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Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Changes an existing resource governor resource pool configuration for a Database Engine instance.


To modify resource governor configuration in Azure SQL Managed Instance, you must be in the context of the master database on the primary replica.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


ALTER RESOURCE POOL { pool_name | [default] }
    ( [ MIN_CPU_PERCENT = value ]
    [ [ , ] MAX_CPU_PERCENT = value ]
    [ [ , ] CAP_CPU_PERCENT = value ]
    [ [ , ] AFFINITY {
                        SCHEDULER = AUTO
                      | ( <scheduler_range_spec> )
                      | NUMANODE = ( <NUMA_node_range_spec> )
    [ [ , ] MIN_MEMORY_PERCENT = value ]
    [ [ , ] MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT = value ]
    [ [ , ] MIN_IOPS_PER_VOLUME = value ]
    [ [ , ] MAX_IOPS_PER_VOLUME = value ]

<scheduler_range_spec> ::=

<NUMA_node_range_spec> ::=
{NUMA_node_ID | NUMA_node_ID TO NUMA_node_ID}[,...n]


{ pool_name | [default] }

Is the name of an existing user-defined resource pool or the built-in default resource pool.

default must be in brackets ([]) or quotation marks ("") when used with ALTER RESOURCE POOL to avoid a conflict with DEFAULT, which is a system reserved word. For more information, see Database identifiers.

Built-in resource pools and workload groups use all lowercase names, such as default. Use the lower case default on servers that use a case-sensitive collation. Servers with case-insensitive collation treat default, Default, and DEFAULT as the same value.


Specifies the guaranteed average CPU bandwidth for all requests in the resource pool when there is CPU contention. value is an integer with a default setting of 0. The allowed range for value is from 0 through 100.


Specifies the maximum average CPU bandwidth that all requests in resource pool receive when there is CPU contention. value is an integer with a default setting of 100. The allowed range for value is from 1 through 100.


Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later.

Specifies a hard cap on the CPU bandwidth that all requests in the resource pool receive. Limits the maximum CPU bandwidth level to be the same as the specified value. value is an integer with a default setting of 100. The allowed range for value is from 1 through 100.


Due to the statistical nature of CPU governance, you might notice occasional short spikes exceeding the value specified in CAP_CPU_PERCENT.

AFFINITY {SCHEDULER = AUTO | ( <scheduler_range_spec> ) | NUMANODE = (<NUMA_node_range_spec>)}

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later.

Attach the resource pool to specific schedulers. The default value is AUTO.

Specifying <scheduler_range_spec> for AFFINITY SCHEDULER affinitizes the resource pool to the Database Engine schedulers identified by the given IDs. These IDs map to the values in the scheduler_id column in sys.dm_os_schedulers.

Specifying <NUMA_node_range_spec> for AFFINITY NUMANODE affinitizes the resource pool to the Database Engine schedulers that map to the logical CPUs that correspond to the given NUMA node or a range of nodes. You can use the following Transact-SQL query to discover the mapping between the physical NUMA configuration and the Database Engine scheduler IDs.

SELECT osn.memory_node_id AS numa_node_id,
FROM sys.dm_os_nodes AS osn
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_schedulers AS sc
ON osn.node_id = sc.parent_node_id
   sc.scheduler_id < 1048576;


Specifies the minimum amount of query workspace memory reserved for the resource pool that can't be shared with other resource pools. value is an integer with a default setting of 0. The allowed range for value is from 0 to 100.


Specifies the maximum amount of query workspace memory that requests in this resource pool can use. value is an integer with a default setting of 100. The allowed range for value is from 1 through 100.


Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later.

Specifies the minimum I/O operations per second (IOPS) per disk volume to reserve for the resource pool. The allowed range for value is from 0 through 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647). Specify 0 to indicate no minimum for the pool. The default is 0.


Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later.

Specifies the maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) per disk volume to allow for the resource pool. The allowed range for value is from 0 through 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647). Specify 0 to remove an IOPS limit for the pool. The default is 0.

If the MAX_IOPS_PER_VOLUME for a pool is set to 0, the pool isn't IO-governed at all and can take all the IOPS in the system even if other pools have MIN_IOPS_PER_VOLUME set. For this case, we recommend that you set the MAX_IOPS_PER_VOLUME value for this pool to a high number (for example, the maximum value 2^31-1) to make this pool IO-governed and to honor the IOPS reservations that might exist for other pools.


The sum of MIN_CPU_PERCENT or MIN_MEMORY_PERCENT for all resource pools can't exceed 100 percent.

MIN_IOPS_PER_VOLUME and MAX_IOPS_PER_VOLUME specify the minimum and maximum IOs per second. The IOs can be either reads or writes, and can be of any size. Therefore, with the same IOPS limits, the minimum and maximum IO throughput can vary depending on the mix of IO sizes in the workload.

The values for MAX_CPU_PERCENT and MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT must be greater than or equal to the values for MIN_CPU_PERCENT and MIN_MEMORY_PERCENT, respectively.

CAP_CPU_PERCENT differs from MAX_CPU_PERCENT in that workloads associated with the pool can use CPU capacity above the value of MAX_CPU_PERCENT if it is available, but not above the value of CAP_CPU_PERCENT. Although there might be short spikes higher than CAP_CPU_PERCENT, workloads can't exceed CAP_CPU_PERCENT for extended periods of time, even when additional CPU capacity is available.

The total CPU percentage for each affinitized component (scheduler(s) or NUMA node(s)) can't exceed 100 percent.

For more information, see Resource governor and Resource governor resource pool.

Cached plans

When you change a plan affecting setting, the new setting takes effect in previously cached plans only after executing DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (<pool_name>), where <pool_name> is the name of a resource governor resource pool.

  • If you are changing AFFINITY from multiple schedulers to a single scheduler, executing DBCC FREEPROCCACHE isn't required because parallel plans can run in serial mode. However, such a plan might be less efficient than a plan compiled as a serial plan.
  • If you are changing AFFINITY from a single scheduler to multiple schedulers, executing DBCC FREEPROCCACHE isn't required. However, serial plans can't run in parallel, so clearing the respective cache allows new plans to potentially be compiled using parallelism.


Clearing cached plans from a resource pool that is associated with more than one workload group affects all workload groups using the user-defined resource pool identified by <pool_name>.


Requires the CONTROL SERVER permission.


The following example keeps all current resource pool settings for the default pool, except for MAX_CPU_PERCENT, which is changed to 25 percent.



The following example modifies the adhocPool resource pool as follows:

  • Reserves 10 percent of CPU and 5 percent of query workspace memory using MIN_CPU_PERCENT and MIN_MEMORY_PERCENT respectively.
  • Sets a 15 percent query workspace memory limit using MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT.
  • Sets a 20 percent soft CPU cap a 30 percent hard CPU cap using MAX_CPU_PERCENT and CAP_CPU_PERCENT respectively.
  • Affinitizes the pool to two ranges of logical CPUs (0 to 63 and 128 to 191) using AFFINITY SCHEDULER.

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later.

     MIN_CPU_PERCENT = 10,
     MAX_CPU_PERCENT = 20,
     CAP_CPU_PERCENT = 30,
     AFFINITY SCHEDULER = (0 TO 63, 128 TO 191)