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Keyboard shortcuts for Azure DevOps and Team Explorer

TFS 2017 | TFS 2015

You can use the keyboard shortcuts listed in this article when you work within Azure DevOps or Team Explorer. In addition to these shortcuts, you can assign your own shortcuts in Visual Studio from the Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard page.

For specific guidance on navigating within the web portal, see Web portal navigation.

Web portal

You can use these keyboard shortcuts when working in the web portal for Azure DevOps.

Navigate within lists

Shortcut Action
Tab Move focus
← → Move focus left/right
↑ ↓ Move focus up/down
Ctrl+Home Move focus to top of list
Ctrl+End Move focus to bottom of list
Ctrl+↑↓ Move item up/down within list
Shift+↑↓ Highlight consecutive items
Menu Open context menu
Esc Dismiss context menu
Enter Choose selected menu item

Web portal, global shortcuts

Type ? to access the Global and page-specific shortcuts.


The following shortcuts are available for TFS 2015.2 and later versions. Type ? to access the Global and page-specific shortcuts.

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts from the web portal.

Global shortcuts

   ?   Show keyboard shortcuts
   p   Go to Projects and teams

g,h   Go to Projects home
g,w   Go to Boards or Work
g,c   Go to Repos or Code
g,b   Go to Pipelines or Build and release
g,t   Go to Test Plans or Test
g,s   Go to Project Settings

f,n   Focus next section
f,p   Focus previous section
/      Move focus to search

Page-specific shortcuts only work when in a specific page. For example, type g c to open the Code page, and then type c p to create a pull request. These navigation shortcuts work as long as the focus is not on an input control.


You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when working from a page under Code. To view the valid shortcuts, enter ? to access Global and service-specific shortcuts.


The following shortcuts are available from the web portal for Azure DevOps Services and TFS 2015.2 and later versions.

Repos or Code shortcuts

  r   Select repository
  e   Open explorer
  h   Open history
  b   Open branches (Git)
  q   Open pull requests (Git)
c,p   Create pull request (Git)

File Explorer
  1     Open contents
  2     Open history
  t     Move focus to directory path
  w     Select branch (Git)
  y     Switch to commit (Git)
c,b     Create branch (Git)


You can use the following keyboard shortcuts from any Kanban board, that is, when working from Boards>Boards or Work>Board page.


The following shortcuts are available from the web portal for Azure DevOps Services and TFS 2015.2 and later versions.

Kanban board shortcuts

    n       Add new item
    c       Add new child item

Home        Select first item
Enter        Open item

Ctrl+Shift+f    Filter results

Ctrl+↑     Move item up
Ctrl+↓      Move item down
Ctrl+←     Move item left
Ctrl+→     Move item right

Ctrl+Home     Move item to top of column
Ctrl+End        Move item to bottom of column
Ctrl+Shift+↑  Move item to swimlane above
Ctrl+Shift+↓  Move item to swimlane below

    F2     Rename item
    e      Show/hide empty fields
    o      Expand all swimlanes
    u      Collapse all swimlanes

Shift+Pageup      Select first/next swimlane above
Shift+Pagedown   Select last/next swimlane below


You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when working from a Work>Backlogs page. These shortcuts work when you are on a product backlog, portfolio backlog, or sprint backlog page.

Work Backlogs page shortcuts

Ctrl+Home    Move item to top

   m,b             Move item to backlog
   m,i              Move item to current iteration
   m,n             Move item to next iteration

         n            Open new item panel
      Ins              Add child
Ctrl+Shift+f    Filter results

         r            Show/Hide Parents


You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when working with queries in the web portal. To view the valid shortcuts, enter ? from Boards>Queries or Work>Queries.


The following shortcuts are available from Azure DevOps Services or TFS 2015.2 or later versions.

Queries keyboard shortcuts

                c q    Add new query
  r or Alt+r     Refresh query
           Alt+q      Return to query
    j or Alt+n      Select next item
    k or Alt+p     Select previous item
Ctrl+Shift+f    Filter results

Test Plans, Parameters, and Runs

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when working in Test Plans or Test.


The following shortcuts are available from the web portal for Azure DevOps Services and TFS 2015.2 or later versions.

Test shortcuts Test

  n    Open test plans
  m   Open shared parameters
  r    Open runs

  h  Open machines
Test Plan shortcuts

Test plan

     1   Open tests
     2   Open charts

     e   Execute tests

   t,b   Mark selected tests as blocked
   t,f   Fail selected tests
   t,n   Mark selected tests as NA
   t,p   Pass selected tests
   t,r   Reset tests to active

Ctrl+Shift+f    Filter results
   v,g   View grid

Test parameter shortcuts Parameters

     1    View parameter set grid
     2    Open properties

   c,s    Add parameter set
   c,t    Add test case
   v,t    Toggle test cases pane
Test run shortcuts Test runs

     1    Test runs
     2    Filter

Team Explorer navigational shortcuts

Use these shortcuts when working in Team Explorer.


  • Ctrl+0,a   Open web portal

  • Ctrl+0,b   Open Build

  • Ctrl+0,c   Open Connect

  • Ctrl+0,d   Open Documents

  • Ctrl+0,e   Open Branches (Git)

  • Ctrl+0,g   Open Changes (Git)

  • Ctrl+0,h   Open Home

  • Ctrl+0,m   Open My Work (TFVC)

  • Ctrl+0,p   Open Pending changes (TFVC)

  • Ctrl+0,r   Open Reports

  • Ctrl+0,s   Open Settings

  • Ctrl+0,w   Open Work items

  • Ctrl+0,y   Open Synchronization (Git)

  • Ctrl+'       Move focus to search box

  • Alt+0        Move focus to top of page

  • Alt+1…9     Move focus to visible section [1 thru 9]

  • Alt+↑↓    Move focus to next/previous section

Context menu

  • ↓            Open a context menu<
  • Esc         Dismiss a context menu
  • ← →        Move focus left/right
  • ↑↓         Move focus up/down
  • Enter       Choose Context menu

Work item commands

  • Alt+m,g      Open work item
  • Alt+m,i        Add a work item
  • Alt+m,q       Add a query
  • Shift+Alt,c  Copy selected work item
  • Shift+Alt,l  Link to new work item
  • Enter          Open selected work item

You can use query results shortcuts whenever you have a list of work items, such as the query results view or a list of linked work items within a work item form.

Query editor Action Query results Action
← → Move focus left/right ← → Scroll left/right
↑↓ Move focus up/down PgUp/PgDn Scroll up/down
Shift+↑↓ Highlight consecutive clauses Shift+↑↓ Highlight consecutive rows
Shift+← Move focus left one field at a time Shift+Alt,n Move focus to next item
Shift+→ Move focus right one field at a time Shift+Alt,p Move focus to previous item
End Move focus to end of current clause End Move focus to bottom of list
Enter Move focus down Enter Open selected work item
Tab Move focus right, one field at a time Home Move focus to top of list
Ctrl+c Copy selected clause +/- Expand/collapse current row
Ctrl+s Save changes (editor) Ctrl+s Save changes (results)
Ctrl+v Paste copied clause F5 Refresh
Del Delete contents of current field or clause

Install Team Explorer

Team Explorer is a plug-in to Visual Studio. By installing the free Visual Studio Community, other Visual Studio version, or Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 you gain access to Team Explorer.

Learn more about working in Team Explorer.