Deli putem

Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Instrumentation Namespace

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  Class Description
Public class AuthorizationCheckFailedEvent
Represents the WMI event fired when authorization is denied by an instance of AuthorizationProvider.
Public class AuthorizationCheckPerformedEvent
Represents the WMI event fired when an authorization check is performed.
Public class AuthorizationProviderInstrumentationListener
Provides the concrete instrumentation for the logical events raised by a AuthorizationProviderInstrumentationProvider instance.
Public class AuthorizationProviderInstrumentationProvider
Defines the logical events that can be instrumented for AuthorizationProvider instances.
Public class DefaultSecurityEventLogger
The instrumentation gateway for the security block when no instances of the objects are involved.
Public class DefaultSecurityEventLoggerCustomFactory
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the process to build a DefaultSecurityEventLogger according to instrumentation configuration.
Public class SecurityCacheOperationEventArgs
Public class SecurityCacheProviderInstrumentationListener
Provides the concrete instrumentation for the logical events raised by a SecurityCacheProviderInstrumentationProvider instance.
Public class SecurityCacheProviderInstrumentationProvider
Defines the logical events that can be instrumented for SecurityCacheProvider instances.
Public class SecurityCacheReadPerformedEvent
Represents the WMI event fired when an item is read from a SecurityCacheProvider.
Public class SecurityConfigurationFailureEvent
Represents the WMI event fired when an error in the configuration for the security block is detected.
Public class SecurityEvent
Base class for security WMI events.
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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.