Remove the SQL Server database for a Front End pool
After you remove a Front End pool or reconfigure the pool to use a different database, you can remove the SQL Server databases that hosted the pool data. Use the following procedures to remove the definitions from Topology Builder, and then remove the database and log files from the database server.
To remove the SQL Server database using Topology Builder
From the Skype for Business Server 2019 Front End Server, open Topology Builder and download the existing topology.
In Topology Builder, navigate to Shared Components and then SQL Server Stores, right-click the SQL Server instance associated with the removed or reconfigured Front End pool, and then click Delete.
Publish the topology, and then check the replication status.
To remove user and application databases from the SQL server
To remove the databases on the SQL server, you must be a member of the SQL Server sysadmins group for the SQL server where you are removing the database files.
Open Skype for Business Server Management Shell.
To remove the database for the pool user store, type:
Uninstall-CsDataBase -DatabaseType User -SqlServerFqdn <FQDN> [-SqlInstanceName <instance>]
Where <FQDN> is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the database server, and <instance> is the named database instance (that is, if one was defined).
To remove the database for the pool application store, type:
Uninstall-CsDataBase -DatabaseType Application -SqlServerFqdn <FQDN> [-SqlInstanceName <instance>]
Where <FQDN> is the FQDN of the database server, and <instance> is the named database instance (that is, if one was defined).
When the Uninstall-CsDataBase cmdlet prompts you to confirm actions, read the information, and then press Y (or Enter) to proceed, or press N and then Enter if you want to stop the cmdlet (if there are errors).