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sp_spaceused (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

The sp_spaceused system stored procedure displays either:

  • the number of rows, disk space reserved, and disk space used by a table, indexed view, or Service Broker queue in the current database

  • the disk space reserved and used by the whole database

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @objname = ] N'objname' ]
    [ , [ @updateusage = ] 'updateusage' ]
    [ , [ @mode = ] 'mode' ]
    [ , [ @oneresultset = ] oneresultset ]
    [ , [ @include_total_xtp_storage = ] include_total_xtp_storage ]
[ ; ]


This syntax is not supported by serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics.


For Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW), sp_spaceused must specify named parameters (for example sp_spaceused (@objname= N'Table1');), rather than relying upon the ordinal position of parameters.

[ @objname = ] N'objname'

The qualified or nonqualified name of the table, indexed view, or queue for which space usage information is requested. @objname is nvarchar(776), with a default of NULL. Quotation marks are required only if a qualified object name is specified. If a fully qualified object name (including a database name) is provided, the database name must be the name of the current database.

If @objname isn't specified, results are returned for the whole database.


Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW) only support database and table objects.

[ @updateusage = ] 'updateusage'

Indicates DBCC UPDATEUSAGE should be run to update space usage information. @updateusage is varchar(5), with a default of false. When @objname isn't specified, the statement is run on the whole database. Otherwise, the statement is run on @objname. Values can be true or false.

[ @mode = ] 'mode'

Indicates the scope of the results. For a stretched table or database, the @mode parameter lets you include or exclude the remote portion of the object. For more info, see Stretch Database.


Stretch Database is deprecated in SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and Azure SQL Database. This feature will be removed in a future version of the Database Engine. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.

@mode is varchar(11), and can be one of these values.

Value Description
ALL (default) Returns the storage statistics of the object or database including both the local portion and the remote portion.
LOCAL_ONLY Returns the storage statistics of only the local portion of the object or database. If the object or database isn't Stretch-enabled, returns the same statistics as when @mode is ALL.
REMOTE_ONLY Returns the storage statistics of only the remote portion of the object or database. This option raises an error when one of the following conditions is true:

The table isn't enabled for Stretch.

The table is enabled for Stretch, but you have never enabled data migration. In this case, the remote table doesn't yet have a schema.

The user manually dropped the remote table.

The provisioning of the remote data archive returned a status of Success, but in fact it failed.

[ @oneresultset = ] oneresultset

Indicates whether to return a single result set. @oneresultset is bit, and can be one of these values:

Value Description
0 (default) When @objname is null or isn't specified, two result sets are returned.
1 When @objname is NULL or isn't specified, a single result set is returned.

[ @include_total_xtp_storage = ] include_total_xtp_storage

Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later versions, and SQL Database

When @oneresultset is set to 1, this parameter determines whether the single resultset includes columns for MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA storage. @include_total_xtp_storage is bit, with a default of 0. If 1, XTP columns are included in the resultset.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).

Result set

If @objname is omitted and the value of @oneresultset is 0, the following result sets are returned to provide current database size information.

Column name Data type Description
database_name nvarchar(128) Name of the current database.
database_size varchar(18) Size of the current database in megabytes. database_size includes both data and log files.
unallocated space varchar(18) Space in the database that isn't reserved for database objects.
Column name Data type Description
reserved varchar(18) Total amount of space allocated by objects in the database.
data varchar(18) Total amount of space used by data.
index_size varchar(18) Total amount of space used by indexes.
unused varchar(18) Total amount of space reserved for objects in the database, but not yet used.

If @objname is omitted and the value of @oneresultset is 1, the following single result set is returned to provide current database size information.

Column name Data type Description
database_name nvarchar(128) Name of the current database.
database_size varchar(18) Size of the current database in megabytes. database_size includes both data and log files.
unallocated space varchar(18) Space in the database that isn't reserved for database objects.
reserved varchar(18) Total amount of space allocated by objects in the database.
data varchar(18) Total amount of space used by data.
index_size varchar(18) Total amount of space used by indexes.
unused varchar(18) Total amount of space reserved for objects in the database, but not yet used.

If @objname is specified, the following result set is returned for the specified object.

Column name Data type Description
name nvarchar(128) Name of the object for which space usage information was requested.

The schema name of the object isn't returned. If the schema name is required, use the sys.dm_db_partition_stats or sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats dynamic management views to obtain equivalent size information.
rows char(20) Number of rows existing in the table. If the object specified is a Service Broker queue, this column indicates the number of messages in the queue.
reserved varchar(18) Total amount of reserved space for @objname.
data varchar(18) Total amount of space used by data in @objname.
index_size varchar(18) Total amount of space used by indexes in @objname.
unused varchar(18) Total amount of space reserved for @objname but not yet used.

This mode is the default, when no parameters are specified. The following result sets are returned detailing on-disk database size information.

Column name Data type Description
database_name nvarchar(128) Name of the current database.
database_size varchar(18) Size of the current database in megabytes. database_size includes both data and log files. If the database has a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, this value includes the total on-disk size of all checkpoint files in the filegroup.
unallocated space varchar(18) Space in the database that isn't reserved for database objects. If the database has a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, this value includes the total on-disk size of the checkpoint files with state PRECREATED in the filegroup.

Space used by tables in the database. This result set doesn't reflect memory-optimized tables, as there's no per-table accounting of disk usage:

Column name Data type Description
reserved varchar(18) Total amount of space allocated by objects in the database.
data varchar(18) Total amount of space used by data.
index_size varchar(18) Total amount of space used by indexes.
unused varchar(18) Total amount of space reserved for objects in the database, but not yet used.

The following result set is returned only if the database has a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup with at least one container:

Column name Data type Description
xtp_precreated varchar(18) Total size of checkpoint files with state PRECREATED, in KB. Counts toward the unallocated space in the database as a whole. For example, if there's 600,000 KB of precreated checkpoint files, this column contains 600000 KB.
xtp_used varchar(18) Total size of checkpoint files with states UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ACTIVE, and MERGE TARGET, in KB. This value is the disk space actively used for data in memory-optimized tables.
xtp_pending_truncation varchar(18) Total size of checkpoint files with state WAITING_FOR_LOG_TRUNCATION, in KB. This value is the disk space used for checkpoint files that are awaiting cleanup, once log truncation happens.

If @objname is omitted, the value of @oneresultset is 1, and @include_total_xtp_storage is 1, the following single result set is returned to provide current database size information. If @include_total_xtp_storage is 0 (the default), the last three columns are omitted.

Column name Data type Description
database_name nvarchar(128) Name of the current database.
database_size varchar(18) Size of the current database in megabytes. database_size includes both data and log files. If the database has a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, this value includes the total on-disk size of all checkpoint files in the filegroup.
unallocated space varchar(18) Space in the database that isn't reserved for database objects. If the database has a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, this value includes the total on-disk size of the checkpoint files with state PRECREATED in the filegroup.
reserved varchar(18) Total amount of space allocated by objects in the database.
data varchar(18) Total amount of space used by data.
index_size varchar(18) Total amount of space used by indexes.
unused varchar(18) Total amount of space reserved for objects in the database, but not yet used.
xtp_precreated 1 varchar(18) Total size of checkpoint files with state PRECREATED, in KB. This value counts toward the unallocated space in the database as a whole. Returns NULL if the database doesn't have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup with at least one container.
xtp_used 1 varchar(18) Total size of checkpoint files with states UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ACTIVE, and MERGE TARGET, in KB. This value is the disk space actively used for data in memory-optimized tables. Returns NULL if the database doesn't have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup with at least one container.
xtp_pending_truncation 1 varchar(18) Total size of checkpoint files with state WAITING_FOR_LOG_TRUNCATION, in KB. This value is the disk space used for checkpoint files that are awaiting cleanup, once log truncation happens. Returns NULL if the database doesn't have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup with at least one container.

1 Only included if @include_total_xtp_storage is set to 1.


The database_size value is generally larger than the sum of reserved + unallocated space because it includes the size of log files, but reserved and unallocated_space consider only data pages. In some cases with Azure Synapse Analytics, this statement might not be true.

Pages that are used by XML indexes and full-text indexes are included in index_size for both result sets. When @objname is specified, the pages for the XML indexes and full-text indexes for the object are also counted in the total reserved and index_size results.

If space usage is calculated for a database or an object that's a spatial index, the space-size columns, such as database_size, reserved, and index_size, include the size of the spatial index.

When @updateusage is specified, the SQL Server Database Engine scans the data pages in the database and makes any required corrections to the sys.allocation_units and sys.partitions catalog views regarding the storage space used by each table. There are some situations, for example, after an index is dropped, when the space information for the table might not be current. @updateusage can take some time to run on large tables or databases. Use @updateusage only when you suspect incorrect values are being returned and when the process doesn't have an adverse effect on other users or processes in the database. If preferred, DBCC UPDATEUSAGE can be run separately.


When you drop or rebuild large indexes, or drop or truncate large tables, the Database Engine defers the actual page deallocations, and their associated locks, until after the transaction commits. Deferred drop operations don't release allocated space immediately. Therefore, the values returned by sp_spaceused immediately after dropping or truncating a large object might not reflect the actual disk space available.


Permission to execute sp_spaceused is granted to the public role. Only members of the db_owner fixed database role can specify the @updateusage parameter.


A. Display disk space information about a table

The following example reports disk space information for the Vendor table and its indexes.

USE AdventureWorks2022;
EXEC sp_spaceused N'Purchasing.Vendor';

B. Display updated space information about a database

The following example summarizes space used in the current database and uses the optional parameter @updateusage to ensure current values are returned.

USE AdventureWorks2022;
EXEC sp_spaceused @updateusage = N'TRUE';

C. Display space usage information about the remote table associated with a Stretch-enabled table

The following example summarizes the space used by the remote table associated with a Stretch-enabled table by using the @mode argument to specify the remote target. For more information, see Stretch Database.

USE StretchedAdventureWorks2022;

EXEC sp_spaceused N'Purchasing.Vendor', @mode = 'REMOTE_ONLY';

D. Display space usage information for a database in a single result set

The following example summarizes space usage for the current database in a single result set.

USE AdventureWorks2022;
EXEC sp_spaceused @oneresultset = 1;

E. Display space usage information for a database with at least one MEMORY_OPTIMIZED file group in a single result set

The following example summarizes space usage for the current database with at least one MEMORY_OPTIMIZED file group in a single result set.

USE WideWorldImporters

EXEC sp_spaceused @updateusage = 'FALSE',
    @mode = 'ALL',
    @oneresultset = '1',
    @include_total_xtp_storage = '1';

F. Display space usage information for a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED table object in a database

The following example summarizes space usage for a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED table object in the current database with at least one MEMORY_OPTIMIZED file group.

USE WideWorldImporters

EXEC sp_spaceused @objname = N'VehicleTemparatures',
    @updateusage = 'FALSE',
    @mode = 'ALL',
    @oneresultset = '0',
    @include_total_xtp_storage = '1';