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Add reports to the process template

Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018 - TFS 2013

When you create a project, the Reporting plug-in creates a Report site and specifies the folder structure and set of reports that will appear under the ReportReports node in Team Explorer. This plug-in requires that you have configured your on-premises TFS instance and project collection where you will create a project with SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Reporting Services.


When you create a project from the web portal, the ReportsTasks.xml
plug-in file is ignored. To add reports after you create your project, see Add reports to a project.
Clients that support project creation vary depending on the TFS version. For details, see Process template and plug-in files, Client support for project creation.

You specify two main tasks by using the Reporting plug-in. First, you create the reporting site by using the site element. Second, you specify the folder structure and the reports to be uploaded to the site by using the folder and report elements. The reports that you upload have an .rdl extension and are designed for use with Reporting Services. For an overview of the reports that the TFS process templates provide, see Reporting Services Reports.

After a project is created from the process template, you can add, remove, rename, and change the folder structure for reports. For more information, see View, upload, and organize reports.

Reporting plug-in name and location

The following table summarizes the names of the file, the folder, and the plug-in for the Agile and CMMI process templates.

File name: ReportsTasks.xml
Folder name: Reports
Plug-in name: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Reporting


You can change the names of the XML file and the folder but not the plug-in. TFS doesn't include a mechanism for the deployment of client-side plug-ins, policies, or other modifications. If you want to deploy this kind of functionality, you must use your own distribution and installation program.

In the XML file, you specify one or more tasks and their dependencies. For an example of a task that specifies a set of reports, see the ReportsTasks.xml file in the Agile process template.

Reporting plug-in syntax structure

The Reporting plug-in file must conform to the schema definition for ReportingServices, which is defined in the Rosetta.xsd file, and be specified in its own file.

The following syntax shows the structure of the Reporting plug-in. For a description of each element, see ReportingServices child elements later in this topic.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? 
  <task id="Site" plugin="Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Reporting" completionMessage="Project Reporting site created." 
    <dependencies / 
  <task id="Populate Reports" plugin="Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Reporting" completionMessage="Project reports uploaded." 
      <dependency taskId="Site" / 
        <folders. . . </folders 
        <reports. . . </reports 

Create the Reports site

The first task is to create the reporting site. The reporting site will have a link to it on the project portal home page, and the link will be labeled ReportReports. Use the site element to create the site, as the following example shows:


Define the reporting folders

You use the folder element to create folders on the reporting site. Use the path attribute to specify the relative path name of the new folder. The folder appears on the project site and under the Reports folder in Team Explorer.

The following example creates four top-level folders and two sub-folders on the reporting site. The top-level folders are labeled Bugs, Builds, Project Management, and Tests. The two sub-folders are located under Project Management and are labeled Visual Studio and Visual Studio ALM.

         <folder path="Bugs" / 
          <folder path="Builds" / 
          <folder path="Project Management" / 
          <folder path="Project Management/Visual Studio" / 
          <folder path="Project Management/Visual Studio ALM" / 
          <folder path="Tests" / 

Specify the reports to upload

To add the .rdl reports to the reporting site, copy each .rdl files into a folder under the Reports folder in the process template. Then use the report element to describe the necessary properties and data sources for the report.

The following example specifies that the Remaining Work.rdl file will be uploaded to the Project Management folder. You must specify the ExplicitProject parameter and the data sources for each report. The data sources in the following example correspond to the names that are automatically assigned to the Analysis Services cube and data warehouse relational database.


The names of the reporting services data sources are Tfs2010ReportsDS and Tfs2010OlapReportsDS. Even though you might have installed or upgraded to a later version of TFS, these names, which were assigned to the data sources for a TFS 2010 installation, continue to be used.

       <report name="Remaining Work" filename="Reports\Remaining Work.rdl" folder="Project Management" cacheExpiration="30" 
          <parameter name="ExplicitProject" value="" / 
          <reference name="/Tfs2010OlapReportDS" dsname="TfsOlapReportDS" / 
          <reference name="/Tfs2010ReportDS" dsname="TfsReportDS" / 
 . . .   

ReportingServices elements

The following syntax shows the structure of the ReportingServices element and its child elements. You specify these elements within the taskXml container element and only for the Reporting plug-in.

      <folder / 
 . . .   
               <parameter / 
               <reference / 
 . . .   

The following table describes the elements that you use to specify a report to upload to a project and that can be accessed through SQL Server Reporting Services.


Description and syntax


Required child element of report. Contains a collection of reference elements that each specify a data source that the report uses.

<reference />


Required child element of folders. Defines the name of a folder to create under the Reports node for a project.

<folder path="FolderName" />


Optional child element of ReportingServices. Contains a collection of folder elements that each specify the name of a folder to create.

<folder path="FolderName" />


Required child element of parameters. Specifies the name of a report parameter and the value to assign to it.

<parameter name="ParameterName" value="ParameterValue" />

Where each attribute has the following definition:

  • name: The name of a parameter that you want to specify.
  • value: The value to assign to the parameter. At a minimum, you must define the following parameter to make your report automatically use the project that contains your report:
    <parameter name="ExplicitProject" value="" />.


Required child element of report. Defines a collection of parameter elements for a report.

<parameter />


Optional child element of report. Provides the container element for property.

<property />


Required child element of properties.

<property name="PropertyName" value="PropertyValue" />

Where each attribute has the following definition:


Required child element of datasources. Specifies the names that are assigned in Team Foundation Server for the data warehouse relational database and the Analysis Services cube.

<reference name="RelationalDBName" dsname="OLAPDBName"  />

Where each attribute has the following definition:

  • name: The name of the TFS data source. For Team Foundation Server 2010 and later versions, this value is Tfs2010OlapReportDS for the Analysis Services cube or Tfs2010ReportsDS for the relational data warehouse.
  • dsname: The name of the database resource. Specify TfsOlapReportDS for the Analysis Services cube, and TfsReportsDS for the relational data warehouse.

For more information about the names of reporting data sources, see Locate reports after the upgrade to TFS 2010.


Required child element of reports. Specifies the name of the report, the file that contains the .rdl definition, and folder to which the report is uploaded.

<report name="ReportName" filename="ReportFilePathName"  folder="FolderName" 
<parameters> . . . </parameters>
<datasources> . . . </datasources>
<properties> . . . </properties>

Where each attribute has the following definition:

  • name: The name of the report to display on the reporting site and in Team Explorer.
  • filename: A relative path under the local Reports folder from where to get the .rdl report file.
  • cacheExpiration: The default number of minutes for which the report is cached.


Required child element of ReportingServices. Contains a collection of report elements that each specify the name of a report file to upload.

<report />


Required child element of the taskXml element for the Reporting plug-in. Describes the tasks that are required to define the reports and folders for SQL Server Reporting Services.

<folders> . . . </folders>
<reports> . . . </reports>
<properties> . . . </properties>


Required element for the Reporting plug-in. Specifies that a reporting site for the project will be created.

. . . 