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sys.dm_user_db_resource_governance (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: Not supported. SQL Server Azure SQL Database Not supported. Azure Synapse Analytics Not supported. Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Returns the actual configuration and capacity settings used by resource governance mechanisms in the current database or elastic pool.

For single databases, returns a single row for the current database. For elastic pools, returns a row for each database where the caller holds the VIEW DATABASE STATE or VIEW DATABASE PERFORMANCE STATE permission, or rows for all databases in the elastic pool if the caller holds the VIEW SERVER STATE or VIEW SERVER PERFORMANCE STATE permission.

Column name Data type Description
database_id int ID of the database, unique within a database or within an elastic pool, but not within a logical server. For details, see DB_ID.
logical_database_guid uniqueidentifier A unique identifier for a user database that remains unchanged through the life of a user database. Renaming the database or changing its service level objective will not change this value.
physical_database_guid uniqueidentifier A unique identifier for the current physical database corresponding to the user database. Changing the database service level objective will cause this value to change.
server_name nvarchar Logical server name.
database_name nvarchar User database name.
slo_name nvarchar Service level objective, including hardware generation.
dtu_limit int DTU limit of database (NULL for vCore).
cpu_limit int vCore limit of database (NULL for DTU databases).
min_cpu tinyint The MIN_CPU_PERCENT value of the user workload resource pool. See Resource Pool Concepts.
max_cpu tinyint The MAX_CPU_PERCENT value of the user workload resource pool. See Resource Pool Concepts.
cap_cpu tinyint The CAP_CPU_PERCENT value of the user workload resource pool. See Resource Pool Concepts.
min_cores smallint Internal use only.
max_dop smallint The MAX_DOP value for the user workload group. See CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP.
min_memory int The MIN_MEMORY_PERCENT value of the user workload resource pool. See Resource Pool Concepts.
max_memory int The MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT value of the user workload resource pool. See Resource Pool Concepts.
max_sessions int The maximum number of sessions allowed in the user workload group.
max_memory_grant int The REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT value for the user workload group. See CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP.
max_db_memory int Internal use only.
govern_background_io bit Internal use only.
min_db_max_size_in_mb bigint The minimum max_size value for a data file, in MB. See sys.database_files.
max_db_max_size_in_mb bigint The maximum max_size value for a data file, in MB. See sys.database_files.
default_db_max_size_in_mb bigint The default max_size value for a data file, in MB. See sys.database_files.
db_file_growth_in_mb bigint Default growth increment for a data file, in MB. See sys.database_files.
initial_db_file_size_in_mb bigint Default size for new data file, in MB. See sys.database_files.
log_size_in_mb bigint Default size for new log file, in MB. See sys.database_files.
instance_cap_cpu int Internal use only.
instance_max_log_rate bigint Log generation rate limit for the SQL Server instance, in bytes per second. Applies to all log generated by the instance, including tempdb and other system databases. In an elastic pool, applies to log generated by all databases in the pool.
instance_max_worker_threads int Worker thread limit for the SQL Server instance.
replica_type int Replica type, where 0 is Primary, and 1 is Secondary.
max_transaction_size bigint Max log space used by any transaction, in KB.
checkpoint_rate_mbps int Internal use only.
checkpoint_rate_io int Internal use only.
last_updated_date_utc datetime Date and time of the last setting change or reconfiguration, in UTC.
primary_group_id int Workload group ID for the user workload on primary replica and on secondary replicas.
primary_group_max_workers int Worker thread limit for the user workload group.
primary_min_log_rate bigint Minimum log rate in bytes per second at user workload group level. Resource governance will not attempt to reduce log rate below this value.
primary_max_log_rate bigint Maximum log rate in bytes per second at user workload group level. Resource governance will not allow log rate above this value.
primary_group_min_io int Minimum IOPS for the user workload group. Resource governance will not attempt to reduce IOPS below this value.
primary_group_max_io int Maximum IOPS for the user workload group. Resource governance will not allow IOPS above this value.
primary_group_min_cpu float Minimum CPU percent for the user workload group level. Resource governance will not attempt to reduce CPU utilization below this value.
primary_group_max_cpu float Maximum CPU percent for the user workload group level. Resource governance will not allow CPU utilization above this value.
primary_log_commit_fee int Log rate governance commit fee for the user workload group, in bytes. A commit fee increases the size of each log IO by a fixed value for the purposes of log rate accounting only. Actual log IO to storage is not increased.
primary_pool_max_workers int Worker thread limit for the user workload resource pool.
pool_max_io int Maximum IOPS limit for the user workload resource pool.
govern_db_memory_in_resource_pool bit Internal use only.
volume_local_iops int Internal use only.
volume_managed_xstore_iops int Internal use only.
volume_external_xstore_iops int Internal use only.
volume_type_local_iops int Internal use only.
volume_type_managed_xstore_iops int Internal use only.
volume_type_external_xstore_iops int Internal use only.
volume_pfs_iops int Internal use only.
volume_type_pfs_iops int Internal use only.
user_data_directory_space_quota_mb int Maximum local storage for the database engine instance. See Storage space governance
user_data_directory_space_usage_mb int Current local storage consumption by data files, transaction log files, and `tempdb`` files. Updated every five minutes.
bufferpool_extension_size_gb int Internal use only.
pool_max_log_rate bigint Maximum log rate in bytes per second at the user resource pool level. Resource governance will not allow the total log rate across all workload groups in the resource pool to be above this value.
primary_group_max_outbound_connection_workers int Outbound connection worker thread limit for the primary user workload group.
primary_pool_max_outbound_connection_workers int Outbound connection worker thread limit for the user workload resource pool.
replica_role tinyint Represents the current replica role.

0 - Primary
1 - High availability (HA) secondary
2 - Geo-replication forwarder
3 - Named replica

Reports 1 when connected with ReadOnly intent to any readable secondary. If connecting to a geo-secondary without specifying ReadOnly intent, reports 2 to reflect a connection to a geo-replication forwarder. If connecting to a named replica without specifying ReadOnly intent, reports 3.


On SQL Database Basic, S0, and S1 service objectives, and for databases in elastic pools, the server admin account, the Microsoft Entra admin account, or membership in the ##MS_ServerStateReader## server role is required. On all other SQL Database service objectives, either the VIEW DATABASE STATE permission on the database, or membership in the ##MS_ServerStateReader## server role is required.


For description of resource governance in Azure SQL Database, see SQL Database resource limits.


Most of the data returned by this DMV is intended for internal consumption and is subject to change at any time.


The following query, executed in the context of a user database, returns maximum log rate and maximum IOPS at the user workload group and resource pool level. For a single database, one row is returned. For a database in an elastic pool, a row is returned for each database in the pool.

SELECT database_name,
FROM sys.dm_user_db_resource_governance
ORDER BY database_name;  

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