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This article provides additional detail for CONNECTION_OPTIONS depending on the provider. The CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE CONNECTION_OPTIONS argument can vary depending on the external data provider.

The CONNECTION_OPTIONS argument for CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE was first introduced in SQL Server 2019 (15.x). This document applies to SQL Server 2019 (15.x) for Windows and Linux, as well as SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters.

  • The key_value_pair is the keyword and the value for a specific connection option.
  • To use multiple connection options, separate them by a semi-colon.
  • Possible key value pairs are specific to the driver.

The remainder of this article contains vendor-specific connection options.

SQL Server external data source

You can only specify the key-value pairs that have an entry in DSN and Connection String Keywords and Attributes under the DSN / Connection String Keyword column. For example, the SQL_ATTR_TXN_ISOLATION keyword is not supported, because that is an attribute set using SQLSetConnectAttr, not in the connection string.

Connection string keywords and options for Microsoft OLE DB providers:

Connection string keywords and options for Microsoft ODBC DB providers:


You can only specify the key-value pairs that have an entry in the Oracle wire protocol table as follows:

Attribute (Short Name) Default
AccountingInfo (AI) None
Action (ACT) None
AlternateServers (ASRV) None
AllowedOpenSSLVersions (AOV) latest
ApplicationName (AN) None
ApplicationUsingThreads (AUT) 1 (Enabled)
ArraySize (AS) 60000
AuthenticationMethod (AM) 1 (Encrypt Password)
BatchFailureReturnsError (BFRE) 0 (Disabled)
BindParamsAsUnicode (BPAU) 0 (Disabled)
BulkBinaryThreshold (BBT) 32
BulkCharacterThreshold (BCT) -1
BulkLoadBatchSize (BLBS) 1024
BulkLoadFieldDelimiter (BLFD) None
BulkLoadOptions (BLO) 0
BulkLoadRecordDelimiter (BLRD) None
CachedCursorLimit (CCL) 32
CachedDescriptionLimit (CDL) 0
CatalogIncludesSynonyms (CIS) 1 (Enabled)
CatalogOptions (CO) 0 (Disabled)
ClientHostName (CHN) None
ClientID (CID) None
ClientUser (CU) None
ConnectionReset (CR) 0 (Disabled)
ConnectionRetryCount (CRC) 0
ConnectionRetryDelay (CRD) 3
CredentialsWalletEntry (CWE) None
CredentialsWalletPassword (CWPWD) None
CredentialsWalletPath (CWPATH) None
CryptoProtocolVersion (CPV) TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1
CryptoLibName (CLN) Empty string
DataIntegrityLevel (DIL) 1 (Accepted)
DataIntegrityTypes (DIT) MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
DataSourceName (DSN) None
DefaultLongDataBuffLen (DLDBL) 1024
DescribeAtPrepare (DAP) 0 (Disabled)
Description (n/a) None
EditionName (EN) None
EnableBulkLoad (EBL) 0 (Disabled)
EnableDescribeParam (EDP) 0 (Disabled)
EnableNcharSupport (ENS) (deprecated.) None
EnableScrollableCursors (ESC) 1 (Enabled)
EnableServerResultCache (ESRC) 0 (Disabled)
EnableStaticCursorsForLongData (ESCLD) 0 (Disabled)
EnableTimestampwithTimezone (ETWT) (deprecated) None
EncryptionLevel (EL) 1 (Accepted)
EncryptionMethod (EM) 0 (No Encryption)
EncryptionTypes (ET) No encryption methods are specified. The driver sends a list of all of the encryption methods to the Oracle server.
FailoverGranularity (FG) 0 (Non-Atomic)
FailoverMode (FM) 0 (Connection)
FailoverPreconnect (FP) 0 (Disabled)
FetchTSWTZasTimestamp (FTSWTZAT) 0 (Disabled)
GSSClient (GSSC) native
HostName (HOST) None
HostNameInCertificate (HNIC) None
IANAAppCodePage (IACP) (UNIX and Linux only) 4 (ISO 8559-1 Latin-1)
ImpersonateUser (IU) None
InitializationString (IS) None
KeepAlive (KA) 0 (Disabled)
KeyPassword (KP) None
Keystore (KS) None
KeystorePassword (KSP) None
LDAPDistinguishedName (LDAPDN) None
LoadBalanceTimeout (LBT) 0
LoadBalancing (LB) 0 (Disabled)
LOBPrefetchSize (LPS) 4000
LocalTimezoneOffset (LTZO) "" (Empty String)
LockTimeout (LTO) -1
LoginTimeout (LT) 15
LogonID (UID) None
MaxPoolSize (MXPS) 100
MinPoolSize (MNPS) 0
Module (MOD) None
Password (PWD) None
Pooling (POOL) 0 (Disabled)
PortNumber (PORT) None
PRNGSeedFile (PSF) (UNIX and Linux only) /dev/random
PRNGSeedSource (PSS) (UNIX and Linux only) 0 (File)
ProcedureRetResults (PRR) 0 (Disabled)
ProgramID (PID) None
ProxyHost (PXHN) Empty string
ProxyMode (PXM) 0 (NONE)
ProxyPassword (PXPW) Empty string
ProxyPort (PXPT) 0
ProxyUser (PXU) Empty string
QueryTimeout (QT) 0
ReportCodepageConversionErrors (RCCE) 0 (Ignore Errors)
ReportRecycleBin (RRB) 0 (Disabled)
SDUSize (SDU) 16384
ServerName (SRVR) None
ServerType (ST) 0 (Server Default)
ServiceName (SN) None. If no value is specified for either the SID, Service Name, or TNSNames option, the driver attempts to connect to the ORCL SID by default.
SID (SID) None. If no value is specified for either the SID, Service Name, or TNSNames option, the driver attempts to connect to the ORCL SID by default.
SSLLibName (SLN) Empty string
SupportBinaryXML (SBX) 0 (Disabled)
TimestampEscapeMapping (TEM) 0 (Oracle Version Specific)
TNSNamesFile (TNF) None. If no value is specified for either the SID, Service Name, or TNSNames option, the driver attempts to connect to the ORCL SID by default.
Truststore (TS) None
TruststorePassword (TSP) None
UseCurrentSchema (UCS) 1 (Enabled)
UseDefaultEncryptionOptions 1 (Enabled)
ValidateServerCertificate (VSC) 1 (Enabled)
WireProtocolMode (WPM) 2


You can only specify the key-value pairs that have an entry in the connector configuration options provided in the Teradata Connector Configuration Options.

MongoDB API for Cosmos DB

You can only specify the key-value pairs that have an entry in the driver configuration options below.

Key name Default Required Description
DefaultStringColumnLength 255 No The maximum number of characters that can be contained in STRING columns. The maximum value that you can set for this option is 2147483647.
noCursorTimeout False No This option specifies whether the driver allows active cursors on the data source server to expire. When FALSE, the data source server will time out idle cursors after the threshold inactivity period set on the server. When set to TRUE, the driver prevents the data source server from timing out idle cursors, and there is a risk that if the driver should quit or lose the connection to the server unexpectedly, the cursor will remain open on the server indefinitely. You can adjust the threshold for idle cursor timeouts on the MongoDB server, see https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.0/reference/parameters/ for details.
SamplingLimit 100 No The maximum number of records that the driver can sample to generate a temporary schema definition. When this option is set to 0, the driver samples every document in the database.

Make sure to configure the driver to sample all the necessary data. Documents that are not sampled do not get included in the schema definition, and consequently do not become available in ODBC applications.

Typically, sampling a large number of documents results in a schema definition that is more accurate and better able to represent all the data in the database. However, the sampling process may take longer than expected when many documents are sampled, especially if the database contains complex, nested data structures.
SamplingStrategy Forward No This option specifies how the driver samples data when generating a temporary schema definition.

Forward: The driver samples data starting from the first record in the database, then samples the next record, and so on.
Backward: The driver samples data starting from the last record in the database, then samples the preceding record, and so on.
Random: The driver selects sample records from the data source at random until the SamplingLimit is reached.
SSL Clear (0) No This option specifies whether the driver uses SSL to connect to the server. Enabled (1): The driver uses SSL to connect to the server.Disabled (0): The driver does not use SSL to connect to the server.

Generic ODBC

Valid CONNECTION_OPTIONS that you can specify for PolyBase Generic ODBC External Data Source are driver specific. If not using a Microsoft-provided ODBC provider (see previous section), consult the driver's documentation for valid key-value pairs.

There are some valid key-value pairs in PolyBase that are available to all generic ODBC drivers. The following keys were added to SQL Server 2019 in CU5.

Key Possible values Description
PolyBaseOdbcSupportsRowCount true, FALSE Indicates whether or not the driver supports the SQLRowCount function being called on ODBC catalog functions. Default is false. For example: CONNECTION_OPTIONS='PolyBaseOdbcSupportsRowCount=TRUE'.
PolyBaseOdbcSupportsMetadataIdAttributes true, FALSE Indicates whether or not the driver supports setting the METADATA_ID statement attribute. Default is false. For example: CONNECTION_OPTIONS='PolyBaseOdbcSupportsMetadataIdAttributes=TRUE'.
PolyBaseOdbcSupportsBindOffset true, FALSE Indicates whether or not the driver supports bind offsets for row-wise binding of result sets. If not, use column binding. Default is false. For example: CONNECTION_OPTIONS='PolyBaseOdbcSupportsBindOffset=TRUE'.
PolyBaseQoTopPushdownSyntax TOP, LIMIT Contains information specifying how to push down the TOP operator to the backend. Default is empty string, indicating a lack of support for TOP pushdown. If the user specifies TOP, top {0} is used as the format string. If the user specifies LIMIT, limit {0} is used as the format string. This implementation is driver-specific, consult the external data source and/or driver documentation. For example: CONNECTION_OPTIONS= PolyBaseQoTopPushdownSyntax=TOP'.

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