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Azure Machine Learning Studio (classic) REST API Error Codes

APPLIES TO: Applies to.Machine Learning Studio (classic) Does not apply to.Azure Machine Learning


Support for Machine Learning Studio (classic) will end on 31 August 2024. We recommend you transition to Azure Machine Learning by that date.

Beginning 1 December 2021, you will not be able to create new Machine Learning Studio (classic) resources. Through 31 August 2024, you can continue to use the existing Machine Learning Studio (classic) resources.

ML Studio (classic) documentation is being retired and may not be updated in the future.

The following error codes could be returned by an operation on an Azure Machine Learning Studio (classic) web service.

BadArgument (HTTP status code 400)

Invalid argument provided.

This class of errors means an argument provided somewhere was invalid. This could be a credential or location of Azure storage to something passed to the web service. Please look at the error "code" field in the "details" section to diagnose which specific argument was invalid.

Error code User message
BadParameterValue The parameter value supplied does not satisfy the parameter rule on the parameter
BadSubscriptionId The subscription Id that is used to score is not the one present in the resource
BadVersionCall Invalid version parameter was passed during the API call: {0}. Check the API help page for passing the correct version and try again.
BatchJobInputsNotSpecified The following required input(s) were not specified with the request: {0}. Please ensure all input data is specified and try again.
BatchJobInputsTooManySpecified The request specified more inputs than defined in the service. List of accepted input(s): {0}. Please ensure all input data is specified correctly and try again.
BlobNameTooLong Azure blob storage path provided for diagnostic output is too long: {0}. Shorten the path and try again.
BlobNotFound Unable to access the provided Azure blob - {0}. Azure error message: {1}.
ContainerIsEmpty No Azure storage container name was provided. Provide a valid container name and try again.
ContainerSegmentInvalid Invalid container name. Provide a valid container name and try again.
ContainerValidationFailed Blob container validation failed with this error: {0}.
DataTypeNotSupported Unsupported data type provided. Provide valid data type(s) and try again.
DuplicateInputInBatchCall The batch request is invalid. Cannot specify both single and multiple input at the same time. Remove one of these items from the request and try again.
ExpiryTimeInThePast Expiry time provided is in the past: {0}. Provide a future expiry time in UTC and try again. To never expire, set expiry time to NULL.
IncompleteSettings Diagnostics settings are incomplete.
InputBlobRelativeLocationInvalid No Azure storage blob name provided. Provide a valid blob name and try again.
InvalidBlob Invalid blob specification for blob: {0}. Verify that connection string / relative path or SAS token specification is correct and try again.
InvalidBlobConnectionString The connection string specified for one of the input/output blobs in invalid: {0}. Please correct this and try again.
InvalidBlobExtension The blob reference: {0} has an invalid or missing file extension. Supported file extensions for this output type are: "{1}".
InvalidInputNames Invalid service input name(s) specified in the request: {0}. Please map the input data to the correct service inputs and try again.
InvalidOutputOverrideName Invalid output override name: {0}. The service does not have an output node with this name. Please pass in a correct output node name to override (case sensitivity applies).
InvalidQueryParameter Invalid query parameter '{0}'. {1}
MissingInputBlobInformation Missing Azure storage blob information. Provide a valid connection string and relative path or URI and try again.
MissingJobId No job Id provided. A job Id is returned when a job was submitted for the first time. Verify the job Id is correct and try again.
MissingKeys No Keys provided or one of Primary or Secondary Key is not provided.
MissingModelPackage No model package Id or model package provided. Provide a valid model package Id or model package and try again.
MissingOutputOverrideSpecification The request is missing the blob specification for output override {0}. Please specify a valid blob location with the request, or remove the output specification if no location override is desired.
MissingRequestInput The web service expects an input, but no input was provided. Ensure valid inputs are provided based on the published input ports in the model and try again.
MissingRequiredGlobalParameters Not all required web service parameter(s) provided. Verify the parameter(s) expected for the module(s) are correct and try again.
MissingRequiredOutputOverrides When calling an encrypted service endpoint it is mandatory to pass in output overrides for all the service's outputs. Missing overrides at this time for these outputs: {0}
MissingWebServiceGroupId No web service group Id provided. Provide a valid web service group Id and try again.
MissingWebServiceId No web service Id provided. Provide a valid web service Id and try again.
MissingWebServicePackage No web Service package provided. Provide a valid web service package and try again.
MissingWorkspaceId No workspace Id provided. Provide a valid workspace Id and try again.
ModelConfigurationInvalid Invalid model configuration in the model package. Ensure the model configuration contains output endpoint(s) definition, std error endpoint, and std out endpoint and try again.
ModelPackageIdInvalid Invalid model package Id. Verify that the model package Id is correct and try again.
RequestBodyInvalid No request body provided or error in deserializing the request body.
RequestIsEmpty No request provided. Provide a valid request and try again.
UnexpectedParameter Unexpected parameters provided. Verify all parameter names are spelled correctly, only expected parameters are passed, and try again.
UnknownError Unknown error.
UserParameterInvalid {0}
WebServiceConcurrentRequestRequirementInvalid Cannot change concurrent requests requirements for {0} web service.
WebServiceIdInvalid Invalid web service id provided. Web service id should be a valid guid.
WebServiceTooManyConcurrentRequestRequirement Cannot set concurrent request requirement to more than {0}.
WebServiceTypeInvalid Invalid web service type provided. Verify the valid web service type is correct and try again. Valid web service types: {0}.

BadUserArgument (HTTP status code 400)

Invalid user argument provided.

Error code User message
InputMismatchError Input data does not match input port schema.
InputParseError Parsing of input vector failed. Verify the input vector has the correct number of columns and data types. Additional details: {0}.
MissingRequiredGlobalParameters Parameter(s) expected by the web service are missing. Verify all the required parameters expected by the web service are correct and try again.
UnexpectedParameter Verify only the required parameters expected by the web service are passed and try again.
UserParameterInvalid {0}

InvalidOperation (HTTP status code 400)

The request is invalid in the current context.

Error code User message
CannotStartJob The job cannot be started because it is in {0} state.
IncompatibleModel The model is incompatible with the request version. The request version only supports single datatable output models.
MultipleInputsNotAllowed The model does not allow multiple inputs.

LibraryExecutionError (HTTP status code 400)

Module execution encountered an internal library error.

ModuleExecutionError (HTTP status code 400)

Module execution encountered an error.

WebServicePackageError (HTTP status code 400)

Invalid web service package. Verify the web service package provided is correct and try again.

Error code User message
FormatError The web service package is malformed. Details: {0}
RuntimesError The web service package graph is invalid. Details: {0}
ValidationError The web service package graph is invalid. Details: {0}

Unauthorized (HTTP status code 401)

Request is unauthorized to access resource.

Error code User message
AdminRequestUnauthorized Unauthorized
ManagementRequestUnauthorized Unauthorized
ScoreRequestUnauthorized Invalid credentials provided.

NotFound (HTTP status code 404)

Resource not found.

Error code User message
ModelPackageNotFound Model package not found. Verify the model package Id is correct and try again.
WebServiceIdNotFoundInWorkspace Web service under this workspace not found. There is a mismatch between the webServiceId and the workspaceId. Verify the web service provided is part of the workspace and try again.
WebServiceNotFound Web service not found. Verify the web service Id is correct and try again.
WorkspaceNotFound Workspace not found. Verify the workspace Id is correct and try again.

RequestTimeout (HTTP status code 408)

The operation could not be completed within the permitted time.

Error code User message
RequestCanceled Request was canceled by the client.
ScoreRequestTimeout Execution request timed out.

Conflict (HTTP status code 409)

Resource already exists.

Error code User message
ModelOutputMetadataMismatch Invalid output parameter name. Try using the metadata editor module to rename columns and try again.

MemoryQuotaViolation (HTTP status code 413)

The model had exceeded the memory quota assigned to it.

Error code User message
OutOfMemoryLimit The model consumed more memory than was appropriated for it. Maximum allowed memory for the model is {0} MB. Please check your model for issues.

InternalError (HTTP status code 500)

Execution encountered an internal error.

Error code User message
ContainerProcessTerminatedWithSystemError The container process crashed with system error
ContainerProcessTerminatedWithUnknownError The container process crashed with unknown error
ContainerValidationFailed Blob container validation failed with this error: {0}.
InvalidMemoryConfiguration InvalidMemoryConfiguration, ConfigValue: {0}
MissingTaskInstance No arguments provided. Verify that valid arguments are passed and try again.
PortDataTypeNotSupported Port id={0} has an unsupported data type: {1}.
SwaggerGeneration Swagger generation failed, Details: {0}
UnknownJobStatusCode Unknown job status code {0}.
WebServicePackageInvalid InvalidWebServicePackage, Details: {0}

InternalErrorSystemLowOnMemory (HTTP status code 500)

Execution encountered an internal error. System low on memory. Please try again.

ModelPackageFormatError (HTTP status code 500)

Invalid model package. Verify the model package provided is correct and try again.

WebServicePackageInternalError (HTTP status code 500)

Invalid web service package. Verify the web package provided is correct and try again.

Error code User message
ModuleError The web service package graph is invalid. Details: {0}

InitializingContainers (HTTP status code 503)

The request cannot execute as the containers are being initialized.

ServiceUnavailable (HTTP status code 503)

Service is temporarily unavailable.

Error code User message
NoMoreResources No resources available for request.
RequestThrottled Request was throttled for {0} endpoint. The maximum concurrency for the endpoint is {1}.
TooManyConcurrentRequests Too many concurrent requests sent.
TooManyHostsBeingInitialized Too many hosts being initialized at the same time. Consider throttling / retrying.
TooManyHostsBeingInitializedPerModel Too many hosts being initialized at the same time. Consider throttling / retrying.

GatewayTimeout (HTTP status code 504)

The operation could not be completed within the permitted time.

Error code User message
BackendInitializationTimeout The web service initialization could not be completed within the permitted time.
BackendScoreTimeout The web service request execution could not be completed within the permitted time.