Report.RdlcLayout(Integer, InStream) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0 until version 14.0 where it was deprecated for the following reason: "Replace with layout selection and 'Report Layout List' lookup. See for more information."

Gets the RDLC layout that is used on a report and returns it as a data stream.


[Ok := ]  Report.RdlcLayout(Number: Integer, InStream: InStream)


 Type: Integer
The ID of the report object for which you want to get the RDLC layout.

 Type: InStream
The variable in which to return the RDLC layout.

Return Value

[Optional] Ok
 Type: Boolean
true if the operation was successful; otherwise false. If you omit this optional return value and the operation does not execute successfully, a runtime error will occur.


Using the return value is optional. When you use the return value, if the RDLC layout can't be retrieved at runtime, then the system returns false and no error is recorded. When you omit the return value, if the RDLC layout can't be retrieved at runtime, then an error occurs, which states that the layout couldn't be retrieved.


The Report.RdlcLayout method will throw a runtime error if the operation fails, either if no object exists with that object ID or if no RDL layout exists for that report. This code example shows how to write robust AL code to handle possible failures.

    layoutAsStream: InStream;
    result: Boolean;
    result := Report.RDLCLayout(ObjectId, layoutAsStream);
    if result then begin
        // use the layout that now is available in the stream
        // handle that no object exists with that id or that no Excel layout exists for that report

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