Commercial marketplace analytics Frequently Asked Questions

This article addresses frequently asked questions about analytics in Partner Center.


Why am I unable to view my analytics data in Partner Center?

When I access the analytics pages, I see the following message.

No data for your offers yet.

Why you might be seeing this message:

  • No acquisitions currently exist for your published offers in the commercial marketplace. This message could mean that your offers are live in the commercial marketplace, but customers didn't click on the offer.
  • Your offer might be in the process of being published but isn't live yet. Customers can purchase only live offers. To check the status of your offers, see the Summary page in Partner Center. For more information, see Summary dashboard in commercial marketplace analytics.
  • Your offers are listed as Contact Me, which are list-only offers. Customers can't purchase such offers directly through marketplace. You receive the lead when a customer clicks on Contact Me. To check your offer listing type, go to the setup page for your offer.

I know I have analytics data, so why does the No Analytics Available message appear?

No data for your offers yet.

Why you might be seeing this message:

  • You don't have analytics data for the select period, try selecting a different period.
  • Check if you applied some filters on the page. Try resetting the filter or make different selections from the filter.

How do I enroll in the commercial marketplace?

There are two ways to create an account:

Where can I create a commercial marketplace offer?

  1. Go to the commercial marketplace offers Overview page.
  2. Select + New offer.
  3. Select the type of offer to create.

I can't register and publish an offer using my personal email ID.

Learn how to create, publish, and manage your offers, See Publishing guide by offer type.

What roles are required to view commercial marketplace analytics?

To learn more about roles required to view commercial marketplace analytics reports, see Assign user roles and permissions.

Can I view ratings and review of my offers listed in the Microsoft 365 and Copilot program?

No, currently we only provide ratings and reviews reporting to offers listed in the commercial marketplace program. For more information, see Ratings and Reviews dashboard for the commercial marketplace. Reviews and ratings of Office apps will be available soon.

Commercial marketplace offers are listed on Microsoft AppSource and Azure Marketplace. They include Azure applications, Azure containers, Azure virtual machines, Dynamics 365 apps on Dataverse and Power Apps, Dynamics 365 Operations Apps, Containers, and Software as a Service.

Why do I see daily adjustments to estimated charges in my usage report?

The billed charges for current customer usage in an open month can have adjustments due to things like discounts and refunds. The accurate estimated charges in the usage report are reflected on the fourth day of the month following use of the offer.

How do I get started with programmatic access to commercial marketplace analytics reports?

Can I create custom queries apart from the listed system queries?

Yes, the system queries are only for reference purposes. You can either use system queries or create a custom query by selectively querying on specific attributes.


Is gross revenue the billed sales or amount invoiced to customers?

Gross revenue is the amount billed to the customer who purchased an offer or consumed services. This amount is shown in customer invoice against the transaction.

What do different payout status mean?

This list defines the different payout status:

  • Sent: Represents the revenue amount that is paid out to the partner.
  • Upcoming: Represents the revenue amount that is eligible for upcoming payout. This amount moves to Sent state after the payout is processed.
  • Unprocessed: Represents the revenue amount that isn't yet picked up for processing. This amount is picked up in next cycle and move to Upcoming state.
  • Collection in progress: Represents the revenue amount that is generated by non-EA customers who didn't clear their invoice. This amount move to Unprocessed state once the customer pays the invoice to Microsoft.

What is the difference between Revenue, EarningAmount and TransactionAmount?

Revenue column shows the billed sales amount. This is shown in customer invoice. TransactionAmount column shows the amount that customers paid to Microsoft against the invoice. If the customer made partial payment, then Revenue and TransactionAmount could be different. EarningAmount column shows the amount that is considered for payout. This amount is calculated after deducting listing fees.

Is Purchase record ID the same as Order ID in the Earnings report?

Yes, the Purchase record ID refers to the same "Order ID" data field.

Why is customer information blank in many rows of the revenue report?

Customer information such as email or customer name could be blank due to a customer not providing consent to share their personally identifiable information. In some cases, this could be due to a known technical limitation being addressed.

Does customerName column represent bill to account, the end-customer, or the reseller information?

The CustomerName column represents the end-customer's details. Refer to the reseller related columns for reseller information.

Can the revenue dashboard show who is the end-user customer, the reseller, and the distributor?

Yes, customer related columns show the end-customer's details. Refer the Reseller related columns to get reseller information if a reseller was involved in the transaction.

Do we have "ship-to" address information (country/region, state, city, zip code) in the revenue dashboard?

Yes, the download report has details for end-customer. Refer the customer related columns like CustomerCity, CustomerState, CustomerCountry, CustomerPostalCode.

How does the first-free month appear in the report?

If a partner selects offer listing as "Free" as the dashboard filter, all offer purchases or consumption with free trial is displayed in the dashboard with revenue for the first month as $0.

Is there a suggested specific date for us to download the reports every month?

Yes. You can download the reports on the Seventh day of each month to view accurate revenue figures for the offer purchases and consumption from the previous month. For example, if a customer used a consumption or usage-based offer in the month of January, on February 7, you can download an accurate January-billed revenue report.


Revenue figures for subscription-based products are available in the same month of purchase.

What does "MonthStartDate" refer to?

MonthStartDate refers to the order purchase month or the offer usage month for which the revenue was calculated.

Why do I see a steep drop in revenue trend for current month?

The steep drop could be due to the open month for usage-based offers for which revenue isn't yet generated.

Can I sort the records in the customer leaderboard and the geographic spread widget?

Yes, you sort a column in the widget in ascending or descending order.

Why does the Revenue timeline not change for different month range selections?

Revenue timeline view provides the eligible amount for last month and future month's payout. This widget doesn't change based on filters or period.

How do I download the revenue report through the UI?

To download the reports, go to the Insights > Downloads Hub section. Click on Create new report and select Marketplace offers tile. You can now do the instant download or schedule a download. To learn more, see Downloads hub.

Can I use an API to download data from the revenue dashboard?

Yes. To learn about the analytics APIs, see Get started with programmatic access to analytics data.

Can I apply filters to the report?

Yes. You can use the dashboard filters to view the widgets on the dashboard based on the filtered criteria you choose.

How can we reconcile this revenue report to the Earnings report?

To reconcile with Earnings report use purchaseRecordID, lineItemID, and EarningID in the revenue report as the unique identifier. See this information on the data dictionary.

Why do I see discrepancy in reconciling revenue report to the Earnings report?

Revenue report has the latest Earning data for a PurchaseRecordId. Check Net "TransactionAmount" for the Purchase Record in the complete earning report and it should match with "Revenue" amount in Revenue report.

What is the relationship between the timing of the revenue report and the usage report? If the revenue report is based on billing, would we compare the current month revenue report to the prior month usage or the current month usage?

Revenue report for current month captures the billed amount for previous month offer consumption or usage. You can download the revenue report on or after the seventh of every month to verify accurate revenue figures for the customer's offer usage in the previous month.

How is the estimated payout month determined?

See the payout schedules for Enterprise agreement, Microsoft customer agreement, or CSP transactions at Payout schedules and processes.

Customer retention

How should I be using this dashboard?

This dashboard helps business teams understand customer behavior in terms of retention and churn after a customer has deployed your marketplace offer. Use it to answer questions like, "How many customers am I retaining, and for how long?" and "Compared to other offers in a category, are my retention numbers good or bad?"

Use the monthly tab to look at a group of users over a longer time frame. For example, if you run a promotional campaign in a certain month, you can see whether that month had higher retention than months when you didn't run the campaign.

What insights can I get from this dashboard?

Discover whether customers are continuing to use your VM offer over a period of time and whether they churn right away. When you identify which customers are churning, you can contact them or include them in a campaign.

Determine if your investments in marketing are working: the monthly view shows if months when you ran campaigns out-perform months when you didn't.

The retention widget looks like it's showing me 45 days of data. What day is it counting from?

Read Retained customers in the Customer retention dashboard. The data shown here's a normalized view of 18 months of customer data, and so isn't "to" or "from" a specific date.

Can I filter the graphs to show a specific date range?

No. As the documentation indicates, it's a normalized view of 18 months of data. The retention heat map shows monthly views, but you can't filter to specific dates.

What is the difference between Total offers and Offer count?

Total offers refers to how many there are in the entire category. For example, if you set the "category" filter to security, it's showing how many offers there are in the marketplace under the category Security. Offer count shows the count of offers in the category whose retention scores are above zero. So if you have the Category filter set to Security, the Y axis of the graph is showing how many offers in security have retention scores above 0.

What is the green or red arrow on retention rank?

The arrow shows the change in your retention rank. The time period is determined by the filter at the top; choose days, weeks, or months.

How do I know which customers are retaining and which are churning?

Customers shows this information.

What does dormant mean?

Dormant means a customer hasn't used that offer for several days. They aren't labeled Churned because they could reengage and start using the offer again.

I want to know about the orders or usage of these customers, but that data is in separate reports.

The best way to get that information is to download details from the orders or usage reports and cross-check based on a shared field: customer name.

Why does the retention percentage sometimes fluctuate in the monthly waterfall view?

Note the Cohort column. This tells you how many customers started using your offer in a month. If the column says 60 users in the cohort, then the percentage is calculated month-over-month by dividing the total number of users still using the offer by 60. If it's showing 35%, for example, that means 21 users are still using the offer. If the next month shows 40%, that means that three users came back (24/60). Retention percentages increase when users come back.

What does Cohort mean?

A Cohort is the number of customers who started using your offer in a given month.

How do you define a customer?

A customer is one billing account ID.

Can I filter this by a billing model? For example, can I see all my pay-as-you-go or bring-your-own-license offers in one view?

No, you can only view one offer at a time.

Can I see the different SKUs/plans per offer?

No, you can only look at the offer level.

Can I see this data quarterly?

There's no quarterly filter. However, looking at the monthly view will help you see patterns over a quarterly time frame.

Do these views filter out internal users from my company who might be testing the offer?

No, the only identifier available for these users would be email domain; we can't know with confidence whether or not they're internal to your company.

Do these views filter out trial users or customers who are only doing a trial of my product?

No, the functionality to filter only paid customers isn't available yet.