses around the options. Rewrite the statement to use the current syntax. Occurs once per query.
INDEXKEY_PROPERTY The INDEXKEY_PROPERTY syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to query sys.index_columns. Occurs once per compilation.
Indirect TVF hints The indirect application, through a view, of table hints to an invocation of a multistatement table-valued function (TVF) will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.
INSERT NULL into TIMESTAMP columns A NULL value was inserted to a TIMESTAMP column. Use a default value instead. Occurs once per compilation.
Korean_Wansung_Unicode Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation.
Lithuanian_Classic Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation.
Macedonian Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation. Use Macedonian_FYROM_90 instead.
MODIFY FILEGROUP READONLY The MODIFY FILEGROUP READONLY syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to use the READ_ONLY syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
MODIFY FILEGROUP READWRITE The MODIFY FILEGROUP READWRITE syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to use the READ_WRITE syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
More than two-part column name A query used a 3-part or 4-part name in the column list. Change the query to use the standard-compliant 2-part names. Occurs once per compilation.
Multiple table hints without comma A space was used as the separator between table hints. Use a comma instead. Occurs once per compilation.
NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED in UPDATE or DELETE NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED was encountered in the FROM clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. Remove the NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED table hints from the FROM clause.
Non-ANSI *= or =* outer join operators A statement that uses the *= or =* join syntax was encountered. Rewrite the statement to use the ANSI join syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
Numbered stored procedures Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged.
numbered_procedure_parameters References to the deprecated sys.numbered_procedure_parameters were encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per compilation.
numbered_procedures References to the deprecated sys.numbered_procedures were encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per compilation.
Oldstyle RAISEERROR The deprecated RAISERROR (Format: RAISERROR integer string) syntax was encountered. Rewrite the statement using the current RAISERROR syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
Old NEAR Syntax Use the new NEAR syntax. See NEAR
OLEDB for ad hoc connections SQLOLEDB is not a supported provider. Use SQL Server Native Client for ad hoc connections.
PERMISSIONS References to the PERMISSIONS intrinsic function were encountered. Query sys.fn_my_permissions instead. Occurs once per query.
ProcNums The deprecated ProcNums syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to remove the references. Occurs once per compilation.
READTEXT The READTEXT syntax was encountered. Rewrite applications to use the varchar(max) data type and removed text data type syntax. Occurs once per query.
REMSERVER Replace remote servers by using linked servers.
RESTORE DATABASE or LOG WITH MEDIAPASSWORD The RESTORE ... WITH MEDIAPASSWORD syntax was encountered. WITH MEDIAPASSWORD provides weak security and should be removed.
RESTORE DATABASE or LOG WITH PASSWORD The RESTORE ... WITH PASSWORD syntax was encountered. WITH PASSWORD provides weak security and should be removed.
Returning results from trigger This event occurs once per trigger invocation. Rewrite the trigger so that it does not return result sets.
ROWGUIDCOL The ROWGUIDCOL syntax was encountered. Rewrite statements to use the $rowguid syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET ANSI_NULLS OFF The SET ANSI_NULLS OFF syntax was encountered. Remove this deprecated syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET ANSI_PADDING OFF The SET ANSI_PADDING OFF syntax was encountered. Remove this deprecated syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF The SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF syntax was encountered. Remove this deprecated syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHK The SET DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHK syntax was encountered. This has no effect. Remove this deprecated syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET FMTONLY ON The SET FMTONLY syntax was encountered. Remove this deprecated syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET OFFSETS The SET OFFSETS syntax was encountered. Remove this deprecated syntax. Occurs once per compilation.
SET REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS The SET REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS syntax was encountered. Remove this deprecated syntax. Use linked servers and sp_serveroption instead.
SET ROWCOUNT The SET ROWCOUNT syntax was encountered in a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement. Rewrite the statement by using TOP. Occurs once per compilation.
SETUSER The SET USER statement was encountered. Use EXECUTE AS instead. Occurs once per query.
soap_endpoints Native XML Web Services is deprecated. Use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.
sp_addapprole The sp_addapprole procedure was encountered. Use CREATE APPLICATION ROLE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_addextendedproc The sp_addextendedproc procedure was encountered. Use CLR instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_addlogin The sp_addlogin procedure was encountered. Use CREATE LOGIN instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_addremotelogin The sp_addremotelogin procedure was encountered. Use linked servers instead.
sp_addrole The sp_addrole procedure was encountered. Use CREATE ROLE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_addrolemember The sp_addrolemember procedure was encountered. Use ALTER ROLE instead.
sp_addserver The sp_addserver procedure was encountered. Use linked servers instead.
sp_addsrvrolemember The sp_addsrvrolemember procedure was encountered. Use ALTER SERVER ROLE instead.
sp_addtype The sp_addtype procedure was encountered. Use CREATE TYPE instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_adduser The sp_adduser procedure was encountered. Use CREATE USER instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_approlepassword The sp_approlepassword procedure was encountered. Use ALTER APPLICATION ROLE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_attach_db The sp_attach_db procedure was encountered. Use CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_attach_single_file_db The sp_single_file_db procedure was encountered. Use CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH_REBUILD_LOG instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_bindefault The sp_bindefault procedure was encountered. Use the DEFAULT keyword of ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_bindrule The sp_bindrule procedure was encountered. Use check constraints instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_bindsession The sp_bindsession procedure was encountered. Use Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) or distributed transactions instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_certify_removable The sp_certify_removable procedure was encountered. Use sp_detach_db instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_changedbowner The sp_changedbowner procedure was encountered. Use ALTER AUTHORIZATION instead.
sp_changeobjectowner The sp_changeobjectowner procedure was encountered. Use ALTER SCHEMA or ALTER AUTHORIZATION instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_change_users_login The sp_change_users_login procedure was encountered. Use ALTER USER instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'affinity mask' The affinity mask option of sp_configure was encountered. Use ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION instead.
sp_configure 'affinity64 mask' The affinity mask option of sp_configure was encountered. Use ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION instead.
sp_configure 'allow updates' The allow updates option of sp_configure was encountered. System tables are no longer updatable. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'c2 audit mode' The C2 security standard has been superseded by Common Criteria Certification. See the Common Criteria Compliance Enabled Server Configuration.
sp_configure 'default trace enabled' SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
sp_configure 'disallow results from triggers' The disallow result sets from triggers option of sp_configure was encountered. To disallow result sets from triggers, use sp_configure to set the option to 1. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'ft crawl bandwidth (max)' The ft crawl bandwidth (max) option of sp_configure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'ft crawl bandwidth (min)' The ft crawl bandwidth (min) option of sp_configure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'ft notify bandwidth (max)' The ft notify bandwidth (max) option of sp_configure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'ft notify bandwidth (min)' The ft notify bandwidth (min) option of sp_configure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'locks' The locks option of sp_configure was encountered. Locks are no longer configurable. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'open objects' The open objects option of sp_configure was encountered. The number of open objects is no longer configurable. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'priority boost' The priority boost option of sp_configure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query. Use the Windows start /high ... program.exe command line option instead.
sp_configure 'remote proc trans' The remote proc trans option of sp_configure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_configure 'set working set size' The set working set size option of sp_configure was encountered. The working set size is no longer configurable. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_control_dbmasterkey_password The sp_control_dbmasterkey_password stored procedure does not check whether a master key exists. This is permitted for backward compatibility, but displays a warning. This behavior is deprecated. In a future release the master key must exist and the password used in the stored procedure sp_control_dbmasterkey_password must be the same password as one of the passwords used to encrypt the database master key.
sp_create_removable The sp_create_removable procedure was encountered. Use CREATE DATABASE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_db_increased_partitions The sp_db_increased_partitions procedure was encountered. Support for increased partitions is now available by default.
sp_db_selective_xml_index Starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x), the Selective XML Index functionality cannot be disabled. In SQL Server 2012 (11.x), in order to disable the Selective XML Index feature using this stored procedure, the database must be put in the SIMPLE recovery model by using the ALTER DATABASE SET command.
sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format Use of vardecimal storage format was encountered. Use data compression instead.
sp_dbcmptlevel The sp_dbcmptlevel procedure was encountered. Use ALTER DATABASE ... SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_dbfixedrolepermission The sp_dbfixedrolepermission procedure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_dboption The sp_dboption procedure was encountered. Use ALTER DATABASE and DATABASEPROPERTYEX instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_dbremove The sp_dbremove procedure was encountered. Use DROP DATABASE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_defaultdb The sp_defaultdb procedure was encountered. Use ALTER LOGIN instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_defaultlanguage The sp_defaultlanguage procedure was encountered. Use ALTER LOGIN instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_denylogin The sp_denylogin procedure was encountered. Use ALTER LOGIN DISABLE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_depends The sp_depends procedure was encountered. Use sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities and sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_detach_db @keepfulltextindexfile The @keepfulltextindexfile argument was encountered in a sp_detach_db statement. Do not use this argument.
sp_dropalias The sp_dropalias procedure was encountered. Replace aliases with a combination of user accounts and database roles. Use sp_dropalias to remove aliases in upgraded databases. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_dropapprole The sp_dropapprole procedure was encountered. Use DROP APPLICATION ROLE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_dropextendedproc The sp_dropextendedproc procedure was encountered. Use CLR instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_droplogin The sp_droplogin procedure was encountered. Use DROP LOGIN instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_dropremotelogin The sp_dropremotelogin procedure was encountered. Use linked servers instead.
sp_droprole The sp_droprole procedure was encountered. Use DROP ROLE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_droprolemember The sp_droprolemember procedure was encountered. Use ALTER ROLE instead.
sp_dropsrvrolemember The sp_dropsrvrolemember procedure was encountered. Use ALTER SERVER ROLE instead.
sp_droptype The sp_droptype procedure was encountered. Use DROP TYPE instead.
sp_dropuser The sp_dropuser procedure was encountered. Use DROP USER instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_estimated_rowsize_reduction_for_vardecimal Use of vardecimal storage format was encountered. Use data compression and sp_estimate_data_compression_savings instead.
sp_fulltext_catalog The sp_fulltext_catalog procedure was encountered. Use CREATE/ALTER/DROP FULLTEXT CATALOG instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_fulltext_column The sp_fulltext_column procedure was encountered. Use ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_fulltext_database The sp_fulltext_database procedure was encountered. Use ALTER DATABASE instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_fulltext_service @action=clean_up The clean_up option of the sp_fulltext_service procedure was encountered. Occurs once per query.
sp_fulltext_service @action=connect_timeout The connect_timeout option of the sp_fulltext_service procedure was encountered. Occurs once per query.
sp_fulltext_service @action=data_timeout The data_timeout option of the sp_fulltext_service procedure was encountered. Occurs once per query.
sp_fulltext_service @action=resource_usage The resource_usage option of the sp_fulltext_service procedure was encountered. This option has no function. Occurs once per query.
sp_fulltext_table The sp_fulltext_table procedure was encountered. Use CREATE/ALTER/DROP FULLTEXT INDEX instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_getbindtoken The sp_getbindtoken procedure was encountered. Use Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) or distributed transactions instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_grantdbaccess The sp_grantdbaccess procedure was encountered. Use CREATE USER instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_grantlogin The sp_grantlogin procedure was encountered. Use CREATE LOGIN instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_help_fulltext_catalog_components The sp_help_fulltext_catalog_components procedure was encountered. This procedure returns empty rows. Do not use this procedure. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_help_fulltext_catalogs The sp_help_fulltext_catalogs procedure was encountered. Query sys.fulltext_catalogs instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_help_fulltext_catalogs_cursor The sp_help_fulltext_catalogs_cursor procedure was encountered. Query sys.fulltext_catalogs instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_help_fulltext_columns The sp_help_fulltext_columns procedure was encountered. Query sys.fulltext_index_columns instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_help_fulltext_columns_cursor The sp_help_fulltext_columns_cursor procedure was encountered. Query sys.fulltext_index_columns instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_help_fulltext_tables The sp_help_fulltext_tables procedure was encountered. Query sys.fulltext_indexes instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_help_fulltext_tables_cursor The sp_help_fulltext_tables_cursor procedure was encountered. Query sys.fulltext_indexes instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_helpdevice The sp_helpdevice procedure was encountered. Query sys.backup_devices instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_helpextendedproc The sp_helpextendedproc procedure was encountered. Use CLR instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_helpremotelogin The sp_helpremotelogin procedure was encountered. Use linked servers instead.
sp_indexoption The sp_indexoption procedure was encountered. Use ALTER INDEX instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_lock The sp_lock procedure was encountered. Query sys.dm_tran_locks instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_password The sp_password procedure was encountered. Use ALTER LOGIN instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_remoteoption The sp_remoteoption procedure was encountered. Use linked servers instead.
sp_renamedb The sp_renamedb procedure was encountered. Use ALTER DATABASE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_resetstatus The sp_resetstatus procedure was encountered. Use ALTER DATABASE instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_revokedbaccess The sp_revokedbaccess procedure was encountered. Use DROP USER instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_revokelogin The sp_revokelogin procedure was encountered. Use DROP LOGIN instead. Occurs once per query.
sp_srvrolepermission The deprecated sp_srvrolepermission procedure was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per query.
sp_trace_create SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
sp_trace_getdata SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
sp_trace_setevent SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
sp_trace_setfilter SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
sp_trace_setstatus SQL Trace stored procedures, functions, and catalog views are deprecated. Use Extended Events instead.
sp_unbindefault The sp_unbindefault procedure was encountered. Use the DEFAULT keyword in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sp_unbindrule The sp_unbindrule procedure was encountered. Use check constraints instead of rules. Occurs once per compilation.
SQL_AltDiction_CP1253_CS_AS Event occurs once per database start and once per collation use. Plan to modify applications that use this collation.
sql_dependencies References to sys.sql_dependencies were encountered. Use sys.sql_expression_dependencies instead. Occurs once per compilation.
String literals as column aliases Syntax that contains a string that is used as a column alias in a SELECT statement, such as 'string' = expression, was encountered. Do not use. Occurs once per compilation.
sysaltfiles References to sysaltfiles were encountered. Use sys.master_files instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syscacheobjects References to syscacheobjects were encountered. Use sys.dm_exec_cached_plans, sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes, and sys.dm_exec_sql_text instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syscolumns References to syscolumns were encountered. Use sys.columns instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syscomments References to syscomments were encountered. Use sys.sql_modules instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysconfigures References to the sysconfigures table were encountered. Reference the sys.sysconfigures view instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysconstraints References to sysconstraints were encountered. Use sys.check_constraints, sys.default_constraints, sys.key_constraints, sys.foreign_keys instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syscurconfigs References to syscurconfigs were encountered. Use sys.configurations instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysdatabases References to sysdatabases were encountered. Use sys.databases instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysdepends References to sysdepends were encountered. Use sys.sql_dependencies instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysdevices References to sysdevices were encountered. Use sys.backup_devices instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysfilegroups References to sysfilegroups were encountered. Use sys.filegroups instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysfiles References to sysfiles were encountered. Use sys.database_files instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysforeignkeys References to sysforeignkeys were encountered. Use sys.foreign_keys instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysfulltextcatalogs References to sysfulltextcatalogs were encountered. Use sys.fulltext_catalogs instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysindexes References to sysindexes were encountered. Use sys.indexes, sys.partitions, sys.allocation_units, and sys.dm_db_partition_stats instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysindexkeys References to sysindexkeys were encountered. Use sys.index_columns instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syslockinfo References to syslockinfo were encountered. Use sys.dm_tran_locks instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syslogins References to syslogins were encountered. Use sys.server_principals and sys.sql_logins instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysmembers References to sysmembers were encountered. Use sys.database_role_members instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysmessages References to sysmessages were encountered. Use sys.messages instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysobjects References to sysobjects were encountered. Use sys.objects instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysoledbusers References to sysoledbusers were encountered. Use sys.linked_logins instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysopentapes References to sysopentapes were encountered. Use sys.dm_io_backup_tapes instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysperfinfo References to sysperfinfo were encountered. Use sys.dm_os_performance_counters. instead. Occurs once per compilation.
syspermissions References to syspermissions were encountered. Use sys.database_permissions and sys.server_permissions instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysprocesses References to sysprocesses were encountered. Use sys.dm_exec_connections, sys.dm_exec_sessions, and sys.dm_exec_requests instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysprotects References to sysprotects were encountered. Use sys.database_permissions and sys.server_permissions instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysreferences References to sysreferences were encountered. Use sys.foreign_keys instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysremotelogins References to sysremotelogins were encountered. Use sys.remote_logins instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysservers References to sysservers were encountered. Use sys.servers instead. Occurs once per compilation.
systypes References to systypes were encountered. Use sys.types instead. Occurs once per compilation.
sysusers References to sysusers were encountered. Use sys.database_principals instead. Occurs once per compilation.
Table hint without WITH A statement that used table hints but did not use the WITH keyword was encountered. Modify statements to include the word WITH. Occurs once per compilation.
Text in row table option References to the 'text in row' table option were encountered. Use sp_tableoption 'large value types out of row' instead. Occurs once per query.
TEXTPTR References to the TEXTPTR function were encountered. Rewrite applications to use the varchar(max) data type and removed text, ntext, and image data type syntax. Occurs once per query.
TEXTVALID References to the TEXTVALID function were encountered. Rewrite applications to use the varchar(max) data type and removed text, ntext, and image data type syntax. Occurs once per query.
TIMESTAMP Total number of times the deprecated timestamp data type was encountered in a DDL statement. Use the rowversion data type instead.
UPDATETEXT or WRITETEXT The UPDATETEXT or WRITETEXT statement was encountered. Rewrite applications to use the varchar(max) data type and removed text, ntext, and image data type syntax. Occurs once per query.
USER_ID References to the USER_ID function were encountered. Use the DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID function instead. Occurs once per compilation.
Using OLEDB for linked servers Specifying the SQLOLEDB provider for linked servers was encountered. Use MSOLEDBSQL instead.
Vardecimal storage format Use of vardecimal storage format was encountered. Use data compression instead.
XMLDATA The FOR XML syntax was encountered. Use XSD generation for RAW and AUTO modes. There is no replacement for the explicit mode. Occurs once per compilation.
XP_API An extended stored procedure statement was encountered. Do not use.
xp_grantlogin The xp_grantlogin procedure was encountered. Use CREATE LOGIN instead. Occurs once per compilation.
xp_loginconfig The xp_loginconfig procedure was encountered. Use the IsIntegratedSecurityOnly argument of SERVERPROPERTY instead. Occurs once per query.
xp_revokelogin The xp_revokelogin procedure was encountered. Use ALTER LOGIN DISABLE or DROP LOGIN instead. Occurs once per compilation.